Vampiro vs. Kaos on In Your Head

VampiroVampiro vs. Kaos IYH Interview Recap
by Neal JonesVampiro was the scheduled guest, and Kaos was the surprise guest on In Your Head Wrestling Online Radio hosted by Jack, OneInchBiceps and Barbie Richards. Listen live every Wednesday 8:00-10:00 PM EST at and check out our full FREE archive section with over 3 years of archived interviews.
Vampiro was scheduled to come on IYH at 8 PM EST. He could not be reached, when his opponent at XPW Cold Day In Hell, “the Triple Threat Superstar” Kaos called in.


XPW Cold Day In Hell
Saturday Night, May 24 2008
Aviation Park
Redondo Beach, CA
Kaos said Vampiro is always like this, he leaves everyone hanging. Kaos goes on to say Vampiro never lives up to promises, and tells a story about how Vampiro left him at the airport. Kaos hopes Vampiro shows up for their match at Cold Day in Hell.

Jack asks if Kaos has come across veterans with big heads. Kaos says he is a guy who brags about beating Hulk Hogan and Sting and doesn’t have time for the young guys.

Kaos talks about missing XPW, and ever since it’s demise in 2003 he has searched for a home. No locker room has compared to it, and everyone is really excited and wanting to prove themselves.

Jack asks if XPW guys were blackballed after XPW’s demise. Kaos says absolutely he and Webb, Pogo, Supreme etc were blackballed after the Heat Wave ECW PPV incident.

Kaos talks about admiring Vampiro and all he has done in wrestling. Going from a young Canadian kid who ate out of dumpsters and making a huge name for himself in Mexico. He thinks maybe Vamp sees Kaos as someone young and hungry to take his spot.

Kaos talks about the return of the Gangstas after about 10 years. New Jack and Mustafa didn’t get along well, and now they are back for one show.

Caller Jason asks what Kaos’ favorite match was. Kaos talks about facing off with Dynamite D. Kaos talks about Supreme and their wrestling school. Kaos talks about the infamous match where Supreme was burned badly, they had a falling out but recently got back together. Jack mentions how Kaos still got the pinfall after Supreme was laid out and burned, Kaos said he was a little lost when he saw him charred but Supreme wanted a finish for the match.

Jack brings up Dynamite D “Mr. 80’s”, who passed away a few years ago, and the tribute Battle Royal that will take place at XPW Cold Day In Hell. Kaos tells some stories of the different impersonations Dynamite D did.

Kaos talks about getting himself into the greatest shape of his life for his match with Vampiro. Jack asks if he thinks Vampiro is taking this match seriously. Kaos thinks Vampiro just sees him as a young chump, and he has has wrestled big names and might not be training hard for the comeback match.

Jack says the IYH Crew will be rooting Kaos on in the match with Vampiro because he now showed IYH tonight.

Caller Jason brings up Chris Hamrick as one of the most underrated wrestlers and his matches with Kaos being great. Kaos says Chris knows how to pop a crowd, work hold for hold, comedy he can do it all. Kaos talks about learning a lot just working with guys like Hamrick and Shane Douglas.

Kaos talks about “The Dead Sleep Easy” movie with Vampiro, where he also no showed the premier of. Kaos talks about being in the movie with Aguilera and Luke Hawks. Kaos said Vamp was in and out of the set like a big star with a big head. Kaos says Vamp didn’t have respect for the smaller characters on the set.

Kaos puts over the Fan Fest at XPW Cold Day in Hell before the event.

XPW Cold Day In Hell
Saturday Night, May 24 2008
Aviation Park
Redondo Beach, CA

Kaos says Vampiro hasn’t wrestled for 3 years.

Kaos talks about working with Rob Black, and never having a problem with him. He credits Rob for his start in the business and exposure for a lot of guys.

Jack asks if the show does well, could XPW come back. Kaos says they want to focus on this one show being off the charts. If the show does well and the upcoming DVD’s sell well he could see it. Kaos says everyone had their hopes up for WSX, so he knows not to get too excited about anything.

Kaos hoped WSX was going to be everyone’s big break. He doesn’t believe MTV ever got behind the product. He thought it was a great experience and so different than anything else he ever did. Kaos liked the Fight Club look of the show.

Jack asks if the season being taped at once was frustrating because they couldn’t change the show the next week based off feedback. Kaos says that’s true plus it was a hectic schedule.

Caller El Santo asks if Kaos ever wrestled in AAA or CMLL. Kaos says he frequents NGS with Supreme, it is a supreme ECW based promotion. Kaos says as Konnan says Mexico is 10 years behind American wrestling and hardcore is taking off there.

Kaos doesn’t see Vampiro wrestling much longer. Kaos talks about Vampiro being in the Guardian Angels now, and he was in the group 20 years ago in California. Kaos sees Vamp doing it as a way to hide behind a group, just like he hides behind his make-up.

Caller Kronus asks about working with John Kronus. Kaos says he was one of the best guys in the locker room, he didn’t have a big head coming from ECW. Kaos talks about how tremendous Kronus was in the ring for a big guy, and the Eliminators finisher The Total Elimination being one of the best double team maneuvers ever.

Kaos compares Vampiro to Sean “no show” Waltman.

Kaos talks about the WSX team with “Jesus” Aguilera. He spent some time with him working on double team moves before WSX. Kaos personally wanted to be a singles but he felt the team worked well. Kaos says there was a lot of talk for the 2nd season of WSX, they had actually written 4 seasons and eventually the team was going to split and feud. Jack says Aguilera is an underrated promo guys, Kaos said that’s why Vince hired him because he was a good talker and the injuries were bad timings for him. Jack puts over Jesus’s suspenders. Kaos mentions Jesus pushed for him to wear suspenders in the tag team.

Kaos talks about the Miss Xtreme contest at the XPW Cold Day in Hell.

Caller Flea asks if XPW ever stopped any ideas the guys had. Kaos said no but maybe they should have liked the 30″ scaffold or explosions. Kaos talks about XPW TV, and how crazy it was with all the vignettes. New fans are now discovering XPW on the DVD’s from

Kaos talks about how XPW really innovated the DVDS and t-shirts on the Indy Wrestling scene. Now everyone has them, but XPW was the first one to do it. They even had DVD’s before WWE. Kaos credits Rob Black for the XPW DVD’s.

Kaos credits GQ Money for really helping him develop his promos. Jack asks about his falling out with GQ, Kaos says they can still work together but they are no longer friends and at one time they were really close. Kaos says he was against the Enterprise group at first, he thought he’d be lost in the shuffle. It was the total opposite and really catapulted his character.

Kaos talks about a lot of the footage being guerilla footage filmed at 3 on the morning in people’s garages and even a church. At times they would stop traffic and just film their stuff. Kaos talks about basing a lot of the scenes off of movies like Pulp Fiction, Clockwork Orange, Reservoir Dogs etc.

Jack asks who’s idea was it for Kaos to wrestle with the TV title on. Kaos says it was Rob Black’s idea. He couldn’t do his 450 splash, but he did bang up some of the guys like Hamrick and Danny Doring while wearing it.

Kaos talks about getting to see all these guys again either one more time, and hopes this is done right not like the Vince McMahon’s ECW. He believes there is still an audience for hardcore wrestling.

Jack asks if there is a spot for another TV product. Kaos thinks there is, he says a lot of good indys are out there, but there can be one at the next level. Kaos puts over the David Marquez NWA shows.

Kaos says Steve Austin motto DTA Don’t Trust Anyone is something you need to live by in the wrestling business. A lot of Indy guys need to stand up for themselves and not let promoters make false promises, and want you to kill yourself for them.

Kaos talks about how WWE looks for a certain look and style. It’s hard for a guy who can’t do a 3 minute match to get over or get called up.

Kaos tells all the fans to come to XPW Cold Day in Hell. It could be your last chance to see hardcore wrestling, plus dream matches like Supreme vs. Necro Butcher, Kaos vs. Vampiro, the return of the Gangstas and Terry Funk special ref for Sabu and Homeless Jimmy vs. Raven & Johnny Webb.

XPW Cold Day In Hell
Saturday Night, May 24 2008
Aviation Park
Redondo Beach, CA

Kaos says he thinks Vampiro has a big chip on his shoulder and doesn’t respect him or the show Kaos says he pisses on everything Vampiro stands for. Kaos says he wants to use Vampiro as a stepping stone in his career.

Vampiro calls in 80 minutes late and confronts Kaos live on the show. Kaos tells him he is very disrespectful to himself, XPW and IYH.

Vampiro says he personally told people that Kaos had it, he put him in the movie and now he hears Kaos talking this stuff about him.

Kaos and Vampiro get into a verbal war over respect.

Vampiro says he specifically came back to wrestling to help XPW, and Kaos is ungrateful and doesn’t have the ability to draw people or get out of LA. Vampiro says Kaos blames his failures on other people. Vampiro says Kaos should go back to washing dishes and getting coffee for Kevin Kleinrock.

Kaos says Vampiro needs to put the nail in the coffin of his career. Vampiro says he has dealt with so many idiots like Kaos over his career. Vampiro doesn’t need to call people for work, people call him. Kaos says Vampiro is all about excuses and demanding things like a superstar. Vampiro says they go back a long way, he’s never cared about fame only the fans. Vampiro says Kaos will never hang with him.

Kaos and Vampiro talk about wanting to meet in a parking lot to fight, but they want to give the fans something special to see at XPW Cold Day in Hell.

XPW Cold Day In Hell
Saturday Night, May 24 2008
Aviation Park
Redondo Beach, CA

Vampiro talks about coming to the show to help out the young guys, and then he gets disrespected.

Jack asks if he sees himself in Kaos. Vampiro says no, he always showed respect to the veterans, he was brought up in the old school. Vampiro talks about Kaos sending bogus emails and messing up his plane tickets. Vampiro tried to help out Kaos in XPW, WSX and in Mexico. Vampiro says it is really hard to get people in wrestling to be your friend. He took Kaos under his wing, now he talks bad about him and blames Vampiro for not making it.

Vampiro talks about being in the federal police force in Mexico, and the Guardian Angels.

Vampiro talks about charisma being the biggest thing in not just wrestling but any form of entertainment. If you can’t connect with the fans you will never make it. Vampiro says Kaos just doesn’t connect with the fans and doesn’t have it.

Vampiro talks about fans asking him why he doesn’t wrestle anymore. He wants to come back as a Guardian Angel, to help use his popularity as a wrestler to help the Guardian Angels group.

Vampiro talks about all his injuries over 25 years. When he took off, he started feeling his injuries aching.

Caller Duane asks about Vince Russo. Vampiro says he never got along with Russo. He was so frustrated in WCW. He was at the height of his career and because of jealousy and ego he never got a shot. Vampiro felt like he was his most motivated, but Russo kept wanting to do stupid things with him.

Vampiro says Sting was an egomaniac and very jealous of him. He learned a lot working with him though and it was an honor.

Vampiro also talks a lot about working in Mexico, and Konnan. His time in WSX, and MTV not giving it a chance. The Guardian Angels in Mexico. His brief stay in TNA, where Shane Douglas puked all over the ring. His feud with Raven he wished was bigger, him almost going to ECW. Working with Rob Black and his memories of XPW.

Vampiro talks about the Warrior’s return in Spain for NWE. He will not be on the show, and thinks Warrior will be brutal and does not want to work with him.

Caller Jason asks about The Great Muta. Vampiro says it was one of his idols and huge for him to get a chance to meet and work with him. Vampiro puts over Muta’s moonsault and how people today do 100’s of big moves that don’t mean anything because they are never a finish.

Vampiro tells everyone to come and see him and all of the guys at XPW Cold Day in Hell, and he will be part of the Fan Fest as well.

XPW Cold Day In Hell
Saturday Night, May 24 2008
Aviation Park
Redondo Beach, CA

To hear this nearly 3 hour show which includes a Kaos interview, Vampiro interview and a heated argument between the 2 in it’s entirety please visit and live every Wednesday at 8 PM EST including this week with WWE Tough Enough Finalist Brian Danovich !!!

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