WWNLive alerts – Oct. 13th, 2012 edition
We got the ball rolling with all the match announcements for DGUSA yesterday. It continues right now in this edition of the WWNLive.com Alerts. We also have a Deal Of The Day, a look at all the new & upcoming DVDs and more. We know your time is valuable so let’s get to it….
We Have Two Major Match Announcements For This Event In This WWNLive Alerts
El Generico vs. Sami Callihan in a rematch of their classic match at EVOLVE 13 has been signed for DGUSA on November 3rd in Voorhees, NJ. This time it will be 2/3 Falls! Generico vs.Callihan was an epic encounter at EVOLVE in North Carolina. However, Callihan snapped and attacked Generico after the match, resulting in a suspension. Now the rematch will take place at The Flyers Skate Zone, which is a first class facility just over the bridges from Philadelphia and an easy drive from New York City and all over New Jersey.
Akira Tozawa’s open contract for Uprising 2012 on November 3rd has been signed. It will be Tozawa vs. Samuray Del Sol in a first-time-ever bout in Voorhees, NJ.
Tickets for Dragon Gate USA’s return to the Northeast for the first time in a year on November 2nd in Everett, MA, November 3rd in Voorhees, NJ, and November 4th in Long Island, NY are now on sale in the DGUSA.tv Store or by calling 267-519-9744.
We will be back tomorrow with three match announcements for Freedom Fight 2012, including The Open The Freedom Gate Title Match.
DGUSA Heat: One of the most unique cards in DGUSA history with an Elimination Triangle Trios Match pitting Ronin of Johnny Gargano, Chuck Taylor & Rich Swann vs. Mad Blankey of Akira Tozawa, BxB Hulk & Uhaa Nation vs. D.U.F. of Sami Callihan, Arik Cannon & Pinkie Sanchez plus two CZW death matches, PAC vs. AR Fox and more! This DVD is now in stock and shipping!
DGUSA Open The Ultimate Gate 2012: Three classics make this DVD a must own. Get Masaaki Mochizuki vs. Akira Tozawa, Low Ki vs. PAC and a DGUSA Tag Title decision match with Masato Yoshino & Ricochet vs. Johnny Gargano & Chuck Taylor. No hype needed with those matches. This DVD is now in stock and shipping!
DGUSA Mercury Rising 2012: The six man tradition continues with a completely fresh match up as Low Ki, Akira Tozawa & BxB Hulk battle Masaaki Mochizuki, PAC & Ricochet plus Johnny Gargano defends the Open The Freedom Gate Title against Masato Yoshino in a pure wrestling clinic and the incredible DGUSA surprise debut of El Generico.
This DVD could be in stock by the time you read this!
EVOLVE 11: Finlay vs. Callihan: The Sami Callihan vs. Fit Finlay trilogy provided hard-hitting, smashmouth, intense pro wrestling. It will go down as a highlight in both men’s careers. Now you can own 2/3rds of the trilogy on this DVD with the Finlay vs. Callihan match from EVOLVE 11 and as a bonus their amazing contest at WXW in Germany. Plus, Low Ki vs. El Generico, Johnny Gargano vs. Chuck Taylor vs.
Samuray Del Sol in an Elimination Match and more. This DVD arrives on 10/12, but you can order it now!
The best part is you can order all these titles in DVD 2 & 3 Pack Deals to save money. Go to the DGUSA.tv Store or call 267-519-9744 to order. Remember our Weekly Special. If you order $60 or more in DGUSA and/or EVOLVE DVDs, shirts, hats or sweatshirts you can get a free DGUSA or EVOLVE iPPV of your choice at WWNLive.com On Demand
Just email us at Help@WWNLive.com as soon as you order with your free selection.
This offer ends on 10/16/12.
SHINE 4 is just around the corner with the Saraya Knight vs. Jazz SHIMMER Title Match. Watch it on October 19th in person in Ybor City, FL or on worldwide live iPPV at www.WWNLive.com [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001LFukp0KWjfSmk1RPL8gCchos9F2uCPDsUNLNH2Awo3wI33yuY8gfmJ1Yiqgc2OKJVNUXw-9BJZCU5dgdSOrpxBVd4GrWjx-Jqay0v4JyPW8=].
The roster is stacked. It includes the return of the popular Leva Bates, who faces her toughest challenge yet in Jessicka Havoc.
Leva Bates Returns to iPPV at SHINE 4
DGUSA/EVOLVE and Bobby Fish have had a mutual parting of the ways.
In the territory days after a while a wrestler’s run would finish and it was time to move to the next territory. This was the case with Fish in DGUSA and EVOLVE.
We want to thank Fish for all his contributions, especially in EVOLVE. He will always hold a place in EVOLVE history for his emotional battles against the likes of Claudio Castagnoli (EVOLVE 2), Chris Hero (EVOLVE 3) and Bryan Danielson (EVOLVE 4). Fish’s last match in the WWNLive family was at EVOLVE 16 on June 30th, when he faced Jon Davis in the finals of the Style Battle tournament. This leads us to our Deal Of The Day.
Thank You Bobby!
We have an exclusive Deal Of The Day to thank you for reading the WWNLive Alerts. The EVOLVE 16: Davis vs. Fish iPPV at WWNLive.com On Demand is 33% off and just $9.99 until tomorrow (Thursday morning).
No codes are needed as the iPPV is already marked down. You can buy the iPPV at the discount today and get unlimited access to watch as many times and whenever you want. See the finals of the Style Battle round robin tournament as Jon Davis battles Bobby Fish. Who will breakthrough? Plus, the must see AR Fox vs. Lince Dorado show stealer, Johnny Gargano vs. Tony Nese in a grueling bout, Chuck Taylor vs. Samuray Del Sol in a grudge match, Alex Reynolds & John Silver vs. Mike Cruz & Cheech and more! Act fast, this Deal Of The Day is already almost over.
We appreciate you opening up the WWNLive Alerts and joining us on the Road To WrestleCon.
Here’s an updated summation of all the matches signed for November:
November 2nd – Everett, MA – Fearless 2012 – Live iPPV At WWNLive.com Respect Match AR Fox vs. Ricochet Winner Gets DGUSA Tag Title Shot On Nov. 3rd Genki Horiguchi & Ryo Saito vs. The Super Smash Brothers Special Challenge Match Akira Tozawa vs. Jon Davis November 3rd – Voorhees, NJ – Uprising 2012 – Live iPPV At WWNLive.com Open The United Gate Title Match CIMA & AR Fox defend vs. Horiguchi & Saito/Super Smash Brothers Nov. 2nd Winner Bonus Tag Team Main Event Ricochet & Rich Swann vs. Horiguchi & Saito/Super Smash Brothers Nov. 2nd Loser
2/3 Falls Match
El Generico vs. Sami Callihan
Special Challenge Match
Akira Tozawa vs. Samuray Del Sol
November 4th – Long Island, NY – Freedom Fight 2012 – Live iPPV At WWNLive.com Open The Freedom Gate Champion Johnny Gargano will defend the title!!!