Wrestling Globe Newsletter for 9/22


Tuesday September 22, 2009

Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren – All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion direct to your mailbox.
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9/21 Raw TV results from Little Rock, AR: Triple H over Cody Rhodes via DQ; Miz over Evan Bourne; Beth Phoenix over Mickie James; Kofi Kingston vs. Jack Swagger was a no contest for the U.S. title; Cedric the Entertainer over Chavo Guerrero; and Randy Orton, Chris Jericho & Big Show over John Cena, Mark Henry & MVP. Pre show dark match was Jamie Noble over Eric Escobar.

The Raw crew are headed to South America for house shows this week in El Salvador, Guatemala and Mexico. The Smackdown/ECW tapings are tonight in Tulsa with Big Show vs. Batista, and ECW tonight on SyFy is headlined by Christian vs. Zach Ryder for the title. The crew then travel to Europe for house shows in France and Spain.

We’re looking for reader reports from all of the above shows to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com.


Lilian Garcia got the send off she deserved last night on Raw. If you missed her speech before the main event you can watch it here http://tinyurl.com/m6zu9a. After the cameras stopped rolling Triple H brought her back into the ring and they played Time of my Life from Dirty Dancing. Her fiancé came out and they danced in the ring as the crowd chanted “Thank you Lilian”.

Among those visiting backstage at Raw, we’re told: Rodney Mack, Jazz, Scotty 2 Hotty and Grandmaster Sexay (so he’s out of jail). A number of area-indy workers were used as extras forming part of Cedric the Entertainer’s entourage, including: Kevin Charles, Pokerface, Matt Boyce, Austin Lane, Dustin Starr and Danny B Goode.

There is an interview with Big Show in the new WWE Magazine. No love for Khali. When asked about the novelty of big men in the business, he said:
“I think it’s still there because we’re all different kinds of big men.
Mark Henry is one of the strongest people I have ever been in the ring with — he can tear your arms out of their sockets. And Kane is big and strong, too, but he’s a different kind of big. And Khali? Well, he’s just a tall guy who can do a lot of push-ups. The thing is, I’m The World’s Largest Athlete — and that makes all the difference.”

Raw on Monday night did a 3.4 rating.

Smackdown last Friday did a 2.0 rating, one of it’s best numbers since April.

Kofi Kingston vs. The Miz vs. Jack Swagger for the U.S. title has been added to Hell in the Cell.

Steve Slocum, a graduate from Booker T’s wrestling academy, was signed for developmental. He is currently working in FCW as Jackson Andrews.

John Pollock of The Fight Network at http://tinyurl.com/nwgljg has a report on Jeff Hardy’s legal issues, and at the same time attempts to make small children cry.

Judge Roslyn O. Silver ruled Monday that Warrior (the former Jim
Hellwig) must pay $18,967.46 to WWE to cover WWE’s attorney costs and expenses in defending themselves against the lawsuit he brought against them.

Linda McMahon now has radio spots for her Senate bid http://tinyurl.com/mfvwp2.

The Slam Wrestling website at http://tinyurl.com/mp7hox has a story on Jerry Lawler running for Mayor of Memphis.


Jim Cornette on his weekly Who’s Slamming Who podcast at
http://tinyurl.com/ktq6ew spoke publicly for the first time about being
let go. No ranting or raving. He said Terry Taylor (TNA’s talent chief)
called him last Tuesday night and then Dixie Carter called on Wednesday
morning. They told him he was being cut because the company didn’t feel
he was on board with them 100 percent creatively, which he accepted due
to his distain for Vince Russo. He was fine with the decision until
various stories broke across the Internet about him yelling at Vince
Russo at the last TV tapings, and believed that TNA leaked the story to
try and make him the heel. Furious, he then sent a strong letter to the
TNA office advising them it would be in their best interest to issue a
statement on the matter saying that the parting of ways was friendly and
he was welcome back down the road. They did, but then he realized they
had pushed him out when he discovered Ed Ferrera worked the No Surrender
PPV. He said he would rather they had been upfront and given him a
chance to resign.

The top matches at Bound for Glory on 9/18 in Irvine, CA will be AJ
Styles vs. Sting for the TNA title; Mick Foley vs. Abyss in a gimmick
match; Matt Morgan vs. Kurt Angle; and Bobby Lashley vs. Samoa Joe in
what they are pushing as a battle of the MMA fighters.

Angelina Love was at the TV tapings Monday in Orlando. Apparently she is
still living in Tampa but is unable to work due to the visa issue. Not
quite sure how this works, and neither does anyone in TNA.

Colt Cabana had a tryout today at the TV tapings. He got good reviews
and is likely coming in.

Lacey Von Erich started here today. Apparently she made quite the
impression complete with a Von Erich Claw.

Kevin Nash just wrapped a movie in Pittsburgh with Kurt Angle. It’s a
low budget horror called River of Darkness by Northshore Pictures, a
production company that Kurt has a stake in. The film is scheduled for
DVD release next year.

TNA run Loveland, CO on Halloween Night at the Budweiser Events Center
starting early at 4pm.


A Hulk Hogan voicemail http://tinyurl.com/krnvj7 turned up on a popular
celebrity gossip blog. Hogan states in the message: “Hey yo, Chase,
you’re messing with the wrong girl when you’re messing with (beeped out
but sounds like Brooke). I’ll send a couple of Hell’s Angels over there
to break your legs. You’ll be playing in the band from a wheelchair,
brother. You need to back off.” The Chase that Hogan is referring to is
Chase Holfelder, who is the lead singer of a rock band called The Mile
After. Chase confirmed that the voicemail was authentic but was leaked
out after he shared the message with friends. He wouldn’t discuss
specifics but I get the impression he hit-on the wrong celebrity

Speaking of Hell’s Angels, Hogan is in rare form at
http://tinyurl.com/nahbt5 claiming that a biker tried to attack him this
past weekend in Melbourne, Austrailia but he “blocked him, hooked him
and took him down.” He also claims that Andre the Giant weighed in at
308 kg (667 pounds) the day of Wrestlemania III and he knew this because
Andre was weighed at the airport in Detroit. He claims he tore both his
biceps while doing the bodyslam and it was a total shoot because Andre
dared him to try, so he said “f… it and lifted.” Awesome. I can’t wait
for his new book to come out.

Scott Epstein, the booking agent of Marty “The Boogeyman” Wright sent
out a statement saying that Boogeyman is MIA and no longer returning his
calls, or returning anyone’s calls for that matter. He hoped that Boogey
is alive and well and warned promoters that he is likely a no-show.
Epstein wrote: “I must make those who have hired Marty, as well as the
fans that want to see him know that the possibility exists that Marty
may be a no-show. I still have faith that he is OK and that he will
surface, on time, ready to work and please his fans by his first
engagement on September 25th. To those who have hired him I want to
suggest that you hang in there a couple more days to see if he contacts
me or gets word to me. If I could talk to Marty right this minute I’d
say “I’m praying for you, brother. I pray that you’re OK. I also pray
that you know the hardest thing to re-capture once it is lost is trust.
In this business if you aren’t trusted, you will not get the work you
need nor will you maintain the celebrity status you’ve earned. Scott
Epstein  scott@publicityman.com.”

A first look at the TV Ad for Ric Flair’s new lottery ticket in North
Carolina http://tinyurl.com/n36gb4.

Irv Muchnick at www.muchnick.net posted a table of contents, the
foreword by Phil Mushnick, the introduction, and part of the colour
photo insert of his upcoming book, Chris & Nancy: The True Story of the
Benoit Murder-Suicide and Pro Wrestling’s Cocktail of Death.

Muchnick also looks at the problems that face Linda McMahon at

Trish Stratus talks new upcoming yoga game at http://tinyurl.com/m7wn92

Juventud Guerrera has opened a wrestling academy in Mexico City called
The School of Hard Juice. Seriously. He will be teaching classes along
with his father Fuerza, Negro Navarro and Solar. For more info you can
email hardjuice.academy@gmail.com.

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson spent most of last weekend working out at
Miami State. He is bulking up for a new movie role.

Sabu and Manu will be appearing at the World Wrestling Stars events in
Pembroke, MA on Friday, and Stoughton, MA on Saturday.

Paul London, The Honky Tonk Man and Bushwhacker Luke will be appearing
at the Big Time Wrestling events in Newark, CA on October 23, and
Anderson on October 24.


I never got a chance to send you this email but about two weeks ago I
was at a show in Beachwood, NJ put on by the JAPW organization. Billy
Gunn and Road Dogg headlined the show. They came out to the old entrance
music and did some old DX stuff. They were so funny. I got to meet both
of them and they were awesome guys.

Kathy Hummer, Bayville NJ


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