Wrestling Globe Newsletter for 11/16


Monday November 16, 2009

Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren – All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion direct to your mailbox.
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11/15 Smackdown house show results from Belfast, Ireland: Matt Hardy over Eric Escobar; R-Truth over Dolph Ziggler; Mickie James & Katie Lea over Beth Pheonix & Michelle McCool; Drew McIntyre over Finlay; John Morrison over Rey Mysterio; Christian over William Regal; Goldust & Shelton Benjamin over Zack Ryder and Zeke Jackson; and The Undertaker over CM Punk in a casket match.

Raw is live tonight from Madison Square Garden with Roddy Piper as guest host, Melina vs. Alicia Fox for the Divas title; and the main event of DX vs. John Cena & The Undertaker (teaming for the first time) vs. Big Show & Chris Jericho in a three-way.

The Smackdown/ECW tapings are Tuesday in Philadelphia with John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler in a best of three falls match for the IC title; and the main event of The Undertaker & Kane vs. Big Show and Chris Jericho.
We’re looking for reader reports from the show to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com.

The Iron Sheik is doing a Piper’s Pit segment tonight on Raw. He also filmed some pre tapes running down Hulk Hogan…

Hall of Famer Pat Paterson and comedian Judah Friedlander are backstage along with several members of the New York Yankees baseball team. In an effort to free up more seats they are going for an old-school look tonight with no big screen, no stage, and no ramp way.

WWE and NBC Universal today announced a renewal agreement to keep Raw on the USA Network through 2014. WWE sent out a release spinning that their overall ratings are up 11 percent this year because of the popularity of the guest host gimmick, when in fact it’s entirely down to the addition of the new Superstars show on WGN.

An NBC rep confirmed that they are in early talks with WWE about launching a WWE channel on it’s Universal HD network. Speculation arose stemming from an article today on the LA Times website.

Jesse Ventura was announced as guest host in two week’s for a Thanksgiving themed Raw the night after Survivor Series in Hershey, PA.
It’s a three-hour show with all three brands involved. Ventura will be promoting his new television show, Conspiracy Theory on truTV.

Edge appeared to be moving around okay this past weekend at the Kids Choice Awards in Australia. He even ran along the stage as he made his entrance to referee a celeb tug-of-war contest. Eve Torres also appeared on stage and was slimed.

Good news for UK readers. BskyB said they have no plans to raise the price of WWE PPV in the near future. The price remains at £14.63 or
21.48 Euros on Sky Box Office. WWE and BskyB are also expected to announce a renewal of their TV contract in the next few week’s.

Former Diva Ashley Massaro wrote on her Twitter that she was going to Raw tonight.

Lisa Taylor who was squashed last week by Beth Phoenix on Smackdown is Lisa Fury; a former model from Liverpool who has been active on the UK and European indy circuit for several years. Her grandfather was also wrestler in the 1950s and 60s as Tony Fury.

Superstars last week did a 0.9 rating, up 0.1 on the week before.

The WWE stock closed today up $0.50 to $15.99 it’s highest close in two years.


11/15 Turning Point PPV results from Orlando, FL: Amazing Red over Homicide to retain the X-Division title; ODB, Taylor Wilde & Sarita over The Beautiful People; The British Invasion over Beer Money and The Machine Guns to retain the tag tiles; Tara over Awesome Kong in a steel cage; Team 3D & Rhino over Hernandez, Matt Morgan & D’Angelo Dinero; Scott Steiner over Bobby Lashley; Kurt Angle over Desmond Wolfe; and AJ Styles over Samoa Joe & Daniels in a three-way to retain the TNA title.

Announced for Thursday’s Impact: Taylor Wilde vs. Hamada; Beer Money & The Machine Guns vs. The British Invasion, Sheik Bashir & Kiyoshi; and AJ Styles & Kurt Angle vs. Desmond Wolfe & Daniels. There is also an interview with Sting talking about Hogan coming in and the return of Mick Foley after being burned by Raven.

The television tapings are today and Tuesday in Orlando.


Everyone was raving about the PPV last night, and even some WWE people, one of whom told me they couldn’t understand how the company let TNA sign away Desmond Wolfe. Tazz even wrote on his Twitter that Turning Point was in the Top 3 of PPV’s that he has ever witnessed live (just think about that for a second), and Dixie Carter was calling Angle-Wolfe and Styles-Daniels-Joe matches of the year.

Angle said that he threw out his back early in his match although he isn’t expected to miss any time. No real serious injuries coming out of the PPV.

Superstar Billy Graham who has just relocated to Florida didn’t attend the PPV as he is back in hospital with intestinal problems.

TNA has booked a show at Stampede Park in Calgary, Alberta on March 27, which is Wrestlemania weekend. One person who is clued in on the Calgary wrestling scene told us: “Stu [Hart] promoted wrestling events during the Calgary Stampede for decades, but there haven’t been any major wrestling shows in the area as of late that weren’t WWE shows, and even their recent run drew poorly. The Harts haven’t had much involvement in Stampede Wrestling in years now, and attendance to those shows was no different to any other local indy…  I’d imagine they’ll get one of the Harts or more to appear at the show in some capacity. Several of them still live in the area, including Bruce and Ross.”

Hulk Hogan landed in Sydney, Australia a few hours ago which is now early Tuesday morning ahead of Wednesday’s press conference. The conference takes places at 11am at Star City in Melbourne… I sent a few texts to friends down under earlier today (mostly casual wrestling
fans) and only one person out of six knew anything about the Hulkamania tour. One response was: “To do what? Is he still fighting? He must be like 80!” Advance ticket sales aren’t great for the size of the arenas they are running. They may do okay with walk-ups but nothing is close to a sell-out.

ODB and Daffney will be signing autographs at the Boston Super Megafest on November 21 at the Sheraton Framingham Hotel in Worcester, MA.


Ring of Honor tonight on HDNet has Roderick Strong vs. Bryan Danielson
(his last match); Delirious vs. Chris Hero; The Necro Butcher & Grizzly
Redwood vs. Prince Nana & Joey Ryan in a beard vs. beard match; and
Rasche Brown vs. Darren Matthews (not William Regal). More info on ROH
at www.rohwrestling.com.

TMZ at http://tinyurl.com/ykqyhoj quotes Dana White on Brock Lesnar
saying that Lesnar will require major surgery for his undisclosed
ailments, and that he may never fight again. White mentioned some type
of intestinal disorder but didn’t reveal any details.

Women Superstars Uncensored run on December 12 at The American Legion
Hall in Flemington, NJ: Mercedes Martinez vs. Rain for the WSU title;
former WWE Diva Jazz vs. Angel Orsini, Shelley Martinez, TNA Knockout So
Cal Val; and much more. Tickets are $18 on the door. For more info you
can call (732) 888 -704 or email BULLSMC@aol.com.

ISPW presents Seasons Beatings on December 26 at the 3-2 Count Athletic
Training Facility in Freehold, NJ: Crowbar vs. Ace Darling vs. Rick
Fuller vs. Danny Inferno vs. Nunzio vs. Chase Del Monte in a Money in
the Bank ladder match; Judas Young vs. Rob Eckos for the ISPW tile;
Nicholas Nice vs. Baby Hughie; Bryan Logan vs. Matt Logan; former WWE
Superstar Vito vs. Nicky Benz in a loser wears a dress match; Danny
Doring vs. Erik Andrett; and more. Tickets from $12.00. For more info
you can call (732) 409-1132 or visit www.ispwlive.com.

Macho Man Randy Savage at http://tinyurl.com/yhrdc9t has donated one of
his ring-worm garbs to auction on eBay to raise money for Bristol
Children’s Hospital in England.

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson gave an interview to UK press saying that he
sang Spice Girls songs to warm his voice up while recording Sony’s
animated movie Planet 51. “I sang Spice Girls’ reunion tour while I was
in the car, all the way,” he joked, adding: “It’s about a 45 minute
drive so I was ready.”

There is a story on Nick Hogan in the latest Life & Style magazine.
Regarding his stint in jail last year he was quoted as saying: “Jail was
definitely one of the worst experiences of my life, but it was also one
of the best things that ever happened to me – just because of how much
it changed me.”

Mike Caldwell tells us: ‘During last nights Indianapolis Colts/ New
England Patriots football game the announcer said that #61 Stephen Neal
defeated Brock Lesnar in the final match of an NCAA Wrestling Event.’

So Cal Val, Angelina Love, Shane Douglas, and The Rock & Roll Express
will be signing autographs at the Point Flea market in Baltimore from
9am on November 14.

Stacy Keibler and boyfriend Geoff Stults (not Hornswoggle) made gossip
columns over the weekend for partying in San Francisco. One columnist
reported, “the duo drank cocktails in the VIP area, surrounded by
friends – and distractions. At one point, Keibler got her hair and
makeup touched up by someone from the Rogue Lifestyle Galleries.”

Keibler has just landed a guest role on the 100th episode of the CBS
sitcom How I met Your Mother.

Today’s Diva of the Day is Tara at http://tinyurl.com/yfw9egd.


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