Tommy Dreamer featured in Newsday

From a recent Newsday article:

Tommy Dreamer donned a suit last week to take some pictures for a friend, who will use the likeness of him all dolled up for a villain character in a comic book.

“My body and suits don’t get along well,” Dreamer jokes over the phone.

The suit, according to Dreamer, is one of the few things in his life today that doesn’t fit. Now 41, he spends his days doing, well, whatever pleases him. It could be shooting scenes for the sci-fi flick Sensory Perception, which comes out next year. It could be helping friends do construction work. And he figures he’s only had about two weekends since he left WWE that hasn’t involved him being inside the squared circle — continuing the career he started at 18 that earned him the title “The Innovator of Violence.”

These days, Dreamer seems just plain innovative.

Read the rest of the article here: