Tito Santana on In Your Head Online

Tito Santana made an appearance on In Your Head, Wednesday, July 16th, 2008, with hosts Jack, OIB, and Barbie! Go to www.inyourheadonline.com to listen to the interview in its entirety.Jack opens the show by talking about the success of Tito’s new book, “Tales from the Ring”. Tito states that he is very happy with the way the book came out.

For more information on Tito’s book and how to obtain it autographed for only $25 please visit: http://www.titosantana.net


Next, Tito was asked about his long running feud with Greg “The Hammer” Valentine. “We had great matches; it was the longest running feud in WWE history”. When asked about the intercontinental title and its role in today’s business Tito states, “I do not think it means anything anymore”.

Jack then asks if anyone catches his eye for having potential in the business today? “Randy Orton from what I have seen has a lot of upside”. A caller then asks about the “AWF” “I think if we would have had more money we would have done better then TNA”.

Jack then asks Tito how it felt to be first match of Wrestlemania? “At first I was disappointed, but after talking to Vince he wanted me to be an example and get the show off to a good start”. When asked about a possible job with TNA or WWE “I teach 7th and 8th grade Spanish and coach basketball I do not want anything long term, I still enjoy doing Indy shows on the weekends”.

When asked about the possibility of his matches someday being on DVD “I know I was one of the best workers in WWE history, it would be nice if Vince would put out A Best of Tito Santana DVD”.

To hear the interview, head on over to www.inyourheadonline.com and remember to check out the show live every Wednesday 8pm EST where this week they’ll be joined by Tito Santana, and upcoming guests include Torrie Wilson, Dawn Marie, Mike Dibiase, Mike Modest and Blackjack Mulligan. You can also check out their 3 year interview archive which guests such as Mick Foley, Bruno Sammartino, Chris Jericho, Rob Van Dam, Terry Funk, Goldberg and Eric Bischoff.

Join the interactive message board to leave questions for the guests at http://inyourheadboard.proboards27.com/index.cgi and don’t forget to subscribe to the pod cast at http://iyh.blogspot.com/

Thanks to Jason Gaither of the Wrestling Mic

Website: http://thewrestlingmic.webs.com