Check out WWE Heroes #1 (WWEComics)

WWE Heroes comic #1 on-sale NOW Available from all good retailers and specialist comic stores.

WRITER: Keith Champaign
ARTIST: Andy Smith

Reviewed by Brad Dykens;

I received a copy of the 1st WWE Heroes comic book (I think the preferred term is “graphic novel”) in the mail the other day and I felt like I should say a few words about it here on OWW.

While I will admit that Comic Book Guy is one of my favorite Simpson’s characters, I can’t honestly say I am a comic book geek.   It just seems too fake to me, which may be funny coming from a pro-wrestling fan.  But why do fans watch pro-wrestling, anyway?  They are looking for something to help them suspend their disbelief and take them into a fantasy world.  So in that respect, the WWE and the world of comic books were made for each other.  I got a big kick out of thumbing through the pages of Heroes #1, marveling at the artists enhanced interpretations of the wrestlers already enhanced bodies.  Seriously, no character from this book is going to pass a wellness test any time soon.  Wait ’til you see what Mark Henry looks like.  The writer successfully blurred the lines between fantasy and pro-wrestling, purposely leaving reality out of the equation as not to confuse the readers. I honestly don’t think the WWE Comics are going to win the WWE any new fans, but if there are any WWE fans who happen to enjoy comics then they will surely enjoy this series as part of their collection.  I wish the creators of the WWE Heroes comic book great success and continued growth.  You can purchase a copy of WWE Heroes #1 at most retail stores that sell comics for $3.99.

You can probably find some more informed reviews about this product on the Internet if you searched, but I just wanted to give my two cents.

For a sneak peek at the new WWE Heroes comic check out this YouTube trailer:

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WWE Heroes comic hits newsstands today!

Titan Publishing’s WWE Heroes comic series hits newsstands today.

The sensational comic book series takes the biggest WWE Superstars and Divas into a brand new fictional universe. The first issue of flagship title WWE Heroes, which reveals an eternal rivalry set against the backdrop of the history of WWE hits newsstands and comic book stores today.

WWE Heroes comic series features WWE Superstars Triple H®, Undertaker®, Randy Orton®, Batista®, Shawn Michaels®, Big Show®, John Cena®, CM Punk®, Kane®, Edge®, Chris Jericho®, Matt Hardy®, Rowdy Roddy Piper™, Carlito™, Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler® and Kelly Kelly®.

The WWE Heroes cycle is written by Keith Champagne, who has penned acclaimed comics such as Justice Society of America, Green Lantern Corps, World War III and Adolescent Radioactive Black Belt Hamsters. Artwork is provided by comics’ artist, Andy Smith, who has worked as a penciller for major comic publishers such as Marvel, DC, Image, Acclaim, and CrossGen Entertainment.

For a sneak peek at the new WWE Heroes comic check out this trailer:

WWE Heroes comic #1
On-sale today!
Available from all good retailers and specialist comic stores.

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