Wrestling Globe Newsletter for 10/22


Thursday October 22, 2009

Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren – All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion direct to your mailbox.
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Superstars tonight on WGN has Kelly Kelly vs. Gail Kim; Matt Hardy & R-Truth vs. Drew McIntyre & Eric Escobar; and Tommy Dreamer & Goldust vs. Vladimir Kozlov & Ezekiel Jackson.


Jim Ross, who suffered a third Bells palsy attack Monday night en-route to TV, visited a neurologist on Wednesday. They ran some tests and he is scheduled for an MRI on his brain Friday morning as a precautionary measure. He said the attack affected the vision in his right eye and there is concern about his cornea being damaged. He said he doesn’t know when he will return to work and won’t be calling the Bragging Rights PPV on Sunday: “My face may be sagging, my right eye may be not so good, my tongue is numb, my head aches and my right ear is sensitive to sharp noises but my heart and my soul are stout and my desire to get back in the game has never been stronger… Let me assure you that nothing makes me happier professionally than broadcasting wrestling and being around the product. I love our business and I can assure you that you haven’t seen the last of me yet.”

Shad Gaspard of Cryme Tyme went home sick from the TV tapings on Tuesday. He said he started with nausea and diarrhoea while traveling from Mexico back to the U.S. on Monday and took some over the counter products. When he arrived at TV the WWE Doctor gave him a shot of Phenergan but it made him drowsy and gave him chills. The company decided at that point he shouldn’t perform and sent him back to the hotel. He has heat with some guys because the mentality is that you suck it up. Shad wrote an apologetic blog on his MySpace page over what
happened: “I take full responsibility for what happened and I’m sorry.
In our industry there is a tradition that the show must go on no mater what, and I feel I have betrayed that tradition bye not performing last Tuesday. The greatest joy in my life is performing in the WWE, I love what I do, and I will never let something like this happen agene (sic).”
Shad was originally scheduled for a tag match where he would lose his Team Smackdown spot at Bragging Rights. JTG took his place in that match. A lot of people backstage found the situation hilarious because the planned finish was Matt Hardy pinning Shad, and when Shad found out the finish, his symptoms appeared to worsen, although he was legitimately sick.

Bryan Danielson passed his pre-contract medical and is expected to start here soon.
ECW on Tuesday night did a 1.1 rating. The October 9 Smackdown did a 1.9 … Smackdown ratings are two week’s behind now as Nielsen don’t consider MyNetworkTV a network anymore.

12 Rounds with John Cena opened at No. 16 in the UK DVD chart for the week ending October 18. Total flop. The DVD has faired better in the U.S. selling 450,000 units for a gross of $7 million. The worldwide theatrical gross was $18 million so it’s just about broke even now with production and marketing costs factored in.

Damage with Steve Austin dropped out of the Top 40 UK DVD chart in it’s second week which is a disaster considering Austin spent over a week in England pushing the movie earlier this month.

There is a screening of Chris Jericho’s movie Albino Farm at the Colonial Theater at the Sacramento Horror Film Festival on Friday night.

The WWE website at http://tinyurl.com/yj283l2 has a where are they now
with Lex Luger. The story covers most of Luger’s career from starting in
football to training under Hiro Masuda to the NWA to WWF, Lex Express,
health issues and now finding God. Naturally they didn’t mention
anything regarding Miss Elizabeth.

The WWE episode of South Park is online at
http://www.southparkstudios.com/. This show would have been so much
better if the amateur wrestling coach was a caricature of Pat Paterson.

ProFootballTalk.com has a story on The Miz threatening to slap around
Cleveland Browns coach Eric Mangini.

Edge is signing autographs at the FCW on Friday night in Eustis, FL at
the Lake County Fairgrounds Expo Center. For more info you can call


Impact tonight on Spike has Matt Morgan vs. Scott Steiner; AJ Styles &
Daniels vs. Samoa Joe & Kevin Nash; Raisha Saeed vs. Awesome Kong; Rhino
vs. Hernandez; Beer Money vs. The British Invasion in a cage for the tag
titles; and Motor City Machine Guns vs. Lethal Consequences in Ultimate
X for a tag title shot at Turning Point.


There was an altercation involving a TNA Knockout late Sunday night
during the PPV after party at the Hilton Hotel in Irvine. A guy was
insulting the boyfriend of Awesome Kong so she called him out and took
care of business. “Kong pushed him and he flew like 15 feet,” said one
observer. “Then he got in her face and she kicked his ass!” Other
sources confirmed the story and one noted Kong isn’t a lady to mess

Chris Sabin suffered what was believed to be a stinger at the TV tapings
on Wednesday. The Machine Guns were working Team 3D and Sabin took a bad
bump from an uranage. The match continued while Sabin was laying there
hurt. Not exactly sure what the finish was but Kevin Nash was flipping
out backstage because it was obvious Sabin was in bad shape and nobody
made the call to go to an early finish. It took a while for Sabin to
leave the ring afterwards and he went straight to the hospital. He
showed up later at the TNA hotel and told people he was sore but okay
and doesn’t remember the much about the match as he was knocked out for
a few seconds.

Nash flipping out backstage was mostly directed at those in the
production truck who he felt should have given a cue to the referee to
end the match early.

Nigel McGuinness as Desmond Wolfe is based on a character in the 1987 UK
film, Withnail and I. In the film, one of the characters suggests Wolfe
as an alternative name to his own for use in an acting career.

McGuinness signed a two year contract with the company.

You can vote on Dr. Stevie to be the next Panasonic Living in HD insider
at http://lihdinsider.livinginhd.com/.


The Sun at http://tinyurl.com/ylmafg3 has a story with Paul Heyman
accusing Rhianna of stealing the 1998 ECW CD album cover. This story is
also getting some play on Hollywood gossip blogs.

We received an email from the rep of Linda Claridge regarding Hulk
Hogan’s comments in his new book alleging she was an alcoholic and
abusive mother: “Linda’s family has always and will always be the most
important thing in her life. Hulk’s serial cheating broke the family
apart. This was the last thing Linda ever wanted. This is just another
sorry attempt to discredit Linda in which she has proven on every other
allegation to be false.”

After hearing for the first time yesterday about Hogan’s alleged suicide
attempt, Laila Ali, who Hogan claimed talked him out of pulling the
trigger, admitted that she and Hogan did talk on the phone while they
filmed American Gladiators but was unaware she made a divine

The suicide revelation in Hogan’s book was covered last night on CNN’s
Showbiz Tonight. You can watch the segment at

The Village Voice (free weekly newspaper in New York City featuring
analysis of current affairs) has awarded Ring of Honor with their award
for Best Place to Watch Straight Men Get All Homoerotic. Apparently fans
are rioting over on the ROH website message boards.

Samsung girl Andrea Feczko trains with ROH wrestlers at

Bill Goldberg was posing in wrestling gear today in New York City as
part of the next Celebrity Apprentice. A wrestling ring was set up on
the street on 155 Fifth Avenue between 21st and 22nd Streets. He also
signed some autographs.

Irvin Muchnick is interviewed on AM770 CHQR Radio in Calgary tonight at
8pm pushing his book on Chris Benoit. AM770 programming streams live on
the Internet at http://snipr.com/snpzk.

ISPW runs this Saturday night in Freehold, NJ at the ISPW Arena, located
at 323A Fairfield Road, with Judas Young vs. Rick Fuller, Crowbar vs.
Ace Darling, plus former WWE stars Kevin Thorn,  Nunzio, Manu and much
more. Tickets are available at www.ISPWLive.com or by calling the ISPW
Box Office at (732) 409-1132.

Diva-Dirt.com sent this note along… Alissa Flash & Awesome Kong are
the latest names to join the Diva Dirt Gives Back charity campign to
raise proceeds for Wrestler’s Rescue and Susan G. Komen for the Cure.
Both Knockouts have donated various signed goodies for auction, which
fans can bid on here: http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZdivadirtQQhtZ-1.


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