Tito Santana & Cary Silken on OWW Radio

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Online World of Wrestling presents OWW Radio Episode #4 with your host Nick Anthony (this week joined by OWW Radio Producers Dave ‘Kaveman’ Kave and Daniel ‘Truth’ Wade)

The show began with OWW Radio reporter Janae Blunt hosting “Hogan Watch,” where it was reported that the father of the fatal car accident involving Nick Hogan tried to hire a hit-man to kill his wife in a car accident.

Nick, Dave and Daniel recapped on the week that was in wrestling news.

Jim Cornette Segment
Nick, Dave and Daniel talked analyzed an interview by Jim Cornette from another radio show.

Tito Santana Interview
This week’s featured guest was 2 time WWF World Tag Team Champion, 2 time Intercontinental Champion, winner of the King of the Ring in the year 1989, and WWE Hall of Famer Tito Santana.

Here are some key notes from the interview
– Tito spoke about his college football career playing alongside Ted DiBiase.
– Tito credited Tully Blanchard and his father Joe Blanchard for giving him his first big break.
– Tito and Dibiase wrestled for an NWA territory before being packaged together and sent to the WWWF in 1979
– Tito spoke of his first WWF tag team title reign with Ivan Putski
– Tito mentioned that prior to forming Strike Force with Rick Martel, he and Martel teaming together in the AWA against Greg Gagne and Jim Brunzel
– Tito talked about the first WrestleMania wrestling The Masked Executioner
– Tito mentions that he had wished to become a heel and admitted that it may have extended his run in the WWF
– Tito talked about his sons attending college whether they would be interested in becoming wrestlers
– Tito spoke of the hair salon business that he and his wife own
– We were the first to announce that Tito will be at WrestleMania in Houston this year

Cary Silken Interview
OWW second interview was with Ring of Honor owner Cary Silken. Nick and the producers talked with Silken about many different topics, one concerning Ric Flair and if he was really going to be at the upcoming ROH event. Cary confirmed that the Nature Boy will be at the event Friday March 13, 2009 in St. Louis.

Nick got on the subject of having some of the released WWE superstars being seen on ROH. Some of the names that were brought up were Paul London and D-Lo Brown. There were not many details given to us about when these guys may be on.

Dave “Kaveman” Kave led us through this week in wrestling.

OWW Radio concludes with Nick, Dave, and Daniel discussing Sesame Street. Dave spoke passionately of how Mr. Mr. Snuffleupagus would screw over Big Bird.

Previous Guests: Ring of Honor’s Davey Richards (Episode #1), “The Boogie Woogie Man” Jimmy Valiant (Episode #2), and ChickFight’s Cheerleader Melissa (Episode #3).

Recap by Ashlen Fyreheart, OWW Radio Junior Producer

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