Tracy Brooks on In Your Head (Recap)

Tracy BrooksBy Neal JonesTraci Brooks was the guest on the In Your Head Show hosted by Jack, One Inch Biceps and Barbie Richards at

Traci is welcomed to the show, Jack offers to cuddle with her to warm her up.

Traci mentions the Wrestlefest March 1st in Newark, Ca which includes a wrestling card and meet and greet. She will be taking on Gail Kim, and many other TNA stars will be there such as Kaz, Christy Hemme along with legends such as Bret Hart, Honky Tonk Man and many more, for more information please visit

Callers Jason asks what is is like to break into the business with Gail Kim and now are both in the same promotion. Traci says it was tough splitting up after their first few years in the business together, now they are back together in TNA and are best of friends.

Jason also asks about Traci’s first appearance in TNA with Lolli Pop. Traci says dancing in the cage was the most horrifying thing to do. She still has the Catholic School girl outfit.

Traci talks about having a crush on Ricky Steamboat, and was amazing to work with him in ROH. He and Shane Douglas gave her a lot of good advice, Shane really taught her a lot about being a valet. Traci credits Shane for being where she is now, some people think you just stand there as a valet. She learned when to shine and when to help cover things up, and when to stay low. Traci says Shane and Robert Roode she had such chemistry with they just do what to do.

Traci talks about Elizabeth being the reason she got into wrestling. She hated her as a kid, and wanted to get into wrestling to kick her a$$ for not helping her man. Later on Traci realized how much Elizabeth really did, and wishes she got a chance to meet her. Traci compares Elizabeth and Socal Val, how they can get across such emotion in their faces. Traci tells a story about being knocked out by Jeff Jarrett’s guitar shot, and Socal Val crying backstage.

Jack asks if Traci is in the TNA Video Game. Traci says the knockouts taped a match for it, but only Christy will be a character in it. Next year she hopes they will be.

Traci says she is so happy to see how the Knockout division has been accepted. Traci has been with TNA since the beginning and had faith in the company, to see the Knockout Division do so well is so special to her and all the workers in TNA.

Jack asks if Traci feels proud to be in TNA, and about long time internet rumors TNA was going to close down. Traci says she loves reading negative TNA comments, it proves people are watching it. She says when people bash TNA it just fuels them to succeed.

Caller El TNA Fan asks if the Eric Young Robert Roode feud went on too long. Traci says no, both are great performers and it was perfect good guy vs. bad guy.

Jack asks if it was a blow to the ego to lose a bikini contest to Eric young. Traci says she is still working out because of it.

Caller asks about Curry Man. Traci says Daniels was great and she misses him, Curry Man is very fun and makes her happy.

Incher asks who Traci’s favorite Knockout to wrestle. Traci says she can’t answer that, she has a lot of history with Gail. ODB is her best friend and so charismatic. Kong is so strong. Jackie Moore is the toughest she has ever wrestled. Traci trained with Angelina Love.

Jack asks if it was a proud feeling seeing Kong vs. Gail Kim main event TNA Impact. Traci said she was in tears. Traci tells a story about watching the first Gail Kong match with Jim Cornette and Jim saying “that’s girls doing that” in response to the fan reaction.

Traci puts over the TNA locker room, saying they are all very supportive. They all do their best for the fans and all the locker room.

Jack asks if Traci enjoys doing the fanfests. Traci loves it more now that she is a baby face. She had a hard time being mean to people when she was a heel. She always goes out of her way to sign things for fans.

Traci says she looks at Jim Cornette, Freddie Blassie and Bobby Heenan to be a better manager.

Jack asks Traci if she would want to pursue being an in ring worker or manager/valet. Traci says that is a hard choice. She loved getting booed with Robert Roode, and seeing him do his job as a heel so well. She loved doing all the the gimmick story lines with bikinis and storylines.

Caller Dan from Buffalo asks about upcoming TNA live events. Traci says to check out to see where they are. Jack asks if it is good to see TNA branch out to other venues. Traci says it is the best thing TNA has ever done. She feels their live shows have all been great, and they stay after the show to talk to the fans. Traci says she has been surprised by the reactions in some towns, that the characters get great reactions out of Orlando. Jack puts over seeing TNA live on Cape Cod.

Caller Taso asks if Traci watches Japanese wrestling and if she would want to wrestle any of the Japanese wrestlers. Traci says she hasn’t wrestled there, she does watch it and it scares her, they are awesome. She would like to work Aja Kong some day. Traci would like to experience wrestling there.

Traci talks about wanting to be the TNA women’s champion someday. She would consider that the biggest honor of her career.

Jack asks if Traci will ever bring the Pie in the Sky finisher back. Traci says she used it at a current PPV, and Don West missed it.

Caller El Santo mentions seeing Traci wrestle in AAA. Traci says she was in Mexico before as Konnan’s manager. She trained in a lucha libre school in Canada with Gail Kim. Traci saya it was incredible being there with 18,000 fans.

Caller The Flea asks if Traci prefers being a heel or baby face. Traci says both. She enjoys the baby face now quite a lot, and the turn was really good. Traci says it is hard being a face today because people want to cheer the heels. She did have fun being a heel and being booed, but she really enjoys fan interaction.

Traci tells all her fans to come see her at her appearances, and asks if it is a compliment or an insult to tell her “you’re more beautiful in person than on TV”. The IYH crew thanks Traci for coming on, and reminds everyone to go see her at the BTW Wrestlefest March 1st and to check out TNA every Thursday on Spike and

You can listen to the full-length 30 minute interview and other current interviews with TNA Knockout ODB, Chikara’s Mitch Ryder, RVD, Juventud Guerrera, Manny Fernandez and D-Ray 3000 at and new episodes Wednesdays at 8 PM EST.