WrestleTalkRadio.com Changes Its Name….

Since March of 2004, WrestleTalkRadio has brought the best in online wrestling radio every Sunday night, with guests from both the Indy circuit and the major pro ranks of professional wrestling. We have interviewed such notable names as Ted DiBiase, Booker T, Matt Hardy, Lita, and John Cena among many others. Our tag line has always been “The Evolution Of Online Entertainment, and we have done our best to live up to that  moniker.

We were the first to experiment with a regular call-in line for our listeners. Then we were the first to experiment with video streaming over the internet. Today, there are numerous internet shows that utilize both phone lines and video streaming of their shows over the internet! We happily, unabashedly and gladly take credit for this!
The next step in our Evolution has begun. WrestleTalkRadio has changed its name to Wild Talk Radio, and our tag line is still “The Evolution Of Online Entertainment”. However, we have added another tag-line to complement the new name of the website:”Wild About Sports”!
WTR has moved to Saturday night, and joined the TPSRadio family! We will still cover professional wrestling, but we are now expanding to talk about all sports, from UFC to football, baseball, hockey, etc.
Wild Talk Radio now takes the Evolution to Saturday nights at 9:00 pm, EST, right here on TPSRadio.net! Be sure to join hosts Tim Stein and Dave Standish for all the latest in professional wrestling, UFC, football, hockey, baseball, and basketball! Be sure to check out the “new” website: WildTalkRadio.com!