Wrestling Globe Newsletter for 6/19


Friday June 19, 2009

Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren – All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion direct to your mailbox.
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6/18 Superstars TV results: Chavo Guerrero over Santino Marella; Zack Ryder over Mike Williams; Eve over Layla; The Colons & Christian over The Hart Dynasty & Jack Swagger.

WWE are back on the road this weekend. The Raw crew run tonight at the Wells Fargo Arena in Des Moines, IA with Triple H & John Cena vs. Randy Orton & Big Show; Kofi Kingston vs. Matt Hardy vs. MVP; and The Colons vs. The Legacy as the top matches. They also run the I Wireless Center in Moline, IL on Saturday and then Five Flags in Dubuque, IA on Sunday.
TV on Monday is commercial free from the Resch Center in Green Bay featuring the PPV main event for free six days before the actual PPV.

The Smackdown/ECW crew run the Dow Event Center in Saginaw, MI on Saturday and Wings Stadium in Kalamazoo on Sunday with CM Punk vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Edge as the top match. TV is taped on Tuesday at the Bradley Center in Milwaukee.

We’re looking for reports from all these shows to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com.


Smackdown tonight has Chris Jericho vs. Jeff Hardy in a non title match; Great Khali vs. Dolph Ziggler; Melina vs. Alicia Fox in a non title match; Edge vs. John Morrison; Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas & Ricky Ortiz vs. R-Truth & Cryme Tyme; and CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio in a non title match.

Melina vs. Michelle McCool for the Women’s title is expected to be officially announced on Smackdown tonight for The Bash next Sunday in Sacramento.

WWE sent out two mailings on Thursday asking fans to vote on PPV names and themes. The first email offered Blackout, Annihilation, Zero Tolerance, and Knock Out which are all things that I want to do when I watch some of the shows. The second email offered the following options for an all-cage match PPV: No Escape, Rage In A Cage, Hell In A Cell, and Lock Up — you know, like the TNA PPV but Up instead of Down.

Roddy Piper was a guest earlier today on WBCN radio in Boston. You can listen to the entire interview at http://tinyurl.com/njtnft including a few road stories about Ric Flair. He mentioned that WWE just called him about coming back.

Eric Bischoff at http://tinyurl.com/y45koe wrote a blog reviewing the three-hour Raw from Charlotte. An excerpt: “The VKM revelation that he ‘sold’ Raw was lame. When you start out a storyline with a premise that is completely unbelievable, should it be a surprise that the audiences gags on it? Trump isn’t good in this role and is too forced. My guess is that Trump will bring in Ric (Flair) to handle day-to-day duties on his behalf, and at least give fans something to get excited about for a while.”

TVSquad.com at http://tinyurl.com/mhsatw has an article looking at the USA-WWE press release announcing the ‘sale’ of Raw. The story notes that “The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) generally frowns on deliberately false media reports that affect the stock market… So far, the SEC opted for a “no comment” on whether it’s planning to investigate the incident.” The WWE stock price had dropped 7% after the release was sent out.

Serena Deeb, who was reported, included here, as being offered a WWE developmental deal a few weeks back, said she has yet to recieve a formal offer and any reports of her signing are premature.

Candice Michelle is back on the road this weekend following lengthy ankle injury.

Jerry Lawler will be meeting fans at the Wizard World convention this weekend in Philadelphia, PA. TNA’s Traci Brooks along with The Honky Tonk Man, Ted DiBiase, Greg Valentine and Leyla Milani will also be signing at the convention.

Joesph Canterbury who was just released from WWE developmental posted this message on his Myspace: “I was released by WWE last week. This has been the biggest and most rewarding experience in my life. Although I will no longer be under contract I plan to continue my training and work on the things I need to so I can be a better and more rounded athlete to hopefully return in the future. Thanks to everyone in the WWE, FCW and everyone who supported me.”

JBL has a new blog at http://tinyurl.com/ng3let talking about Jerry Brisco and how he was instrumental in WWE hiring him in 1995.

John Cena and his brother Matt are on the cover on the August issue of Flex Magazine.

We received quite a few emails about Dusty Rhodes passing away, except it was Dusty Rhodes, the former New York Giants great who helped the team win their last World Series title in 1954, who died on Wednesday of cardiopulmonary arrest.

KQCA My58 at http://tinyurl.com/kshzsr is running a contest to win free tickets to The Bash in Sacramento.


6/18 Impact TV results from Orlando, FL: Daniels over Amazing Red; Raven
over Jethro Holliday in a Clockwork Orange House of Fun match; Awesome
Kong & Taylor Wilde over Angelina Love & Daffney; Team 3-D & Beer Money,
Inc. over Lethal Consequences & The Motor City Machine Guns; and Samoa
Joe & AJ Styles over Sting & Kurt Angle and Jeff Jarrett & Mick Foley in
a three-way tag match.

TNA has a house show tonight at the Deltaplex Arena in Grand Rapids
ahead of Slammiversary on Sunday at The Palace Of Auburn Hills.

The PPV line up is Eric Young & Rhino vs. The British Invasion on the
free pre-show; Abyss & Taylor Wilde vs. Raven & Daffney in a Monster’s
Ball match; Angelina Love vs. Tara for the Knockouts title; Daniels vs.
Shane Douglas in a loser leaves TNA match; Matt Morgan vs. Sting – if
Morgan wins, he joins the Main Event Mafia; Team 3D vs. Beer Money, Inc.
for the tag titles; Suicide vs. Jay Lethal vs. Consequences Creed vs.
Alex Shelley vs. Chris Sabin in KOTM for the X-Division title; and Mick
Foley vs. Jeff Jarrett vs. AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle in
KOTM for the TNA title.

TV for the next month is taped this coming Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday at Universal in Orlando. We would appreciate any reader reports
to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com.


The Slam Wrestling website at http://tinyurl.com/l8y3x9 has a story on
Kurt Angle. Nothing new although when asked about leaving the WWE he was
more diplomatic than he has been in the past. He even put over the WWE
Wellness Program: “It’s unfortunate that there are a large number of
deaths of wrestlers,” he said. “But the industry has taken great steps
to eliminate these problems with wellness and drug policies.” I would
love to see this supposed TNA drug policy, because it doesn’t exist on

Team 3D defend their IWGP belts on Saturday in Osaka, Japan and then fly
to Detroit for Slammiversary on Sunday.

Mick Foley wrote a blog at http://tinyurl.com/ljakt7 talking about his
upcoming book. He said those looking for him to bash the WWE will be
disappointed: “My feelings for the company, and for Vince himself, are
largely positive, even if I am very happy not to be there anymore.”
Foley said that he has pledged 50 percent of the proceeds from his book
to charity.

Foley will be signing autographs in Charleston, WV Town Center Mall at
Macy’s Court from 2pm on Saturday.

Story on Daniels at http://tinyurl.com/lto3p4 pushing Slammiversary.

Sheik Bashir is the guest on the latest Hermie’s Hotseat at
http://tinyurl.com/ko6q2s. Totally kills his gimmick here.

www.tnavideovault.com has a three-hour free video up covering the first
year history of the promotion.

The $7 priced tickets for Slammiversary are apparently sold out. Just
turn up outside the building and I am sure they will be giving them away
on the night. Well, they did at Lockdown in Philadelphia. Just saying.


There was a funeral ceremony yesterday in Nakano, Tokyo for Mitsuharu
Misawa. Among those who attended; Toshiaki Kawada (his great rival),
Gen’ichiro Tenryu, Kobashi Kenta, Yoshihiro Takayama, Minoru Suzuki,
Akira Hokuto, Jun Akiyama, Tsuyoshi Kikuchi, Tamon Honda, Jun Izumo,
Kishin Kawabata, Makoto Hashi and Naomichi Marufuji. The family had
wanted to keep the funeral private, limited to 200 guests, but word
leaked out and a swarm of fans and Japanese media gathered outside the
facility. As Misawa’s body was taken away in a hearse they chanted
“Mi-sa-wa!” Daily Sports ran a story with photos at

Ring of Honor tapes TV tonight and Saturday at The Arena in
Philadelphia. Tonight’s show includes is Nigel McGuinness vs. Tyler
Black; Davey Richards vs. El Generico; Jay Briscoe vs. D-Lo Brown vs.
Roderick Strong; and Kevin Steen vs. Eddie Edwards. Saturday has ROH
champ Austin Aries vs. Roderick Strong; Tyler Black vs. Jerry Lynn;
Bryan Danielson vs. Sonjay Dutt; and Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. Kenny King &
Rhett Titus. More info at www.rohwrestling.com.

This Saturday’s edition of ROH on HDNet includes the TV debut of KENTA
vs. Roderick Strong; Necro Butcher vs. Claudio Castagnoli; Kenny King
vs. Kenny Omega; and MsChif vs. Neveah. More info on how you can watch
ROH on HDNet at http://www.hd.net/ringofhonor.html.

Paul “The Butcher” Vachon is back home convelessing in Vermont following
jaw surgery last week in Sherbrooke, Quebec.

As well as Rena Lesnar, Dylan Summer’s (Necro Butcher) wife just gave
birth to a baby girl. Mary Jane Summers weighed in at 8 lbs 15 oz and 24
inches long. Congrats to the happy couple.

AAA President Joaquin Roldan announced last night at the AAA TV taping
in Ecatepec that he has suspended Konnan indefinitely.

Ultimo Guerrero told news outlets in Mexico that since Dos Caras Jr. has
left for the WWE, he wants to step in his spot in the feud with Shocker
and would put his mask on the line against Shocker’s hair on the 76th
EMLL Anniversary Show in September.

Bryan Danielson is now taking bookings through Bill Behrens of Show
Business, Inc at showbis@aol.com

US People magazine named Dwayne Johnson again this year in their issue
of hottest bachelors.

Alex Marvez at http://tinyurl.com/m7zx5m interviewed former WWE referee
Mike Posey about his battle with obsessive wrestling disorder.

Story on Lanny Poffo at http://tinyurl.com/lytu4l who is returning to
Atlantic Canada for a tour.

www.57gold.com has a new audio interview up with The Valiant Brothers.

Dan “The Beast” Severn, 51, has what will likely be his last ever pro
wrestling match on Sunday at the Michigan Sports Camps in Coldwater, MI.
More info at www.priceofglorywrestling.com.

TMZ.com ran a story about Nick Hogan’s car breaking down in Beverly
Hills, “before he could put anyone else in a permanent vegetative
state,” said their report. “The 19-year-old ex-con — with big sis
Brooke waiting patiently at his side — got the vehicle up and running
by adding some engine coolant.”

Brooke Hogan has completed her sophomore album titled The Redemption
which is set for release on 7/21. Her first album, Undiscovered, sold
127,000 copies.

Diva-Dirt.com presents WGN’s Diva of the Day, Velvet Sky at

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