(NEW YORK) — Women’s Superstars Uncensored (WSU) is pleased to announce that WSU Uncensored #15 is now available for free viewing on INASECTV.com. This is our first episode of our second season. In this Uncensored Rumble iPPV Preview Edition, we recap all the latest personal issues that are going on in WSU. Also in this episode is a special look at WSU 2011 Hall of Famer, April Hunter. Mercedes Martinez, Jessicka Havok, Alicia, Brittney Savage, The Belle Saints, The Boston Shore, Nikki Roxx and Sassy Stephanie are just some of the WSU Wrestlers covered in WSU Uncensored #15.
We hope you enjoy the WSU Uncensored series. Subscribers have already been automatically notified of the new episode. Be sure to subscribe for free to WSU Uncensored on INASECTV.com.
link to the following url: inasectv.com/WSU or at http://www.inasectv.com/episodes.php?id=335
WSU Returns Live on iPPV This Saturday Night. WSU Returns With The Biggest Womens Show of The Summer on 6/25 in Union City, NJ For ticket ordering info visit: http://www.declarationofindependents.net/doi/pages/wsu625ippv.html WSU Returns Live to iPPV on GoFightLive.Tv on 6/25 with The Uncensored Rumble IV Poster For The Event: http://declarationofindependents.net/doi/pages/wsuposterjune11.jpg To Pre-Order This Event on iPPV & Save $5 Check Out:http://www.gfl.tv/Events/Fight/Wrestling/WSU_presents_The_Uncensored_Rumble_IV/1011 Check out this awesome pictorial preview of the event:http://www.snapmare.com/WSUncensoredRumbleIV.html For more on WSU, visit the following sites:
http://www.WSUWrestling.com home of WSU online
http://www.WSUVideo.com where you can buy WSU DVDs
http://www.Facebook.com/wsuwrestling (Updated daily with pictures, stories and more)
Tweets by WSUWrestling
http://www.Inasectv.com/wsu – home of WSU’s “Uncensored” TV program.
Thank you for reading this press release & for your support of WSU.