Wrestling Globe Newsletter for 6/2


Tuesday June 2, 2009

Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren – All the latest professional wrestling news and analysis direct to your mailbox. WGN is read by industry power players, many top wrestlers and thousands of fans from all around the world.

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6/1 Raw TV results from Birmingham, AL: Batista over Cody Rhodes; Maryse & Beth Phoenix over Kelly Kelly & Mickie James; Carlito & Primo Colon over William Regal & Matt Hardy; John Cena & Chavo Guerrero over Big Show & The Miz; and Kofi Kingston over MVP to win the United States title.

My thoughts: Strong show this week with very little bad comedy, aside from the gimmick with Vickie Guerrero, who apparently now snorts like a pig when she laughs. How come she never did this before? They did a great job of selling the Orton-Batista cage match this Sunday. Ric Flair was back and challenged Orton to a “fight” in the parking lot, meanwhile Batista squashed Rhodes in a short cage match. The idea with Flair is that he was forced to retire before he was ready. The “fight” ended up ringside with Flair locking in a figure four on top of the announce table. Both were bleeding. Legacy ran out for the save. They locked Flair in the cage with Orton, which had been reassembled, but we’re not supposed to notice things like that. I mean seriously, Lawler and Cole were stood in the ring minutes earlier selling the PPV and now the cage is back together again? Anyway, looking past the continuity issue, Batista eventually ran out but was forced to watch as Orton gave Flair an RKO and punted his head. Tremendous heat. The show went off the air as Batista told Orton, “I’m going to break you in half!” Elsewhere, we actually had some wrestling with Kofi Kingston winning the U.S. title.
Classic babyface match complete with MVP handing over the title and shaking Kingston’s hand afterwards… Vickie slopped Santino on his crotch with the help of Matt Hardy and Regal. Terrible stuff… There was a Diva tag match. The women worked hard but they never follow anything up, like Mickie James pinning Maryse clean two weeks running, and she still hasn’t had a title shot… In another tag match they tried to get more heat on Big Show. He ended up knocking everyone out with his punch of doom and then put Cena in his camel clutch backbreaker. I believe sitting ringside was Cena’s new bride and her maids of honor.

The Smackdown/ECW tapings are tonight at the Forum in Memphis which includes a dark tag team cage match of Rey Mysterio & Jeff Hardy vs.
Edge & Chris Jericho with Jerry Lawler as referee. Christian vs. Tyson Kidd is the ECW main event. We’re looking for reader reports from the show to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com.


A beyond belief story on WWE developmental from Bill Behrens. Jim Mitchell (James Vandenberg), who is an awesome talent known mostly for his work as a manager in ECW, WCW and TNA, recently sent an email to FCW to enquire about a try out with the hopes of getting a job with WWE.
Steve Keirn wrote him back with the response, “tryout May 1 at FCW.”
Mitchell wrote back asking for more details to which Keirn replied again, “you are trying out for WWE what else?” 5/1 came around and Mitchell traveled to Tampa for his try out. He was pretty much ignored when he arrived and when he asked Keirn about his try out he was told he would need to fill in some forms and pay $1000. Keirn then pretty much blew him off and said the try outs for managers ended in January. At press time we couldn’t reach Mitchell or Keirn for comment.

Kofi Kingston vs. Matt Hardy vs. MVP vs. William Regal in a fatal four-way for the U.S. title was added to Extreme Rules. The rest of the card is Vickie Guerrero vs. Santina in a Hog Pen for the Miss Wrestlemania crown; Umaga vs. CM Punk in a strap match; John Cena vs.
Big Show in a submission match; Rey Mysterio vs. Chris Jericho in a no holds barred match for the Intercontinental title; Christian vs. Jack Swagger vs. Tommy Dreamer in a hardcore match for the ECW title; Edge vs. Jeff Hardy in a ladder match for the World title; and Randy Orton vs. Batista in a steel cage for the WWE title.

After Raw went off the air last night they took Ric Flair out on a stretcher to sell his injuries. He will need to recover fast though as he is booked to appear this weekend at the Sun Fun Festival in Myrtle Beach, SC.

Nightmare Ken Wayne and students from his wrestling school, including his son Eric and Dustin Starr, had try outs before Raw. They were watched in the ring by Dean Malenko and Fit Finley.

Details on the upcoming video game Smackdown vs Raw 2010 were posted at http://tinyurl.com/o3mq9o.
I don’t know if they shot anything for Smackdown or ECW this week but there was a WWE crew up at Graceland yesterday in Memphis.

A correction from a previous issue. Rob Van Dam wasn’t backstage at Raw in Los Angeles. He said he was invited to the show but decided not to go. He will be at the Playboy Mansion on Thursday to support the Marijuana Policy Project.

The 5/29 edition of Smackdown did a 1.7 rating, up from the previous week’s 1.6.

Candice Michelle has just become an ambassador for the Los Angeles Youth Network, which supports homeless youths and those in alcoholic and drug dependent families.

A camera crew shot footage of MVP and Sherri Shepherd at her prom in Chicago. The footage will air on The View and likely WWE TV on 6/15.

Ken Anderson (Mr. Kennedy) joked on his Twitter that he is considering going to chef school: “Since I injured my shoulder, I’ve really done a lot of cooking. It’s a pretty good stress reliever… Just cooked up a flank steak with olive oil and feta, baked sweet potato fries, salmon with lemon and dill, and green beans with almonds.” Speaking of Twitter, you can Tweet with us at http://twitter.com/wrestlingglobe.

An outdated Q&A with Kennedy by his hometown paper is online at http://tinyurl.com/pntsq9.


TNA are back on the road this week. They run tonight at the Idaho Center
in Nampa, ID followed by the Toyota Center in Kennewick, WA on
Wednesday; ShoWare Center in Kent, WA on Thursday; Abbottsford Arena in
Abbottsford, BC on Friday; and the South Okanagan Centre in Pentiction,
BC on Saturday. We’re looking for reports from all these shows to


Sting is expected to finish up with TNA following Bound For Glory in
October when his contract expires. At least that is the impression he
gave to the office. He would likely get a nice send off akin to what the
WWE did for Ric Flair.

MTV are supposed to be filming an episode of the reality show Made at
the house show tonight in Nampa. I believe they have a teenage girl who
wants to become a wrestler. AJ Styles and Jackie Moore have been
coaching her. Before MTV asked TNA to participate they went to Buddy
Wayne’s wrestling school in Everett, WA and made all these crazy
demands. They wanted him to take his ring to a major city for 5 weeks,
provide two trainers — one very charismatic and nutty and then an
assistant, and for all this offered to pay him $1000. Of course Buddy
turned them down.

Bill Apter at http://tinyurl.com/lo7zlh interviews Tazz on why he left
the WWE.

Mick Foley has titled his next book Namedropping which is due out in
Spring 2010. The book will contain some of his personal memories of
people he has met over the years from wrestlers to actors, athletes and
a former US President.

Awesome Kong was at a high school today in Compton, CA speaking to
students about the dangers of drugs.

Scott Steiner will be in running in a 5K Family Fun Run in Nashville,
benefiting the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department, on 6/6.

Matt Morgan at http://tinyurl.com/dyotyn is quoted in The Huffington
Post talking about families dealing with ADHD.


Torrie Wilson already has a feud on I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out of
Here. The show premiered last night on NBC. The idea is that the celebs
do all these gross challenges and are eliminated one by one each week.
Spencer and Heidi Pratt from The Hills had quit the show twice within
the first 30 minutes. The other celebs divided their belongings
including Torrie claiming a bottle of shampoo. After lots of tears the
couple eventually returned and Spencer cut a fierce promo on Torrie over
the shampoo. Spencer accused Torrie of being on steroids and called her
a “bitch.” He then hid her rucksack in the jungle. Afterwards in a
private confessional Torrie called Spencer a “psycho” and threatened to
knock him out. Spencer would make an awesome heel wrestling manager. The
show continues tonight at 8pm ET on NBC…

Torrie teaches Janice Dickenson how to bodyslam at

Hulk Hogan at http://tinyurl.com/opyqwx cuts a promo on estranged wife
Linda: “If Linda says she’ll take a drug test, I say bring it, brother!
It needs to be done, and she’ll fail it.”

Axl Rotten at http://tinyurl.com/mac8ea is opening the Axl Rotten Pro
Wrestling Academy.

There was an altercation between Missy Hyatt and Tim “Zombie” Arson at
Eric Markout’s PWS show in Garfield, NJ on 5/29. Hyatt was at the event
as a favor to Dawn Marie for her Wrestler’s Rescue charity. She was in
the ring hosting an auction, with the proceeds being donated to the
charity. Arson was also out at the same time trying to sell gimmicks and
was causing a nuisance. Hyatt confronted Arson afterwards and there was
a big fracas with Arson calling Wrestler’s Rescue a scam. Hyatt went to
hit Arson but he ran away and she fell over. When she finally caught up
with him she punched him in the face. Arson then asked for the police to
be called because he was going to press charges but cooler heads
prevailed and there was no further incident.

Tyler Black vs. KENTA was announced for the 6/27 ROH show at the
Frontier Fieldhouse in Chicago Ridge, IL. More info at

www.worldwrestlinginsanity.com interviewed D-Lo Brown. When asked about
his WWE release he said it came as a shock: “… the reason given to me
was the economy – budget.  So, I’ll leave it at that.  It was just weird
for me. Getting a really good reaction at dark matches. Really good
reaction when I did do my return. Then it was just a false start of a
false start and then creative had nothing. What can you do? I can sit
here and place blame, lay blame, but I’m the bigger man and it was my
fault. That’s just the end of it. That’s how I look at it.” On going to
TNA: “When I run into people, they’re like, “When are you going to TNA? 
What’s going on?” And realistically, I’m enjoying what I’m doing now
with Ring of Honor and Japan and that’s my focus. It’s not an indictment
on TNA.  I just don’t even choose to pursue to go there. Not that I
haven’t been asked or that I wouldn’t be opposed at this moment or the
future, but at this moment, I’m enjoying doing what I’m doing. Besides,
TNA is full of talent and for me to come in there now, I have to take a
spot from someone else and that’s not fair. So until situations and
circumstances change, I’m just happy doing what I’m doing.”

Frank Mir was interviewed by 5thRound.com on his upcoming fight with
Brock Lesnar. He said: “I’m a martial artist; he’s a professional
fighter. He fights because he gets paid to fight. If the UFC were to go
bankrupt tomorrow, a month later I would still be in some small
organization fighting … I fight because I enjoy fighting. If Lesnar
was making $10,000, would he show up to fight? There’s going to be a day
of reckoning. So he’ll have to answer to me personally. There’s going to
be no reporters or nobody to protect him.” Mir also offered to coach
Lesnar: “Three or four years from now, if I decide to switch over into
full time coaching, I would like to coach Brock. I see a lot of things
that he’s done in his last couple of fights that I think are mistakes
that are not really his fault, they’re maybe his trainer’s faults. How
can he be so talented, an NCAA champion, probably one of the best
wrestlers to come out of college in the heavyweight division, and still
make some of the real basic balancing and footwork mistakes that he’s
making right now?”

Our friends at Diva-Dirt.com are running their annual poll of the 50
Sexiest Divas at http://www.diva-dirt.com/50sexiestdivas2009 where you
can cast your votes.

Diva-Dirt.com presents WGN’s Diva of the Day, Candice Michelle at

Please send any feedback, news tips, live event info or interview recaps
to: you2us@wrestlingglobe.com

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