WWE.com presents: “The top 30 matches in WrestleMania history”

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WWE.com presents: “The top 30 matches in WrestleMania history”!

Nothing is more replenishing to the soul of a sports-entertainment fan than WrestleMania, and with good reason: More great matches have happened there than at any other event.

So, it was with a heavy obligation that a crosssection of editors at WWE.com attempted to rank the 30 best showdowns to take place at The Grandest Stage of Them All. The criteria was an imprecise mashup of match quality, big-fight feel and historical significance. And let’s face it: You just know a great match when you see one.

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As difficult as it was to compare, for example, Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant with Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart and not question whether the two bouts belong to different genres altogether, the task was shouldered, and what follows is a list of WrestleMania classics that are all stellar, regardless of the number beside it.

Check out the list here!