WWE Heroes #2 hits newsstands tomorrow!

WWE Heroes #2 hits newsstands and comic book stores tomorrow!

Title: WWE Heroes #2
Story by: Keith Champagne
Art by: Andy Smith
Colors by: Hi Fi Color Design
Letters by: Comicraft
Cover by: Andy Smith, Steve Pugh
Publisher: Titan Comics
Cover price: $3.99
Release Date: April 27th 2010

After the epic, epoch-spanning first issue, there was only one place for our eternal champions to end up – Wrestlemania! What will the stars of the WWE do when mystical terrorists grab the ringside seats? Will Triple H, John Cena and the Undertaker be able to stop heavily-armed, mysterious bad guys? And how do these unforgettable events tie into the centuries-old face-off between the Shadow King and the King of Kings? Plus – a cliff-hanger ending that you won’t want to miss!

WWE Heroes comic #2
On-sale April 27th 2010
Available from all good retailers and specialist comic stores.

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