WWE King of the Ring
Location: Moline, IL
Date: April 28, 2015
Commentators: Michael Cole, JBL, and Jerry Lawler

The WWE King of the Ring semi-finals opens with a graphic in memory of Verne Gagne. We go to a video package for King of the Ring and an opening video.

– We see the throne sitting on the stage. We’re joined by Michael Cole and JBL on commentary. Eden introduces Jerry Lawler and out he comes to the stage to kick off the show. We get a recap of last night’s first-round matches on RAW.

– Sheamus talks to Byron Saxton and Neville talks to Renee Young backstage about tonight’s matches.

Sheamus vs. Neville

Sheamus makes his way out first. Neville is out next to a pop. Sheamus talks trash and takes it to the corner to work Neville over. The referee breaks and they go to the opposite corner. Sheamus smacks Neville and they go at it. Neville with kicks. Sheamus catches a kick but misses a clothesline. More back and forth. Sheamus with a backbreaker.

Sheamus with a big knee in the corner and more offense on Neville. Sheamus keeps control and hits a high knee before talking more trash and posing. Neville makes a comeback and rocks Sheamus. Neville with more kicks. Sheamus goes for the forearms on the apron but he fights back. Sheamus shoves Neville from the apron into the announce table. Neville makes it back in before the 10 count and Sheamus goes to work on him. Sheamus hits White Noise. Dolph Ziggler comes out to the stage with a mic. He shows us a replay of Sheamus losing at Extreme Rules. Sheamus misses a Brogue Kick and Neville kicks him in the head. Neville goes up for Red Arrow and nails it for the win and the spot in the finals.

Winner: Neville

– After the match, Ziggler taunts Sheamus and says he’s coming to collect on his Extreme Rules stipulation. Ziggler rushes the ring and they go at it. Sheamus escapes and retreats. Sheamus comes back to brawl and several referees come out to break them apart. Sheamus gets busted open pretty bad on his head. We go to commercial.

– We come back and Jerry Lawler is on commentary. We see replays of what just happened.

– Renee is backstage with Bad News Barrett. Barrett calls Truth a has-been and Neville a never-will-be.

– Saxton is backstage with R-Truth, who talks a lot about spiders.

R-Truth vs. Bad News Barrett

R-Truth makes his way out first followed by Bad News Barrett.

They go at it and Barrett takes control early on. Truth gets some offense in and taunts Barrett. Truth with a 2 count but Barrett comes right back with a big boot for a 2 count. Barrett with knees on the ropes, sending Truth out to the floor. Barrett works Truth over on the floor and brings him back in for a 2 count.

More back and forth. Truth with a big kick for a close 2 count. Truth with another counter. Truth comes off the ropes for another close 2 count. Truth ducks a clothesline and Barrett catches him in Winds of Change for a 2 count. Barrett with kicks in the corner. Barrett misses a splash in the corner. Truth drops him for another 2 count as Barrett gets his foot on the rope. Barrett goes to the floor but gets a cheap shot in. Barrett comes back in the ring and nails a Bullhammer for the win.

Winner: Bad News Barrett

– We go to the announcers for some words on the late Verne Gagne. Cole leads us to a video package.

– Renee is backstage with Ziggler. Ziggler says what happened to Sheamus was just a taste of what will happen the next time they get in the ring.

– We get replays from earlier. Saxton is backstage with Barrett for comments on facing Neville. Barrett says it’s not fair he has to face Neville right after eating Truth but it’s also not fair Neville has to face him because he’s on a roll. We go to commercial.

Neville vs. Bad News Barrett

Back from the break and Neville is out first followed by Bad News Barrett. Barrett goes right to work on Neville’s ribs and beats him down in the corner. Fans chant for Neville. Neville comes back and sends Barrett flying. Neville with kicks and more offense. Barrett cuts him off and clotheslines Neville to the floor.

More back and forth until Neville counters and sends Barrett to the floor. Neville connects with a big moonsault from the apron. They fight back into the ring and Neville unloads. Neville with a running kick to the head. Neville with a suplex into a pin for a 2 count. More back and forth. Neville blocks Wasteland but Barrett comes back and hits it for another close 2 count. Neville drops Barrett with a kick to the head for a very close 2 count. Neville counters and drops Barrett again. He goes up for Red Arrow but has to land on his feet. Barrett nails a Bullhammer out of nowhere for the win.

Winner and King of the Ring: Bad News Barrett

– After the match, Barrett goes to the stage with Lawler. Barrett crowns himself and doesn’t let Lawler. Lawler introduces Barrett as the new King of the Ring and fans boo. Barrett says WWE finally has someone with enough class to call himself king. Barrett says he will be ruling his kingdom with an iron fist and a Bullhammer. Pyro goes off as Barrett poses and we go to a replay. We go off the air with a shot of Barrett on his throne.

Source: http://www.lordsofpain.net