Wrestling Globe Newsletter for 5/24


Sunday May 24, 2009

Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren – All the latest professional wrestling news and analysis direct to your mailbox. WGN is read by industry power players, many top wrestlers and thousands of fans from all around the world.

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5/23 Raw house show results from West Valley, UT: Goldust over Chavo Guerrero after Horswoggle interfeered; The Miz over Santino; Sheamus O’Shaunessy over The Brian Kendrick; Carlito & Primo over Legacy; Beth Phoenix & Maryse over The Bella Twins; MVP over William Regal and Kofi Kingston in a three-way; and John Cena & Batista over Big Show & Randy Orton.

The show drew just over 7000. Friday night in Boise, ID also drew around 7000.

5/23 Smackdown house show results from Rio Rancho, NM: Cryme Tyme over Mike Knox & Charlie Haas; Vladimir Kozlov over Finlay; Gail Kim & Eve Torres over Layla & Alicia Fox; Rey Mysterio over CM Punk & Dolph Ziggler in a three-way; Christian & Tommy Dreamer over Jack Swagger & Mark Henry; John Morrison over Shelton Benjamin; and Edge over Jeff Hardy.

The show drew 7433 paid. Mike Knox and Charlie Haas were back together as a team. Mysterio was the biggest star and got the loudest reaction of the night.

The Smackdown crew run the American Center in Las Cruces this afternoon with Edge vs. Jeff Hardy; Rey Mysterio vs. Chris Jericho; Christian & Tommy Dreamer vs. Jack Swagger & Mark Henry; and CM Punk vs. Dolph Ziggler. The Raw crew are on a travel day from Salt Lake City to Los Angeles, CA as the house show that was originally scheduled for today in Loveland, CO was canceled due to the “Denver Debacle.”

The TV tapings are Monday and Tuesday at the Staples Center in LA. Raw has Mr. McMahon vs. a fake Stan Kroenke and a 10-man tag of Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, Ted DiBiase, Big Show and The Miz vs. John Cena, Batista, MVP, Jerry Lawler and a mystery partner. There are also two dark cage matches with Orton vs. Batista and Cena vs. Show. Nothing announced as press time for the Smackdown/ECW taping other than a dark cage match of Edge vs. Jeff Hardy.

We’re looking for reader reports from all of the above shows with basic match results and any notes of interest to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com.


Serena Deeb who is best known for her work with SHIMMER is headed to WWE developmental in Tampa. She has the contract but at press time has not faxed it back to WWE HQ. Deeb, 22, is a product of the OVW school out of Louisville. To give credit to WWE they actually appear to be moving away from signing Playboy bikini models with the recent additions of Deeb and April Jeanette.

Former WWE creative writer Seth Mates remembers Owen Hart at http://tinyurl.com/qok5yo

No real update on WWE’s attempt to purchase the Mid South/Georgia tape collection owned by Ene Watts (Bill’s ex-wife) and her son Micah. So far we believe two offers have been turned down.

The Top 10 Sport DVD’s in the 5/30 edition of Billboard Magazine are: 1.
WWE: Greatest Stars Of The 90s; 2. UFC: Best Of 2008; 3. UFC 92:
Nogueira Vs. Mir; 4. TNA: Jeff Jarrett: King Of The Mountain; 5. NFL:
Super Bowl XLIII Champions: Pittsburgh Steelers; 6. WWE: The Best Of
Raw: 15th Anniversary 1993-2008; 7. Bluetopia: The LA Dodgers Movie; 8.
WWE: Viva La Raza: The Legacy Of Eddie Guerrero; 9. Pride: Final Conflict Absolute; and 10. TNA: Cross The Line Vol. II. Most of these titles are available at www.wrestlingshop.com with free shipping in the US and UK.

John Cena is doing a special signing for the first 350 fans that come to FYE in San Jose, CA at Midnight on 6/30 to promote the release of 12 Rounds on DVD. You have to purchase the DVD. There is also a signing on
6/29 at FYE in San Bruno.

WWE 24/7 is now sponsoring Howard Stern’s radio show. This past week Stern was trying his best to plug some of the matches but botched up the names of “Eddie Gweriro” and “Rye Mysterio.” … Jesse Ventura was also on Stern this week and talked about a wrestling union and his past issues with Hulk Hogan.

NBC Universal has started the rebranding campaign for the Sci-Fi Channel to the SyFy Channel. The official launch date is 7/7. WWE is involved in marketing as some commercials were filmed recently with the ECW roster to promote the name change.

There are four hours of wrestling on 7/9. Devin Cutting reports: “Sci-Fi is airing the 2-hour debut of Warehouse 13 on Tuesday, July 7th from 9 to 11 PM (ET), so ECW will air on Thursday, July 9th at 7 PM (ET). This means that ECW on Sci-Fi, WWE Superstars on WGN and TNA Impact on Spike TV are airing back-to-back on July 9th.”

Interview with Ted DiBiase at http://tinyurl.com/ptrfkg talking about his goals for the future.


TNA presents Sacrifice tonight from Universal in Orlando, FL. The free
pre show has The Amazing Red vs. Kiyoshi and opening the PPV will be
Lethal Consequences & Eric Young vs. The Motor City Machine Guns & Sheik
Abdul Bashir. The rest of the line up is Beer Money, Inc. vs. The
British Invasion in the finals of the Team 3D tournament; Taylor Wilde
vs. Daffney in a Monster’s Ball match; Suicide (likely the returning
Frankie Kazarian) vs. Daniels for the X-Division title; Angelina Love
vs. Awesome Kong for the Knockouts title; Samoa Joe vs. Kevin Nash; AJ
Styles vs. Booker T in an I Quit match for the Legends title; and the
main event is Mick Foley defending the TNA title in an Ultimate
Sacrifice match against Sting, Kurt Angle and Jeff Jarrett. If Angle is
pinned he loses his status as Godfather of the Main Event Mafia, if
Sting is pinned he will never wrestle again., and if Jarrett is pinned
he gives up his stake in TNA. 

The TV tapings are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Basically to reduce
costs they are taping TV right up to the Slammiversary PPV on 6/21.
We’re looking for readers reports from the PPV and TV tapings to


TNA are doing an Internet simulcast tonight at 7.30pm ET with the PPV
pre show featuring The Amazing Red vs. Kiyoshi at www.mycontent.com/tna
and www.tnawrestling.com. The show will also be available in Spanish at

One idea talked about for Lisa Varon (Victoria) who is coming in is for
her to be revealed as a patient of Dr. Stevie. She would then slot into
the storyline with Abyss, Daffney and Taylor Wilde.

Mick Foley said he took the opportunity to hang out with Jim Ross at his
Bar-b-que restaurant in Oklahoma when TNA came to town over the weekend:
“I had a great time on the TNA house show loop in Oklahoma City and
Amarillo, Texas. Oklahoma, as anyone who’s watched wrestling over the
last couple decades could tell you, is JR country. Indeed, of all the
people who ever worked in the WWE offices, no one ever liked the state
of Connecticut less, or was more overjoyed to go back home than good ol’
JR. I know it was probably not the most politically correct of wrestling
moves on either of our parts, but JR and I got together in full view of
many fans who happened to be dining at JR’s restaurant before heading
down to the matches. But, hell, I’ve known JR for almost twenty years
now, and it’s a friendship that is bigger than wrestling politics. I had
a great time catching up with JR and his lovely wife Jan, and was glad
to bring along a couple of the TNA guys who were looking forward to a
chance to shoot the breeze with a true legend of our business.”

Mike Mooneyham at http://tinyurl.com/qp3b4v has a story on Daniels
looking at his 16-year career.

The Baltimore Sun also has a Q&A with Daniels at


Jimmy Valiant now has a weekly wrestling talk show every Thursday from
5-6pm ET in Radford, VA on WWBU 101.7 F.M. radio —
www.supersports1017.com. On his first show, Ivan Koloff will be a guest,
followed a week later by Howard Finkel, and then Baron Von Raschke.

Sgt. Slaughter turns 61 today.

There is a big show coming to Thunder Bay, Ontario at the Fort William
Gardens on 6/18 with Psycho Sid, Brutus The Barber Beefcake, Greg
Valentine, Jim Neidhart, The Highlanders, Koko B. Ware, Lanny Poffo,
Abdullah The Butcher, and more. For more info you can call 807-625-2929.

The Honky Tonk Man vs.  Mr. Saturday Night in a hair v hair match
headlines a 6/27 CPW card at the Ice Box in Scranton, PA. I wonder who
is losing their mullet in that one. For more info you can call

Robert Maillet, who worked for WWE in 1997 as Kurrgan, has a role in Guy
Ritchie’s new film, Sherlock Holmes. While shooting a fight scene he
bloodied Robert Downey, Jr. when he accidentally punched him in the
face. The movie opens in theaters on 12/25 and there is a teaser trailer
online at http://www.apple.com/trailers/wb/sherlockholmes/.

There is an interview with Nikki Roxx at http://tinyurl.com/rd4um4
talking about her TNA release and the issues she had with Rhaka Khan.

The ICW group is running a show at the Fort Huachuca, AZ military post
on 6/6 with Ron Simmons, Gangrel, Kip James and someone dressed as Doink
the Clown.

Dallas Page at www.diamonddallaspage.com has a new blog up.

The Chicago Jewish News at http://tinyurl.com/r2s5ce has a story on Colt

A typo correction from a previous issue as some websites reported what
they read here. Marc Mero is actually getting married on 7/11.

Former WWE/TNA referee Mike Posey just opened a MySpace at
www.myspace.com/refereemikeposey noting he suffers from a serious
condition called OWD: “Obsessive Wrestling Disorder- the inability to
make wise financial decisions as well as the inability to make sound
judgments as it related to ones personal and professional lives because
of ones need to fulfil their own ego in professional wrestling and their
tendencies to believe their own hype (even though there was no hype to
begin with).”

Diva-Dirt.com presents WGN’s Diva of the Day, Angela Fong at


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to: you2us@wrestlingglobe.com

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