

Ring of Honor - A Night of Tribute
November 19, 2005 - Long Island, New York

  1. DARK MATCH: Lacey defeated Allison Danger..

  2. DARK MATCH: Shane Hagadorn & ??????? defeated The Dempsey Brothers..

  3. OPENING: Show began with a 10-bell salut to Eddie Guerrero with the ROH roster present..

  4. TAG MATCH: The Ring Crew Express (Dunn & Marcos) defeated Kid Mikaze & Jason Blade..

  5. MATCH: Jimmy Rave w/Prince Nana defeated Davey Andrews with the Greetings from Ghana (Pedigree)..

  6. #1 CONTENDERS 3-WAY: Christopher Daniels w/Allison Danger defeated Matt Sydal and AJ Styles..

  7. DARK MATCH: Ricky Reyes defeated Eric Matlock (California)..

  8. WARM-UP MATCH: American Dragon (ROH World Champion) defeated Azriel..

  9. NO DQ MATCH: Homicide (w/Julius Smokes & Grim Reefer) defeated Colt Cabana by Chokeout with a coathanger!
    • Colt Cabana pulled a fork out of his book in the opening moments, but eventually he was the one sliced open with it!
    • The bloodied Colt Cabana executed a picture perfect Super-plex off the top rope onto a steel chair inside the ring..
    • Colt Cabana set up a Table on the floor but Homicide ended up giving Cabana a Super-Ace-crusher through the Table!
    • Homicide wrapped a coat hanger around Colt Cabana's neck and choked him until Cabana passed out in the ring..
    • Homicide continued to choke out Colt Cabana as Julius Smokes & Grim Reefer fought off referees and officials..
    • Finally, Colt Cabana's lifeless body was dragged from the ring by ROH students and he was carried backstage..
    • After the match, Homicide placed his Eddie Guerrero shirt on a chair as a tribute to Latino Heat (Not on DVD)..

  10. MATCH: Milano Collection AT defeated Claudio Castagnoli..

  11. #1 CONTENDERS MATCH: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong defeated Samoa Joe & Jay Lethal..
    • After the match, Jimmy Rave attacked Aries & Strong and hit Roderick Strong with a Pedigree on the entrance ramp!
    • Austin Aries helped Roderick Strong backstage where they found Jack Evans hanging up-side-down from a ladder..

  12. ROH TITLE MATCH: American Dragon defeated Christopher Daniels w/Allison Danger to retain the ROH World title!
  13. And that's a wrap..
*** Official ROH DVD Reviews by Brad Dykens ***
November 19, 2005 - A NIGHT OF TRIBUTE - Long Island, New York

Just six days after the tragic death of Eddie Guerrero, ROH dedicated this event to his memory. Eddie was a big part of Ring of Honor in the beginning and helped put ROH on the map. He will be missed. The night started with a 10-bell salute and was followed by yet another night of incredible ROH action.

The opening match featured the return of the Ring Crew Express taking on Jason Blade & Kid Mikaze in a fast-paced tag team match (*** 1/2). Dunn & Marcos have come a long way from their first appearances in ROH but they could stand to update their look. Next was Jimmy Rave with somewhat of a squash over Davey Andrews (* 3/4), but it wasn't the last we'd see of Rave on this night. Italian supermodel Milano Collection A.T. made his second appearance in ROH facing Switzerland's Claudio Castagnoli -- the match had an international feel which I enjoyed very much (*** 1/4). I'm a HUGE fan of Castagnoli, he has the perfect size to become a WWE Superstar; he just has one thing going against him -- he's entertaining! Heeeeeeeeeeeey!

Colt Cabana and Homicide finally got together for a match, albeit under No-DQ rules, and completely destroyed each other in the process. Homicide had his thugs at ringside, Julius Smokes and Grim Reefer (who never gets called by his name) and they were constantly interfering on Homicide's behalf. The crazy spot of the night happened during this match when Homicide executed an Ace Crusher off the second rope through a Table at ringside that should have killed Cabana. The crescendo of violence in this match came to its peak when Homicide choked out Cabana with a coat hanger for the victory. The insanity didn't stop there as Homicide refused to stop after the match. Brutal match and well done by everybody involved (*** 3/4). This certainly ain't over!

Four of ROH's Elite performers took to the ring in a #1 Contenders Tag Team match involving Austin Aries & Roderick Strong taking on Samoa Joe and his protégé Jay Lethal. Strong was mentally distracted due to his girlfriend Jade Chung being injured at the hands of Jimmy Rave at the previous event. Joe was on a mission to become the first ever grand slam champion in ROH but came up short after a fantastic tag team match (**** 1/4). Lethal was pinned and was none too happy with himself but felt somewhat disrespected by his mentor. There is obviously more than meets the eye with this one folks, so stay tuned. Aries & Strong celebrated their victory but were attacked by Jimmy Rave in the entrance-way and Rave pedigreed Strong face first onto the stage! Aries helped Strong backstage where they found Jack Evans hanging up-side-down from a ladder ---- just two weeks until Steel Cage Warfare!!

The situation involving the ROH World title was unique with Christopher Daniels, AJ Styles and Matt Sydal clashing in a 3-WAY #1 Contenders match to earn the right to face ROH World Champion American Dragon in the main event. Following this match, American Dragon said he wanted to be fair so he booked himself in a warm up match with Azrieal. I won't spoil you on who won the 3-WAY, but I will tell you that the main event was a classic that had to be seen to be appreciated (**** 1/2).

Final Thoughts I thought it would have been a nice touch to show Eddie Guerrero vs Super Crazy on this DVD but instead they only did the 10 bell salute and showed a few short clips of Eddie. I guess unlike some promotions, ROH decided to only pay tribute to Eddie, as opposed to exploiting his death. This was another perfect night of ROH matches, which proves why it is so hard to tell someone which ROH DVDs are the best. I would have to say 80% of them are tied for first, another %15 are tied in a close second, and %5 are tied for third. Thumbs up to Ring of Honor for being consistently entertaining and two thumbs up to ROH wrestlers for making it that way. If you would like to purchase this or any other ROH DVD, please check out - Thank you!

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