WWE legend officially comes out of the closet

Pat PWWE legend Pat Patterson has come out as gay. As TMZ first reported, the 73-year-old wrestling icon spoke at length about his sexuality for the first time publicly in a clip from the reality series, “Legends’ House.”

“For once in my life, I’m gonna be me now,” a teary-eyed Patterson says. “I survived all this, being gay … I lived with that for 50-something years.”

Fortunately, the response Patterson then receives from his “Legends’ House” cast mates is truly heartwarming.

As the Bleacher Report pointed out, however, the Canadian-born Patterson’s announcement was actually taped in 2012, but didn’t become public until Thursday, June 12, when the season finale aired.

Meanwhile, WWE commentator Jim Ross suggested that Patterson’s declaration came as no surprise to wrestling industry insiders.