Thursday July 2, 2009
Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren – All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion direct to your mailbox.
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We’re looking for reader reports from the WWE shows this weekend in Australia, New Zealand and Hawaii to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com.
Superstars tonight on WGN has CM Punk vs. Edge; John Morrison vs.
Charlie Haas; Tyler Reks vs. Zack Ryder; and Santino Marella vs. Brian Kendrick.
As we reported earlier Roderick Toombs aka Roddy Piper was arrested by Los Angeles police at 1am this morning on misdemeanor DUI charges. He was taken into custody after failing a field sobriety test. According to the LAPD he was released on a $5000 bond at 7.54am and has a court date set for 7/23. Piper said during a Boston radio interview last week that WWE recently called him about returning to TV. He was also scheduled to start shooting a new movie next week in Connecticut.
Apparently the announce teams are a lot happier these days with Vince McMahon more involved in the storylines. The common practice of Vince yelling down their headsets during TV tapings was what led Mick Foley to leave the company.
Serena Deeb finally signed the WWE developmental deal she was given a few weeks ago and will be heading to Tampa to join up with FCW.
Rey Mysterio is featured in a new Tecate Light ad focusing on Latin culture.
Melina did an interview at http://tinyurl.com/kj8m76 with B95 FM in California. She said she was apprehensive about moving to Smackdown as her best friends were on Raw, but now she loves it. She put over Alicia Fox as one to watch for the future. “This girl can really wrestle,” she said.
I didn’t see it but we recieved a couple of emails last night that said CNN brought up the Chris Benoit killings when talking about doctors prescribing medication to celebrities when discussing the death of Michael Jackson.
Chris Jericho was pretty banged up after the TV tapings this week. He wrote on his Twitter: “I just woke up and I can barely walk. I’m getting too old for two matches a night.”
ECW on Tuesday night did a 1.2 rating.
Ezekiel Jackson returned to TV last night at the ECW tapings in Bakersfield that airs on 7/7.
CM Punk, Tyson Kidd, Ricky Ortiz, Sheamus, Yoshi Tatsu, Natalya, Alicia Fox, Maria, Layla and Rosa Mendes will be appearing at the FCW show on 7/15. More info at www.fcwwrestling.com.
Details on the upcoming WCW DVD were released. Aside from the documentary there are 20 matches including Ric Flair vs. Magnum T.A.
from 1985; Dusty Rhodes vs. Barry Windham for the U.S. title from the 88′ Great American Bash; Flair vs. Ricky Steamboat at the Chi-Town Rumble in 89; The Rock ‘n’ Roll Express vs. The Midnight Express from Wrestle War 90; The Steiner Brothers vs. Sting & Lex Luger from SuperBrawl 91; Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Dean Malenko from Clash of the Champions XXXIII; Chris Jericho vs. Juventud Guerrera from SuperBrawl VIII; Diamond Dallas Page & Karl Malone vs. Hollywood Hulk Hogan & Dennis Rodman from Bash at the Beach 98; and Booker T vs. Lance Storm from a 2000 episode of Nitro.
WWE.com at http://tinyurl.com/n8t7sf has an interview with Bob Backlund looking at where he is now. Obviously he was recently at the WWE offices which may bode well for a hall of fame induction which he has previously turned down.
Marvel.com at http://tinyurl.com/ns8naz interviewed Cody Rhodes about his love of comic books.
The Huntsville, AL Times at http://tinyurl.com/kpvdlx has a story on Lynn Broad who is contracted by the WWE to shoot off pyrotechnics during shows.
A correction in the ECW results from yesterday. It was Yoshi Tatsu over Shelton Benjamin.
Impact tonight on Spike has Kurt Angle & Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Jarrett & AJ
Styles; Team 3D vs. Booker T & Scott Steiner; Awesome Kong & Tara vs.
Angelina Love & Velvet Sky; and Rhino vs. Eric Young.
Jeremy Borash at http://tinyurl.com/kuq8qx has a funny video up selling
the latest piece of “limited edition” TNA merchandise.
Homicide at http://tinyurl.com/nq492e talks indy wrestling.
Taz at http://tinyurl.com/nbvonu updated the Q&A on his Facebook
including questions on ECW and Tough Enough.
Jim Cornette at www.WhosSlammingWho.podomatic.com talks about Samoa Joe
joining the Main Event Mafia, Victoria/Tara winning the Knockouts title,
Bobby Lashley joining TNA, Shane Sewell joining WWE, Michael Jackson and
Texas house show dates were announced for August in Robstown and Laredo.
More info at www.tnawrestling.com.
The child abuse charges against Brian Blair were dropped today,
according to the Tampa Tribune. Blair was arrested following a Fathers
Day altercation with his sons where he allegedly punched one in the face
and put another in a choke hold. The state attorney’s office said it
concluded the sons were defiant. Story is at http://tinyurl.com/mszxgq
which notes that Blair is holding a press conference this afternoon to
discuss the charges being dropped. Blair is a former Hillsborough County
Commissioner who gained fame in the 80s in the WWF tag team The Killer
Former XPW promoter Rob Zicari and his wife Janet “Lizzie Borden” Romano
were sentenced to one year of prison for a count of conspiracy to
distribute obscene materials as part of a plea bargain that resulted in
prosecutors dropping 9 counts of violating federal obscenity statuettes.
The two were also given two years of probation.
Bret Hart turns 52 today.
Today is the 40-year anniversary of Iron Mike DiBiase passing away in
the ring due to a heart attack.
Tully Blanchard at www.clubwwi.com talks about his career and being a
Four Horseman.
Candice Michelle said she is doing her first post-WWE interview online
with starcam.com on 7/10. The interview with help raise money for
JBL has apparently given up drinking.
During an episode of Brooke Hogan’s reality show that aired on VH1 this
past weekend, Brooke was filmed chatting with friends and when someone
asked what Macho Man’s (Randy Savage) favorite snack is, she replied
1970s and 80s star Austin Idol has opened a website at
www.austinidollive.com. Idol is best known for a long running feud with
Jerry Lawler in Memphis and had some great matches with Harley Race and
Ric Flair in the early 80s.
Francine’s Legends of the Arena ECW reunion last weekend in Philadelphia
raised $6,400 for the American Cancer Society.
Gabe Sapolsky at www.myspace.com/rohgabe has a new blog up.
Wrestlicious is in talks with Lena Yada. The new all-girl group should
be making some major announcements later this year.
Diva-Dirt.com presents WGN’s Diva of the Day, Madison Rayne at
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