Wrestling Globe Newsletter for 4/2


Thursday April 2, 2009
by Mike Aldren


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Please send any news tips or show reports to: you2us@wrestlingglobe.com Wrestling Globe by Mike Aldren: mike@wrestlingglobe.com


WWE Fan Axxess kicks off today in hosted by Jimmy Hart. If any readers want to send us notes from any Wrestlemania event this weekend you can do so by emailing to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com

Take this for what it’s worth. Trish Stratus said she has no commitments this weekend and may well be in Houston.

The Associated Press has a story on Wrestlemania at http://tinyurl.com/c9fwwt with Hulk Hogan remembering how he carried The Rock at Wrestlemania 18 and turned him into a star. You know, because he was just a jabroni before he got a rub from Hogan.

Jim Ross wrote in his latest blog that he, Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole will be the announce team at Wrestlemania. He didn’t mention that Tazz has left the company.

New York’s Hot 97 at http://tinyurl.com/c5kfnm attended the Wrestlemania press conference in New York City and interviewed Chris Jericho, Ric Flair, Triple H, Kelly Kelly, and others. There is a great story on Big Show.

There is no truth to the story at PWInsider.com that WWE has produced an 17-0 Undertaker T-shirt and thus spoiled Wrestlemania. Somebody pranked the website with an April Fools and they bought it rushing out a story as breaking news without bothering to check it’s validity.

Speaking of April Fools the story that WWE.com put up saying Vickie Guerrero was pregnant was taken down. They posted an update last night saying it was an April Fools joke suggested by John Cena.

Cena did an interview with WFAN in New York saying he gets heat from management and the locker room over comments he makes in the media about steroids. “I get kickback from corporate. I get kick kickback from my co-workers,” he said. “But if America is on a campaign to ‘clean this thing up,’ let’s get the word out and start doing something about it.”
He said there are double standards when it comes to drug testing between high profile athletes and guys on the cusp. “Honestly, if you’re not Alex Rodriguez, or if you’re not Tejada, or if you’re not Barry Bonds, and these guys get caught for substance abuse, it really just ends up a scroller on the ESPN ticker. There is no penalty.”

The Cena webchat transcript from yesterday is now up at http://tinyurl.com/d6zt4o

Story on Rey Mysterio at http://tinyurl.com/c22638 talking about not having much time left in the ring due to injuries. He feels he has two good years left: “I try to conserve myself as much as I can without doing as many crazy moves as I used to do when I was a lot younger. Some of those moves I can’t do anymore. Some I try to modify so I don’t have the risk of blowing out my knee or any other part of my body.”

MyFox in Houston has a new story on Wrestlemania at http://tinyurl.com/cntbtp

WWE and Mexico’s Cablevision announced a new agreement yesterday to bring Wrestlemania 25 on PPV to Mexico City.

ECW on Sci Fi Tuesday night drew a 1.3 rating.

Story at http://tinyurl.com/cdcq6s with Edge talking about his ink, Howard Finkel talking Wrestlemania, and Beth Phoenix talking about being a geek at high school.

Story on the Wrestlemania art auction which took place last night at http://tinyurl.com/cf6v6r


Impact preview: Lethal Consequences & LAX vs. Sheik Abdul Bashir,
Kiyoshi and No Limit; Taylor Wilde vs. Madison Rayne; Team 3-D vs. Main
Event Mafia security; Sting vs. Samoa Joe in a non title match; and
Scott Steiner vs. AJ Styles. Plus, they reveal who captains Team Joe vs.
Team Angle at Lockdown and more of Abyss and Dr. Stevie.

TNA run this weekend starting Friday at the Civic Center in Thibodaux,
LA with Jeff Jarrett & AJ Styles vs. Scott Steiner & Sheik Abdul Bashir;
Beer Money, Inc. vs. LAX; Abyss vs. Matt Morganp; and Awesome Kong vs.
Roxxi. Plus; Lethal Consequences, Roxxi, Eric Young, Kiyoshi, No Limit,
and more.

They also run Saturday at the Lakefront Arena in New Orleans with Mick
Foley & Jeff Jarrett vs. Beer Money, Inc.; AJ Styles vs. Scott Steiner;
and Awesome Kong vs. Roxxi; plus Abyss, LAX, Matt Morgan, Lethal
Consequences, Eric Young, Sheik Abdul Bashir, Kiyoshi, No Limit, and

Booker T will miss the shows as he’s in Houston hosting his charity
fanfest and plotting a lawsuit against WWE. Listed as appearing: Sting,
Mick Foley, Kevin Nash, Amy Dumas, Team 3D, Kishi, Ernest Miller, Stan
Hansen, Beautiful People, Chavo Guerrero Sr., Matt Hyson, Sharmell,
Jimmy Hart, The Nasty Boys, Samoa Joe, Jake Roberts, Christy Hemme, DDP, Kimberly, Debra Marshall, Tully Blanchard, Missy Hyatt, Baby Doll,
Daffney, and Rockin’ Robin. Full details at www.bookertlow.com

Booker T on his website posted an open letter to wrestling fans over
several talents pulling out of his fanfest. For some reason he blames
WWE rather than the talent who verbally committed to his event and then
did a 180 when they were offered a Wrestlemania payday. He wrote in the
letter that WWE “unlawfully interceded and deceptively worked to pull
these talents from our event.” He said he has “contacted legal
representation about this deceitful tactic” and was weighing his
options. He added: “I want to believe that the WWE, as large and as
powerful as it is, would be beyond examples of such pettiness. This
event, as well as the PWA, are supporting the Fights for Kids foundation
so it consumes me with remorse to see the WWE act in this fashion. Make
no mistake however, I have been an underdog my entire life, so I have no
problem in taking on yet another Goliath.” You can read the entire
letter at http://tinyurl.com/cmvnub

Christopher Daniels returns to TV next week.

They are also dropping the gimmick with The Govenor and Shannon Spruill
is returning as Daffney.

Danny Bonaduce is still plugging his match at Lockdown every morning on
his Philadelphia radio show.


Former AWA women’s champion Candi Devine appeared on Divorce Court on 3/31. She recently sued her long-term boyfriend, former wrestler Tom
Bertan, for $630 accusing Bertan of running over her cat, killing it,
which he denied. Judge Toler ruled in Devine’s favor in the amount of
$280. Devine said she still loved Bertan and wanted to make a go of
things but he wants nothing to do with her. She said she was going to
work hard to improve herself and win back his love and came off as quite
desperate. Devine currently resides in Nashville, where she works as a
physical trainer.

Ring of Honor debuts in Texas on Friday at the George R. Brown
Convention Center in Houston with Nigel McGuinness vs. Jerry Lynn; KENTA vs. Davey Richards; Roderick Strong vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima; Bryan
Danielson vs. Alex Koslov; Tyler Black & The Necro Butcher vs. Jimmy
Jacobs & Austin Aries; El Generico, vs. Claudio Castagnoli vs. Brent
Albright vs. Blue Demon, Jr; Kevin Steen, Jay Briscoe & Magno vs. Chris
Hero, Eddie Edwards & Incognito; Colt Cabana vs. D-Lo Brown; and Rhett
Titus vs. Erick Stevens.

They also run Saturday (Take No Prisoners PPV taping) with a special 2pm
belltime at the same building with Nigel McGuinness & Claudio Castagnoli
vs. Blue Demon Jr. & Brent Albright; Jimmy Jacobs vs. The Necro Butcher;
Alex Koslov vs. Roderick Strong; Kevin Steen, El Generico, Jay Briscoe &
Magno vs. The American Wolves, Chris Hero & Incognito; Bryan Danielson
vs. Jerry Lynn vs. Erick Stevens vs. D-Lo Brown; and Colt Cabana vs. Ace
Steel. More info at www.rohwrestling.com

ROH officials said they will shuffle the weekend cards should Nigel
McGuinness not be medically cleared to wrestle. A final decision will be
made on Friday.

D-Lo Brown was a guest on www.betweentheropes.com this week. On his
recent WWE release he said: “I was there for six months and three days,
and I had about four minutes of TV time… I was told it was budgetary,
but who knows. When one door closes, five others open up.”

Glenn Kulka, 45, who had a brief run with WWE in the late 90s, was
knocked out by Bruno Hosier in a MMA fight on 3/28 in Quebec. Kulka has
nicknamed himself The Kulkster.

Story on Dwayne Johnson at http://tinyurl.com/d79dda talking about his
early life to becoming The Rock to making millions as an actor.

Beulah McGuillicuty said she is working on a childrens book for release
later this year.

On this day in wrestling history:

* 1960 – Red & Lou Bastien defeated Eddie & Dr. Jerry Graham for the
WWWF tag titles
* 1989 – Mike Rotundo & Steve Williams defeated The Road Warriors for
the NWA tag titles
* 1989 – Hulk Hogan defeated Randy Savage for the WWF title
* 1989 – Rick Rude defeated the Ultimate Warrior for the WWF
Intercontinental title
* 1995 – Owen Hart & Yokozuna defeated the Smokin’ Guns for the WWF tag
* 1996 – Dean Melanko defeated Shinjiro Otani for the WCW Cruiserweight
* 2000 – Chris Benoit defeated Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho for the WWF
Intercontinental title
* 2000 – Triple H became the first heel in history to win in the main
event at Wrestlemania
* 2002 – Billy Kidman defeated Tajiri for the WWF Cruiserweight title

WG Diva of the Day — Lizzie Valentine — http://tinyurl.com/cqtpw5



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