Trash Talking Radio News

Black Bart, Sweeney and Richards on 6/26 TTRS

Last week we had on Koko B Ware .  Check him out in the archives. 


Tune into this Tuesday’s show at 7 PM EST and ask your questions in the live chat.

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Black Bart

He was a major heel in the 80’s and worked many of the territories.  He worked most of the major promotions and has headlined many of the main events in the places he worked.  This October will be your chance to meet him at the Cow Palace when he comes to the Wrestle Fan Fest at the Cow Palace.  This week we will find out how he got into the business and what made him become the star he was

Larry Sweeney

He is Sweet & Sour.  He is the Man of the hour.  He has worked with many of the greatest in and out of the ring.  This man has worked all over the east coast and has had many great matches.  Dont miss this one. 

Fred Richards

He has worked all over the world as a ref.  He was been affiliated with NWA for a long time and is involved in the NWA Pro East promotion.  This week we welcome back to the show the man who has been not one, but TWO in the indy wrestling ref world.