What has KIZARNY been doing lately?

What KiZARNY does when Vince McMahon isn’t calling the shots!!! 
Florida Metal Bands join forces with WWE Smackdown’s former Freak!!!
…  Friday October 30!

‘KiZARNY’ SiNN BODHi & the DYNAMITE DEATH MONKIEZ are producing the Devil’s Night Party!!! Performing with the Magician from Hell— Dr. Peter Diamond and the Metal Band onslaught of Unkempt, Tug, My Evil Side & Dead Heroes plus much more surprises!!! , The big event is Friday October 30th in New Port Richey at the Bourbon Street Bar www.clubbourbonstreet.com doors at 8pm Show starts at 9pm!!! 15 advance 20 at the door!!!! Metal Bands, Magic, Wrestling, Zombie Dancers, Costume Contests and a Full-Contact-Freakshow!!! Don’t miss it!!!


SiNN BODHi iz the fuNNest Masochist in the World— as seen on WWE SMACKDOWN as “KiZARNY” and on Spike TV’s TNA Wrestling  as “SiNN of the NEW CHURCH” has wrestled all over Canada, USA, Europe and Puerto Rico against wrestling’s most infamous characters – Jake The Snake Roberts, CM Punk, King Kong Bundy, Raven, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Road Warrior Hawk, The Steiner Brothers, Jerry The King Lawler, Val Venis and many more most recently on WWE SMACKDOWN picking up a win over MVP.…

SiNN BODHi has also traveled the world with The JIM ROSE CIRCUS and CARNIVAL DIABLO performing feats of strength and torture such as being electrocuted in a live and lethal Electric Chair!!!


This eccentric showman with an artzy taste for punishment has produced his own Full-Contact-Freakshow known as SiNN BODHi & the DYNAMITE DEATH MONKIEZ!!! A unique stage show that creatively blends circus sideshow-geek magic and pro wrestling into an emotional rollercoaster of fun and insanity!!! Some of the show’s feats include: Whipcream-Thumbtack-Pie throwing, Tongue Torture, Rabbit Juggling, Bending Iron bar in Teeth, WheelChair Jousting, Human Dartboard, Human Pin Cushion, Bed-O-Nailz-Steel-Chair Stuntz, Human Whack-A-Mole and much more!!! SiNN BODHi with his lovely assistants TITAN (Worldz largest midget 7 feet tall, 396 pounds!)… And BLINDSEED (Worldz ONLY blind stuntman!) are taking this show way outside the box!!!…


Please support local music, art & playful insanity by attending our show!!! We would love to do inteviews, sell hotdogs, streak and/or just about anything else to invite the media’s loving attention to local talent!!!
Thank you for your time!!!
Stellah Simmons: Dynamite Death Monkiez (Director of Public Relations)
 KiZaRNiVal FrEak!!! SiNN BoDHi
    (Formerly KiZARNY of WWE Smackdown
                 and the Jim Rose Circus)