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Butch Miller

[The Bushwhackers GALLERY]

Check out The Bushwhackers WWE Alumni profile here!

Title History

  • Stampede International Tag Team titles w/Luke Williams defeating Great Saki & Tokyo Joe (????, 1974);
  • Stampede International Tag Team titles w/Luke Williams defeating Bob Pringle & Bill Cody (January ??, 1974);
  • NWA Pacfic Northwest Tag Team titles w/Luke Williams defeating Ron Starr & Adrian Adonis (July 21, 1979);
  • NWA Pacfic Northwest Tag Team titles w/Luke Williams defeating Stan Stasiak & Dutch Savage (September 29, 1979);
  • NWA (Vancouver) Canadian Tag Team titles w/Luke Williams defeating Stan Stasiak & Dutch Savage (Febuary 11, 1980);
  • NWA Pacfic Northwest Tag Team titles w/Luke Williams defeating Rick Martel & Roddy Piper (May 12, 1980);
  • NWA Mid Atlantic Tag Team titles w/Luke Williams defeating Buzz Sawyer & Matt Borne (September 28, 1980);
  • WWC (Puerto Rico) North American Tag Team titles w/Luke Williams defeating Invader I & Carlos Colon (Febuary 28, 1981);
  • WWC (Puerto Rico) North American Tag Team titles w/Luke Williams defeating Medics (May 22, 1981);
  • SCW Southwest Tag Team titles w/Luke Williams defeating Stan Lane & Steve Keirn (March 4, 1984);
  • WWC (Puerto Rico) North American Tag Team titles w/Luke Williams defeating Invaders I & III (January 6, 1985);
  • WWC (Puerto Rico) North American Tag Team titles w/Luke Williams defeating Super Medico & Invader III (March 23, 1985);
  • UWF (Mid South) World Tag Team titles w/Luke Williams defeating Steve Williams & Ted Dibiase (March 16, 1986);
  • WWC (Puerto Rico) World Tag Team titles w/Luke Williams defeating Tommy Lane & Mike Davis (August 3, 1986);
  • NWA (Florida) United States Tag Team titles w/Luke Williams defeating Stan Lane & Steve Keirn (October 7, 1986);
  • CWA (Memphis) International Tag Team titles w/Luke Williams defeating Pat Tanaka & Paul Diamond (January 10, 1987);
  • WWC (Puerto Rico) World Tag Team titles w/Luke Williams defeating Chris & Mark Youngblood (April 4, 1987);
  • NWA Florida Tag Team titles w/Luke Williams defeating Steve Keirn & Mike Graham (June 23, 1987);
  • UWF (Mid South) World Tag Team titles w/Luke Williams defeating Tim Horner & Brad Armstrong (October 16, 1987);
  • APWL (Pennsylvania) Tag Team titles w/Luke Williams defeating The House of Kane (Febuary 19, 1999);

Career Highlights

The Sheepherders:

World Wrestling Federation – The Bushwhackers:

  • December 1988: The Sheepherders joined the WWF, changing their name AND attitude, becoming known as the “Bushwhackers”..
  • December 30, 1988 – MSG: The Bushwhackers defeated The Bolshevics (Nikolai Volkoff & Boris Zhukov) in their WWF debut..
  • Royal Rumble 1989: Butch entered the Royal Rumble as the 10th participant and Luke entered as the 19th participant..
  • The Bushwhackers gained more victories over The Bolshevics, The Rougeaus, The Brain Busters, and the Powers of Pain..
  • April 2, 1989–WrestleMania V: The Bushwhackers defeated The Fabulous Rougeaus w/Jimmy Hart in their WrestleMania debut
  • Aprils 7, 8, 9, 1989 – Bushwhackers Home Coming: The Bushwhackers beat Bolshivics in the main event of a New Zealand card..
  • ~~~These shows were cross-promotional events put on by the World Wrestling Federation and Arena Wrestling Alliance..
  • September 21, 1989 – Saturday Night Main Event: The Bushwhackers defeated The Fabulous Rougeaus w/Jimmy Hart..
  • October 14, 1989 – King of the Ring: The Warlord defeated Bushwhacker Butch in the 1st Round of the KOTR Tournament..
  • ~~~Luke miraculously defeated Nikolai Volkoff in the 1st Round, but lost to Rick “The Model” Martel in the 2nd Round..
  • November 23, 1989 – Survivor Series: Rude’s Brood defeated Roddy’s Rowdies in a Survivor Series Elimination Match..
  • ~~~Rick Rude & Mr.Perfect (Sole Survivor) & The Fabulous Rougeaus beat Roddy Piper & Jimmy Snuka & The Bushwhackers..
  • January 21, 1990 – Royal Rumble: The Bushwhackers defeated The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers in the opening match..
  • March 6, 1990 – Superstars of Wrestling: The Bushwhackers were attacked by Rhythm & Blues with their guitars..
  • April 1, 1990 – WrestleMania VI: The Bushwhackers crashed Rhythm & Blues live musical performance in the ring..
  • The Bushwhackers and Rhythm & Blues feuded extensively for about five months until after SummerSlam 1990..
  • September 1990: The Bushwhackers and The Orient Express began feuding swapping victories accross the country..
  • November 22, 1990 – Survivor Series: The All-Americans defeated The Mercenaries in a Survivor Series Elimination match..
  • ~~~Nikolai Volkoff & Tito Santana & The Bushwhackers defeated Sgt. Slaughter & Boris Zhukov & The Orient Express..
  • January 19, 1991 – Royal Rumble: Luke entered the Rumble at #27 but was eliminated by Earthquake after only 4 seconds!
  • April 15, 1991 – Saturday Night Main Event: The Nasty Boys defeated The Bushwhackers to retain the WWF Tag Team titles..
  • August 26, 1991 – SummerSlam: Andre the Giant accompanied The Bushwhackers for their match against The Natural Disasters..
  • November 27, 1991 – Survivor Series: The Nasty Boys & The Beverly Brothers defeated The Bushwhackers & The Rockers..
  • November 2, 1991 – House Show: The Bushwhackers vs. The Beverly Brothers resulted in some embarassing controversy..
  • ~~~The Bushwhackers initiated a “faggot” chant during the match offended some of the Vancouver spectators..
  • The Bushwhackers gained the managing services of Jamison, for an “added” humor factor..
  • January 19, 1992 – Royal Rumble: The Beverly Brothers (Beau & Blake Beverly) defeated The Bushwhackers (Luke & Butch)..
  • ~~~~~~Around this time, Jamison disappeared from WWF Televisin programming..
  • April 5, 1992 – WrestleMania VIII: The Bushwhackers defeated The Beverly Brothers in the non-televised Dark Match..
  • August 29, 1992 – SummerSlam: Jim Duggan & The Bushwhackers defeated The Mountie & The Nasty Boys in a Dark match
  • Survivor Series 1993: The Bushwhackers & Men on a Mission (dressed as Doinks) defeated Bam Bam Bigelow’s Team of 4..
  • March 20, 1994 – WrestleMania X: The Heavenly Bodies defeated The Bushwhackers in the non-televised Dark Match..
  • Soon after leaving the World Wrestling Federation, the two grapplers opened up a restaraunt in Tampa, Florida..

In The Meantime

  • 1994: They were alledgedly contacted by Jimmy Hart to join WCW to help create familiar environment for the arrival of Hulk Hogan..
  • October 21, 1994 – Jacques Rougeau Retirement Show: The Bushwhackers defeated Well Dunn (Steven Dunn & Timothy Well)..
  • Late 1994 – WWF Tag Team Title Tournament: The Heavenly Bodies defeated The Bushwhackers in the 1st round of the tournament..
  • Royal Rumble 1995: Bushwhacker Luke entered the Rumble at #13 and Bushwhacker Butch entered the Rumble at #18..
  • November 19, 1999: The Bushwhackers made a special appearance in the EWF to wrestle Love Bug & Chad Austin..
  • April 1, 2001 – WrestleMania XVII: The Bushwhackers (Luke & Butch) competed in the gimmick battle royal..Retirement:
  • September/2001: Butch Miller was hospitalized and in intensive care after complaining of a neck injury and passed out..
  • Butch Miller is now retired and living back in Wellington, New Zealand..
  • Butch Miller is also a columnist for New Zealand’s official wrestling website nzpwi.co.nz..
  • December 8, 2006–KPW: Butch Miller honored New Zealand legends Al Hobman, Bob Crozier, Bruno Bekkar and Rip Morgan.



Trained By




Wellington, New Zealand




Finishing Move(s)

Favorite Move(s)

Battering Ram

Notable Feuds

The Fantastics
Rhythm & Blues
The Orient Express
The Bolsheviks
Powers of Pain
