Wrestling Globe Newsletter for 5/12


Tuesday May 12, 2009

Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren – All the latest professional wrestling news and analysis direct to your mailbox. WGN is read by industry power players, many top wrestlers and thousands of fans from all around the world.

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5/11 Smackdown house show results from Evansville, IN: Evan Bourne over Tyson Kidd; Vladimir Kozlov over Finlay; John Morrison over Shelton Benjamin; Gail Kim & Eve Torres over Natalya & Layla; CM Punk over Umaga via DQ; Christian & Tommy Dreamer over Jack Swagger & Mark Henry; Rey Mysterio over Chris Jericho; and Edge over Jeff Hardy.

The show drew 4291 paid with the building around 2/3 full.

5/11 Raw house show results from Columbus, OH: Legacy over Batista via DQ; Mickie James & Kelly Kelly over Maryse & Jillian Hall; The Brian Kendrick over Carlito; John Cena vs. Miz was a no contest; Santina Marella over Beth Phoenix; MVP & Kofi Kingston over William Regal & Matt Hardy; and Randy Orton over Batista via DQ.

In Brief: Batista tried to take out Lagacy before Judgment Day (which in case you didn’t know is this Sunday)… Kelly Kelly had the worst showing on a live broadcast since the Jackie Gayda-Trish Stratus debacle in 2002. She literally botched or mistimed every single spot… Lawler and Cole did a PPV hard sell stood in the middle of the ring. This was different and seemed to work well with the live crowd reactions to the matches… The Brian Kendrick is looking for a new tag partner to go after the tag titles… The Miz and John Cena had an “exhibition match”
which I guess was the best idea they could come up with at creative meetings over the weekend. Miz went 3 for 0 as Vickie Guerrero and Big Show offered enough distraction… Santina is now a lesbian and secured another victory over Beth Phoenix… MVP called out William Regal during his VIP Lounge. Matt Hardy and Kofi Kingston also came out so I guess those three guys are the top contenders for the U.S. title… The show went off the air with Orton running for his life from Batista having taken out Rhodes and DiBiase.

The Smackdown/ECW tapings is tonight from Wright State University in Dayton. We’re looking for reports from the show to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com


Announced for ECW tonight is Christian’s Peep Show with Jack Swagger as his guest.

Rey Mysterio vs. Chris Jericho for the IC title was officially added to Judgment Day.

James Laurinaitis of the St. Louis Rams and Marcus Freeman of the Chicago Bears were in attendance at Raw. Both are former players at Ohio State… Pre show dark match was Sheamus O’Shaunessy over Jamie Noble.
For Superstars they taped Big Show vs. Hornswoggle. Sounds like a classic.

Melina Perez, still yet to debut on Smackdown since the draft, has been off the road due to a medical condition.

Ezekiel Jackson is back in developmental. He was recently drafted to ECW from Smackdown but it also yet to debut… Jackson, along with Curt Hawkins, Ricky Ortiz, Alicia Fox and D.J. Gabriel are booked for the FCW shows on 5/22 and 5/24 in Plant City and Melbourne, FL. Further info at www.fcwwrestling.com

There is also an FCW show on Wednesday at the Avon Park Armory in Tampa, FL. John Cena is listed for a meet and great. You can call (813) 987-
2855 for more information.

A video clip of Cena and Festus signing Country Road this past weekend in Wheeling, WV at http://tinyurl.com/oetstk

Matt Hardy, ever the worker, shoots on wrestling website’s at http://tinyurl.com/oyf8xg

The Kid Rock concert was cut from the Wrestlemania 25 DVD. Probably due to DVD rights which would mean WWE paying him a royalty.

The Sun in the UK at http://tinyurl.com/p6arko has a story on model Rachael Carr, who has previously been a body double for Britney Spears and Kylie Minogue, who is training with FCW for a WWE developmental deal.

John Layfield noted in his latest blog that he holds season tickets to the New York Mets with WWE writer Brian Gewirtz: “I share tickets with Brian Gewirtz, head writer of Monday Night Raw, and our tickets aren’t exactly where you would expect JBL to sit, in fact, they are so far back the Mets are just on their 5th straight victory there-they are so far back, they are actually back in time. There is a slightly obstructed view which is good because it shields the wind because they are so high up and it is freezing up there.”


In promoting the Carolinas tour this weekend, on the TNA website last month, the company offered free tickets to fans in exchange for putting out fliers in the towns. One reader wrote to us: “Well, guess what, the fliers were never mailed. One of my friends got an email today saying they were just shipped via FedEx. Reminds me too much of the way the ECW Street Team used to work. Too little, too late.”

The Fayetteville Observer at http://tinyurl.com/org7br has a Q&A with hometown boy “Don’t call me Christopher” Daniels.

There is a rumor going around that Jeff Jarrett and Karen Angle (Kurt’s
ex-wife) are an item. There is usually no smoke without fire but one source was leaning towards it being unlikely as Karen still lives in Pittsburgh while Jeff lives in Nashville.

Taz answers more questions from fans at http://tinyurl.com/ocyen6


Hulk Hogan and his estranged wife Linda were back in court on Monday in Clearwater, FL asking the judge to rule on whether Hulk’s associates should be made to give testimony regarding their joint business ventures in the divorce case. Linda was escorted to and from the courthouse by two huge bodyguard’s, you know, just in case Hulk went OJ Simpson on her. Linda’s attorney claimed Hulk is hiding assets (he had actually detailed all his business transactions in previous depositions). Judge George Greer dismissed the claim by posing the question “how is he hiding assets if you know all about them?” which drew laughter from the courtroom. Hulk also asked for Linda’s $40,000 monthly alimony payments to be reduced. There won’t be a ruling until June. In the parking lot following the hearing Linda was quoted by the Tampa Tribune saying that Hulk was a person with “a lot of rage, a lot of jealousy” and that she feared for her life. Hulk’s attorney, David Houston, said the OJ comments were a poor choice of words but said Linda was blowing the issue out of proportion to garner sympathy.

A video of “MC” Hulk Hogan at Brooke’s 21st Birthday Party this past weekend at Club Pure in Las Vegas: http://tinyurl.com/qdx8mr

Gears of War writer Chris Morgan told MTV that Dwayne Johnson is the top choice to star in the video game-turned movie: “The Rock is awesome.
There’s a genuine actor. Not only can he play the tough guy, but he can also play the nuanced, sensitive funny sad moments as well. But finding that guy is incredibly difficult… I don’t think they’re looking so much for size, but a guy you believe can throw a punch, and a guy you believe is stoic, locked in his own head, and can show emotion without telegraphing it.”

In preparation for NBC’s I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here, Torrie Wilson underwent over two hours of psychiatric evaluation on 5/8. She also has a rigorous physical this week but believes she will pass without any issues.

Former WWE Diva Dawn Maire is expecting her second child any day now.

Lance Storm is coming out of semi-retirement for back-to-back shows for Ring of Honor on 7/24 and 7/25 in Toronto. No opponents named at press time. Bret Hart and Ric Flair will also be doing signings over the weekend. Further details at www.rohwrestling.com

There was a slight controversy earlier this week when New Japan Pro Wrestling released a promotional poster with Nazi symbols on it. NWA Executive Director Bob Trobich released a statement soon afterwards
saying: “It has come to our attention at the National Wrestling Alliance that New Japan Pro Wrestling has included the use of certain offensive images and symbols in the promotion of its upcoming Dominion event.  The NWA does not approve of or condone the use of these images and symbols, and has requested that New Japan remove such images and symbols from their promotional materials. As the oldest and most storied promotional body in professional wrestling, the NWA is committed to our fans and their enjoyment of pro wrestling. Our sincerest apologies.”  New Japan later changed the poster and removed Nazi imagery.

Daniel Puder (Tough Enough winner) returns to MMA on 5/16 in Ontario, CA to fight Jeff Ford.

WG Diva of the Day — Jennifer Blake — http://tinyurl.com/r5jlx8


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