TNA SPOILERS for 5/17 & 5/24 iMPACT

Please credit Alan J. Wojcik of if used. 
These are the LIVE SPOILERS from two episodes of TNA IMPACT where found out the fate of the World Heavyweight and World Tag Team championships now that NWA Executive Director Robert Trokich has pulled the NWA belts from the TNA promotion. According to a NWA source the TNA officials were informed of this decision after the annual NWA convention in October. The NWA will be holding a worldwide tournament to crown their new champion, with the first round matches taking place in the next few weeks. The “mascot” was back shooting shirts out to the fans.  

Possibly we will also find out some of the people who will be in the annual King of the Mountain match to be held in Nashville at Slammiversary. David Penzer informed us that “Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels challenged anyone on the roster to a “First Blood” match during hour one of Impact.  

Hour one news and matches: 

We were joined at the opening of the show by the new World Heavyweight champion Kurt Angle. He was wearing the new title belt which kind of looked like an old WWWF title belt but it looked good. Angle said it took him months to get here and finally he was the World Heavyweight champion after fighting Samoa Joe, Sting, Scott Steiner and Christian Cage when Sting crashed the party. Sting admitted last night the Ankle Lock was the real deal and he needed some Advil, also admitting he tapped out to Kurt Angle. Sting said he had Cage pinned before he tapped out and he felt he was the true World Heavyweight champion. That of course brought out Christian Cage and Tomko. Cage said that Sting and Angle prided themselves on doing the right thing. Cage said he also had a legitimate claim to be the World champion even after Jim Cornette’s “5-1advantage.” Cage invoked the Chris Jericho clause using the TNA rulebook as his weapon. That didn’t happen when Jim Cornette made his presence felt. Cornette said one thing was certain about the match on the PPV, Cage was pinned and wasn’t the champion. He also said Sting tapped out and he wasn’t the champion either. He took the title from Angle’s hands and said the belt wasn’t Angle’s either. Cornette said that Andrew Thomas was not the referee of record so the match result was null and void. He then verbally ran down Cage, Angle and Sting while the fans chanted for Samoa Joe. Cornette said guys like Joe and Rhino were hungrier than the trio in the ring. Ten stars (with Rhino, Joe, Sting, Cage and Sting included) in TNA would be fighting until Slammiversary to earn the right to be in the King of the Mountain match.  

Mike Tenay and Don West spoke to the home viewers about what went down in the ring. Jeremy Borash came out briefly introduce Japanese legend Antonio Inoki. He said in June there would be some kind of talent exchange. “Showtime” Eric Young and the mascot were hanging out in the fans. During the first hour we only saw one backstage segment and it was at the end of the show.  

(1) The Motor City Machine Guns (World X Division champion “the Future” Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley) defeated Jerry Lynn & Tiger Mask IV.Sabin also came out with a new title belt. Sabin and Lynn picked up where they left off at Sacrifice, trading high impact moves. Lynn took control with a head scissor and tagged in Tiger Mask, which sent Sabin scurrying to his corner to tag Shelley. Shelley hit a jawbreaker but it didn’t work but the double team dropkick to the back into an STO worked. Tiger Mask countered a back suplex into a enziguri but he got hit by a Sabin Acecrusher. Lynn ended up on the floor as Sabin/Shelley hit machine gun like kicks to the head of Tiger Mask before getting the pin. After the bell they attacked Lynn but it backfired as Lynn was saved by Mr. Backlund. That didn’t last long as they took over on the former champion who was saved by “Black Machismo” Jay Lethal (sporting his new t-shirt.)  

(2) In a “First Blood” match, “Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels defeated Raven (w/Serotonin members Havok AKA “Hotshot” Johnny Devine, Kaz AKA Frankie “the Future” Kazarian and Martyr AKA Matt Bentley) Daniels went to use the baseball bat but Raven used his kendo stick. Raven went to end it with a screwdriver to the head but Daniels escaped. Raven called for his chair but Daniels ended up using it as a weapon. Raven got it back but Daniels hit an enziguri. Daniels’s STO onto the chair was blocked but not the DDT into the chair by Raven. Raven splintered the Kendo Stick (not one owned by Kahagas as his kendo sticks NEVER break) and tried to cut open Daniels but a crotch shot stopped that. Daniels got the shards and split open Raven to win. Shockingly Serotonin did not interfere during the match but they did save Raven from further beating. Kaz said Raven needed to be disciplined so he demanded Raven kneel. Raven obliged but when Kazarian went to hit Raven, Martyr and Havok stepped in front. I guess Frankie Kazarian is out of Serotonin.  

“Showtime” Eric Young and his army of friends made their way into the Impact Zone. Young got in the ring to say he wasn’t here to party, but to give thanks to Jeff Jarrett who taught him to believe in himself and do what is right. Next he thanked the fans for their support in his battles. He claimed he was a free man but that brought out Robert Roode and Ms. Brooks. Roode said hi hearing was going because he didn’t think he heard Young right. He threatened to fire Young but he said the rules have changed since Jim Cornette threatened a lawsuit. Roode said Young needed a good attorney because he was going to sue Young for all he was worth. Young took the envelope from Roode and wiped it on his butt. Young got decked but he fought back despite Ms. Brooks’ interference. The fans chanted for Jeff Jarrett but he was not in attendance. The mascot got Roode’s attention long enough for Young to get a chair and swing but miss hitting Roode.  

Tenay and West spoke to the home viewers.  

(3) In a KOTM qualifier, Kurt Angle defeated “War Machine” Rhino.This was an interesting match from bell to bell. Angle and Rhino traded side headlocks and shoulder tackles but neither got total control as one would separate from the other before hand. Rhino got control with a TKO but got two as angle slid out into the Ankle Lock but Rhino countered out into a powerslam. Rhino went for and missed the GORE and Angle hit a German Suplex. Angle took Rhino over into a rear chinlock but Rhino fought to his feet hitting a clothesline and a corner spear. A Northern Lights Suplex got Rhino a two count and so did a spinebuster. Angle went up top but Rhino met him and brought Angle down in a superplex but got two for his effort. Angle escaped a belly to belly and hit Rhino with another German suplex before the singlet came down. Rhino got out of the Olympic Slam but his GORE was stopped and Angle won via the Olympic Slam.  

On screen we saw Leticia Cline get from Jim Cornette the main event of hour two would be Sting against Samoa Joe. The Steiner Brothers came in with a table and asked for a match with Team 3D. I think Cornette agreed to an in-ring confrontation of some kind. 

Hour two news and matches:  

No backstage promos were played for the fans to watch. 

Team 3D and their new belts made their way into the Impact Zone. Ray said the word on the street was the Steiner Brothers wanted to talk so he asked them to come out. Rick and Scott obliged to a mixed reaction. Team 3D said it was an absolute pleasure to be in the ring with one of the best tag teams in history. Scott didn’t want the fans or Ray’s opinion about how great they were, he wanted to talk about the lack of legacy in 3D’s hand. Scott said they were the first WCW Tag Team champions (sort of truth) and he felt the WCW 3D was talking about was the abortion Vince McMahon forced down the fans throat. He felt the ECW “World” Tag Team titles weren’t as word wide as the Steiner’s victory for the IWGP titles while 3D never left the Bingo Hall. Scott said Team 3D beat no one. Rick Steiner pulled out a long list of team they defeated in their career and it was a long list of wrestling legends. Ray felt Rick needed to not acknowledge the defeat of the Outsiders. He said they had respect for 3D not like some punks in the business. Scott bottom-lined it by saying 3D’s legacy didn’t mean SHIT! Devon said he didn’t like the treatment they were getting for putting the Steiner’s on a pedestal. Devon said yeah the Steiner’s have beaten everyone but not 3D. Scott challenged them to a match at Slammiversary. Ray accepted and wanted the absolute best the Steiner’s had to bring. 

(1) Damaja and Basham (w/Christy Hemme) defeated Kip James and Lance Hoyt.At Sacrifice Kip got his butt kicked by Basham/Damaja and with Hoyt he looked to exact some revenge. Kip had control of Basham but a blind tag to Damaja changed that. They made several tags wearing down Kip as Hoyt could only pace the apron. Kip survived the onslaught as Hoyt got rid of Hemme. In the end with Hoyt out of the match Damaja hit Kip with an inverted atomic drop and Basham hit a leg lariat takedown to win.  

(2) “The Instant Classic” Christian Cage and Tomko defeated Latin American Xchange (“Notorious 187” Homicide and Hotstuff Hernandez w/Konnan on crutches)Cage looked a little naked without the 10 pounds of gold around his waist. Instead of locking up with Hernandez, Tomko tagged out to Cage to begin the match. It worked in the favor of LAX as they took over on Cage with double team moves until Cage could tag out to Tomko who wasn’t affected by Homicide’s punches to the head. To the shock of many the non LAX fans cheered for them as Tomko hit Homicide with a throw away slam. Konnan and Hector Guerrero were talking at ringside as Cage got a two count on Homicide. Tomko hit a running powerslam but somehow Homicide escaped defeat. Hernandez made a blind tag and hit Cage with a slingshot shoulder block and a throw away choke slam. Homicide left the ring to confront Guerrero and it allowed Cage to escape a Border Toss when Tomko kicked Hernandez in the face. That set up a Cage Frog Splash for the win. Konnan and the LAX were ready to fight Guerrero when Rhino and “Wildcat” Chris Harris came out to even the odds up. To the surprise of no one LAX retreated from danger.  

(3) In a KOTM qualifier, Samoa Joe defeated Sting.This was the one of best of the 90’s taking on arguably one of the best in current time. The fans were split as some chanted Joe’s Gonna Kill you towards the Icon even as the show was at commercial. The match went on with neither man fully containing control as Joe escaped the Scorpion Death Lock and Sting escaped the Kokina Clutch. When Joe took over with some punches “Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels came to ringside. Sting missed the Stinger Splash but Joe didn’t miss an enziguri. TV came back live as Sting asked Daniels to leave ringside. Joe wasted no time in going back on the attack as Daniels stayed ringside. Joe stretched out Sting on the mat but Sting fought to his feet but ran into a leg lariat that got Joe a two count. Joe locked in a Crossface like move but Sting fought out of that too but Joe tossed him to the mat before hitting an elbow drop for two. Sting countered out of a suplex and hit the Scorpion Death Drop. Daniels argued with Andrew Thomas and he tossed the bat to Sting. But Sting refused to use it and Daniels paid him back by hitting Sting in the back. Joe hit a Samoan Drop to win.  

Matches taped for Xplosion and TNA Today: 

(1) Senshi defeated LAX member “Notorious 187” Homicide when he countered out of the Cop Killa into a pin. The history on this one is Homicide trained Senshi (Low Ki) at the famous Dog House on Long Island. 

(2) Petey Williams and “Showtime” Eric Young defeated Motor City Machine Guns (World X Division champion “the Future” Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley) when Young rolled up Shelley who tried to block Williams from hitting Sabin with the Canadian Destroyer.  

Announced matches for Slammiversary: **In the King of the Mountain match for the new World Heavyweight championship, Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe vs. 3 other people TBD on the 5/28 TV taping. ***World Tag Team champions Team 3D (Ray and Devon) vs. the Steiner Brothers (Rick and Scott) I am guessing at Sting vs. “Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels based on hour two’s events.