Trevor Murdoch shoots on WWE career


Blame it all on his roots.  He showed up in boots and ruined your black tie affair.  But that’s no matter.  After all, Trevor Murdoch has friends in low places…and on

That’s right.  The former WWE World Tag Team Champion joined James Guttman on for a monster 70 minute shoot interview that sets out to answer everything that may have been on your mind regarding his career.  For the first time, many of your biggest questions are finally answered with no subject off-limits.  Among the massive amount of topics Trevor and JG discussed are:

The Full Story Behind The Infamous “Cryme Time Incident”
Heat With JTG and Shad
How They Disrespected John Cena
 His WWE Release and What He Still Doesn’t Know About It Clearing Up False Internet Rumors About His Bio Singing To Vince McMahon In His Office Why He Suddenly Became Very Tan What Vince McMahon Told Him in Catering That Lead To It What He Told Lance To Do The Wrestler He Was Supposed To Feud With On Smackdown The Dupp Cup and his TNA Memories Returning To TNA Vince Russo Being Harley Race’s First Student How He Got His WWE Job Calling Harley To Tell Him What Harley Told Him Not To Do…But He Did Anyway Going From Rhodes To Murdoch

All that, plus DX, The Hardys, Chris Benoit, WCCW, The Von Erichs, Arn Anderson, Rick Steamboat, Michael Hayes, and much more.  To put it simply, when it comes to getting the full story on Trevor’s career, you can count on to “Get ‘R Done!”

One topic that surprised James as well as listeners was Murdoch’s story of how his team with Lance Cade came about.  Despite his past as “Stan Dupp” the TNA redneck, the WWE character wasn’t his from the start.  In fact, someone else, another current WWE star, came up with the idea.  Trevor explained this during his shoot.

“You know, actually, the whole idea of the trucker redneck/southern country boy was Kevin Thorn’s idea and Lance’s…I came in there to do a dark (match).  This idea came up.  I got a call from the office.  ‘Trevor, we’re gonna bring you in for a dark match.  We’re gonna team you up with Lance Cade. ‘ OK cool.  I came in.  I teamed with Lance and we’re walking back, Johnny Ace stops us.  Johnny asked him right then and there.  ‘Lance, I gotta know.  Who do you think would work better in this situation for this tag team?  Lance told him it was me.”
Murdoch goes deeper into the chemistry that he and Cade had, his thoughts on their standing in WWE, the current tag scene, the greatest time in his career and the team he and Lance were working with at the time, and so much more.  It’s 70 full minutes on that you can’t miss.





The 139th edition of JG’s Radio Free Insanity is on the air and available right now at (Flash and MP3 download) This week’s show features Trevor Murdoch from his massive 70 minute shoot.


Trevor’s extended interview on included talk of: The Full Story Behind The Infamous “Cryme Time Incident,” Who They Disrespected,  His WWE Release, Clearing Up False Rumors About His Bio, Why He Suddenly Became Tan, Vince McMahon’s Blunt Nature…and Why He Appreciated It, The Dupp Cup, Returning To TNA, How He Got His WWE Job, Going From Rhodes To Murdoch, Being Harley Race’s First Student, DX, The Hardys, Chris Benoit, and Much More


James Guttman then says that if you enjoy hearing all the interviews on, you’ll love reading about the stories behind them all in his new book, “World Wrestling Insanity Presents: Shoot First…Ask Questions Later.”  It ships to those who pre-ordered it this week and will be available in book stores within the month!


Guttman then talks about the topics you can read about in the new title.  Inside, you’ll get the story on the off-air dealings with guests like Eric Bischoff, Jerry Lawler, the big Demolition Reunion, Jesse Ventura, Damian Demento, Bobby Heenan, Ole Anderson, and tons more.  Plus, the answer to questions like, “Who’s the nicest person off-air?  Who’s the most abrasive?  What was the worst interview you ever did?” and more.


Not just that, but the book features a look at how JG’s views of the industry has changed since his first book was published nearly three years ago.  From the Benoit case to the way the McMahons treat talent to tons of hot-button topics – it’s all in there.


It also features WWE’s own Tom Prichard (former ClubWWI audio host and columnist) with a foreword and a special section that will make this title a must-have for any serious wrestling fan. 

James promises that those who loved the first book will be happy with this one…and so will those who didn’t.  Many stories inside have never been told before.  He knows this is true because…well, they’re Guttman’s stories.  From how a yet-unknown Vince Russo helped him learn to deal with fans to the crazy story of Scott Steiner’s double header, it’s all in there.

So head over to,,, or wherever books or sold and order your copy today.  You’ll be glad you did.


JG then urges everyone to check back on today for the new 55 minute uncut shoot with…ah, you’ll have to check.  You definitely won’t be disappointed.


With that, we go to clips from Trevor Murdoch…


Guttman begins the interview by saying that this week’s guest has shared his last name with wrestling’s biggest stars before becoming one himself.  And while most shoots are sit-down interviews, this week’s guest insists…he’s “Stan Dupp”.  That’s because he’s the one and only Trevor Murdoch.  Laughing, Trevor thanks him and adds, “Great play on words there, buddy.”


JG says that he didn’t even realize at first that Trevor played Stan in TNA at first, but before any of that, he asks Murdoch to let the listeners know what’s going on by him.  Murdoch answers:


“Things are going great.  I’m actually spending a lot of time with my son now.  I’ve got a two year old boy at the house.  He’s gonna be three in November.  I’ve also got a nine year old little girl here at the house.  So basically I got my job three years ago…and I got my son three months later. “


Trevor goes on to talk about how WWE was his dream, but his other dream was to have his son (and a family).  Now, although out of his World Wrestling Entertainment spot, he can focus on being with his children. 


“I’m just loving life, playing with  my kids.  I just recently got married last month…to a wonderful woman (I’ve been with for) six years.  Mother of my kids.  Wrestling on the independents.  Everything’s going great.  I’m really happy, man.”


– Break –


One topic that surprised James as well as listeners was Murdoch’s story of how his team with Lance Cade came about.  Despite his past as “Stan Dupp” the TNA redneck, the WWE character wasn’t his from the start.  In fact, someone else, another current WWE star, came up with the idea.  Trevor explained:


“You know, actually, the whole idea of the trucker redneck/southern country boy was Kevin Thorn’s idea and Lance’s…I came in there to do a dark (match).  This idea came up.  I got a call from the office.  ‘Trevor, we’re gonna bring you in for a dark match.  We’re gonna team you up with Lance Cade. ‘ OK cool.  I came in.  I teamed with Lance and we’re walking back, Johnny Ace stops us.  Johnny asked him right then and there.  ‘Lance, I gotta know.  Who do you think would work better in this situation for this tag team?  Lance told him it was me.”


Murdoch goes on to discuss why Lance made that decision despite his friendship with Kevin and how the two worked well together.


– Break –


James is asking about Murdoch’s move to Smackdown.  People were excited about the new gimmick, but rather than being the start of his singles run…it was the end.  He asks Trevor what he expected when he was moved.  Murdoch says that he didn’t have too many expectations, although he was excited.  He wanted to do great things, but realized it didn’t always work that way.  One person he was excited to work with on Smackdown with Michael Hayes, who he knew would get the Southern character. 


“I had plans moving forward to work with MVP.  In my opinion, I really like MVP.  He’s got a really great character.  I think it would have been a really good opportunity to show myself as a character….He and I could show each other the opposites of each other, you know what I’m saying?”


Trevor talks about the bittersweet nature of his move and how he and Lance Cade are still close friends so it was tough to move on from a tag team that they felt had more to offer.  He adds that he and Lance are back together and if anyone wants to book them for an Independent show, they can.  It’s Serious inquiries only, of course.


Aside from Trevor Murdoch there are close to 150 star interviews are available on for less than five dollars a month. Among the other guests you can hear from are: Jesse Ventura, Big Daddy V, Terry Funk, Jerry Lawler, Vince Russo, Eric Bischoff, Ahmed Johnson, Bobby Heenan, Terri Runnels, Kevin Nash, The Iron Sheik, Sid Vicious, Paul Bearer, Brian Knobbs, Bruno Sammartino, Bryan Clark, Sean Mooney, Erik Watts, Mr. Hughes, Scott D’Amore, Tito Santana, Al Snow, Tod Gordon, JJ Dillon, Charlie Haas, Tom Prichard, Jacques Rougeau, Paul Roma, Tammy Sytch, Too Cold Scorpio, The Honky Tonk Man, Ole Anderson, Kid Kash, Samu, Mike Bucci, Ivan Koloff, Jackie Gayda, Balls Mahoney, Les Thatcher, Jim Powers, Justin Credible, Scotty 2 Hotty, Dawn Marie, John Heidenreich, Jimmy Hart, Jimmy Valiant, Rick Martel, Les Thatcher, Bad News Brown, Nick Bockwinkel, Dory Funk Jr, Diamond Dallas Page, Rob Conway, Sylvain Grenier, Buff Bagwell, Christian Cage, Jazz,  Demolition Ax and Smash, Koko B. Ware, Ricky Morton, Dustin Rhodes, Damian Demento, Fred “Shockmaster” Ottman, Cpl. Kirchner, One Man Gang, Scott Steiner, Shawn Stasiak, Ted DiBiase, Ivory, Chris Masters, Elix Skipper, Kamala, Samoa Joe, Giant Bernard, Bill DeMott, Juvi “Juice” Guerrera, Nora “Molly Holly” Greenwald, Nick Dinsmore, Harley Race, Bull Buchanan, D-Lo Brown, Road Warrior Animal, Missing Link, Rikishi, Slick, Nidia, George Steele, Christy Hemme, Disco Inferno, Paul Ellering, Vito, Steve Blackman, Bushwhacker Luke, AJ Styles, Chris Daniels, Dennis Stamp, Shawn Daivari, Kevin Sullivan, B.G. James, Ron Killings, Zach Gowan, Dan Severn, Earl and Dave Hebner, Baron Von Raschke, Spike Dudley, Rodney Mack, Downtown Bruno, Larry Zybszko, Rick Steiner, Mae Young, and many, more.


James Guttman’s second book, “World Wrestling Insanity Presents: Shoot First…Ask Questions Later,” is available for pre-order on