TNA presents Bound For Glory from Japan


TNA Bound for Glory
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Date: October 12, 2014
Commentators: Jeremy Borash, Mike Tenay, and Taz

The 2014 TNA Bound For Glory pay-per-view opens with a video package and a look at the feud between James Storm, Sanada and The Great Muta.

– We open up from Korakuen Hall from Tokyo, Japan. Taz and Mike Tenay are on commentary from Nashville. We go to the ring with Jeremy Borash. Borash calls this a unique, once in a lifetime event and welcomes us. Borash is doing the ring announcing tonight.

Manik vs. Minoru Tanaka

We go to the ring and out first comes Manik. Minoru Tanaka is out next.

They’re using the Wrestle-1 ring and the crowd is making a little bit of noise before they lock up. They get quieter as the match begins. They lock up and Tanaka takes Manik down with a dropkick for applause from the crowd. Tanaka with a back kick to the chest. Manik dodges and Tanaka hits the floor. Manik slingshots out but Tanaka goes back in the ring. Tanaka charges but Manik goes under the ring. Tanaka looks around. Manik comes from the other side of the ring and drops Tanaka on his head. Manik keeps control and dropkicks Tanaka in the back of the head for a 2 count.

Manik with the back suplex for a 2 count. Tanaka makes a comeback but misses a missile dropkick. Manik dodges another dropkick but gets floored by the next attempt. Tanaka comes back and hits a missile dropkick for a 2 count. Tanaka with a snap suplex and a knee drop for another 2 count. More back and forth. Manik barely connects with a kick for a 2 count. Manik goes to the top but gets caught with a pin attempt. Tanaka with a big dropkick that sends Manik into the corner. Tanaka climbs up for a superplex and another 2 count. Fans chant as they trade holds and pin attempts. Manik with a brainbuster for a close 2 count. Manik with a double underhook for another close pin attempt. Manik gets caught by a huge kick and the armbar for the win.

Winner: Minoru Tanaka

– We get a look at Team 3D from Slammiversary 2007 where they defeated Rick Steiner and Animal.

– Ethan Carter III is backstage. He’s bringing a surprise person to Wednesday’s Impact Wrestling. He talks about starting EC3 year 2 and taking his undefeated streak worldwide tonight. We get a video package for EC3.

Ethan Carter III vs. Ryota Hama

We go to the ring and out comes Ethan Carter III. Ethan cuts a promo and says finally he’s in a country that shows him the respect he deserves. He then mocks the Japanese fans for not knowing English. Ethan talks about being undefeated and says he’s the greatest wrestler alive today. He talks about who he’s defeated, including Sting. He says he’s going to slam Hama tonight. Ethan does a “slam ham, ham slam” chant. Out comes former Sumo wrestler Ryota Hama in gear that looks just like Rikishi’s.

Fans chant for Hama as the bell rings. They lock up and Hama takes Ethan to the corner. He backs off and Ethan talks trash. He puts his hands on Hama and gets shoved to the mat. Ethan goes to the floor. They lock up again and Ethan runs into three big shoulders. Hama runs over Ethan with a fourth shoulder and the fans pop. Ethan goes back to the floor.

Ethan comes back in and mocks Hama being a Sumo. Hama squares up and slams him hard. Hama stands on Ethan. Hama suplexes Ethan in from the apron and does a forward roll down onto him for a 2 count. Ethan moves out of the way and dodges a splash. Ethan unloads on Hama while he’s down. Ethan slams Hama face first into the mat several times. Hama blocks a move and nails a big clothesline. Hama drops a big elbow for a 2 count. Hama with a huge running splash in the corner. Ethan drops down and Hama hits the big Rikishi splash. Hama with a 2 count. Hama misses another splash. Ethan tries to slam Hama but Hama falls on top of him for a 2 count. Hama puts his rear in Ethan’s face and rubs it around. Ethan with a low blow and the 1 Percenter for the win.

Winner: Ethan Carter III

– We get a look at Team 3D defeating Beer Money at Lockdown 2009.

– We get a video from the night before of MVP. He says some are fans of sports entertainment but some, like him, are fans of the art of wrestling. He says people ask him why he walked away from a multi-million dollar position (with WWE) to go compete in Japan. MVP says he looks for a challenge and the best wrestlers are found in Japan. He wanted to test himself to prove that he’s a premiere wrestler on the planet. He says his heroes, guys like Muta and Misawa, strike fear in the hearts of other peoples heroes, sports entertainers. MVP says he has had success in Japan and now he’s back. He’s done his homework on Sakamoto and he’s not impressed.

MVP vs. Sakamoto

We go to the ring and out comes MVP to a pop. Kazma Sakamoto is out next. He previously worked in WWE as Tensai’s assistant.

They lock up and go at it. MVP drops Sakamoto with a shoulder and dusts his shoulder off. Fans chant for MVP and Sakamoto doesn’t like it. They lock up and go to the ropes. More back and forth, and some stalling. They meet in the middle with shoulders. MVP grabs Sakamoto’s hair and unloads on him. MVP with a slam. MVP goes for the Ballin’ elbow drop but Sakamoto slides to the floor. MVP leaps out of the ring and takes Sakamoto down to a big pop. Fans cheer for MVP now. MVP pulls Sakamoto but he holds onto the barrier. Sakamoto with a cheap shot. MVP whips Sakamoto into the barrier and hits a huge Drive By kick.

MVP brings it back in for a 2 count. Sakamoto with a shot to the throat and a flurry of shots in the corner. Fans boo Sakamoto as he puts a boot to the throat in the corner. Sakamoto with kicks to the leg and a 1 count. Sakamoto with a face plant. Sakamoto misses twice and MVP makes a comeback with rights. MVP unloads in the corner and hits a nice suplex. MVP jumps to his feet as fans pop. MVP drops Sakamoto again and hits the Ballin’ elbow drop. MVP with a Fisherman’s suplex for 2. Sakamoto dodges a kick and nails a big kick to MVP’s face for 2. Sakamoto with a running kick for another 2 count. MVP blocks a knee and rolls Sakamoto up for 2. MVP dropkicks the leg out. MVP with a modified Shining Wizard for the win.

Winner: MVP

– We get pre-recorded comments from Samoa Joe. He says he wondered why he took this mission and then realized it was to bring the X Division, the greatest division in the world, into the spotlight. Joe talks about his opponents and says he will leave the X Division Champion tonight.

TNA X Division Title Match: Low Ki vs. Kaz Hayashi vs. TNA X Division champion Samoa Joe

We go to the ring and out comes Low Ki to a pop. Former WCW star Kaz Hayashi is out next. TNA X Division Champion Samoa Joe is out next to a decent reaction.

Ki strikes first and sends Hayashi out of the ring for a breather with one single shot to the stomach. Joe and Ki go at it but Hayashi comes in and nails Ki. Joe decks Hayashi from behind. Joe with a headbutt to Ki and right hands to Hayashi. Joe with a big chop to Hayashi’s back and a kick to his face. Joe with a 2 count after a knee. Hayashi with a cheap shot to take control of Joe. Hayashi dumps Joe over the top rope. Ki works Hayashi over now. Ki ends up dropkicking Joe through the ropes. Hayashi drops Ki with a spin kick. Joe comes to the apron and Hayashi tries to suplex him in. Joe counters and brings Hayashi to the apron. Joe takes him out with a big chop. Ki nails a springboard kick to Joe for a 2 count. Ki throws Joe out of the ring as fans chant “this is awesome” and Ki trades chops with Hayashi on the floor. Joe runs over them both with a double clothesline and fans cheer.

Joe and Hayashi are in the ring now. Joe hits the inverted atomic drop, big boot and the back splash for a 2 count as Ki breaks the pin. Ki mounts Joe in the corner with elbows to the head. Joe comes back with a powerbomb style pin for a 2 count and keeps it held for a submission. Joe moves into a STF but Ki won’t tap. Hayashi tries to break the hold but just applies a STF on both Joe and Ki at the same time. They break and Hayashi hits Joe. Joe fires back with right and left slaps. Hayashi fires back with rapid fire kicks to the face. Hayashi drops Joe with a neckbreaker for a 2 count after Joe gets fired up. Hayashi tries to lift Joe on his shoulders but Ki dropkicks them both. Hayashi puts Ki on his shoulders but it’s countered. Ki ends up hitting Warrior’s Way for a pin attempt. Hayashi leaps out onto Joe but Joe ran in before he could get out. Joe runs the ropes and dives out, taking Hayashi and Ki down. Fans chant for TNA. Joe with chops to Hayashi now. He brings him back in. Joe catches Hayashi in mid-air and slams him. Joe calls for the Musclebuster and fans chant his name. Joe goes for the Musclebuster on Hayashi but Ki comes in. Joe moves and Ki kicks Hayashi in the head.

Ki and Joe trade vicious shots into the corner. Joe ends up getting the Kochina clutch on Ki for the win as Ki passes out in the hold.

Winner: Samoa Joe

– After the match, JB interviews Joe in the ring. Fans chant Joe’s name. Joe talks about the Japanese fans and says TNA is here to start a new wrestling revolution with Wrestle-1. He says he is Samoa Joe, this is Bound For Glory and he is pro wrestling.

– We get a look back at Team 3D reuniting to put Dixie Carter through a table. They show pre-recorded comments from Tommy Dreamer, who inducted them into the Hall of Fame. He didn’t think he would be coming back to Japan but to come back and wrestle with his best friends is an honor. He talks about how special the match is and gives thanks.

Jiro Kuroshio and Yusuke Kodama vs. Andy Wu and El Hijo del Pantera

We go to the ring and JB introduces the Wrestle-1 announcer for the Wrestle-1 Feature Presentation match. Andy Wu and Hijo del Pantera are out first.

This was a good back and forth tag match that the fans were into. Pantera hit a big dive over the top rope onto Kodama and the floor at one point. Kodama then hit a face plant on Pantera in the ring for 2. Jiro wrestles in his custom made airbrushed jacket. He also was adjusting his hair while he was pining Pantera. Wu finally gets a hot tag and unloads on Kodama. Pantera comes back in and the masked team double teams Kodama. Pantera hits a 619. Jiro comes in to make the save but gets sent right back out. Wu springboards out onto the floor with a crossbody on Jiro. Pantera slams Kodama and goes to the top. Pantera goes for a 450 but lands on his feet. Wu makes the save but Jiro tosses him out and hits a big swanton on the floor. Kodama with a corkscrew moonsault on Pantera for the win.

Winners: Jiro Kuroshio and Yusuke Kodama

– We get a video package for Team 3D’s TNA Hall of Fame induction. We see highlights from the ceremony. Tommy Dreamer did the honors and talked about their success in both singles & tag teams. Dreamer said he couldn’t be more proud. They were presented with Rolex watches. Devon said when he and Bully Ray got together it was magic and he couldn’t have asked for a better partner. He thanked TNA and said it’s been cool to dance one more time. Bully said the fans are the ones who really got 3D inducted into the Hall of Fame. He also thanked Devon and the people in TNA. He said it’s been like a marriage with Devon. He thanked The Great Muta for having them, TNA and fans again.

Abyss and Tommy Dreamer vs. Team 3D

We go to the ring and out comes Tommy Dreamer to a pop. He’s wearing a House of Hardcore t-shirt and gets an ECW chant. His partner Abyss is out next. Team 3D is out next to a nice reaction. Bully and Devon both have chairs in hand.

On their way to the ring, Team 3D gets the crowd up and going for the biggest pop of the night so far. Fans chant for tables. The two teams meet in the middle of the ring but Abyss is all business. Devon starts off with Dreamer. They go at it and both is elbow drops. They square up again and Dreamer tosses his headband into the crowd. Abyss tags in and wants Bully. Bully and Abyss go at it. They meet in the middle of the ring and collide with clotheslines but Bully gets right up. Abyss works Bully over and body slams him. Bully tags in Devon. They try to double team Abyss but he knocks them into each other. They come back and run into him. Devon sends Abyss over the top. Dreamer comes in and goes at it with Bully but gets double teamed. Abyss comes back in but Devon decks him. Bully slams Dreamer and tosses Abyss to the floor. Bully holds Dreamer’s legs while Devon goes to the top for the big headbutt. They call for the tables and the fans pop.

Dreamer and Devon end up fighting in the crowd. Dreamer spits water at Devon. Abyss uses the bell on Bully and makes it ring. Bully drops Abyss and puts the bell over his crotch before hitting it with the hammer. Dreamer and Devon are still fighting through the crowd. They start filling the ring up with weapons now. Bully and Dreamer use kendo sticks while Devon and Abyss use chairs on each other. They brawl for a few minutes. Abyss drops Devon and puts a chair on his chest. Abyss runs the ropes but Devon crotches him with the chair. Devon slams Abyss for a 2 count. Devon positions the table and lays Abyss over it. Devon goes to the top but Dreamer cuts hi off and pushes Abyss off the table. Dreamer climbs up for a superplex but Bully nails him in the back with a chair. Bully powerbombs Dreamer through the table for a big pop.

Abyss pulls thumbtacks from under the ring and pours them on the mat. Abyss tries to hit a double chokeslam on the tacks but they counter and drop Abyss face first into the tacks. Dreamer comes in and decks Team 3D with a kendo stick but they turn it around and hit the 3D for the win.

Winners: Team 3D

– After the match, Team 3D stands in the ring as fans chant their name. Bully thanks the Japanese fans. Bully talks about how they are able to do what they love. They always tell people that their favorite place to fight in the entire world is Tokyo, Japan. Devon does the “testify!” line and their music hits as fans cheer. Team 3D goes through the crowd to celebrate.

– We get pre-recorded comments from Velvet Sky. It’s her first time in Japan but she’s hoping it’s not her last. Sh talks about Havok next. Velvet says she wants the Knockouts Title, the odds are in her favor and she’s not afraid of Havok.

– We get a video package for Havok and her Knockouts Title win.

TNA Knockouts Title Match: Velvet Sky vs. TNA Knockouts champion Havok

We go to the ring and out first comes Velvet Sky to a decent reaction. TNA Knockouts Champion Havok is out next.

Havok charges but Velvet moves twice. Velvet gets a few shots in and a clothesline but Havok won’t go down. Velvet with kicks and forearms but Havok still won’t go down. Havok stumbles around as Velvet keeps up the attack. Velvet comes off the second rope three times. Velvet runs the ropes but Havok catches her and drops her over the knee. Havok beats Velvet back down and into the corner. Havok yells at the referee and goes back to hitting Velvet with shoulder thrusts in the corner. Velvet says Havok is crazy. Havok drops Velvet over knee and holds it. Velvet starts to fight back but Havok cuts her off and applies a bear hug.

Havok barks at the referee again and slams Velvet. Velvet looks to make another comeback and staggers Havok with a clothesline and many forearms. Havok counters with an elbow but Velvet takes her down with a scissors. Velvet with a crossbody off the second rope for a 2 count. Velvet comes off the second rope again but Havok catches her and applies the bear hug. Havok rag dolls Velvet for just a second and Velvet submits.

Winner: Havok

– We get pre-recorded comments from James Storm. Storm talks about how Sanada was lost under the guidance of The Great Muta. He says Muta may be number one but there’s always room for a new one. We get a video package for this feud.

The Great Muta and Tajiri vs. James Storm and The Great Sanada

We go to the ring for tonight’s main event and out first comes James Storm. Storm cuts a promo and introduces himself. He says fans can boo him if they want but he took one of their own and turned him against his mentor. Storm tells everyone to stand and show respect for The Great Sanada as he makes his way out. Tajiri makes his way out next followed by The Great Muta to a pop.

Muta and Tajiri spit double mist as the bell rings. Sanada starts with Muta and they lock up but go to the mat after a takedown by Muta. They trade holds on the mat. They get to their feet but end up back on the mat and show each other up. Sanada spits in the air and taunts Muta. Storm tags in as does Tajiri. Tajiri ends up hitting kicks but Storm whips him into the ropes. Tajiri with a clothesline attempt. Tajiri grabs Storm’s beard. Storm with a clothesline. Sanada comes back in and works Tajiri over on the ropes. Sanada runs the ropes and dives but ends up on the floor. He comes back on the apron but Tajiri kicks him into the barrier. Tajiri follows but Sanada goes under the ring. Tajiri follows him under the ring.

Nobody can find Sanada or Tajiri. They finally come back up and Tajiri’s face is covered in mist. Storm comes in and works Tajiri over now. Storm mocks Muta and spits on him after tagging Sanada back in. Sanada works Tajiri over for a 2 count. Storm comes back in and they double team Tajiri. Storm drops a knee and Sanada hits a dropkick for a 2 count. Tajiri with elbows now. They go at it but Storm comes in to drop Tajiri and fans boo. The referee argues with Storm to get out of the ring. Sanada comes in and decks Tajiri with some kind of baton. Sanada with a 2 count. Tajiri hits a big back elbow off the ropes and takes Sanada down. Muta tags in and kicks Sanda’s leg out. Muta catches a kick and whips Sanada. Muta tosses Sanada to the floor and follows. Muta uses the same weapon that Sanada just used on Tajiri. Muta with a chair shot to the side of the head. Muta chokes Sanada with a cable now. Fans chant for Muta as he rolls Sanada in the ring. Muta drops Sanada and drops a spinning elbow for a 2 count as Storm makes the save. Storm with knees to the face on Muta. Storm nails a flying elbow drop and Sanada hits a moonsault for a 2 count as Tajiri makes the save.

Tajiri tosses Sanada and fights Storm off. Tajiri throws Storm to the outside. Tajiri drops Sanada with a kick. The referee goes down. Tajiri spits mist but Sanada ducks. Sanada comes off the top and catches mist from both Muta and Tajiri. Tajiri with a kick. Muta nails a Shining Wizard on Sanada for the win.

Winners: Tajiri and The Great Muta

– After the match, Storm looks on from the ramp as Muta talks with Tajiri. Sanada is laid out in the corner. Storm attacks Muta and Tajiri from behind. He kicks Tajiri out of the ring and whistles to the back. Manik runs out and works over Muta. Storm chokes Muta with a bull rope. Team 3D’s music hits and out they come to a pop. Bully takes out Sanada and they both work on Storm. Muta spits mist in Storm’s face and then Storm eats a 3D. Team 3D’s music hits as they get a pop and Muta spits mist in the air. Muta makes his exit. Storm, Sanada and Manik look on from the ramp before making their exit. Bound For Glory goes off the air with Team 3D posing in the corners.
