WSU All Girls Wrestling 07/14/07

What: WSU’s 3rd All-Girls Show
When: Saturday, July 14th
Where: The ECPW School, located at 87-A Beverwyck Road in Lake Hiawatha, NJ
Belltime: First DVD Taping, 5PM, Second DVD Taping: 8PM. Get there at 4PM for premium seating!
Major Happening: WSU Will Crown The First Ever WSU WOMENS CHAMPION!
Admission: ABSOLUTELY FREE! Donations however will be accepted.
Questions/Concerns: Email

Thanks to the support of a very loyal DOI reader & generous wrestling fan, the WSU 7/14 All-Girls show is on! Several changes had to be made due to the last second business deal, because as reported before, WSU owner Jac Sabboth backed out of the show. This show is being ran in the interest of promoting womens wrestling! In this spirit, this special night of womens wrestling is FREE OF CHARGE to all fans. However, we will be accepting donations from any fans who choose to support womens wrestling the day of the show! Donations will be optional but will help keep womens wrestling strong in this area.

WSU has already announced that we will be crowning the first ever womens champion on 7/14. Another major announcement is that WSU will be holding two DVD tapings, with FREE ADMISSION. See some of the up and comers on the womens wrestling scene mixed in with the legends of womens wrestling! The WSU womens division has heated up since its launch in March of 2007. Many wrestlers in WSU claim to be the best. On 7/14, this Saturday, we will find out who the best womens wrestler in WSU is, as WSU will crown its first Womens Champion.

To crown the first ever champion, there will be four qualifying matches. The winners of the four qualifying matches will move on to a Fatal Four Way, One Fall To a Finish Match, where WSU will crown the first champion.

Here are the four qualifying matches:
Alicia vs Becky Bayless
Amy Lee vs Alere Little Feather
Nikki Roxx vs Alexa Thatcher
Luna Vachon vs ???? Mystery Opponent ????

Also in action is a special tag team rematch, with the Soul Sisters of Latasha & Jana looking to make it two straight against the Diva Killaz, Kayla Sparks & Miss Deville!

Plus also appearing: The First Lady of Wrestling Missy Hyatt, The sultry Jasmin St. Claire, Liz Savage, Della’Morte & many more of your favorite WSU Women Stars.
Note: due to this show being saved at the last minute, Daffney as previously advertised will not be at the event due to flight issues/Jac leaving the show. We plan on bringing back Daffney in the future, and you can check out her amazing match with Talia in the store.

With the first taping all set above, all we can tell you about the second taping is that whoever wins the WSU Womens Championship will be forced to defend it in the main event!

We here at WSU promise you fresh, new & exciting matches this Saturday. There will be alot of first time ever matches. Come out and see three female legends, as Luna Vachon, Jasmin St. Claire & Missy Hyatt will all be in the house. Come see some of the most exciting new stars in female wrestling as Alicia, Nikki Roxx, Amy Lee, Alexa Thatcher, Alere Little Feather & many more all partake in the action!

WSU plans on giving the fans one of the biggest women shows of the year! And best of all, it is all free as it’s WSU Fan Appreciation Night! Come support some of the hardest working girls on the independent wrestling scene today!

Here’s that pertinent info one more time:
What: WSU’s 3rd All-Girls Show
When: Saturday, July 14th
Where: The ECPW School, located at 87-A Beverwyck Road in Lake Hiawatha, NJ
Belltime: First DVD Taping, 5PM, Second DVD Taping: 8PM. Get there at 4PM for premium seating!
Major Happening: WSU Will Crown The First Ever WSU WOMENS CHAMPION!
Admission: ABSOLUTELY FREE! Donations however will be accepted.
Questions/Concerns: Email

And here’s what happened last time, in a WSU Press Release issued in June:

The four qualifying matches are full of emotion. Alicia & Becky Bayless had a bloody match on the 3/3 show. While Alicia won that match, Becky Bayless sent Luna Vachon to take Alicia out on 5/5. Alicia was able to get by Luna but left seriously bruised and battered. Now on 7/14, Becky Bayless, after missing the 5/5 show for intense training will return to the squared circle to get her revenge on the self-proclaimed queen of Jersey, Alicia.

Things have been hot and fiery between Alere Little Feather & Amy Lee. On 3/3, Amy Lee cut a profanity laced obscene promo, questioning the girls in WSU. The 18 year veteran than took it upon herself to wipe out the Diva Killaz single handedly. Alere Little Feather took offense and tried taking on Amy Lee, only to find out that this wasn’t going to be David vs Goliath. After being suspended due to her actions and f-bomb tirades, Amy Lee returns to WSU and Alere looks forward to the challenge. On 5/5, Alere defeated the larger Della’Morte in a match to prepare vs Amy Lee. Now, on 7/14 there is much more on the line than their personal issues, as the winner will move on to the match to crown the first ever WSU Womens Champion!

Alexa Thatcher vs Nikki Roxx is a special attraction match WSU is putting on. Both have expressed their interest in WSU and would like nothing better than to walk away with the WSU Womens title. Alexa Thatcher, coming off a win by beating Mia Love on 5/5 looks to make it two straight against WSU newcomer Nikki Roxx. Roxx may be new to WSU, but she’s certainly not new to the ring. Both competitors are pysched for the match and with a chance to become WSU Womens Champion, the stakes have beeen considerably raised.

Luna Vachon will be in the house on 7/14. Coming off a loss to Alicia on 5/5, Luna looks to add more gold to her resume, in the shape of the WSU Womens title. Luna has put out an open challenge on 7/14. Many girls on the WSU roster want nothing to do with Luna after the way Luna destroyed Alicia on 5/5, but with an open contract and the chance to become the first ever WSU Womens champion, you can expect someone big to answer the challenge. Luna welcomes all comers. However, one must wonder what’s going to happen with both Luna and Alicia in the same building as Luna has vowed her revenge on Alicia.

The Diva Killaz will also take on the Soul Sisters on 7/14. Kayla Sparks & Miss Deville, the Diva Killaz, have not been on the same page in WSU. On 3/3, both took each other on in a special challenge match and seemed to be fine. However, as backstage DVD footage showed us, The First Lady of Wrestling, Missy Hyatt, stirred the pot between them. Trouble has been brewing for the Diva Killaz and it seems it’s only a a matter of time before something seriously bad happens. However, The Diva Killaz have assured WSU management that everything is “peachy keen” and look forward to the Soul Sisters, Jana & Latasha’s challenge on 7/14. The Soul Sisters were victorious on 5/5 against the Diva Killaz and The Diva Killaz look to even the score while the Soul Sisters look to repeat history.

Also in the house that night will be the sultry Jasmin St. Claire & The First Lady of Wrestling Missy Hyatt. What will happen when these two cross paths?

All this and much much more will take place on 7/14. There are 8 people looking to win the prestigious WSU Womens title. WSU has been in negotiations with other indy promotions that despite whomever wins the WSU title, that the WSU Womens champion can defend the championship at any indy event. That means after 7/14, the WSU Womens title could potentially change hands at another indy event in any part of the world! However, that is looking too far ahead as all roads lead to 7/14! Be there on July 14th as the girls of WSU show you what womens wrestling is all about.

THIS SHOW IS COMPLETELY FREE! Bring the family, bring your friends, bring one, bring all! The WSU womens division looks to entertain like never before!

Don’t forget to support the women of WSU and purchase WSU Womens DVDs at today!