Wrestling Globe Newsletter for 10/24


Saturday October 24, 2009

Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren – All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion direct to your mailbox.
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10/22 Superstars TV results: Kelly Kelly over Gail Kim; Ezekiel Jackson & Kozlov over Tommy Dreamer & Goldust; and Drew McIntyre & Eric Escobar over Matt Hardy & R-Truth.

10/23 Smackdown TV results from Columbia, SC: Matt Hardy, Finlay, R-Truth & The Hart Dynasty over JTG, Eric Escobar, Dolph Ziggler & Drew McIntyre; John Morrison over Mike Knox; Batista & Rey Mysterio over Chris Jericho & Kane; Mickie James over Layla; and The Undertaker over CM Punk in a non title match.

WWE run tonight at Pennsylvania State College. We’re looking for reader reports to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com.

The Bragging Rights PPV is Sunday from the Mellon Arena in Pittsburgh:
The Undertaker vs. CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Batista in a four-way for the World title; Randy Orton vs. John Cena in a 60-minute no DQ Iron Man match for the WWE title and if Cena loses he leaves Raw for good; John Morrison vs. The Miz in a non-title match; Melina, Kelly Kelly & Gail Kim vs. Michelle McCool, Beth Phoenix & Natalya; and Team Raw (Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Big Show, Mark Henry, Kofi Kingston, Jack Swagger & Cody Rhodes) vs. Team Smackdown (Chris Jericho, Kane, R-Truth, Fit Finlay & The Hart Dynasty).


Lance Cade worked an FCW show on Thursday night, pretty much confirming he resigned with the company. People are thinking he is back to team with Bryan Danielson vs. The Hart Dynasty with Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart as their mentors. We do know that idea was pitched by creative but it would take a lot of effort to make that happen.

The Buffala News at http://tinyurl.com/yhn46mf has a story on WWE with COO Donna Goldsmith pushing the new PG direction. The reporter claims that Vince McMahon stopped talent from doing steroids and instituted the Wellness Program after Chris Benoit went nuts in 2007.

Former WWE Diva Amy Weber gave birth to twins in May, called Levi and Madison Grace. During an interview this past week, when asked why she left WWE, she said: “I left on account of pure harassment and being treated like a piece of dirt by some of the male wrestlers for no reason. I am actually a very sweet person. Yes, I played a “heel” for WWE but that is not my personality. I go out of my way to help others and a few of the guys made my decision to leave very easy. If they treated someone like that in the real world, they would be fired without question but are allowed to get away with nonsense in the WWE.” Later in the interview she called Randy Orton a “dirtbag” during word association.

Matt Hardy wrote some Tweets regarding Jeff’s legal issues, then thought better of it, and deleted them. He wrote: “A year or so from now, Jeff will be a bigger star and celebrity than he’s ever been-we locked him into a major project this week… Nothing is gonna happen to Jeff, he’s a victim of a corrupt scam-the truth is coming out, and will come out in it’s entirety in the future.” I guess cops finding someone in possession of anabolic steroids, cocaine and enough pain killers to open a pharmacy makes you the victim these days.

The WWE Studios movie shooting in December with John Cena has been renamed Brother’s Keeper.

Khali is back home in India for the wedding of his younger, much shorter, brother. He recently underwent knee surgery so I wouldn’t expect him back with WWE until early 2010.

The Calgary Sun at http://tinyurl.com/yjyk7zm has a story on John Morrision (in character) pushing his Bragging Rights match against The Miz. Also in character, Dolph Ziggler at http://tinyurl.com/yjd8qxl talks Shane McMahon and Lou Albano.

The ESPN website at http://tinyurl.com/yjep8d8 has a Q&A with The Miz.
He said he changed to ring attire recently because Vince told him he has great legs: “I really didn’t want to do it, but when Vince McMahon comes up to you and tells you that you have great legs and that you need to be wearing trunks, well, you’re wearing trunks.”

Evan Bourne and Gail Kim are signing autographs at the WWE Store at Niagara Falls on Tuesday from Noon to 2pm.

FCW are holding open tryouts in December. FOR WRESTLER’S, NOT MANAGERS.
John Lauriniatis, Edge, Pat Patterson, Ricky Steamboat, and Mike Rotundo will be scouting talent. Steve Keirn will be collecting your $1,000.
More info at www.fcwwrestling.com.


10/22 Impact TV results from Orlando, FL: Homicide over Amazing Red in a
non-title match; Matt Morgan over Scott Steiner; Samoa Joe & Kevin Nash
over AJ Styles & Daniels;Awesome Kong destroyed Raisha Saeed; Hernandez
over Rhino; Machine Guns over Lethal Consequences in Ultimate X for a
tag title shot at Turning Point; Beer Money over The British Invasion
via DQ in a cage for the tag titles. Billy Corgan of Smashing Pumkins
fame attended the show.

10/23 Impact house show results from Chicago, IL: Alex Shelley over
Shark Boy; Rhino over Kip James; ODB over Alisha Flash; Matt Morgan over
Scott Steiner; Lethal Consequences over sheik Bashir & Kiyoshi; and AJ
Styles over Samoa Joe.

TNA runs tonight at the Civic Centre in Racine, WI and then on Sunday at
the Cable Theatre in Green Bay. We’re looking for reader reports from
both shows to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com.


Samoa Joe went to the hospital after his match last night in Chicago. No
update at press time.

The Daily Star at http://tinyurl.com/yg3lta8 has a story on Nigel
McGuinness. He said Vince Russo came up with the Desmond Wolfe name
after a Google search revealed Desmond was listed as a popular name in
Britain. Desmond as a name is probably about as popular as Osama, and my
Google search had very different results. Anyway, McGuinness also noted
his doctor gave him a clean bill of health and WWE not signing him was a
business decision. Very diplomatic. “I am very eager to prove my worth
[to TNA],” he said. “It means so much to me that Dixie [Carter], Terry
[Taylor, TNA talent chief] and Kurt [Angle] have faith in me, in my
vocation and my work. I will repay that faith.”

Kevin Nash, Traci Brooks and SoCal Val will be appearing this weekend at
The Grand Adventure Con in  Pigeon Forge, TN at the Grand Resort Hotel &
Convention Center.

We had a few emails regarding this, but the pink armbands at Bound for
Glory were in support of breast cancer awareness month.

Impact on Thursday night did a 1.1 rating.


Bobby Heenan’s wife Cindy said Bobby is doing much better and in great
spirits following his fall a couple of week’s ago. She said he is hoping
to make some personal appearances in December.

Former WWE Diva Ashley Massaro has been in Mexico City for the past
couple of days hosting the Playboy Latin America anniversary party. She
also shot some stuff at Arena Mexico during a EMLL show that airs next
week on Televisa in Mexico and LATV in the the States.

Dutch Mantel has a new blog at http://tinyurl.com/yca9b7u looking at the
Rock & Roll Express.

Superstar Bill Dundee turns 66 today.

Hulk Hogan is holding a press conference and Q&A at Madison Square
Garden in the mall area on Tuesday at 2pm to promote his new book. I am
sure we will learn something new about history that we didn’t know

The Tampa Tribune reports that Nick Bollea (Hogan’s son) won’t have to
return to Florida to give a deposition in the John Graziano family
lawsuit. Story is at http://tinyurl.com/yfqoaft.

Rob Van Dam is giving away free membership to his website at

Meredith Whitney, JBL’s wife, was just named Top 40 under 40 by Fortune

Jesse Ventura talks Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize at

Did anyone go to the Terry Funk Roast last night in New Jersey?


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