WWE: Night of Irony

The Katz Files – Arnie Katz

WWE: Night of Irony

The Kingfish Arnie Katz returns after computer problems and a siege of flu with a commentary on a night of irony on RAW.

I couldn’t believe my eyes and ears as I watched Ric Flair and Chris Jericho splashed their angle across the opening segments of the 3/23 RAW. I thought I might be hallucinating until my wife Joyce, a long-time wrestling fan, assured me that I had perceived it correctly.

Irony drenched those segments like thick spring dew in the lush forests of the Pacific Northwest. Here are just a few of the amazing moments:

1. Chris Jericho kept yowling about how this wasn’t a show like “The Wrestler.” This ignores the fact that all but the most mentally challenged fans know that WWE is a show. That’s just an insulting claim.

2. While everyone says that this angle isn’t like “The Wrestler,” what would you call four elderly ex wrestlers eking out a payday by performing like shadows of their former selves?

3. How can the retired performers claim they want respect when they are involved in an angle that can only make them, and wrestling, look foolish? What possible glory could there be in three senior citizens mugging someone or, even worse, getting beaten in a one-on-three handicap?

I’m looking forward to WrestleMania, but definitely not to this match. I think legends are a great element for the pro wrestling show, like the Hall of Fame presentation or non-wrestling roles such as manager, color commentator or guest referee. I am a baseball nut whose greatest hero is Duke Snider, but I sure don’t want to see him play center field for anyone.

If WWE wants to improve WM through addition by subtraction, devoting the time scheduled for this match to anything other than the Divas Battle Royal would accomplish that goal.

Just call me Irony Katz.

A Message from the Kingfish

You’ve heard that March “comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.” It’s a fine old saying, but I have a little variation. This year, for me, March “came in like a lamb and out like a light.”

No sooner did I defeat some cable problems that interrupted both Internet and TV access, I got a serious case of flu. I hadn’t been really sick for quite a few years, but this one knocked me flat.

I’m back at full strength, so expect to see a lot of columns in the week leading up to WrestleMania 25.

I’ll be back tomorrow with another installment of the Internet’s fastest-rising daily wrestling column. I hope you’ll return to join me and, please, bring your friends.

— Arnie Katz
Executive Editor