Wrestling Globe Newsletter for 1-12 (2010)

Tuesday January 12, 2010

Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren – All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion direct to your mailbox.
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1/11 SD/ECW house show results from La Crosse, MN: Kane over Dolph Ziggler; Vladimir Kozlov, Goldust & Yoshi Tatsu over William Regal, Tyler Reks & Zack Ryder; Mickie James over Beth Phoenix; Eric Escobar over Mike Knox; The Hart Dynasty over Jimmy Wang Yang & Slam Master J; Christian over Ezekiel Jackson; Drew McIntyre over John Morrison & Matt Hardy in a three-way; and Rey Mysterio over Batista. Show drew 3,500.

The 1/9 Raw show in Lincoln, NE, drew 4,600.

1/11 Raw TV results from Minneapolis, MN: Alicia Fox over Kelly Kelly; Legacy over Mark Henry & Evan Bourne; Santino Marella over Jack Swagger; Randy Orton over Kofi Kingston & John Cena in a three-way; Eve over Katie Lea in the Divas title tournament; and DX over Chris Jericho & Mike Tyson, who turn on Jericho and knocked him out. Show drew 8,500 paid and just over 9,000 in attendance.

Thanks to everyone that sent in house show reports over the weekend.

The Smackdown/ECW tapings are tonight from Green Bay. ECW features a battle royal for a shot at Christian’s ECW title at the Royal Rumble.
Smackdown has Rey Mysterio vs. Batista in a cage match for a shot at Undertaker’s World title at the Royal Rumble. We’re looking for reports to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com.


Brian Kendrick talks his WWE run at http://tinyurl.com/ych2fym. He said working for Vince brought out the worse in him: “TV sucked because you saw a circus, backstabbers, power hungry people, suck ups, weak people… Also lots of really great, nice, funny people. But I felt like a tool sitting in the bleachers waiting in case they need my skills for something. The boss, I heard, not from his mouth, hates cigarettes, so I would smoke a half a pack a day at work. It was also an excuse to get the f— out of the building for 10 minutes at a stretch.” He talked about his release saying John Laurinaitis called him at home and blamed the economy but Kendrick felt it was due to his marijuana usage:
“[Johnny] then tells me I wasn’t really getting the job done like they expected, at which point I said, “Bulls— Johnny, I made a 60-year-old man look like he still belongs in the ring; don’t give me that.’ Johnny had always been very supportive of my work to my face, always. I know that was garbage. He then says, ‘Look do you want help getting to Japan or what?’ I was insulted. I don’t want his help. I told him I don’t need his help. I asked for the real reason, ‘Is it the pot fines?’ I had a script for it, I had heated discussions with Dr. Black [who operates the WWE Wellness Program], I had to refuse a test to get him to call me at one point. He wouldn’t admit to that. I wanted honesty, maybe I got it, but I think more likely I am dealing with a coward. He did fire me over the phone after all.”

Nora “Molly Holly” Greenwald was visiting friends backstage at Raw as she resides a few miles away from Target Center. Since leaving the company in 2005 she has dedicated her time to various charities and missions. Most recently she helped to raise funds for the Special Olympics.

A smart crowd last night in Minneapolis. Chants of “You Screwed Shawn”
at Tyson, “What!” chants during segments, and more fans behind Orton than Cena. The Miz received a lot of praise for his promo talking about how Chris Benoit [not mentioning him by name] once banned him from the locker room for spilling food debris on a referee’s bag, JBL constantly hazing him, and basically how he would rub people the wrong way during his first few years with the company.

Layfield responded to Miz via his Facebook page. He wrote: “I hear Miz cut a promo on me last night on Raw. Heard he called me a dinosaur- he is correct, I am down here in the tar pits in Cabo right now using my wireless as I look over sea of Cortez-Dino, heaven where an old wrestler should be and he is right where a young wrestler with a great future should be — cutting a promo on me in front of large crowd. Go get ’em kid, because I am, no joking whatsoever, pulling for you!”

Mike Tyson came out last night to a PG remix of Viscera’s old entrance music.

The finish in the Orton-Cena-Kingston three-way was botched. Most people wouldn’t have known but Orton drew attention to it by throwing a fit and saying, “he f–ked it up,” into the camera.

Katie Lea returned to Raw which adds depth with Melina out injured until July. I believe this was her first match on television since September.
Hopefully they will utilize her in-ring moving forward because she’s a solid worker, cuts a decent promo, kind on the eye, and makes everyone look great that she works with.

Rosa Mendes and ring announcer Savannah are the only women left on ECW right now so expect some reshuffling or new faces soon.

Looking at the brackets for the Divas title tournament is appears they are building towards Maryse vs. Gail Kim at the Royal Rumble. They had a decent match last April when Smackdown taped in the UK. They need to get some heat on Kim because they haven’t really done anything with her since she started back here last year.

As noted yesterday, an airline lost Kelly Kelly’s luggage which explains her ring attire and tennis shoes on Raw.

Steve Austin was announced as Raw guest host for March 15 in San Diego.
This will be an interesting show, for many reasons.

Bret Hart is scheduled for Raw next Monday in Knoxville with Jon Heder and Don Johnson as guest hosts. You would think they would promote this but the storyline right now is Vince claiming Bret is gone for good.

Matt Hardy noted on his Twitter than he and Jimmy Yang were hanging out with Ken Anderson, the former Mr. Kennedy, during the house show swing through the Midwest this past weekend. Hardy said he missed Anderson’s presence on the road.

Jack Swagger recently relocated from Florida to Texas.

Super Luchas magazine reported that Mexican luchador Super Nova [son of El Texano] was signed to a developmental deal. Told he is a good kid with a lot of potential. He had a brief stint in CMLL last year but there was heat over an overseas booking he took with Nu-Wrestling Evolution and they stopped using him.

Ohio Valley Wrestling in Lousiblle, KY, will host a two-day WWE tryout next month with John Laurinaitis, The Miz and Gail Kim. Laurinaitis canceled his planned trip to OVW last week to attend the funeral of Steve Williams. He is attending the second day of tryouts on February 23. Cost is just $100 with 100 places available but you must be licensed by the Kentucky Athletic Commission. For more information you can visit www.ovwrestling.com or call (502) 473-0660.

UFC legend Randy Couture talks Tony Halme at http://tinyurl.com/yeego2v.



This morning on Bubba the Love Sponge, Brooke Hogan said she would be back at the Impact Zone next Monday for another live Impact broadcast.
Bubba then played it like she gave away a major announcement. A source at Spike did confirm another live Impact but said it wouldn’t be next Monday.

Speaking of Bubba, Jim Cornette responded to him and Hulk Hogan in his latest podcast at www.WhosSlammingWho.podomatic.com. Responding to Hogan’s claim he was going to offer Cornette a job but doesn’t like negative people in TNA, he said: “[Hogan’s] going to be dealing with plenty of negativity soon; from all the young guys with knots in their head from hitting the glass ceiling… I appreciate Hulk’s comments, and putting me over, and etc. But I was there for three years watching Vince Russo systematically destruct and destroy the foundations of the company, and I don’t need to see the big equipment come in to finish the job off. I’ve got the gig I want [with Ring of Honor] but I do appreciate the offer, thank you very much.” Cornette added: “If Hulk really is broken up about not being able to work with Jim Cornette because I’m negative then I would suggest that he looks across the table at that buggy whip armed Vince Russo clearly with a deer caught in the headlight look wondering what to do next because he’s worried about his job, and say, ‘Why did you run Cornette off with your goofy booking you dumb s–t? And slap him around a little bit.” Cornette’s podcast last week did close to 100,000 downloads.

Eric Bischoff was a guest on the Monday Night Mayhem radio show. He said he started talking to Dixie Carter last June but negotiations weren’t finalized until September, a few months before his debut, and that he has been working in a creative capacity since October. He put over the locker room and said he was thrilled to be working with the company. He
said: “From [his and Hulk Hogan’s] perspective we had to make sure that the business side made sense for us. Our hearts were in it, but we had to make sure the business was right. And on the TNA side, they had to be sure it was right for them. This was a big, big, big challenge from a business standpoint, but it became apparent early on that everyone was committed, that everyone was serious. It took a while but once we finished it up, the first question was, ‘Great, where do we have our press conference?’ And it was actually Hulk’s idea, he said what better place to make the announcement then in Vince’s backyard, let’s do it in Madison Square Garden. The Garden thought they were doing the start of Hulk’s book tour, and we surprised everybody when we used that press conference for the book and to announce the TNA deal.” When asked about TNA people worried about their job or spot with Hogan coming in, he
said: “The cream will rise to the top, and that does breed paranoia and insecurity but it is what it is. It’s the entertainment business, and everyone is concerned about their spot, no matter what it is. At the end of the day those who can will do, and those who can’t won’t, and a lot of that is up to the talent.” And on Spike moving Impact to Monday
night: “Let’s hope so. There’s no hyperbole here, and I’m not selling. I don’t know, but I really hope that’s the case, because I believe that we can produce a better show. I believe the energy of a live show every Monday night head-to-head will create a much bigger audience. Not only do I believe it, we proved it, and we know it. History has proven it’s correct. The WWE would be better off for it, TNA would be better off for it, Spike would be better off for it, USA Network would be better off for it, the talent would benefit from it. So it really is my biggest hope that in 2010, we will have a weekly head-to-head battle.” Full audio is online at www.mondaynightmayhem.com.

Alex Shelley of the Machine Guns is in really bad shape. A scan revealed he has several bulging discs and a herniated neck.

In an effort to drive website traffic, TNA Live debuts on Thursday at www.tnawrestling.com with streaming web shows pre- and post-Impact with Jeremy Borash, Don West, and SoCal Val. They have just finished constructing a new set for the show at the TNA office in Nashville.

More from Vince Russo via his Facebook. He defended the DQ finish in the cage match that opened Impact last week by saying it could happen in an MMA match. He wrote: “Show me the wrestling rule book where it says you can’t have a DQ in a cage match. As far as Monday nights match went there was a reason behind the scenes why the match had to end in a DQ.
These are some of the things wrestling critics never take into consideration.” Not sure what he is talking about here. If he’s claiming they called an audible and changed the finish to a DQ while the match was in progress, then why was Homicide packing a retractable baton?

Bobby Lashley was interviewed about MMA and TNA at http://tinyurl.com/yfcuvyc. On working for TNA and Strikeforce, he said:
“If it becomes a problem for either side, we’ll have to sit down and talk about it. But for now [Scott Coker, Strikeforce CEO] knows that I am completely dedicated to fighting. So he’s checking my schedule. I keep him up to date on what I have scheduled with TNA. And right now, he’s cool with it.” He said he was going to assess his schedule again in
April: “If it’s not causing any problems, I’m going to keep doing it.”
He also said he won’t be working for TNA more than four or five dates per month and is happy with that schedule.

Taz noted on his Twitter that he was considering a knee replacement.


Dwayne Johnson, who is a guest on Jay Leno on Wednesday night, spent the weekend in Mexico promoting his new movie Tooth Fairy. He talked a little wrestling putting over lucha libre saying he was a big fan of Mil Mascaras and El Santo growing up. He also put over the Guerrero family:
“I will always be grateful for the support they gave me. In my development as a wrestler I learned a lot from them, they always offered me their support during the most difficult times of my life.”

Konnan is working on an autobiography about his early years in Mexico, and his runs in AAA, WWE, WCW and TNA.

Former WWE Diva Joy Giovanni is now working an internship for a chiropractor in Los Angeles. She also recently got re-certified in massage therapy for a new business venture she is working on.

Colt Cabana has a comedy gig on January 27 in Chicago at the ComedySportz Theater.

Former WWE announcer Kevin Kelly was hanging out at the Ring of Honor TV tapings this past weekend in Philly… Kelly, along with Antonio Thomas, is hosting a seminar for aspiring wrestlers in Chicopee, MA, on January 17. Kelly will take attendees through the steps needed to succeed in the corporate world of the sport, how to dress, how to act, and how to avoid certain pitfalls. He’ll also touch on interviews and promotion skills.
Those interested in the camp should contact tjm2333@aol.com.

Jim Cornette is booked for the ROH shows in Phoenix during the weekend of Wrestlemania 26.

ROH has just launched an iPhone application. More info at www.rohwrestling.com.

Victory Crown Championship Wrestling runs this Friday in Fort Worth, TX, at the Ridglea Theater. More info at www.victorycrown.com.

Not shown on camera last night during UFC’s Fight Night special was Aaron Simpson coming out to Hulk Hogan’s I Am a Real American music complete with an oversized American flag.

Today’s Diva of the Day is Angelina Love at http://www.thewrestlingpress.com/DailyDiva.


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