Wrestling Globe Newsletter for 10/1


Thursday October 1, 2009

Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren – All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion direct to your mailbox.
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Superstars tonight on WGN has Kofi Kingston vs. The Miz; Shad Gaspard vs. Tyson Kidd; and Sheamus vs. Tyler Reks.


The only new information on Jeff Hardy is that he showed up Wednesday morning for his arraignment on multiple drug charges and a preliminary hearing was scheduled for November 4 in Carthage, NC.

WWE got Youtube to pull the fan cell phone footage of Dwayne “The Rock”
Johnson’s promo that played Tuesday night at the Boston Garden. It’s a tremendous promo worth going out of your way to DVR on Friday night.

We received several emails from readers saying they point-blank refused to watch Raw this week due to the appearance of Rev. Al Sharpton. That may well explain the drop of around 500,000 viewers from last Monday’s show with Cedric The Entertainer.

ECW on Tuesday night did a 1.0 rating.

The Smackdown crew are still buzzing about the two house shows in Paris from this past weekend. They played to sold out crowds of 15,000 fans on both nights grossing more than $1.5 million.

Vickie Guerrero is returning to television as the manager and “boyfriend” of developmental wrestler Eric Escobar who got his call up this past week. Those close to Vickie say she is open to working some dates now that summer is out and her girls have returned to school. One of the reasons she left back in June was to spend time with her girls during the holidays.

Chavo Guerrero Jr. is the latest WWE wrestler to sound off on Twitter.
Today he wrote: “This is how I feel now. Use to love everyone and thought Wrestling was just fun, but all the haters out there have changed me. Thanks! … Hate me? ok. u paid a ticket, it’s your right, but say mean [expletive], expect to get mean [expletive] back! Don’t dish it out if u can’t take it! … if u wanna hate, follow someone else. I don’t want u! To all who love me; You are the reason I even have a twitter account! YOU!!! … And noooo, i haven’t been drinking!! At least not yet! lol tune in later for some really controversial [expletive] after some tequila! lol”

Variety reported that Nielson are no longer compiling daily ratings data for MyNetwork because they no longer consider the station a network.
This means that ratings data for Smackdown will be harder to come by in future.

Q&A with Jim Duggan at http://tinyurl.com/ycruqjd noting he is still under contract to WWE and hopes to be part of the Royal Rumble again next year.

Q&A with Ted DiBiase Jr. at http://tinyurl.com/yctqqnb where he pushes Hell in the Cell and calls out Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Bryan Danielson and Nigel McGuinness are waiting for their start dates.

During an interview with WWE Magazine, Vince McMahon talked about what he believes defines today’s top talent in the business. He said: “It’s everything that people don’t see. It’s easy to say from a visual standpoint that bigger is better in reference to past eras of WWF. But take The Warlord, for example. He was enormous — one of the most visually impressive Superstars we’ve had — but he couldn’t sell five tickets. He had no charisma, no “gift of gab,” which is what really sets apart today’s Superstars, even if they may not be as physically intimidating. Someone like CM Punk, even though he’s a good-looking guy, isn’t built like that. He probably weighs less than I do. But today’s fans are drawn to his confidence and charisma. Those are the things a Superstar exudes, and they translate though the television set.”


9/30 house show results from Hannover, Germany: Murat Bosporus over Axel Dieter Jr; Hernandez over Sheik Bashir; Velvet Sky over Taylor Wilde; Samoa Joe over Jay Lethal & Suicide in a three-way; Beer Money over The British Invasion; Rhino over Abyss; Team 3D & Awesome Kong over Scott Steiner, Booker T & Sharmell with Mick Foley as special enforced.

Kurt Angle appeared but didn’t work as we were told he was too banged up.

TNA run tonight in Switzerland, and finish up their European tour Saturday in Dublin, Ireland the country that most of the crew are looking forward to visiting the most. We’re looking for reader reports from both shows to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com.

Impact tonight on Spike has Amazing Red vs. Sheik Bashir vs. Kiyoshi vs.
Consequences Creed vs. Jay Lethal in a ladder match for an X-Division titleshot; Kevin Nash vs. Dr. Stevie; Christy Hemme vs. Traci Brooks billed as a Battle of the Playboy Bunnies; ODB vs. Awesome Kong; Hernandez vs. Kurt Angle; Matt Morgan vs. Eric Young; and Team 3D & Bobby Lashley vs. The British Invasion & Rhyno.


Many of the MMA websites are reporting that Bobby Lashley, who is under
contract to Prize Fight Promotions, is negotiating to transfer his
contract to Strikeforce. The story making the rounds is that all three
sides are attempting to make a deal where Lashley would fight on the
November 7 CBS show. The Ron Waterman fight at one point scheduled for
later this month is now off the table.

Terry Funk was contacted about coming in for Bound for Glory. No idea
yet what his involvement would be.

Sara Del Rey is coming in for a tryout match next month.

Fox News at http://tinyurl.com/yahvtmz picked up the story on Samoa Joe
asking for donations to the Red Cross to assist the people of Samoa
affected by the earthquake and tsunami.

TNA perhaps inspired by the tremendous business WWE did this past
weekend in France has booked the Zenith De Paris (one of the largest
theaters in Paris) for a house show on January 24, 2010.

The Miami Herald at http://tinyurl.com/yenj9ty has a story on Velvet
Sky. She carefully talks about Angelina Love’s release here.

Impact on UK TV for the past couple of week’s was defeated by Raw and
Smackdown in the ratings. It should be noted that TNA programming airs
on free digital TV while WWE programming airs on a premium satellite
network that you have to pay extra for. (Thanks to Mark Jones)


Buddy Wayne’s heart surgery on Wednesday morning was a success. He came
out of the operation two hours ahead of schedule. You can send him well
wishes to him at buddywayne@verizon.net and information on his wrestling
school out of Everett, WA can be found at www.buddywayne.net/.

Sean Haire, the former WWE/WCW wrestler-turned professional bodyguard,
has a December 10 hearing in Savannah to answer charges of battery and
criminal trespass against his ex-girlfriend.

Women Superstars Uncensored runs Saturday at the ACE Arena, Located at
725 Sips Street, Union City, NJ (minutes from New York City) with
Mercedes Martinez, Portia Perez, Brooke Carter, Angel Orsini, Amber
O’Neal, Becky Bayless, Cindy Rogers, Malia Hosaka, and Missy Hyatt
hosting a “Missy’s Manor” segment. More info at www.WSUwrestling.com.

Brooke Hogan has a cameo on The Jeff Dunham Show on Comedy Central. She
apparently goes on a date with Jeff’s puppet Peanut. You can check out a
preview at http://tinyurl.com/y96f9uq. The show premieres October 22.

Al Snow, Sojo Bolt, Bobcat, April Hunter and rock star Roni Johan are
part of a new indy horror movie called The Legacy. The film is described
as a campy tongue-in-cheek slasher following a group of young people on
their camping vacation. I assume everyone dies except for the female
lead. For more info on the film you can visit

The Associated Press at http://tinyurl.com/ydvg47o ran story on the
dangers of football concussions quoting former WWE wrestler Christopher

Dory Funk Jr. has a TV taping Saturday October 17 in Ocala, FL. More
info at http://www.dory-funk.com.

CZW runs Saturday October 10 at The Arena in Philly, PA


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