CHIKARA Pro Wrestling


  • May 25, 2002 – CHIKARA Wrestle Factory in Allentown before 150 fans: Mr. Zero b Dragonfly, Marshall Law and Love Bug b Hallowicked and Ichabod Slayne, Kid Kruel b Zane Madrox, Blind Rage b UltraMantis, Don Montoya and Reckless Youth and Mike Quackenbush b C.M. Punk and Chris Hero and Coot Cabana
  • June 28, 2002 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling in Allentown: Queen Bee NC Trinity, Mercedes Martinez b Bertha, Mike Quackenbush and Reckless Youth and Ultra Mantis and Love Bug and Queen Bee b Blind Rage and Hallowicked and Icabod Slain and Mr. Zero and Trinity in 35:00, Lexie Fyfe b Mercedes Martinez, Sumie Sakai b Little Jeannie
  • October 12, 2002 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling in Allentown, PA: Marshal Law and Love Bug won Battle Royal, Wild Cards b Senior Assault Team, D.J. Skittlez b Phantasmo, Law b Love Bug, Mike Quackenbush and Dragonfly and Gran Akuma and Ultramanis b Mr. Zero and Blind Rage and Hallowicked and Ichabad Slayne.
  • March 8, 2003 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling in Wall, PA before 80 fans: D.J. Skittlez b Blind Rage, Hallowicked b Private Eye, Don Montoya b C.M. Punk, Gran Akuma b Mitch Ryder, Mike Quackenbush and Ultramantis and Mr. Zero b Jigsaw and Wild Cards.
  • May 24, 2003 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling in Allentown before 200 fans: Mike Kruel and Reckless Youth won Battle Royal, Private Eye b Phantasmo, D.J. Skittlez b Blind Rage, Kruel b Youth, Mike Quackenbush and Gran Akuma and Ultramanits and Mr. Zero and Icarus b Wild Cards and Conundrum and Hallowicked in a 40:00 match.
  • July 5, 2003 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – World Tag Grand Prix 2003 in Allentown before 150 fans: Hallowickid and Blind Rage b Jimmy Jacobs and Brad Bradley, Chris Hero and Mike Quackenbush b Arakencito and Skayde, Gran Akuma and Icarus b Conumdrum, Mr. Zero and Ultramantis b American Gigolo and Jolly Roger, Swiss Money Holding b Senior Assault Team, Wild Cards b Mercedes Martinez and Sumie Sakai, Hallowickid and Rage b Akuma and Icarus, Hero and Quakenbush d Swiss Money Holding, UltraZero b Wildcards.
  • September 27, 2003 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling in Allentown before 90 fans: Rorshach b Jolly Roger, Mr. Zero b Blind Rage-COR, Private Eye b Melvin Snodgrass, Silver Wings (Tom Carter) b Super Orka (Don Montoya?), Hallowicked b Ultramantis, Mike Quackenbush and Icarus and Gran Akuma b Jigsaw and Wildcards.
  • October 18, 2003 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling in Allentown, PA before 100 fans: Mr. Zero won Battle Royal, Jolly Roger b Rorschach, UltraMantis b American Gigolo (AAA), Hallowickid b Zero, Jigsaw b Sumie Sakai, Wild Cards b F.I.S.T., Mike Quackenbush b Skayde to win the Mexico-based AULL middleweight title in 2/3 fall match.
  • October 29, 2004 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling in Reading, Pennsylvania: Mano Metalico b Joker, Lance Steel b Darkness Crabtree in 5 straight matches, Matt Bomboy b Din Mak, Claudio Castagnoli b Sabian, Wild Cards b Gran Akuma and Icarus, Allison Danger b Lacey, Skayde b Hallowicked, Oriental (Mexico) b Mike Quackenbush, Crossbones and American Gigolo and Share Cropper b Jigsaw and Jolly Roger and DJ Skittlez and Shane Storm.
  • November 19, 2004 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling in Reading, Pennsylvania: Rorschach and Mano Metalico and Crossbones b Icarus and Jolly Roger and Lance Steel, Allison Danger b Darkness Crabtree (Big Daddy’s sister?), Gran Akuma b D.J. Skittlez, Ravage b Sabian via injury forfeit, Claudio Castagnoli b Niles Young in a European rules match, Men at Work (who were not Mark Starr and Chris Kanyon) b Dark Breed, Din Mak b Matt Bomboy, Wild Cards b Super Friends to keep IWA tag title, Skayde b Oriental, Jigsaw b Larry Sweeney to win Young Lions tournament.
  • February 18, 2005 – CHIKARA Pro – World Tag Grand Prix 2005 Night 1 in Reading, Pennsylvania: F.I.S.T. (Gran Akuma and Icarus) b Team WXW (Mana and John Cabbie), Dunn and Marcos b Shawn Hagadorn and Davey Andrews, Knight Eye for the Pirate Guy (Jolly Roger and Lance Steel) b Mano Metalico and Crossbones, Team Osaka Pro (Ebessan and Billy Ken Kid) b Shirley Doe and Darkness Crabtree, Arik Cannon and Claudio Castagnoli b Allison Danger and Alere Little Feather, Jigsaw and Sabian b Rorschach and Ravage,Team IWA Mid South (Jimmy Jacobs and Danny Daniels) b Team IWA Reading (Din Mak and Mat Bomboy), Team PWG (Super Dragon and B-Boy) b Mystery Team (Glenn Spectre and Ken the Box), Arik Cannon and Claudio Castagnoli b F.I.S.T. (Gran Akuma and Icarus), Jigsaw and Sabian b Dunn and Marcos, Knight Eye for the Pirate Guy (Jolly Roger and Lance Steel) b Team IWA Mid South (Jimmy Jacobs and Danny Daniels), Team Osaka Pro (Ebessan and Billy Ken Kid) b Team PWG (Super Dragon and B-Boy).
  • February 19, 2005 – CHIKARA Pro – World Tag Grand Prix 2005 Night 2 in Emmaus, Pennsylvania: Beef Wellington and The Bear b Team MPW (Version 2.0 and Darrin Corbin), Mad Man Pondo and Necro Butcher b ROH Students (Matt Turner and Anthony Franco), Team CZW-1 (D.J. Hyde and Jon Dahmer) b Team CZW-2 (Cory Kastle and Niles Young), The Nightshift (Blind Rage and Hallowicked) b D.J. Skittlez and Private Eye, Team Toryumon X (Skayde and Milanito Collection A.T.) b Perfect Strangers (Emil Sitoci and Trik Davis), Men at Work (Mister Zero and Shane Storm) b Larry Sweeney and Share Cropper, Team IWS (Kevin Steen and El Generico) b All Money is Legal, The Superfriends (Chris Hero and Mike Quackenbush) b Eddie Kingston and Mickie Knuckles (sub for Blackjack Marciano), Team Toryumon X (Skayde and Milanito Collection A.T.) b Beef Wellington and The Bear, Madman Pondo and Necro Butcher b Men at Work (Mister Zero and Shane Storm), Team IWS (Kevin Steen and El Generico) b Team CZW (DJ Hyde and Jon Dahmer), The SuperFriends (Chris Hero and Mike Quackenbush) b The Nightshift (Blind Rage and Hallowicked).
  • February 20, 2005 – CHIKARA Pro – World Tag Grand Prix 2005 Night 2 in Pittston, Pennsylvania: Jimmy Jacobs and Danny Daniels b DJ Hyde and Jon Dahmer and Eddie Kingston, The SuperFriends (Chris Hero and Mike Quackenbush) b Team IWS (Kevin Steen and El Generico), Jigsaw and Sabian b MadMan Pondo and Necro Butcher by DQ, Arik Cannon and Claudio Castagnoli b Knight Eye for the Pirate Guy (Jolly Roger and Lance Steel), Team Osaka Pro (Ebessan and Billy Ken Kid) b Team Toryumon X (Milanito Collection A.T. and Skayde), Arik Cannon and Claudio Castagnoli b Jigsaw and Sabian, The SuperFriends (Chris Hero and Mike Quackenbush) b Team Osaka Pro (Ebessan and Billy Ken Kid), Matt Turner and Anthony Franco and J.C. Ryder and Lucky b Beef Wellington and The Bear and F.I.S.T. (Gran Akuma and Icarus), Shane Storm and Emil Sociti and Trik Davis and Team MPW (Version 2.0 and Darrin Corbin) b Larry Sweeney and Davey Andrews and Shane Hagadorn and Special K, Arik Cannon and Claudio Castagnoli b The SuperFriends after Chris Hero turned on Mike Quakenbush.
  • March 18, 2005 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling in Reading, Pennsylvania: Hallowicked b Delirious, Daizee Haze b Allison danger, USApe b Darkness Crabtree, Knight Eye for the Pirate Guy b Larry Sweeney and Mano Metalico, Rorschach b Niles Young, Men at Work d FIST, Emil Sitoci b Crossbones, Chris Hero and Arik Cannon and Claudio Castagnoli b Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw and Sabian.
  • March 19, 2005 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling in Emmaus, Pennsylvania: Hallowickid and Ultramantis Black b Matt Turner and Anthony Franco, Allison Danger b Daizee Haze, Rorshach b Emil Sitoci, Delirious b Ravage, Larry Sweeney and Crossbones and Mano Metallico and Darkness Crabtree b FIST and Knight Eye for the Pirate Guy, Chris Hero and Arik Cannon and Claudio Castagnoli b Mike Quackenbush and Men at Work, Jigsaw b Sabian.
  • June 17, 2005 – CHIKARA Wrestling in Reading, Pennsylvania: Crossbones b Andy Sumner, Skayde and Equinox and Dr. Cheung and Darkness Crabtree, Mat Bombay b Din Mak, Icarus b Kanjuro Matsuyama, Shane Storm b Gran Akuma, Claudio Castagnoli b Jolly roger, Chris Hero b Sabian, Jigsaw and Reckless Youth and Mike Quackenbush b Hallowicked and Ultramantis Black and Blind Rage.
  • June 19, 2005 – CHIKARA Wrestling in Pittston, Pennsylvania: Lance Steel b Evan Starsmore, Matt Turner b Davey Andrews, Rorschach b J.C. Ryder, Allison Danger b Cindy Rogers, Larry Sweeney b Equinox, Dark Breed b Team Toryumon X, Anthony Franco b Shane Hagadorn, Chris Hero and Gran Akuma and Claudio Castagnoli b Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw and Shane Storm.
  • July 22, 2005 – CHIKARA Wrestling – Young Lions Cup in Reading, Pennsylvania at The Riverside: Rorschach b Trik Davis to advance, Sabian b Dr. Cheung to advance, Icarus b Prophet to advance, Mickie Knuckles b Retail Dragon to advance, Arik Cannon b Mat Bomboy to advance, Ricky Reyes b Cheech to advance, Larry Sweeney w/Mana b Josh Abercrombie, Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli and Gran Akuma b Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw and Lance Steel, Icarus b Sabian and Arik Cannon and Ricky Reyes and Mickie Knuckles and Rorschach in a 6-WAY to advance to the finals of the Young Lions Cup.
  • July 23, 2005 – CHIKARA Wrestling – Young Lions Cup in Hellertown, Pennsylvania at the American Legion Hall: Shane Storm b Vries Kastelein to advance, Equinox b Lance Steel to advance, Crossbones b Shiima Xion to advance, Niles Young b Josh Abercrombie to advance, KUDO b Anthony Franco to advance, Claudio Castagnoli b CJ O’Doyle to advance, Chris Hero and Icarus and Gran Akuma and Arik Cannon b Mickie Knuckles and Trik Davis and Ryan Cruz and Darin Corbin, UltraMantis Black and Hallowicked and Blind Rage b Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw and Lance Steel, Shane Storm b Claudio Castagnoli and Equinox and KUDO and Niles Young and Crossbones in a 6-WAY to advance to the finals of the Young Lions Cup.
  • July 24, 2005 – CHIKARA Wrestling – Young Lions Cup in Pittston, Pennsylvania at the Staircase: Lance Steel b Prophet by tap out, Allison Danger and Alere Little Feather and Mickie Knuckles b The Prescription Thugs (Dr. Cheung and Darkness Crabtree) and Crossbones, Vries Kastelein b Larry Sweeney by Count Out, The Dark Breed (Hallowicked and Blind Rage) b Ryan Cruz and Darin Corbin and Davey Andrews and Shane Hagadorn and Retail Dragon and Discount Tiger in a 4-WAY, Mike Quackenbush and Sabian and Equinox and Eddie Kingston b Chris Hero and Arik Cannon and Claudio Castagnoli and Gran Akuma, Matt Turner and Anthony Franco b Cheech and Cloudy in a No Holds Barred match, Shane Storm b Icarus to win Young Lions Cup III.
  • August 13, 2005 – CHIKARA Wrestling in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at ECW Arena: Rorschach and ShareCropper and Darkness Cratbree b Retail Dragon and CP Munk and Mokujin Ken, Sumie Sakai b Allison Danger, Blind Rage and UltraMantis Black b Lance Steel and Lance Steel, Reckless Youth b Arik Cannon, Gran Akuma and Icarus b Equinox and Skayde, Cheech and Cloudy b Matt Turner and Anthony Franco in an Elimination Rules tag match, Mike Quackenbush b Claudio Castagnoli, Jigsaw and Shane Storm b Hallowicked and Jigsaw in a Golden Dream Tag Match, Chris Hero b Eddie Kingston (The referee missed a low-blow) on Kingston. Hero then headbutted Kingston and pinned him).
  • September 16, 2005 – CHIKARA Wrestling in Reading, Pennsylvania: Lance Steel and Lance Steel b Dr. Cheung and Darkness Crabtree, Sumie Sakai b Allison Danger, Larry Sweeney b Jervis Cottonbelly to retain the Tex-Arkana TV title, Rorschach b Shiima Xion, Gran Akuma b Eddie Kingston, Chris Hero b “Outlaw” Adam Knight, Claudio Castagnoli b KUDO by KO, Shane Storm b Icarus to retain the Young Lions Cup, Mike Quackenbush and Reckless Youth and Jigsaw b Milano Collection AT and Skayde and Chuichiro Arai.
  • September 17, 2005 – CHIKARA Wrestling in Pittston, Pennsylvania: Lance Steel and Lance Steel b Crossbones and Rorschach, Retail Dragon b Cheech, Jervis Cottonbelly and Shiima Xion b Dr. Cheung and Adam Knight, Larry Sweeney b Reckless Youth, Gran Akuma and Icarus b Matt Turner and Anthony Franco, Shane Storm and Mike Quackenbush b KUDO and Chuichiro Arai, Hallowicked b Jigsaw, Skayde and Milano Collection AT b Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli by DQ.
  • October 1, 2005 – Maven Bentley Association/CHIKARA – Insurance (Hurricane Katrina Benefit Show) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: The Complaint Department (Sean and Cornell Bishop w/Maven Bentley) b Jon Dahmer and DJ Hyde, Tank Thomas and John Kermon vs Hellaware Assassin and Scott Dukes ended in a Double Count Out, Heretic and Danny Havoc b Slacker Martin and Cory Kastle, Blackout (Ruckus and Sabian w/Robbie Mireno b Drew Gulak and Andy Sumner, Niles Young b Eddie Kingston with distraction from Gran Akuma, Blackout (Sabian by himself) b Havok and Heretic (Heretic jumped Havoc after the match), The Complaint Department received a bye to the finals (Dahmer and Hyde attacked and injured Cornell Bischop), Skayde b Chuichiro Arai (Toryumon/CMLL/CHIKARA), Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw and Shane Storm and Sumie Sukai b Gran Akuma and Icarus and Dr. Chung and Hallowicked, Blackout (Sabian and Eddie Kingston w/Robbie Minero) b Sean Bishop and Maven Bentley (sub for Cornell Bishop) to win the Maven Bentley Association Tag Team titles.
  • October 21, 2005 – CHIKARA Wrestling in Pittston, Pennsylvania: Darkness Crabtree b C.P. Munk after the Stone-Age Stunner, Crossbones b Jervis Cottonbelly, Sabian b Jay Phoenix, Eddie Kingston b Rorschach, Chuichiro Arai b Larry Sweeney to win the Tex-Arkana TV Title, Hallowicked b Lance Steel, Chris Hero b Milano Collection AT, Shane Storm and Jigsaw and Skayde and Mike Quackenbush b Gran Akuma and Icarus and Arik Cannon and Claudio Castagnoli (After the match, Akuma attacked Storm until the Tecnicos intervened).
  • October 22, 2005 – CHIKARA Wrestling in Hellertown, Pennsylvania: Cheech b C.P. Munk, Lance Steel b Jay Phoenix, Anthony Franco and Matt Turner b Crossbones and Rorschach, Larry Sweeney b Chuichiro Arai, Gran Akuma won a 104:16 Torneo Cibernetico
  • October 30, 2005 – CHIKARA Wrestling in Collegeville, Pennsylvania at Ursinus College: Crossbones b Drew Gulak, Sumie Sakai b Allison Danger, Sabian b Rorschach, Larry Sweeney b UltraMantis Black to retain the Tex-Arkana TV title, Hallowicked b Equinox, Retail Dragon b Dr. Cheung, Gran Akuma b Eddie Kingston, Mike Quackenbush and Shane Storm and Lance Steel b Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli and Icarus in a 2/3 Falls match.
  • November 13, 2005 – CHIKARA Wrestling in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at ECW Arena: Icarus and Dr. Cheung and UltraMantis Black and Hydra b Angel de Fuego and Lance Steel and Lance Steel and Dragon Dragon, Mister ZERO b Rorschach, Anthony Franco and Matt Turner b Davey Andrews and Shane Hagadorn to gain entry into the Tag World Grand Prix 2006, Beef Wellington and Sexxxy Eddy b Larry Sweeney and The ShareCropper, Chris Hero b Equinox, Chris Hero b Sumie Sakai, Jigsaw b Hallowicked in a 2/3 Falls match, Eddie Kingston and Sabian b Cheech and Cloudy, Claudio Castagnoli b Mike Quackenbush to gain entry into the Tag World Grand Prix 2006 (Castagnoli has 30 days to choose his partner for the tournament), Shane Storm b Gran Akuma in Mask vs Mask match (After the match, Akuma removed his mask and relinquished it to Shane Storm).
  • November 18, 2005 – CHIKARA Wrestling in Reading, Pennsylvania at The Riverside: Lance Steel and Lance Steel and Dragon Dragon b The Punisher and The Prescription Thugs, Prophet b Casanova, Larry Sweeney b Sabian to retain the Tex-Arkana TV title, Angel de Fuego and Equinox and Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz b Hallowicked and UltraMantis Black and Crossbones and Rorschach, Claudio Castagnoli and Arik Cannon b Mike Quackenbush and Reckless Youth, Allison Danger b Sumie Sakai, Chris Hero and Gran Akuma and Icarus b Milano Collection AT and Shane Storm and Mister ZERO (After the match, Claudio Castagnoli formed his alliance with Chris Hero for the Tag World Grand Prix 2006).
  • November 19, 2005 – CHIKARA Wrestling in Happy Valley, Pennsylvania at Penn State University: Lance Steel and Dragon Dragon and Equinox b The Punisher and Dr. Cheung and Hydra, Sumie Sakai b Casanova, Ryan Cruz and Darin Corbin b Rorschach and Crossbones, Sabian b Arik Cannon, Larry Sweeney b Mister ZERO to retain the Tex-Arkana TV title, UltraMantis Black b Prophet, Mike Quackenbush and Shane Storm and Jigsaw b Hallowicked and Gran Akuma and Icarus.
  • February 24, 2006 – CHIKARA Tag Team Tournament in Hellertown, Pennsylvania at the American Legion Hall: Hallowicked and Delirious b Crossbones and Rorschach, Sumie Sakai and Ranmaru b Alere Little Feather and Allison Danger, Team K-Dojo (MIYAWAKI and Yoshiaki Yago) b Vito and Sal Thomaselli, Eddie Kingston and Sabian b Team IWA-MS (Ian Rotten and Mickie Knuckles), Up In Smoke (Cheech and Cloudy) b Mickey Gambino and Marshall Gambino, Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli b Equinox and Hydra, KUDO and MIKAMI b Larry Sweeney and Mana, Joker and Necro Butcher b Matt Turner and Anthony Franco | Second Round Matches: Hallowicked and Delirious b Up In Smoke (Cheech and Cloudy), Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli b “Team J’D” Sumie Sakai and Ranmaru, KUDO and MIKAMI b Team K-Dojo (MIYAWAKI and Yoshiaki Yago), Eddie Kingston and Sabian b Joker and Necro Butcher.
  • February 25, 2006 – CHIKARA Tag Team Tournament in Reading, Pennsylvania at The Riverside Beneficial Association: Lance Steel and Lance Steel b Fire Ant and Soldier Ant, Ryan Cruz and Darin Corbin w/JJ Dillon b Drew Blood and Devon Moore, Gran Akuma and Icarus b Rain and Daizee Haze, Mister ZERO and Shane Storm b Jagged and Shane Matthews, Shinjitsu Nohashi and Amigo Suzuki b Retail Dragon and Dragon Dragon, Skayde and Milano Collection AT b Darkness Crabtree and Dr. Cheung, Arik Cannon and Jigsaw b Kevin Steen and Sexxy Eddy, Osamu Nishimura and Katsushi Takemura b Phil and Sean Davis, | Second Round Matches: Ryan Cruz and Darin Corbin w/JJ Dillon b Lance Steel and Lance Steel, Gran Akuma and Icarus b Mister ZERO and Shane Storm, Osamu Nishimura and Katsushi Takemura b Arik Cannon and Jigsaw, Skayde and Milano Collection AT b Shinjitsu Nohashi and Amigo Suzuki.
  • February 26, 2006 – CHIKARA Tag Team Tournament in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at the ECW Arena: Ranmaru and Rain and Allison Danger b Sumie Sakai and Daizee Haze and Mickie Knuckles, Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli b Ryan Cruz and Darren Corbin, Gran Akuma and Icarus b Eddie Kingston and Sabian, Hallowicked and Delirious b Kudo and Mikami, Skayde and Milano Collection A.T. b Osamu Nishimura and Katsushi Takemura, Shane Storm and Equinox and Jigsaw b Miyawaki and Shinjiro Nohashi and Amigo Suzuki, Arik Cannon and Ian Rotten and Joker b Sal and Vito Thomaselli and Kevin Steen, Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli b Hallowicked and Delirious, Milano Collection A.T. and Skayde b Gran Akuma and Icarus, Yoshiaki Yago b Necro Butcher, Sexxy Eddy and Player Uno and Dragon Dragon and Retail Dragon and Max Boyer b Larry Sweeney and Jagged and Shane Matthews and Heartbreak Express, Chris Hero and Claudio Castangoli b Milano Collection A.T. and Skayde to win the Tournament.
  • March 31, 2006 – CHIKARA Pro in Reading, Pennsylvania: Lancelot (Lance Steel and Lance Steel) b Triple Dragon (Retail Dragon and Dragon Dragon), The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant) b The Prescription Thugs (Darkness Crabtree and Dr. Cheung), Crossbones b Andy Sumner, Eddie Kingston and Joker b Cheech and Cloudy to retain the CZW Tag Team titles, Hallowicked b Rorschach after the “Graveyard Smash”, Ares b Mike Quackenbush to capture the WXW German Heavyweight title, Gran Akuma and Icarus b Shane Storm and Jigsaw, Milano Collection AT b Larry Sweeney by Submission to win the Tex-Arkana TV title.
  • April 21, 2006 – CHIKARA Pro in Reading, Pennsylvania: Gran Akuma b Andy Sumner by KO, Lancelot (Lance Steel and Lance Steel) b Larry Sweeney and Mana (After the match, Sweeney slapped Mana, and Mana answered with a Samoan Drop, leaving Sweeney laid out), Dr. Cheung b Player Uno under Prince Raymond Torres of Brunei Rules, Daizee Haze b Allison Danger, Retail Dragon and The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant) b Rorschach and Cheech and Cloudy, Eddie Kingston and Sabian b 2.0 (Jagged and Shane Matthews), Icarus b Jigsaw with the Pedigree, Hallowicked and Delirious b Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli by DQ, Shane Storm b Crossbones to retain the Young Lions Cup.
  • April 23, 2006 – CHIKARA Pro in Barnesville, Pennsylvania at The Ryan Township Fire Hall: “Sweet and Sour” Larry Sweeney b Matt Turner, Retail Dragon b Rorschach, Daizee Haze b Alere Little feather, Eddie Kingston b Dr. Cheung (sub for Crossbones), Lancelot (Lance Steel and Lance Steel) b The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant), Chris Hero b Delirious, Jigsaw and Shane Storm and Mike Quackenbush b Claudio Castagnoli and Gran Akuma and Icarus.
  • May 26, 2006 – CHIKARA Pro in Reading, Pennsylvania at The Riverside: Team Kaientai Dojo (Miyawaki and Yoshiaki Yago) won a Tag Team Gauntlet (Included: La Pareja Solar (eliminated by Lancelot), Lancelot (eliminated by Triple Dragon), Triple Dragon (eliminated by The Prescription Thugs), The Prescription Thugs (eliminated by The Colony), The Colony (eliminated by Casanova and Shane Valentine), Casanova and Shane Valentine (eliminated by the North Star Express), 2.0 (eliminated by Kaientai Dojo), Rorschach and Crossbones (eliminated by Kaientai Dojo), North Star Express (eliminated by Kaientai Dojo) – ), Daizee Haze b Allison Danger by Submission, Delirious b Jon Moxley, “Sweet and Sour” Larry Sweeney b Mana, Hallowicked b Andy Sumner by KO, Arik Cannon b Eddie Kingston to qualify for Young Lions Cup IV, Mike Quackenbush and Milano Collection AT and Jigsaw and Shane Storm b Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli and Icarus and Gran Akuma when Storm pinned Akuma.
  • May 27, 2006 – CHIKARA Pro in Barnesville, Pennsylvania at the The Ryan Township Fire Hall before 80 fans: Eddie Kingston and Shinsuke Yamagasa (Zero-One) b Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz, Daizee Haze b Sara Del Rey, The Colony (Soldier Ant and Fire Ant) and Lance Steel b Shane Valentine and Casanova and Rorschach, John Moxley b Arik Cannon, Delirious and Hallowicked b Team 2.0 (Jagged and Max Boyer [sub for Shane Matthews]), Equinox b Dr. Cheung to qualify for Young Lions Cup IV, F.I.S.T. (Icarus and Gran Akuma) b Mike Quackenbush and Shane Storm, Larry Sweeney b Milano Collection A.T. to recapture the ICW Texarkana TV title (an inside rib), Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli b Miawaki and Yoshiaki Yago (Taka Michionku’s Kaientai Dojo trainees) in a 2/3 Falls match said to feature an extraordinary strikefest.
  • June 23, 2006 – CHIKARA Pro – Young Lions Tournament in Reading, Pennsylvania @ The Riverside: Lance Steel b Shane Valentine by Submission (1st Round), Equinox b El Hijo del Ice Cream (1st Round), Don Paysan b Player Uno (1st Round), Arik Cannon b Danny Havoc (1st Round), Lance Steel b Dragon Dragon by Submission (1st Round), Max Boyer b Brandon Thomaselli (1st Round), The Iron Saints (Sal and Vito Thomaselli) b Shane Storm and Jigsaw after interference from F.I.S.T., The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant) b F.I.S.T. (Gran Akuma and Icarus) after interference from Jigsaw and Shane Storm, Arik Cannon b Lance Steel and Max Boyer and Lance Steel and Equinox and Don Paysan in a 6-WAY Elimination to advance to the finals of the Young Lions Tournament.
  • June 24, 2006 – CHIKARA Pro – Young Lions Tournament in Hellertown, Pennsylvania @ American Legion Hall: Cheech b Fire Ant (1st Round), Jon Moxley b Hydra (1st Round), Chuck Taylor b Ricochet (1st Round), Andy Sumner b Excalibur (1st Round), Ice Cream, Jr. b Retail Dragon (1st Round), Cloudy b Matt Turner (1st Round), Dragon Dragon and Player Uno and Equinox b Darkness Crabtree and May Boyer and Don Paysan, Shane Storm and Jigsaw b F.I.S.T. (Gran Akuma and Icarus) (The official ruled that Icarus was not attempting to pin Jigsaw and ended the match on an “Excesivo de Castigo” call, Cheech b Cloudy and Ice Cream, Jr. and Andy Sumner and Jon Moxley and Chuck Taylor in a 6-WAY Elimination match to advance to the Finals of the Young Lions Tournament.
  • June 25, 2006 – CHIKARA Pro – Young Lions Tournament in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania @ ECW Arena: Equinox and Angel de Fuego and Fire Ant and Soldier Ant b Crossbones and Rorschach and Ice Cream Jr. and El Hijo del Ice Cream, Daizee Haze b Mickie Knuckles, Max Boyer b Don Paysan, Cloudy and Chuck Taylor b Ricochet and Player Uno, Larry Sweeney b Eddie Kingston by DQ to retain the Tex-Arkana TV Title, Chris Hero b Brandon Thomaselli, Vito and Sal Thomaselli b Hallowicked and Delirious after interference from UltraMantis Black, Mike Quackenbush and Shane Storm and Jigsaw b Claudio Castagnoli and Gran Akuma and Icarus by DQ, Arik Cannon b Cheech following a Burning Hammer in the Finals of the Young Lions Tournament.
  • July 22, 2006 – CHIKARA Pro in Hellertown, Pennsylvania before 85-100 fans: Claudio Castagnoli b Equinox, Ultramantis Black and Hydra b Fire Ant and Soldier Ant, Lance Steel b Lance Steel (not a typo), North Star Express (Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz) b Up In Smoke (Cheech and Cloudy), Eddie Kingston b Larry Sweeney to win the Texaarkana TV title, Chris Hero b Shane Storm, Mike Quackenbush b Gran Akuma with his new Quackendriver, Arik Cannon b Jon Moxley to retain the Young Lions Cup, Jigsaw b Icarus in a Hair vs. Mask match.
  • August 19, 2006 – CHIKARA Pro in Hellertown, Pennsylvania at the American Legion Hall: The North Star Express (Ryan Cruz and Darin Corbin) b Los Ice Creams (Ice Cream Jr. and El Hijo del Ice Cream), Fire Ant b Larry Sweeney by DQ when Eddie Kingston interfered, Retail Dragon b Dr. Cheung, Ultramantis Black b Tex Benedict, Equinox b Jagged, Lance Steel b Lance Steel by Submission with the Boston Crab, Claudio Castagnoli b Reckless Youth, Arik Cannon b Excalibur, Chris Hero and Gran Akuma and Icarus b Mike Quackenbush and Shane Storm and Jigsaw
  • August 20, 2006 – CHIKARA Pro in Barnesville, Pennsylvania: Ice Cream Jr. and El Hijo del Ice Cream and Jagged b Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and The Professional, Daizee Haze b Portia Perez, Ryan Cruz and Darin Corbin b Ultramantis Black and Hydra, Arik Cannon b Equinox, Eddie Kingston vs Larry Sweeney ended in a Double Countout, Gran Akuma and Icarus b Hallowicked and Delirious, Mike Quackenbush and Shane Storm b Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli. Milano Collection A.T., in what was promoted as his final two shows with the promotion, no-showed both dates.
  • September 22, 2006 – CHIKARA Pro in Reading, Pennsylvania at the Riverside: Los Ice Creams and Hydra b The Colony and The Equinox, Arik Cannon b Lance Steel to retain the Young Lions Cup, Jigsaw and Shane Storm b Rorschach and Crossbones, Gran Akuma b “Reckless Youth” Tom Carter, UltraMantis Black b Hallowicked, Larry Sweeney w/Daizee Haze b Eddie Kingston in what amounted to a Handicap match, Mike Quackenbush b Icarus, Los Campeonatos de Parejas (Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli) b The North Star Express (Ryan Cruz and Darin Corbin) in a 2/3 Falls match to retain the Tag Team titles.
  • October 28, 2006 – CHIKARA Pro in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at ECW Arena: “Reckless Youth” Tom Carter b Rorschach with the Kondo Clutch, UltraMantis Black and Hydra and Crossbones b The Colony and Equinox, Excalibur b Player Uno, Twiggy b Shayne Hawke, Max Boyer b Arik Cannon to win the Young Lions Cup, Icarus won the Torneo Cibernetico match last eliminating Eddie Kingston after a Super Shiranui.
  • November 12, 2006 – CHIKARA Pro in Barnesville, Pennsylvania at the Ryan Township Fire Hall: Up in Smoke (Cheech and Cloudy) b The Olsen Twins in a 1st Round Match, Hallowicked and Delirious b The Colony in a 1st Round Match, F.I.S.T. (Gran Akuma and Icarus) b The Silver Bullets in a 1st Round Match, Irish Airborne (David and Jake Crist) b Blackout (Sabian and Joker) in a 1st Round Match, UltraMantis Black and Hydra and Crossbones b Equinox and Retail Dragon and Trik Davis, F.I.S.T. (Gran Akuma and Icarus) b Hallowicked and Delirious in the Semi-Finals, Up in Smoke (Cheech and Cloudy) b Irish Airborne (David and Jake Crist) in the Semi-Finals, Kazuchika Okada b Osiris, Eddie Kingston and Mike Quackenbush and Shane Storm b Larry Sweeney and Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli, F.I.S.T. (Gran Akuma and Icarus) b Up in Smoke (Cheech and Cloudy) in the Finals to win the Tournament.
  • November 17, 2006 – CHIKARA Pro in Reading, Pennsylvania at the Riverside: The Colony b Los Ice Creams and Lance Steel, Kenji Fukimoto b Trik Davis, “Sweet and Sour” Larry Sweeney b Equinox with a Piledriver, Chuck Taylor b Eddie Kingston thanks to a distraction from Larry Sweeney, Jagged b Twiggy, Maxime Boyer b Player Uno, Hallowicked and Delirious b UltraMantis Black and Hydra, Mike Quackenbush and Cloudy and Ricochet b Shane Storm and Cheech and Retail Dragon, F.I.S.T. (Gran Akuma and Icarus) b Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli in a 2/3 Falls match to win the Campeonatos de Parejas (Tag Team titles).
  • November 18, 2006 – CHIKARA Pro in Hellertown, Pennsylvania at the American Legion Hall: Los Ice Creams and Kenji Fukimoto b Equinox and Retail Dragon and Twiggy, Chuck Taylor b Ricochet, Player Uno b Jagged, Fire Ant and Worker Ant and Soldier Ant b Shane Hagadorn and Pelle Primeau and Rhett Titus, Max Boyer b Josh Daniels to retain the Young Lion’s Cup, Lance Steel b Trik Davis by Submission, Hallowicked and Delirious and Cheech and Cloudy b UltraMantis Black and Hydra and Crossbones and Blind Rage, F.I.S.T. (Gran Akuma and Icarus) b Shane Storm and Mike Quackenbush in a Non-title Match, Eddie Kingston b Larry Sweeney in a No-DQ Strap Match.
  • February 16, 2007 – CHIKARA Pro – King of Trios Tournament (Night #1) in Hellertown, Pennsylvania at the American Legion Hall: Cheech and Cloudy b Lucky and JC Ryder, Jigsaw and Shane Storm b 2.0 (Jagged and Shane Matthews), Los Ice Creams (Ice Cream Jr. and El Hijo del Ice Cream and Mysteriously Familiar Ice Cream) b The Order of the Neo Solar Temple (UltraMantis Black and Hydra and Crossbones) in the 1st Round, The Iron Saints (Sal and Vito and Brandon Thomaselli) b Larry Sweeney and Robbie Ellis and Mitch Ryder in the 1st Round, The Kings of Wrestling (Gran Akuma and Icarus and Chuck Taylor) b Team USA (The Patriot and USApe and “Kidd USA” Jay Jaillett) in the 1st Round, MIYAWAKI and Yoshiaki Yago and KUDO b American Balloon and Dino and Masamune in the 1st Round, Nobutaka Moribe b Shiima Xion, Max Boyer b Ricochet to retain the Young Lions Cup, Gran Akuma and Icarus and Chuck Taylor b Los Ice Creams (Mysteriously Familiar Ice Cream was unmasked as Claudio Castagnoli) in the 2nd Round, MIYAWAKI and Yoshiaki Yago and KUDO b The Iron Saints (Sal and Vito and Brandon Thomaselli) in the 2nd Round.
  • February 17, 2007 – CHIKARA Pro – King of Trios Tournament (Night #2) in Barnesville, Pennsylvania at the Ryan Township Fire Hall: Gran Akuma b Masamune, Chuck Taylor b Create-A-Wrestler, Pantera and Sicodelico Jr. and Lince Dorado b Team PWG (Joey Ryan and Scott Lost and Chris Bosh) in the 1st Round, Hallowicked and Cheech and Cloudy b The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and Worker Ant) in the 1st Round, Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw and Shane Storm b Max Boyer and Jagged and Shane Matthews in the 1st Round, Team TNA (Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin and Sonjay Dutt) b Blackout (Ruckus and Sabian and Joker) in the 1st Round, Icarus b Player Uno, MIYAWAKI and Yoshiaki Yago b The Olsen Twins, Pantera and Sicodelico Jr. and Lince Dorado b Hallowicked and Cheech and Cloudy in the 2nd Round.Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw and Shane Storm b Team TNA (Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin and Sonjay Dutt) in the 2nd Round.
  • February 18, 2007 – CHIKARA Pro – King of Trios Tournament (Night #3) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at ECW Arena: MIYAWAKI and Yoshiaki Yago and KUDO b Gran Akuma and Icarus and Chuck Taylor in a Semi-Final match, Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw and Shane Storm b Pantera and Sicodelico Jr. and Lince Dorado in a Semi-Final match, Allison Danger b La Malcriada, Max Boyer b Sal Thomaselli to retain the Young Lions Cup, Hallowicked b Matt Sydal, Cheech and Cloudy won a 16-Team Tag Gauntlet match, Mecha Mummy b Mokujin Ken in a Street Fight, Daizee Haze b Sara Del Rey, asamune b Nobutaka Moribe, Claudio Castagnoli b Ricochet, Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw and Shane Storm b MIYAWAKI and Yoshiaki Yago and KUDO in the Finals to win the King of Trios 2007 Tournament.
  • March 23, 2007 – CHIKARA Pro – Best Imitation Of Myself in Reading, Pennsylvania at the Riverside Beneficial Association: UltraMantis Black b Create-A-Wrestler after the Praying Mantis Bomb, Fire Ant b Billy Roc, Chris Hero b Hallowicked, 2.0 (Jagged and Shane Matthews) b Blackout (Sabian and Joker), Ricochet b Shayne Hawke, Chuck Taylor vs. Ruckus ended in a time limit draw, Maxime Boyer b Soldier Ant to retain the Young Lions Cup, Lince Dorado and Sicodelico Jr. b Los Ice Creams (El Hijo Del Ice Cream and Ice Cream Jr.), Claudio Castagnoli b Eddie Kingston, F.I.S.T. (Gran Akuma and Icarus) b Jigsaw and Shane Storm in a 2/3 Falls match to retain the Campeonatos de Parejas (Tag Team titles). [reported by the CHIKARA website and Jason Villalobos]
  • March 24, 2007 – CHIKARA Pro – Time Will Prove Everything! in Hellertown, Pennsylvania at the American Legion Hall: Chuck Taylor b Billy Roc with the Omega Driver, Equinox b Brodie Lee, Crossbones b Create-A-Wrestler, Hallowicked and Fire Ant and Worker Ant and Soldier Ant b Blackout (Eddie Kingston and Ruckus and Sabian and Joker), Chris Hero b Ricochet, Jigsaw and Shane Storm b The Olsen Twins, Claudio Castagnoli b Mike Quackenbush to qualify for the King of Europe Tournament, F.I.S.T. (Gran Akuma and Icarus) b Sicodelico Jr. and Lince Dorado in a Non-title match. [reported by the CHIKARA website and Jason Villalobos]
  • April 22, 2007 – CHIKARA Pro in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at The ECW Arena/New Alhambra: Create-A-Wrestler b Darkness Crabtree, Chuck Taylor b Retail Dragon and Ricochet and PAC in a Rey de Voladores 4-WAY Elimination Match, Lince Dorado b Ruckus and Equinox and Jigsaw in a Rey de Voladores 4-WAY Elimination Match, UltraMantis Black and Hydra and Crossbones b Andy Sumner and Drew Gulak and Tim Donst, “Sweet and Sour” Larry Sweeney b Shane Storm thanks to outside interference from Chris Hero, Fire Ant b Lance Steel, Eddie Kingston vs Hallowicked ended in a No Contest, Soldier Ant and Worker Ant b Blackout (Joker and Sabian), Chuck Taylor b Lince Dorado to win the Rey de Voladores Tournament, Chris Hero b Claudio Castagnoli with special referee Mike Quackenbush, F.I.S.T. (Gran Akuma and Icarus) b Cheech and Cloudy in a 2/3 Falls match to retain the Campeonatos de Parejas.
  • May 26, 2007 – CHIKARA Pro – Aniversario? in Hellertown, Pennsylvania: The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant) b The Olsen Twins, Brodie Lee b Equinox with a Running Liger Bomb, Shayne Hawke b Player Uno, Worker Ant b Hydra, “Simply Marvelous” Mitch Ryder b Shane Storm with a handful of trunks, El Pantera and Lince Dorado b Claudio Castagnoli and Larry Sweeney, Max Boyer b Create-A-Wrestler to retain the Young Lions Cup, Hallowicked b Eddie Kingston by DQ, F.I.S.T. (Gran Akuma and Icarus) b Team Kageki Pro (Dragon Yuki and Kagrra), Mike Quackenbush b Chris Hero by Submission. [reported by]
  • May 27, 2007 – CHIKARA Pro – Aniversario! in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Brodie Lee b Retail Dragon with a Running Liger Bomb, UltraMantis Black and Hydra b The Olsen Twins, Shayne Hawke b Create-A-Wrestler, Pantera and Lince Dorado and Player Uno b Mitch Ryder and Los Ice Creams by DQ, Dragon Yuki b Kagrra, Giii the Space Pirate and Dusto Bunny b Dr. Cube and Call-Me-Kevin in a South Philly Sci-Fi Street Fighto, Max Boyer b Pelle Primeau to retain the Young Lions Cup, Mike Quackenbush and Shane Storm and Equinox b The Colony (Soldier Ant and Fire Ant and Worker Ant), Hallowicked and Delirious b Eddie Kingston and Ruckus, The Kings of Wrestling (Gran Akuma and Icarus and Chuck Taylor) b The Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli and Larry Sweeney) – – (After the match, new inductees Mitch Ryder and Max Boyer helped the two Kings of Wrestling factions settle their differences and unite as one group). [reported by]
  • June 22, 2007 – CHIKARA Pro – Young Lions Cup V – Night 1 in Reading, Pennsylvania: Lince Dorado b El Hijo del Ice Cream by Submission (1st Round), Moscow b Hydra (1st Round), Player Uno b Niles Young (1st Round), Chuck Taylor b Cabana Man Dan (1st Round), Ice Cream Jr. b Hex Gage (1st Round), Amigo Suzuki b Rex Sterling (1st Round), Rhett Titus b Worker Ant by blocking an Oklahoma Roll, Billy Roc b Chrisjen Hayme, Mitch Ryder b Shane Storm after a Pile-driver, Chuck Taylor b Lince Dorado and Ice Cream Jr. and Amigo Suzuki and Player Uno and Moscow in a Young Lions Cup V Semi-Final match. [reported by]
  • June 23, 2007 – CHIKARA Pro – Young Lions Cup V – Night 2 in Barnesville, Pennsylvania: Billy Roc b Aaron Draven (1st Round), Shayne Hawke b Tim Donst (1st Round), Rhett Titus b Soldier Ant (1st Round), Darin Corbin b Super Xtremo (1st Round), Ultra Dragon b Ryan Cruz (1st Round), Ricochet b Chrisjen Hayme (1st Round), Mitch Ryder b Cabana Man Dan after a Pile-driver, Chuck Taylor b Arik Cannon with the Omega Driver, Los Ice Creams and Amigo Suzuki b Gran Akuma and Icarus and Maxime Boyer, Ricochet b Billy Roc and Shayne Hawke and Rhett Titus and Darin Corbin and Ultra Dragon in a Young Lions Cup V Semi-Final match. [reported by]
  • June 24, 2007 – CHIKARA Pro – Young Lions Cup V – Night 3 in Hellertown, Pennsylvania: Los Ice Creams b F.I.S.T. (Gran Akuma and Icarus), UltraMantis Black and Hydra and Crossbones b Moscow and Super Xtremo and Player Uno, Billy Roc b Amigo Suzuki, The Olsen Twins b The North Star Express (Ryan Cruz and Darin Corbin), Lince Dorado b Mitch Ryder (After the match: Mitch Ryder attacked Lince Dorado and delivered quite a beating), Mike Quackenbush b Shayne Hawke, Blackout (Ruckus and Sabian) b The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant), The King’s of Wrestling (Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli) b Up in Smoke (Cheech and Cloudy), Hallowicked and Jigsaw and Shane Storm b The King’s of Wrestling (Larry Sweeney and Arik Cannon and Maxime Boyer), Chuck Taylor b Ricochet with a Running Omega Driver in the Finals to win the Young Lions Cup V Tournament!. [reported by]
  • July 21, 2007 – CHIKARA Pro – Showdown in CrisisLand! in Wallingford, Connecticut at the Knights of Columbus Hall: Los Ice Creams b The Olsen Twins, Ophidian b Player Uno by Submission, The Colony (Fire Ant and Worker Ant and Soldier Ant) b Gran Akuma and Icarus and Max Boyer, Claudio Castagnoli b Sicodelico Jr. in an NWA World Heavyweight Title Tournament Match, Shayne Hawke and 2.0 (Jagged and Shane Matthews) b Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw and Shane Storm, Eddie Kingston b Tom Donst, Hallowicked and Cheech and Cloudy b Hydra and Crossbones and Ultramantis Black, Lince Dorado b Chris Hero by Submission. [reported by]
  • August 5, 2007 – CHIKARA Pro – Maximum Overdraft in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at the New Alhambra Sports and Entertainment Center: Jigsaw and Shane Storm and Tim Donst and Moscow b UltraMantis Black and The Southern Saints in a pre-show match, Los Ice Creams (El Hijo Del Ice Cream and Ice Cream Jr.) b 2.0. (Jagged and Shane Matthews), Ricochet b Eddie Kingston by DQ, Shayne Hawke b Billy Roc, Sara Del Rey b Daizee Haze in a 2/3 Falls match, Los Tres Deliriosos (Delirious and Mascarada Deliriouscito and Mascarada Delirioscito Ano Dos Mil [aka Cheech and Cloudy]) b The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and Worker Ant), La Parkita Original b Payaso del Futuro, Chuck Taylor b Drake Younger to retain the Young Lions Cup, El Pantera and Lince Dorado b Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli, Mike Quackenbush b Black Tiger by Submission to retain the NWA World Junior Heavyweight title, F.I.S.T. (Gran Akuma and Icarus) b The Briscoe Brothers (After the match; the Briscoes snapped and laid out F.I.S.T.). [reported by]
  • August 17, 2007 – CHIKARA Pro – Here Come the International Invaders: 1st Stage – Attack of the Phantom Sith in Reading, Pennsylvania at The Riverside: Shane Storm b Rahim Ali, Tim Donst scored the first win of his career over Alex Payne, USApe b Moscow after a momentary distraction from Moohammed, Shayne Hawke b Jigsaw with the help of the ropes, Brodie Lee and The Olsen Twins b The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant), Akira Raijin b Claudio Castagnoli by DQ after interference from the Kings of Wrestling, Ricochet b PAC, Eddie Kingston b Brute Issei (from All Japan Pro Wrestling), Lince Dorado and Las Chivas and Equinox b Mitch Ryder and Chuck Taylor and Chris Hero and Larry Sweeney, Gran Akuma and Icarus b Los Ice Creams in a 2/3 Falls match to retain the Campeonatos de Parejas Titles. [reported by]
  • August 18, 2007 – CHIKARA Pro – Here Come the International Invaders: 2nd Stage – Revenge of the Clone Menace in Hellertown, Pennsylvania at American Legion Hall: Worker Ant b Rahim Ali with a Tiger Driver, Shane Storm and Jigsaw b The Olsen Twins, Brodie Lee b Tim Donst with a powerbomb, Soldier Ant b UltraMantis Black, Mitch Ryder b Hallowicked after using a chain as a weapon, Claudio Castagnoli b PAC with the Ricola Bomb, Chris Hero b Brute Issei (from AJPW), Shayne Hawke b Lince Dorado with an assist from Mitch Ryder, Mike Quackenbush b Akira Raijin to retain the NWA World Junior Heavyweight Title, Las Chivas b F.I.S.T. (Gran Akuma and Icarus) by decision when Bryce Remsburg threw the match out with an “excesivo de castigo” call, Chuck Taylor b Ricochet to retain the Young Lions Cup. [reported by]
  • September 22, 2007 – CHIKARA Pro – Cibernetico and Robin in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Brodie Lee b Mike Stevens, Daizee Haze b Candice LeRae, Incoherence (Delirious and Hallowicked) b The Order of the Neo-Solar Temple (Ultramantis Black and Hydra) in a #1 Contenders match, “Lightning” Mike Quackenbush b Tim Donst in a Student vs. Teacher match, Up In Smoke (Cheech and Cloudy) b The Olsen Twins (Jimmy and Colin Olsen), Super Xtremo b Kris Chambers, The Osirian Portal (Ophidian and Pharaoh) b ShaneSaw (Shane Storm and Jigsaw), The Colony (Worker Ant and Fire Ant and Soldier Ant) b BLK-OUT (Eddie Kingston and Joker and Sabian), Rudo Squad (Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli and Larry Sweeney and Chuck Taylor and Icarus and Gran Akuma and Mitch Ryder and Shayne Hawke) b Tecnico Squad (Lince Dorado and Los Ice Creams and Las Chivas and Equinox and Magno and Incognito) in the Torneo Cibernetico match (Claudio Castagnoli and Chris Hero and Mitch Ryder survived for their team) Claudio Castagnoli b Chris Hero and Mitch Ryder to win the 4th Annual Torneo Cibernetico match last eliminating Mitch Ryder. [reported by and Leonard F. CHIKARAson]
  • October 26, 2007 – CHIKARA Pro – Bruised in Reading, Pennsylvania at the Riverside Beneficial Association Building: UltraMantis Black and Hydra and Crossbones b Dragon Dragon and USApe and Moscow, Jigsaw b Dragon Yuki, Up In Smoke (Cheech and Cloudy) b Ophidian and Amasis, The Colony (Worker Ant and Fire Ant and Soldier Ant) b The Olsen Twins and Brodie Lee, Claudio Castagnoli b Chuck Taylor, Mitch Ryder b Equinox, NWA World Jr. Heavyweight Champion Mike Quackenbush vs. Lince Dorado ended in a No Contest after Mitch Ryder fouled Quackenbush and then lashed Dorado with a leather belt, Eddie Kingston b Tim Donst, Hallowicked and Delirious b Icarus and Chuck Taylor [sub for injured Gran Akuma] in a 2/3 Falls match to win the Campeonatos de Parejas (Tag Team) Titles.. [reported by]
  • October 27, 2007 – CHIKARA Pro – New Star Navigation in Barnesville, Pennsylvania at the Ryan Township Fire Hall: Jigsaw and Hydra b UltraMantis Black and Shane Storm in a Parejas Increibles match, New Star Navigation: Soldier b Crossbones, New Star Navigation: Tim Donst b Icarus, New Star Navigation: Brodie Lee b Worker Ant, New Star Navigation: Hallowicked and Delirious b Ophidian and Amasis, Helios b Chuck Taylor to win the Young Lions Cup, New Star Navigation: Fire Ant b Dragon Yuki, Claudio Castagnoli b “Sweet and Sour” Larry Sweeney, Up In Smoke (Cheech and Cloudy) b The Olsen Twins, New Star Navigation: Lince Dorado b Mitch Ryder with a Rolling Reverse Prawn Hold (After the match, challenges were issued back and forth, until Leonard F. CHIKARAson made official a lucha de apuesta to take place November 18th, pitting the mask of Lince Dorado against the hair of Mitch Ryder).. [reported by]
  • November 16, 2007 – CHIKARA Pro – Battle of Who Could Care Less in Reading, Pennsylvania at the Riverside Beneficial Association Building: Mike Quackenbush and The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and Worker Ant) b F.I.S.T. (Gran Akuma and Icarus) and Osirian Portal (Ophidian and Pharaoh), Chuck Taylor b Shane Storm, Sara del Rey b Portia Perez, Brodie Lee b Passion Hasegawa, Lince Dorado and Pantera b The Olsen Twins, Miyawaki b Ultramantis Black, Mitch Ryder and Robbie Ellis and Larry Sweeney b Jigsaw and Los Ice Creams (El Hijo Del Ice Cream and Ice Cream Jr.), Claudio Castagnoli and Equinox b Chris Hero and Shayne Hawke, Helios b Hydra to retain the Young Lion’s Cup, Incoherence (Delirious and Hallowicked) and Tim Donst b Blackout (Eddie Kingston and Sabian and Joker). [reported by]
  • November 17, 2007 – CHIKARA Pro – The Sordid Perils of Everyday Existence in Hellerton, Pennsylvania at the American Legion Hall: Lance Steel b Retail Dragon by Submission with the Boston Crab, Soldier Ant b Shayne Hawke, Shane Storm b Hydra, Amasis and Ophidian b Lince Dorado and Pantera, Chuck Taylor b Passion Hasegawa with the Omega Driver, Claudio Castagnoli b MIYAWAKI, Icarus and Gran Akuma and Mitch Ryder and Robbie Ellis b Mike Quackenbush and Tim Donst and Player Uno and Stupefied, Helios b Fire Ant to retain the Young Lion’s Cup, Chris Hero b Equinox in a Lucha de Apuesta to retain his hair and win Equinox’s mask, Incoherance (Delirious and Hallowicked) b Up In Smoke (Cheech and Cloudy) in a Best 2/3 Falls match to retain the Campeonatos de Parejas. [reported by]
  • November 18, 2007 – CHIKARA Pro – Chapter 11 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at the New Alhambra Sports and Entertainment Center (ECW Arena) before 350 fans: F.I.S.T. (Chuck Taylor and Gran Akuma and Icarus) b Tim Donst and Los Ice Creams (El Hijo Del Ice Cream and Ice Cream Jr.) after Los Ice Creams walked out on Donst, Robbie Ellis b Hydra with a Burning Hammer, The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and Worker Ant) b Shane Storm and The Super Smash Brothers (Player Uno and Stupified), Bryan Alvarez b “Sweet and Sour” Larry Sweeney with a super-kick to win the Tex-Arkana title, Delirious and Cheech and Cloudy b Pantera and Miyawaki and Passion Hasegawa, Mike Quackenbush and Helios and Trik Davis b Shayne Hawke and The Osirian Portal (Ophidian and Amasis), Eddie Kingston b Hallowicked in a Falls Count Anywhere match, Lince Dorado b Mitch Ryder in a Lucha de Apuesta (Hair vs. Mask) match – Notes: Lince Dorado was severely injured – See Notes – Mitch Ryder did get his head shaved..
  • December 9, 2007 – CHIKARA Pro – in State College, Pennsylvania at the Penn State Main Campus – Alumni Hall: The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and Worker Ant) b The Order of the Neo Solar Temple (UltraMantis Black and Hydra and Crossbones), Vin Gerard b Shane Storm with the STF, Brodie Lee and Gran Akuma and Icarus b Cheech and Cloudy and Sara Del Rey, Tim Donst b Mitch Ryder after distraction from Lince Dorado, The Osirian Portal (Ophidian and Pharaoh) b Los Ice Creams (El Hijo Del Ice Cream and Ice Cream Jr.), Claudio Castagnoli b Chris Hero with the Ricola Bomb [reported by]
  • January 27, 2008 – CHIKARA Pro – Two Eyebrows are Better than One! in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania at Johnston Hall: UltraMantis Black and Crossbones b Up In Smoke (Cheech and Cloudy), Hydra b Moravian Greyhound and Pablo the Zombie Plantain in a 3-WAY, Vin Gerard b Worker Ant, Sara Del Rey b Kylie Pierce, Eddie Kingston b Shane Storm, Sabian b Jimmy Olsen, The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant) b F.I.S.T. (Gran Akuma and Icarus), Hallowicked b “Sweet and Sour” Larry Sweeney, Claudio Castagnoli and Lince Dorado and Ophidian b Mike Quackenbush and Tim Donst and Amasis.
  • February 29, 2008 – CHIKARA Pro – King of Trios Tournament 2008 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at the The New Alhambra (formerly ECW Arena) before 550 fans: Las Chivas (#2 and #3 and #4) b ROH Graduates (Rhett Titus and Alex Payne and Shane Hagadorn) in the 1st Round [BLOCK A], The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and Worker Ant) b Team El Dorado (Michael Nakazawa and Mototsugu Shimizu and Go) in the 1st Round [BLOCK A], The Order of the Neo Solar Temple (UltraMantis Black and Hydra and Crossbones) b Team Kaiju (Call Me Kevin and Unibouzo and D.W. Cycloptopuss III) in the 1st Round [BLOCK B], Blackout (Eddie Kingston and Ruckus and Joker) received a bye [BLOCK B], Mike Quackenbush and Jorge “Skayde” Rivera and Shane Storm b Team Egypt (Mecha Mummy and Amasis the Funky Pharoah and Ophidian) in the 1st Round [BLOCK C], Cheech and Cloudy and M.C. KZ b Jimmy Olsen and Brodie Lee and Retail Dragon in the 1st Round [BLOCK C], Team IPW:UK (Martin Stone and Sha Samuels and Terry Frazier) b The Naptown Dragons (Drake Younger and Diehard Dustin Lee and Scotty Vortekz) in the 1st Round [BLOCK D], Delirious and Hallowicked and Helios received a bye [BLOCK D], The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and Worker Ant) b Las Chivas (#2 and #3 and #4) in the 2nd Round [BLOCK A], Blackout (Eddie Kingston and Ruckus and Joker) b The Order of the Neo Solar Temple (UltraMantis Black and Hydra and Crossbones) in the 2nd Round [BLOCK B], Mike Quackenbush and Jorge “Skayde” Rivera and Shane Storm b Cheech and Cloudy and M.C. KZ in the 2nd Round [BLOCK C], Delirious and Hallowicked and Helios b Team IPW:UK (Martin Stone and Sha Samuels and Terry Frazier) in the 2nd Round [BLOCK D]. [reported by Art Shimko]
  • March 1, 2008 – CHIKARA Pro – King of Trios Tournament 2008 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at the The New Alhambra (formerly ECW Arena): Team Japan (Kudo and Susumu and Miyawaki) b The Southern Saints (Shawn Reed and Marcus O’Neil and Reno Diamond) in the 1st Round [BLOCK E], Team AZW (AkuA and The Immortals) received a bye [BLOCK E], The Soul Touchaz (Acid Jaz and Willie Richardson and Marshe Rockett) b Team BSE (Kobra Kai and Super Xtremo and La Sombra) in the 1st Round [BLOCK F], F.I.S.T. (Gran Akuma and Chuck Taylor and Icarus) b Sweet n’Sour Inc. (Tank Toland and Bobby Dempsey and Sara Del Rey) in the 1st Round [BLOCK F], The Fabulous Three (Mitch Ryder and Larry Sweeney and Shayne Hawke) b Tim Donst and Drew Gulak and Andy Sumner in the 1st Round [BLOCK G], Team WWF (Demolition and One Man Gang) received a bye [BLOCK G], Team IWS (El Generico and The Super Smash Brothers) b Team F1rst Wrestling (Arik Cannon and The North Star Express) in the 1st Round [BLOCK H], Team Mexico (Lince Dorado and El Pantera and Incognito) b Los Ice Creams (Ice Cream Jr. and El Hijo del Ice Cream) and Glacier in the 1st Round [BLOCK H], Team Japan (Kudo and Susumu and Miyawaki) b Team AZW (AkuA and The Immortals) in the 2nd Round [BLOCK E], Team FIST (Gran Akuma and Chuck Taylor and Icarus) b Da Soul Touchaz (Acid Jaz and Willie Richardson and Marshe Rockett) in the 2nd Round [BLOCK F], The Fabulous Three (Mitch Ryder and Larry Sweeney and Shayne Hawke) b Team WWF (Demolition and One Man Gang) in the 2nd Round [BLOCK G], Team Mexico (Lince Dorado and El Pantera and Incognito) defeated Team IWS (El Generico and The Super Smash Brothers) in the 2nd Round [BLOCK H]. [reported by Art Shimko]
  • March 2, 2008 – CHIKARA Pro – King of Trios Tournament 2008 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at the The New Alhambra (formerly ECW Arena): The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and Worker Ant) b Team FIST (Gran Akuma and Chuck Taylor and Icarus) in a Quarter-final match, Team Mexico (Lince Dorado and El Pantera and Incognito) b Mike Quakenbush and Jorge “Skayde” Rivera and Shane Storm in a Quarter-final match, Blackout (Eddie Kingston and Ruckus and Joker) b Team Japan (Kudo and Susumu and Miyawaki) in a Quarter-final match, Delirious and Hallowicked and Helios b The Fabulous Three (Mitch Ryder and Larry Sweeney and Shayne Hawke) in a Quarter-final match, Demolition (Ax and Smash) won a Tag Team Guantlet match (Participants: North Star Express (Ryan Cruz and Darrin Corbin), The Kartel (Sha Samuels and Terry Frazier), Southern Saints (Shawn Reed and Marcus O’Neil), The Super Smash Brothers, Las Chivas, Go and Shimizu, Sara Del Ray and Bobby Dempsey, Hydra and Crossbones, Demolition), Blackout (Eddie Kingston and Ruckus and Joker) b Delirious and Hallowicked and Helios by DQ in a Semi-final match, Team Mexico (Lince Dorado and El Pantera and Incognito) b The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and Worker Ant) in a Semi-final match, Vin Gerard (formerly Equinox) b Glacier in a singles match, m.c. KZ b Michael Nakazawa in a singles match, Chiva #2 and Create A Wrestler and Tim Donst and Arik Cannon b Osirian Portal (Ophidian and Pharaoh) and Los Ice Creams (El Hijo Del Ice Cream and Ice Cream Jr.), Team Mexico (Lince Dorado and El Pantera and Incognito) b Blackout (Eddie Kingston and Ruckus and Joker) in the Finals of the King of Trios Tournament.. [reported by Art Shimko]
  • April 19, 2008 – CHIKARA Pro – Deuces Wild in Hellerton, Pennsylvania at the American Legion Hall: Ophidian and Amasis b Fire Ant and Soldier Ant, Robbie Ellis b Ice Cream, Jr., Worker Ant vs. Vin Gerard ended in a No Contest, Chuck Taylor and Icarus b Create-A-Wrestler and Player Uno, Helios b Lince Dorado in a Young Lions Cup Match, Gran Akuma b Jimmy Olsen, UltraMantis Black b Tim Donst, Brodie Lee b Shane Storm, Mitch Ryder and Shayne Hawke b Cheech and Cloudy, Mike Quackenbush b El Pantera to retain the NWA World Junior Heavyweight Title. [reported by]
  • April 20, 2008 – CHIKARA Pro – Passion and Persistence in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at the ECW Arena: The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant) b Bull Pain and Vin Gerard by DQ, Chuck Taylor b Hydra, Jimmy Olsen b Player Uno, Tim Donst b Ophidian, Helios b Amasis, Mike Quackenbush and Shane Storm and Cheech and Cloudy b Mitch Ryder and Shayne Hawke and Larry Sweeneyand Robbie Ellis, Sabian b El Pantera, Brodie Lee b Claudio Castagnoli by DQ, Hallowicked and Delirious b Icarus and Gran Akuma to retain the CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas (Tag Team titles).
  • May 17, 2008 – CHIKARA Pro – Cafe Culture in Hellertown, Pennsylvania before 200 fans at American Legion Hall: Mitch Ryder and Shayne Hawke b Create-A-Wrestler and Player Uno, Ophidian b Bobby Dempsey, Hallowicked b Amasis, Pelle Primeau b Icarus, Helios b TJ Cannon and PSYCHO and Lince Dorado in a Rey de Voladores Eliminator #1, UltraMantis Black and Crossbones and Tim Donst and Hydra b Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and Worker Ant and Pantera, Mike Quackenbush and Shane Storm b Chuck Taylor and Gran Akuma, Claudio Castagnoli b Jorge Rivera with a Ricola-bomb, Incognito b Stupified and Sonjay Dutt and Turbo in a Rey de Voladores Eliminator #2.. [reported by]
  • May 18, 2008 – CHIKARA Pro – Grit and Glory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at the ECW Arena: Sara Del Rey and Bobby Dempsey b Daizee Haze and Chuck Taylor, Gran Akuma b PSYCHO, Tim Donst and Hydra b Player Uno and Stupified, Vin Gerard b Lince Dorado, Claudio Castagnoli and El Pantera and Sonjay Dutt b Mike Quackenbush and Jorge Rivera and Turbo, Eddie Kingston b Shane Storm by Submission, The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and Worker Ant) b Mitch Ryder and Shayne Hawke and Larry Sweeney, Brodie Lee b Pelle Primeau, Hallowicked and Delirious b Ophidian and Amasis to retain the CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas (Tag Team titles), Incognito b Helios in a Rey de Voladores Final.. [reported by]
  • May 23, 2008 – CHIKARA Pro – Aniversarioma! in Framingham, Massachusetts at The Framingham Civic League: Ophidian and Amasis b Jagged and Shane Matthews, Vin Gerard b Create-A-Wrestler, Jimmy Olsen b Icarus, Gran Akuma and Chuck Taylor b Lince Dorado and Turbo, Hydra and Tim Donst b Grudyin and Tucor, Soldier Ant and Cloudy and Player Uno and Shane Storm b Mike Quackenbush and Stupified and Cheech and Worker Ant, Jorge Rivera vs. El Pantera ended in a Double-pin draw, Delirious and Hallowicked and Claudio Castagnoli b Brodie Lee and Mitch Ryder and Shayne Hawke. [reported by]
  • May 24, 2008 – CHIKARA Pro – Aniversarioct! (Super No Vacancy) in Wallingford, Connecticut at The Knights of Columbus Hall: Mike Quackenbush and Shane Storm b Ophidian and Amasis, Vin Gerard b Jimmy Olsen, Cheech and Cloudy b Player Uno and Stupified, Jorge Rivera b Turbo, Tim Donst and Hydra b El Hijo del Ice Cream and Ice Cream Jr., Gran Akuma and Icarus and Chuck Taylor b Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and Worker Ant, Mitch Ryder and Shayne Hawke b El Pantera and Lince Dorado, Claudio Castagnoli b Brodie Lee by DQ. [reported by]
  • June 13, 2008 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Young Lion’s Cup VI (Night 1) in Hellertown, Pennsylvania: Amasis b Ultimo Breakfast (Quarter-Final Match), Pelle Primeau b Ethan Page (Quarter-Final Match), Vin Gerard b Sami Callihan (Quarter-Final Match), Pinkie Sanchez b Alex Payne (Quarter-Final Match), Drake Younger b James Ross (Quarter-Final Match), Stupified b Jimmy Olsen (Quarter-Final Match), Mitch Ryder and Larry Sweeney and Shayne Hawke b The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and Worker Ant), UltraMantis Black and Hydra and Tim Donst b Gran Akuma and Icarus and Chuck Taylor, Vin Gerard b Amasis and Pelle Primeau and Pinkie Sanchez and Drake Younger and Stupified in a 6-WAY Elimination Semi-Final Match to advance to the Young Lion’s Cup Finals. [reported by]
  • June 14, 2008 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Young Lion’s Cup VI (Night 2) in Hellertown, Pennsylvania: Lince Dorado b Kyle Matthews (Quarter-Final Match), Ophidian b Steve “The Turtle” Weiner (Quarter-Final Match), Fire Ant b Chip Day (Quarter-Final Match), Tim Donst b Christian Faith (Quarter-Final Match), Shayne Hawke b Bobby Dempsey (Quarter-Final Match), Marshe Rockett b Johnny Gargano (Quarter-Final Match), Mike Quackenbush and Shane Storm b Player Uno and Stupified, Ultramantis Black and Crossbones b Willie Richardson and Acid Jazz, Fire Ant b Lince Dorado and Ophidian and Tim Donst and Shayne Hawke and Marshe Rockett in a 6-WAY Elimination Semi-Final Match to advance to the Young Lion’s Cup Finals. [reported by]
  • June 15, 2008 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Young Lion’s Cup VI (Night 3) in Hellertown, Pennsylvania: Acid Jazz and Marshe Rockett and Willie Richardson b Mitch Ryder and Shayne Hawke and Larry Sweeney, Jimmy Olsen b Lince Dorado, Gran Akuma and Icarus and Chuck Taylor b Sami Callihan and Ultimo Breakfast and Steve Weiner, Tim Donst b Ethan Page, Sara Del Rey and Bobby Dempsey b Amasis and Ophidian, Eddie Kingston b Soldier Ant, Brodie Lee b Drake Younger, Hallowicked and Delirious b Player Uno and Stupefied, Fire Ant b Vin Gerard in the Finals to win the Young Lion’s Cup Tournament. [reported by]
  • July 13, 2008 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Tragedy and Triumph in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at the New Alhambra Arena: Eddie Kingston b Lince Dorado, Ultimo Breakfast b Jimmy Olsen by DQ, Icarus and Gran Akuma and Ophidian and Amasis b Soldier Ant and Worker Ant and Player Uno and Stupified, Incognito b Chuck Taylor, Shane Storm b Mike Quackenbush, Vin Gerard b Fire Ant in a Young Lions Cup Match, Tim Donst b UltraMantis Black, Brodie Lee b Claudio Castagnoli in a “2 Refs/No-DQ/No Countout” Match, Hallowicked and Delirious b Mitch Ryder and Buck Hawke to win the CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas (Tag Team titles).. [reported by]
  • August 9, 2008 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – All That Glitters in Reading, Pennsylvania at The Riverside Beneficial: Player Uno and Player Dos b Ophidian and Amasis, Brodie Lee b Ultimo Breakfast, Fire Ant b Jimmy Olsen by DQ, Shane Storm b Mike Quackenbush, Chuck Taylor and Gran Akuma and Icarus b Lince Dorado and Chiva II and Chiva III, Buck Hawke b Claudio Castagnoli, Worker Ant b Vin Gerard with a Brainbuster, Hallowicked and Delirious b Tim Donst and Hydra to retain the CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas (Tag Team titles).. [reported by]
  • August 10, 2008 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Vanity and Violence in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at ECW Arena: Los Ice Creams b Las Chivas II y III, Fire Ant b Chuck Taylor, Mitch Ryder and Buck Hawke b Sara Del Rey and Bobby Dempsey, Jimmy Olsen b Worker Ant, Player Uno and Player Dos b Gran Akuma and Icarus, Vin Gerard b Drake Younger by DQ in a Young Lions Cup Match, UltraMantis Black and Crossbones and Dr. Cube b Mike Quackenbush and Tim Donst and Hydra, Eddie Kingston b Lince Dorado by Tazmission submission, Claudio Castagnoli and Hallowicked and Delirious b Brodie Lee and Ophidian and Amasis. [reported by]
  • September 6, 2008 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – La Loteria Letal in Easton, Pennsylvania at the Palmer Community Center: Icarus and Ultimo Breakfast b Helios and Tim Donst (1st Round), Jimmy Olsen and Lince Dorado b Shane Storm and Eddie Kingston (1st Round), Vin Gerard and Colin Delaney b Halcon Guerrero and Mitch Ryder (1st Round), Mike Quackenbush and Pinkie Sanchez b Claudio Castagnoli and Larry Sweeney (1st Round), Brodie Lee b Hydra with a Big Boot, Jimmy Olsen and Lince Dorado b Icarus and Ultimo Breakfast (La Lotería Letal Semi-Final Match), Vin Gerard and Colin Delaney b Mike Quackenbush and Pinkie Sanchez (La Lotería Letal Semi-Final Match), The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and Worker Ant) and Hallowicked b Ophidian and Amasis and Gran Akuma and Chuck Taylor. [reported by]
  • September 7, 2008 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Style and Substance in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at ECW Arena: Gran Akuma and Chuck Taylor b The Colony (Fire Ant and Worker Ant), Lince Dorado b Eddie Kingston by DQ, Player Uno and Player Dos b Mitch Ryder and Buck Hawke, Hallowicked and Delirious and Helios and Hydra b UltraMantis Black and Crossbones and TJ Cannon and Bruce Maxwell, Colin Delaney b Soldier Ant, Ophidian and Amasis b Cheech Hernandez and Cloudy Day in a Tag World Grand Prix 2008 Qualifier, Larry Sweeney b Icarus, Vin Gerard and STIGMA b Mike Quackenbush and Tim Donst, Claudio Castagnoli b Brodie Lee in a Steel Cage Match. [reported by]
  • September 20, 2008 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – The Artistic Pursuit of Being Yourself in Streamwood, Illinois at the Streamwood Park District Community Center: Silas Young b Egotistico Fantastico, Lince Dorado and Helios b Vito Thomaselli and Brandon Thomaselli with Stereo Shooting Star Presses, Buck Hawke b Tim Donst, Willie Richardson and Marshe Rockett and Acid Jaz and Trauma b UltraMantis Black and Crossbones and Sami Callihan and Trik Davis, Colin Delaney b Jimmy Olsen, Discovery and Incognito b Guerrerito del Futuro and Rey Makawe, STIGMA b Drake Younger with a Tombstone Piledriver, Vin Gerard b Fire Ant in a Young Lions Cup Match, Mike Quackenbush and Player Dos and Soldier Ant and Gran Akuma and Amasis b Hallowicked and Player Uno and Worker Ant and Icarus and Ophidian. [reported by]
  • September 21, 2008 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Laying in the Gutter, Looking at the Stars in Cleveland, Ohio at the West Park Party Center: Buck Hawke b Willie Richardson with the Dreaded Punch, Gran Akuma and Icarus b Helios and Incognito, Jimmy Olsen b Johnny Gargano, Ophidian and Amasis b Marshe Rockett and Acid Jaz, Lince Dorado b Shiima Xion and Sami Callihan in a Handicap Match, Mike Quackenbush and Tim Donst and Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and Worker Ant b Vin Gerard and STIGMA and Colin Delaney and UltraMantis Black and Crossbones, Claudio Castagnoli b Drake Younger, Player Uno and Player Dos b Hallowicked and Delirious to win the CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas (Tag Team titles).. [reported by]
  • October 18, 2008 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – The Global Gauntlet Night 1 in Easton, Pennsylvania: Ophidian and Amasis b Atsushi and Shinya Ishikawa, Yuji Okabayashi b Ultimo Breakfast, Jaki Numazawa b UltraMantis Black, Hallowicked b Katsumasa Inoue, Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and Jessie McKay b Crossbones and Ryan Eagles and Madison Eagles, Daisuke Sekimoto b Brodie Lee, Ryuji Ito b Mike Quackenbush, Jimmy Olsen and Lince Dorado b Vin Gerard and Colin Delany..[Reported by Andrew Pritchard from]
  • October 19, 2008 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – The Global Gauntlet Night 2 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at the ECW Arena: STIGMA and Colin Delany b Hydra and Tim Donst, Lince Dorado b Icarus, Hallowicked and Delirious b UltraMantis Black and Crossbones, Equinox b Vin Gerard, Ophidian and Amasis b Player Uno and Player Dos in a Campeonatos de Parejas match 2-1, 7-on7 Global Gauntlet: Jaki Numazawa b Gran Akuma, Fire Ant b Jaki Numazawa, Atsushi Ohashi b Fire Ant, Soldier Ant b Atsushi Ohashi, Katsumasa Inoue b Soldier Ant, Worker Ant b Katsumasa Inoue, Shinya Ishikawa b Worker Ant, Eddie Kingston b Shinya Ishikawa, Ryuji Ito b Mike Quackenbush, Mike Quackenbush b Ryuji Ito, Mike Quackenbush b Yuji Okabayashi, Daisuke Sekimoto b Mike Quackenbush, Claudio Castagnoli b Daisuke Sekimoto..[Reported by Andrew Pritchard from]
  • November 8, 2008 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Tag World Grand Prix 2008 (Night 1) in Oberhausen, Germany at the Turbinenhalle (T-Club): The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant) b Fight Club (Kid Fite and Lionheart) in a 1st Round Match, The UnStable (Vin Gerard and STIGMA) b Swiss Money Holding (Claudio Castagnoli and Marc Roudin) in a 1st Round Match, The Osirian Portal (Ophidian and Amasis) b The Thrillers (Joel Redman and Wade Fitzgerald) in a 1st Round Match, Sha Samuels and Big Van Walter and Steve Douglas b Bad Bones and Emil Sitoci and Bernd Fohr, Martin Stone and PAC b Team FIST (Chuck Taylor and Icarus) in a 1st Round Match, Revolution Purple (Adam Polak and Lazio Fe) b Robbie Brookside and Johnny Kidd in a 1st Round Match, Tommy End and Andrew Patterson b 2.0 (Jagged and Shane Matthews) in a 1st Round Match, Mike Quackenbush b Johnny Saint in a World of Sport Rules (6 Rounds of 5 Minutes Each) match by Knockout in the 4th Round..[Reported by Andrew Pritchard and]
  • November 9, 2008 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Tag World Grand Prix 2008 (Night 2) in Oberhausen, Germany at the Turbinenhalle (T-Club): The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant) b The UnStable (Vin Gerard and STIGMA) in a Semi-Final match, The Osirian Portal (Ophidian and Amasis) b Tommy End and Andrew Patterson in a Semi-Final match, Martin Stone and PAC b Revolution Purple (Adam Polak and Lazio Fe) in a Semi-Final match, Team FIST (Chuck Taylor and Icarus) and Emil Sitoci b Marc Roudin and Joel Redman and Wade Fitzgerald, Kid Fite and Lionheart and Sha Samuels b 2.0 (Jagged and Shane Matthews) and Karsten Beck, Claudio Castagnoli b Mike Quackenbush in a 2/3 Falls WXW Title Tournament Semi-Final match, Bad Bones b Big Van Walter in a WXW Title Tournament Semi-Final match, The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant) b The Osirian Portal (Ophidian and Amasis) and Martin Stone and PAC in a 3-WAY Finals to win the Tag World Grand Prix 2008 Tournament..[Reported by Andrew Pritchard and]
  • November 15, 2008 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Cibernetico Begins in Framingham, Massachusetts at the Framingham Civic League: Icarus and Gran Akuma b Robbie Ellis and Larry Sweeney, Escorpion Egipcio b Ultimo Breakfast, The Super Smash Brothers (Player Uno and Player Dos) b 2.0 (Jagged and Shane Matthews), Brodie Lee b Hallowicked, Mitch Ryder b Buck Hawke and Claudio Castagnoli in a 3-WAY – – – – – Torneo Cibernetico: UltraMantis Black b Tim Donst, Helios b Crossbones, STIGMA b Hydra, UltraMantis Black b Helios, Mike Quackenbush b Amasis, Ophidian b Soldier Ant, Fire Ant b UltraMantis Black, Worker Ant b Vin Gerard, STIGMA b Worker Ant, STIGMA b Mike Quackenbush, Fire Ant b STIGMA, Fire Ant b Eddie Kingston, Lince Dorado b Fire Ant, Equinox b Lince Dorado, Equinox b Ophidian to win the Torneo Cibernetico in 1:16:06.[Reported by]
  • November 16, 2008 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Armdrags to Riches in Wallingford, Connecticut at the Knights of Columbus Hall: Tim Donst and Hydra b Icarus and Gran Akuma, Heliosb UltraMantis Black, Super Smash Brothers (Player Uno and Player Dos) and Cheech Hernandez and KC “Cloudy” Day b Los Ice Creams (Ice Cream Jr. and El Hijo del Ice Cream) and 2.0 (Jagged and Shane Matthews), Vin Gerard b Worker Ant in a Young Lions Cup Match, Brodie Lee b Steven “The Turtle” Weiner, Ophidian and Escorpion Egipcio b Equinox and Lince Dorado to retain the CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas, Claudio Castagnoli b Eddie Kingston, The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant) b Incoherence (Delirios and Hallowicked) and The UnStable (STIGMA and Colin Delaney) and The Fabulous Two (Mitch Ryder and [Shane Hawke or Larry Sweeney?]) in a 4-WAY Elimination match..[Reported by]
  • December 12, 2008 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Face with a View in Easton, Pennsylvania at The Palmer Center: Grizzly Redwood won a “Super Fun Times Over-The-Top, Elimination Style, No-Holds-Barred, Masked-Dudes-Welcome, Battle Royal of Doom (and Honor)” [USApe eliminated by Rorschach, Darkness Crabtree eliminated by Dragonfly, Dragonfly eliminated by Worker Ant, Retail Dragon eliminated by Jervis Cottonbelly, Dragon Dragon eliminated by multiples, Jervis Cottonbelly eliminated by Shun the Kabuki Kid, Love Bug eliminated by Shun the Kabuki Kid, Rorschach eliminated by Pinkie Sanchez, Shun the Kabuki Kid eliminated by Larry Sweeney, Dr. Cheung eliminated by Sara Del Rey, Larry Sweeney eliminated by Grizzly Redwood, Pinkie Sanchez eliminated by Grizzly Redwood, Worker Ant eliminated by Grizzly Redwood and Sara Del Rey, Sara Del Rey eliminated by Grizzly Redwood].. Escorpion Egipcio b Fire Ant, Cheech Hernandez and “Cloudy” Day b Jagged and Shane Matthews, Soldier Ant b Ophidian, Tim Donst and Hydra b UltraMantis Black and Crossbones, Brodie Lee b Frightmare, Gran Akuma and Icarus and Chuck Taylor b Player Uno and Player Dos and Ultimo Breakfast, Mike Quackenbush b Buck Hawke to retain the NWA World Junior Title, Equinox and Lince Dorado and Helios b The UnStable (Vin Gerard and STIGMA and Colin Delaney).[Reported by]
  • December 14, 2008 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Duel and Duality in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at ECW Arena: Gran Akuma and Icarus and Chuck Taylor b Lince Dorado and Chiva V and Halcon Guerrero, Hallowicked b Grizzly Redwood, Escorpion Egipcio and Ophidian b The Super Smash Brothers (Player Uno and Player Dos), Hydra b UltraMantis Black, The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant) b 2.0 (Jagged and Shane Matthews), Eddie Kingston b Drake Younger, Mitch Ryder and Buck Hawke b Larry Sweeney and Claudio Castagnoli, Equinox vs. Vin Gerard ended in a No Contest in a Young Lions Cup Match, Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw b STIGMA and Colin Delaney.[Reported by]
  • January 25, 2009 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Revelation X in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at ECW Arena before 375 fans: F.I.S.T. (Gran Akuma and Icarus) b Lince Dorado and Helios, Hallowicked and Fightmare b Brodie Lee and Grizzly Redwood, Daizee Haze b Sara Del Rey, Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw b Ultramantis Black and Crossbones, STIGMA and Colin Delaney b Up In Smoke (Cheech and Cloudy), Larry Sweeney and Mitch Ryder b Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream and Ice Cream Jr.), Eddie Kingston b Delirious, Amasis and Ophidian b The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant) in a CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Match, Jimmy Olsen b Vin Gerard in a Ladder Match to win the Young Lions Cup. [reported by ]
  • February 20, 2009 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – If the Airplane is Snowed in, Put your Bloody Skis on and Get Going! in Reading, Pennsylvania at The Riverside Beneficial Association before 175 fans: Cheech Hernandez and KC Day and Hydra b Ultramantis Black and Crossbones and Pinkie Sanchez, Grizzly Redwood b Create-a-Wrestler, Delirious b Sami Callihan, Vin Gerard and STIGMA and Colin Delaney b Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw and Tim Donst, Ophidian and Amasis b Jimmy Olsen and Lince Dorado, Brodie Lee b Frightmare, Gran Akuma and Icarus and Chuck Taylor b Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and Worker Ant in a King of Trios 2009 Qualifying Match, Claudio Castagnoli b Escorpion Egipcio with a Ricola Bomb.. [reported by]
  • February 21, 2009 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Motive, Means, Opportunity in Easton, Pennsylvania at The Palmer Community Center: Brodie Lee and Eddie Kingston and Grizzly Redwood b Ultramantis Black and Crossbones and Sami Callihan, Ophidian b Frightmare, Sara del Rey and Sassy Stephie b Daizee Haze and Hailey Hatred, Escorpion Egipcio b Lince Dorado, Fire Ant and Soldier Ant b Icarus and Chuck Taylor by DQ, Vin Gerard and STIGMA and Colin Delaney b Tim Donst and Hydra and Create-a-Wretler, Claudio Castagnoli b Gran Akuma with a Screwdriver, Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw b Cheech Hernandez and KC Day, Equinox b Amasis in a Young Lions Cup Match. [reported by]
  • March 27, 2009 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – King of Trios (Night 1) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at ECW Arena: Arik Cannon and Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz b Austin Aries and Tony Kozina and Ryan Drago (1st Round), Ophidian and Amasis and Escorpion Egipcio b El Generico and Nick Jackson and Matt Jackson (1st Round), Claudio Castagnoli and Dave Taylor and Bryan Danielson b Brodie Lee and Eddie Kingston and Grizzly Redwood (1st Round), Willie Richardson and Marshe Rockett and Trauma b Pinkie Sanchez and Beef Wellington and Greg Excellent (1st Round), Gran Akuma and Icarus and Chuck Taylor b Necro Butcher and Toby Klein and Brain Damage (1st Round), Equinox and Helios and Lince Dorado b Kota Ibushi and KUDO and Michael Nakazawa (1st Round), Mike Quackenbush and Johnny Saint and Jorge Rivera b Hallowicked and Delirious and Frightmare (1st Round), Vin Gerard and STIGMA and Colin Delaney b Al Snow and D’Lo Brown and Glacier (1st Round). [reported by]
  • March 28, 2009 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – King of Trios (Night 2) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at ECW Arena: Player Dos b Matt Jackson and Fire Ant and Austin Aries in a 4-WAY (Rey de Voladores Eliminator #1), Gran Akuma and Icarus and Chuck Taylor b Arik Cannon and Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz (Quarter-Final), Pierre Abernathy and Evan Gelistico b Gary the BarnOwl and Davey Vega in a Lethal Wrestling Alliance Showcase Match, Equinox and Helios and Lince Dorado b Ophidian and Amasis and Escorpion Egipcio (Quarter-Final), Kota Ibushi b Nick Jackson and El Generico and Jigsaw in a 4-WAY (Rey de Voladores Eliminator #2), Vin Gerard and STIGMA and Colin Delaney b Willie Richardson and Marshe Rockett and Trauma (Quarter-Final), Player Uno b Twiggy in an Inter Species Wrestling Showcase Match, Claudio Castagnoli and Dave Taylor and Bryan Danielson b Mike Quackenbush and Johnny Saint and Jorge Rivera (Quarter-Final). [reported by]
  • March 29, 2009 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – King of Trios (Night 3) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at ECW Arena: Claudio Castagnoli and Dave Taylor and Bryan Danielson b Vin Gerard and STIGMA and Colin Delaney (Semi-Final), Gran Akuma and Icarus and Chuck Taylor b Equinox and Lince Dorado and Helios (Semi-Final), Arik Cannon b El Generico, Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw won a Tag Team Gauntlet Match (Tony Kozina and Ryan Drago b Hallowicked and Frightmare.. The Sea Donsters b Tony Kozina and Ryan Drago.. UltraMantis and Crossbones b The Sea Donsters.. UltraMantis and Crossbones b Weiner and Beef Wellington.. Player Uno and Create A-Wrestler b UltraMantis and Crossbones.. Ryder and Sanchez b Player Uno and Create-A-Wrestler.. Richardson and Rockett b Ryder and Sanchez.. The Young Bucks b Richardson and Rockett.. Cheech and Cloudy b The Young Bucks.. Brodie Lee and Grizzly Redwood b Cheech and Cloudy..).. Ophidian and Amasis and KUDO and Michael Nakazawa b Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz, Eddie Kingston b Austin Aries, Kota Ibushi b Player Dos in the Rey de Voladores Tournament Final, Gran Akuma and Icarus and Chuck Taylor b Claudio Castagnoli and Dave Taylor and Bryan Danielson in the Finals to win the King of Trios Tournament. [reported by]
  • April 25, 2009 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Behind the 8 Ball in Easton, Pennsylvania: 2.0 (Jagged and Shane Matthews) b Hallowicked and Frightmare, Shark Girl b Nevaeh, Helios b Escorpion Egipcio, Player Dos and STIGMA and Tim Donst and Brodie Lee b Player Uno and Vin Gerard and Hydra and Buck Hawke, Gran Akuma b Shadow Phoenix, Icarus and Chuck Taylor b Fire Ant and Soldier Ant, Equinox b Colin Delaney in a Young Lions Cup Match, Ophidian and Amasis b Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw in a CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Match. [reported by]
  • April 26, 2009 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – The Bobliographon in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Claudio Castagnoli b Shadow Phoenix, KC “Cloudy” Day and Cheech Hernandez b 2.0 (Jagged and Shane Matthews) and The Super Smash Brothers (Player Uno and Player Dos) and STIGMA and Colin Delaney in a 4-WAY Tag Team Match, Ultramantis Black b Create-A-Wrestler, Hallowicked and Delirious and Frightmare b Eddie Kingston and Brodie Lee and Grizzly Redwood, Sara Del Rey b Shark Girl with the Royal Butterfly, Equinox and Lince Dorado and Helios b Ophidian and Amasis and Escorpion Egipcio, Vin Gerard b Glacier, Gran Akuma and Icarus and Chuck Taylor and Buck Hawke b Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw and Fire Ant and Soldier Ant. [reported by]
  • May 23, 2009 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Aniversario Yin in Easton, Pennsylvania before 144 fans: Incoherence (Hallowicked and Frightmare) b 2.0 (Jagged and Shane Matthews), Grizzly Redwood b Hydra, Eddie Kingston b Create-A-Wrestler, Gran Akuma and Icarus and Chuck Taylor b Jigsaw and Helios and Lince Dorado, Delirious b Arik Cannon, Tim Donst b STIGMA, The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant) and Super Smash Brothers (Player Uno and Player Dos) b The Osirian Portal (Ophidian and Amasis) and Los Ice Creams (Ice Cream Jr. and El Hijo del Ice Cream), Vin Gerard b Claudio Castagnoli. [reported by]
  • May 24, 2009 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Aniversario Yang in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania before 418 fans: Brodie Lee and Grizzly Redwood b Los Ice Creams (Ice Cream Jr. and El Hijo del Ice Cream), Ophidian b Arik Cannon, Ultramantis Black and Crossbones and Delirious b The Super Smash Brothers (Player Uno and Player Dos) and Create A Wrestler, D-Lo Brown and Glacier b Colin Delaney and Vin Gerard, 2.0 (Jagged and Shane Matthews) b Tim Donst and Hydra, Hallowicked and Frightmare and Cheech Hernandez and KC “Cloudy” Day b Jigsaw and Mike Quackenbush and Helios and Lince Dorado, Eddie Kingston b Claudio Castagnoli with an Oklahoma Roll, The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant) b Icarus and Chuck Taylor in a Double Mask vs. Double Hair Match. [reported by]
  • June 12, 2009 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Japan Showcase in Saitama, Japan at the Ice Ribbon Arena: Green Ant b Tigre Rojo, 2.0 (Jagged and Shane Matthews) b Atsushi Ohashi and Mototsugu Shimizu, Michael Nakazawa b Chuck Taylor, The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant) b UltraMantis Black and Crossbones. [reported by]
  • June 13, 2009 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Japan Showcase in Shinkiba, Tokyo, Japan: Daikokubo Benkei b Atsushi Ohashi, UltraMantis Black and Crossbones b Shadow WX and Yuichi Taniguchi, Daisuke Sekimoto b Chuck Taylor, Yoshihito Sasaki and Ryuichi Kawakami b 2.0 (Jagged and Shane Matthews), Takashi Sasaki and Shinobu b Michael Nakazawa and Tigre Rojo, The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and Green Ant) b Jaki Numazawa and Shinya Ishikawa and Yuji Okabayashi, Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and Green Ant and Jaki Numazawa and Atsushi Ohashi b UltraMantis Black and Crossbones and Chuck Taylor and Jagged and Shane Matthews. [reported by]
  • July 31, 2009 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Never Kneel at the Altar of Conformity in Reading, Pennsylvania: Dragonfly b Rorschach with the Dragon Sleeper, Daizee Haze b Rayna VonTash with the Mind Trip, Vin Gerard and Stigma and Colin Delaney b Hallowicked and Frightmare and Hydra, Claudio Castagnoli b Tim Donst with the Ricola Bomb, Brodie Lee and Grizzly Redwood b Cheech Hernandez (Cheech) and KC Day (Cloudy), Amasis b Lince Dorado with the Egyptian Conniption, Icarus and Gran Akuma b Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw, The Colony (Soldier Ant and Fire Ant and Green Ant) b Delirious and Ultramantis Black and Crossbones. [reported by]
  • August 14, 2009 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Young Lions Cup VII – Night 1 in Easton, Pennsylvania at the Palmer Center: Brendan Michael Thomas b Frightmare in a Quarter-Final Match, Hydra b Tim Donst in a Quarter-Final Match, Dasher Hatfield b Jason Hades in a Quarter-Final Match, KC “Cloudy” Day b Chimaera in a Quarter-Final Match, Colin Delaney b Stinky the Homeless Guy in a Quarter-Final Match, Lince Dorado b Prince Mustafa Ali in a Quarter-Final Match, Brodie Lee b Cheech Hernandez in a Non-Tournament Match, The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant) b 2.0 (Jagged and Shane Matthews), Colin Delaney b Hydra and Lince Dorado and KC “Cloudy” Day and Brendan Michael Thomas and Dasher Hatfield in a 6-WAY Semi-Final Elimination Match. [reported by]
  • August 15, 2009 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Young Lions Cup VII – Night 2 in Easton, Pennsylvania at the Palmer Center: Vökoder b Yellow Dog in a Quarter-Final Match, Soldier Ant b Carpenter Ant in a Quarter-Final Match, Ryan Cruz b Darin Corbin in a Quarter-Final Match, Trik Davis b Shane Hollister in a Quarter-Final Match, Grizzly Redwood b El Leonino in a Quarter-Final Match, Player Dos b Player Uno in a Quarter-Final Match, Jigsaw b Arik Cannon in a Non-Tournament Match, Pierrothito b Mascarita Dorada in a Minis match, Player Dos b Ryan Cruz and Grizzly Redwood and Trik Davis and Vökoder and Soldier Ant in a 6-WAY Semi-Final Elimination Match. [reported by]
  • August 16, 2009 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Young Lions Cup VII – Night 3 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Player Uno and Yellow Dog and Dasher Hatfield b Tim Donst and Hydra and KC “Cloudy” Day, Brodie Lee and Grizzly Redwood b The Northstar Express (Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz), Gran Akuma and Icarus b UltraMantis Black and Delirious and The Colony (Soldier Ant and Green Ant) and Chiva V and Halcon Guerrero in a 4-WAY Tag Team Elimination match, Mascarita Dorada b Pierrothito, Mike Quackenbush and Jorge Rivera b Turbo and Frightmare, Claudio Castagnoli b Eddie Kingston, Fire Ant and Hallowicked and Arik Cannon b Vin Gerard and STIGMA and Chuck Taylor and Jigsaw and Equinox and Helios in a Golden Dream Triangle Trios Match, Player Dos b Colin Delaney in the Young Lion’s Cup VII Tournament Final. [reported by]
  • September 12, 2009 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Man Makes Plans, and God Laughs in West Springfield, Massachusetts at The Elks Lodge: Frightmare b Brendan Michael Thomas, Chad Badd and Brad Badd b Fire Ant and Green Ant, Steven “The Turtle” Weiner b Grizzly Redwood by DQ, Dasher Hatfield b Colin Delaney, UltraMantis Black and Delirious b Player Uno and Player Dos, Tim Donst b Hydra with the Tazmission, Vin Gerard and STIGMA and Daizee Haze b Mike Quackenbush and Equinox and Lince Dorado, Icarus and Chuck Taylor b Ophidian and Amasis, Claudio Castagnoli b Hallowicked in 20:00 with a Reverse Folding Press. [reported by]
  • September 13, 2009 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Hiding in Plain Sight in Nashua, New Hampshire at the The Boys and Girls Club: Hallowicked and Frightmare b Icarus and Chuck Taylor, Sara Del Rey b “Portuegese Princess” Ariel with the Royal Butterfly, UltraMantis Black and Delirious b Eddie Kingston and Grizzly Redwood, Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw b Claudio Castagnoli and Bryan Danielson, Dasher Hatfield and Colt Cabana and Lince Dorado and Carpenter Ant and Green Ant b Vin Gerard and STIGMA and Colin Delaney and Jagged and Shane Matthews, Player Dos b Player Uno in a Young Lions Cup Match, Fire Ant and Soldier Ant b Ophidian and Amasis in a CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Match. [reported by]
  • October 17, 2009 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – An Optimistic View of a Pessimistic World in Easton, Pennsylvania at the Palmer Center: Vin Gerard b Lince Dorado with a Northern Lights Bomb 2k1, Claudio Castagnoli b Player Uno, Ophidian and Amasis b The Young Bucks (Nick and Matt Jackson) and Dasher Hatfield and Sugar Dunkerton and Icarus and Chuck Taylor in a 4-WAY Tag Team match, Helios b Hallowicked, Jigsaw b STIGMA, Mike Quackenbush b Sal Rinauro to retain the NWA World Junior Heavyweight Title, UltraMantis Black and Crossbones b The Colony (Carpenter Ant and Green Ant), Player Dos b Frightmare in a Young Lions Cup Match, The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant) b Brodie Lee and Grizzly Redwood to retain the CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas. [reported by]
  • October 18, 2009 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Cibernetico Increible in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at the ECW Arena: Dasher Hatfield and Sugar Dunkerton Los Ice Creams (Ice Cream Jr. and El Hijo del Ice Cream), Vin Gerard b Ryuichi Kawakami, Bullfight Sora and Daizee Haze b Sara Del Rey and La Malcriada, Claudio Castagnoli b Sal Rinauro with the Giant Swing, Crossbones and Icarus and Colin Delaney b UltraMantis Black and Chuck Taylor and STIGMA, Ophidian and Amasis b Brodie Lee and Grizzly Redwood.. Torneo Cibernetico: Matt Jackson b Green Ant (15:58), Hallowicked b KC Day (20:20), Player Dos b Player Uno (25:22), Frightmare b Cheech Hernandez (32:43), Mike Quackenbush b Nick Jackson (36:53), Player Dos b Matt Jackson (39:15), Carpenter Ant b Frightmare (40:16), Lince Dorado b Jigsaw (41:59), Lince Dorado b Player Dos (43:02), Hallowicked b Helios (46:18), Fire Ant b Lince Dorado (47:18), Mike Quackenbush b Fire Ant (47:30), Soldier Ant b Hallowicked (48:17), Soldier Ant b Mike Quackenbush (48:45), Carpenter Ant b Soldier Ant by Submission (51:20) to win the Torneo Cibernetico!!. [reported by]
  • November 21, 2009 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Throwing Life’s Instructions Away in Easton, Pennsylvania: Ophidian b Hallowicked with a Reverse Rolling Prawn Hold, Chad Badd and Brad Badd b Lince Dorado and Helios, Amasis b Carpenter Ant by DQ, Player Dos b Yujiro Kushida with a Frog Splash, UltraMantis Black and Delirious and Crossbones b Claudio Castagnoli and Mike Quackenbush and Jorge Rivera, Dasher Hatfield and Sugar Dunkerton b Icarus and Chuck Taylor, Tim Donst b Hydra in a Loser Leaves CHIKARA Match, The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and Green Ant) b Vin Gerard and STIGMA and Colin Delaney, Jigsaw b Gran Akuma with a Super Jig n’ Tonic. [reported by]
  • November 22, 2009 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Three-Fisted Tales in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Vin Gerard and STIGMA and Colin Delaney and Brodie Lee b Dasher Hatfield and Sugar Dunkerton and Carpenter Ant and Green Ant, Helios b Yujiro Kushida with a Splash, Player Uno b Tim Donst with the The Joystick, UltraMantis Black and Delirious b Hallowicked and Frightmare, Icarus and Chuck Taylor b Mike Quackenbush and Jorge Rivera, Player Dos b Lince Dorado with a Frog Splash in a Young Lions Cup Match, Claudio Castagnoli b Eddie Kingston with a European Uppercut in a Respect match, The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant) b The Osirian Portal (Amasis and Ophidian) in a CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Match. [reported by]
  • January 31, 2010 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – A Touch of Class in Philadelphia before 600 fans: Pinkie ‘Pink Ant’ Sanchez b Green Ant, Dasher Hatfield and Sugar Dunkerton and Player Uno b Vin Gerard and STIGMA and Colin Delaney, Sara Del Rey and Daizee Haze b Ophidian and Amasis, Hallowicked b Brodie Lee, UltraMantis Black and Delirious and Crossbones b Grizzly Redwood and Pelle Primeau and Andy Ridge, Tim Donst b Player Dos in a Young Lions Cup Match, Claudio Castagnoli and Are$ and Tursas and Lince Dorado b Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw and Equinox and Eddie Kingston, The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant) b Gran Akuma and Icarus in a CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Match.
  • February 27, 2010 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – The Mint Condition in Reading, Pennsylvania at the Goodwill Fire Association Hall: The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and Green Ant) b Lince Dorado and Pinkie Sanchez and Daizee Haze by DQ, Delirious b Player Dos with a Praying Mantis Bomb, Hallowicked and Frightmare and Ophidian and Amasis b Icarus and Gran Akuma and Chad Badd and Brad Badd, Claudio Castagnoli and Are$ b Dasher Hatfield and Sugar Dunkerton, Tim Donst b Player Uno in a Young Lions Cup Match, Tursas b Eddie Kingston with a Flying Splash, Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw and Equinox and Helios b Vin Gerard and Colin Delaney and STIGMA and Brodie Lee. [reported by].
  • February 28, 2010 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – A World of Comforting Illusions in Pottsville, Pennsylvania at GoodFellas: Dasher Hatfield and Sugar Dunkerton b Vin Gerard and STIGMA, Brodie Lee b Green Ant with the Running Liger Bomb, Hallowicked and Frightmare b Daizee Haze and Sara Del Rey, Claudio Castagnoli and Are$ b Osirian Portal (Ophidian and Amasis) and The Badd Boys (Chad and Brad) and Super Smash Brothers (Player Uno and Player Dos) in a 4-WAY Elimination Match, Eddie Kingston b Gran Akuma, Tim Donst and Tursas and Lince Dorado and Pink Ant b Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw and Equinox and Helios, The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant) b Delirious and UltraManis Black to retain the CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas (Tag Team Titles). [reported by].
  • March 20, 2010 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Wit, Verve and a Bit o’ Nerve in Easton, Pennsylvania at The Palmer Center: Sara Del Rey and Daizee Haze b Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream and Ice Cream Jr.), Tursas b Green Ant with the Kreuz Bomb, Osirian Portal (Ophidian and Amasis) b Vin Gerard and STIGMA, Lince Dorado b Equinox with a Shooting Star Press, 2.0 (Shane Matthews and Jagged) b The Badd Boyz (Chad and Brad), Tim Donst b Dasher Hatfield in a Young Lions Cup Match, Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw and Hallowicked and Frightmare b UltraMantis Black and Crossbones and Icarus and Gran Akuma, Claudio Castagnoli and Are$ b The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant) to win the CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas (Tag Team Titles). [reported by].
  • March 21, 2010 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Dead Men Don’t Laugh in Fairfield, Connecticut at the Knights of Columbus Hall: 2.0 (Scott “Jagged” Parker and Shane Matthews) b Order of Neo Solar Temple (UltraMantis Black and Crossbones), Pinkie Sanchez b Equinox with the Burning Snicklefritz, STIGMA b Dasher Hatfield with a Tombstone, Tim Donst and Sara Del Rey and Daizee Haze b The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and Green Ant), Jigsaw b Vin Gerard with the Brainbuster, Frankie Arion b Brendan Michael Thomas with a California Roll, Gran Akuma and Icarus b Osirian Portal (Ophidian and Amasis), Lince Dorado b Eddie Kingston by DQ, Claudio Castagnoli and Are$ and Tursas b Mike Quackenbush and Hallowicked and Frightmare. [reported by].
  • April 23, 2010 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – King of Trios 2010 (Night 1) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Gran Akuma and Icarus and Chuck Taylor b Dasher Hatfield and Sugar Dunkerton and Matt Classic in a 1st Round match, Daisuke Sekimoto and Yuji Okabayashi and Kankuro Hoshino b Mike Quackenbush and Hallowicked and Frightmare in a 1st Round match, Claudio Castagnoli and Ares and Tursas b Ophidian and Amasis and Sara Del Rey in a 1st Round match, Atsushi Kotoge and Daisuke Harada and Tadasuke b Vin Gerard and STIGMA and Colin Delaney in a 1st Round match, The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and Green Ant) b Johnny Gargano and Flip Kendrick and Louis Lyndon, Tim Donst and Lince Dorado and Pink Ant b Arik Cannon and Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz in a 1st Round match, Alebrije and Cuije and El Oriental b Curry Man and El Hijo del Ice Cream and Ice Cream Jr. in a 1st Round match, Jigsaw and Equinox and Helios b Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson and Malachi Jackson in a 1st Round match. [reported by].
  • April 24, 2010 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – King of Trios 2010 (Night 2) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Brodie Lee b Grizzly Redwood with a Big Boot, Daisuke Sekimoto and Yuji Okabayashi and Kankuro Hoshino b Jigsaw and Equinox and Helios in a Quarter Final match, Matt Cross b Malachi Jackson and Flip Kendrick and Amasis in a Rey de Voladores Eliminator #1, Claudio Castagnoli and Ares and Tursas b Alebrije and Cuije and El Oriental in a Quarter Final match, Christopher Daniels b Hallowicked with the Best Moonsault Ever, Atsushi Kotoge and Daisuke Harada and Tadasuke b Gran Akuma and Icarus and Chuck Taylor in a Quarter Final match, Ophidian b Rich Swann and Cheech Hernandez and Frightmare in a Rey de Voladores Eliminator #2, The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and Green Ant) b Tim Donst and Lince Dorado and Pink Ant in a Quarter Final match. [reported by].
  • April 25, 2010 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – King of Trios 2010 (Night 3) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and Green Ant) b Atsushi Kotoge and Daisuke Harada and Tadasuke in a Semi-Final match, Claudio Castagnoli and Ares and Tursas b Daisuke Sekimoto and Yuji Okabayashi and Kankuro Hoshino in a Semi-Final match, Chuck Taylor b El Oriental with the Cross Crab, Hallowicked and Frightmare won a Tag Team Gauntlet Match (Order of Elimination: The Throwbacks, Weiner/Dragon, Gerard/STIGMA, Lyndon/Kendrick, Helios/Equinox, Corbin/Cruz, UltraMantis/Crossbones, Gran Akuma/Icarus, Sara Del Rey and Daizee Haze), Eddie Kingston b Christopher Daniels with the Backfist to the Future, Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw b The Young Bucks (Matt and Nick Jackson), Ophidian b Matt Cross in the Rey de Voladores Tournament Final, Claudio Castagnoli and Ares and Tursas b The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and Green Ant) in the Finals to win the King of Trios Tournament. [reported by].
  • May 22, 2010 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Aniversario Zehn in Tyngsboro, Massachusetts: Amasis b Green Ant with a Discus Elbow, Daizee Haze and Tursas b Dasher Hatfield and Sugar Dunkerton, STIGMA b Ophidian with “That Japanese Move!”, Equinox and Helios b Lince Dorado and Tim Donst, Pink Ant b Fire Ant with an Inverted CHIKARA Special, Are$ b UltraMantis Black with an O’Connor Roll, Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw and Hallowicked and Frightmare b Gran Akuma and Chuck Taylor and Vin Gerard and Colin Delaney. [reported by].
  • May 23, 2010 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Aniversario Elf in Union City, New Jersey: Equinox and Helios b Player Uno and Player Dos and Scott Parker and Shane Matthews and Gran Akuma and Chuck Taylor in a 4-WAY Elimination Tag Team match, Lince Dorado b Fire Ant with a Shooting Star Press, Vin Gerard b Amasis with a Single Leg Cradle, Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw and Dasher Hatfield and Sugar Dunkerton b Sara Del Rey and Daizee Haze and Pink Ant and Tursas, Tim Donst b Soldier Ant in a Young Lions Cup Match, Claudio Castagnoli and Are$ b Hallowicked and Frightmare to retain the CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas (Tag Team Titles), Eddie Kingston b Tommy Dreamer by DQ due to Are$ and Claudio Castagnoli and Bruderschaft des Kreuzes interfering in the match. [reported by].
  • June 26, 2010 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – We Must Eat Michigan’s Brain in Taylor, Michigan: Cameron Skyy and J. Miller b Tommy Treznik and GQ, Mike Quackenbush b Green Ant with a Half Crab, Lince Dorado and Pink Ant b Ophidian and Amasis, UltraMantis Black b Delirious with the O’Connor Roll, Fire Ant and Soldier Ant b Player Uno and Player Dos, Bryan Danielson b Eddie Kingston with a Small Package, Acid Jaz and Marshe Rockett and Willie Richardson b Claudio Castagnoli and Ares and Tursas, Tim Donst b Frightmare in a Young Lions Cup Match, Scott Parker and Shane Matthews and Equinox and Helios b Chuck Taylor and Icarus and Vin Gerard and STIGMA. [reported by].
  • June 27, 2010 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Faded Scars and Lines in Cleveland, Ohio: Tursas b Player Dos with a High Cross Body, Acid Jaz and Marshe Rockett and Willie Richardson b Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and Green Ant, Scott Parker and Shane Matthews b Icarus and Chuck Taylor, Johnny Gargano b Player Uno with the Flatliner, Lince Dorado and Pink Ant b Mike Quackenbush and Frightmare, Eddie Kingston b Delirious with the Backfist to the Future, Vin Gerard and STIGMA b Ophidian and Amasis, Bryan Danielson b Tim Donst with Cattle Mutilation, Claudio Castagnoli and Are$ b Equinox and Helios to retain the CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas (Tag Team Titles). [reported by].
  • July 25, 2010 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – CHIKARAsaurus Rex: King of Show in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at the ECW Arena: Tursas and Tim Donst and Lince Dorado and Pink Ant b Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and Green Ant and Frightmare, SHINGO b Equinox, Sara Del Rey and Daizee Haze b Amazing Kong and Raesha Saeed, CIMA and Masaaki Mochizuki and Super Shenlong b Icarus and Gran Akuma and Chuck Taylor, Ophidian and Amasis and Drake Younger b Vin Gerard and STIGMA and Colin Delaney, Claudio Castagnoli and Are$ b Eddie Kingston and Tommy Dreamer, Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw and Hallowicked b Masato Yoshino and Naruki Doi and Bxb Hulk. [reported by].
  • August 27, 2010 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Young Lion’s Cup 2010 in Reading, Pennsylvania at the Goodwill Fire Association: Christian Abel b Sugar Dunkerton in a Quarter-Final Match, Frightmare b Brendan Michael Thomas in a Quarter-Final Match, Kaio b Josh Pain in a Quarter-Final Match, Akira Tozawa b Green Ant in a Quarter-Final Match, Amasis b Chrisjen Hayme in a Quarter-Final Match, Johnny Gargano b Andy Ridge in a Quarter-Final Match, Tursas b Grizzly Redwood in a Non-Tournament Match, Daizee Haze and Sara Del Rey b Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw, Frightmare b Christian Abel and Kaio and Amasis and Johnny Gargano and Akira Tozawa in a Semi-Final Elimination match. [reported by].
  • August 28, 2010 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Young Lion’s Cup 2010 in Reading, Pennsylvania at the Goodwill Fire Association: Ophidian b Skull in a Quarter-Final Match, Cameron Skyy b Eric Ryan in a Quarter-Final Match, Obariyon b Dustin Rayz in a Quarter-Final Match, Keita Yano b Mike Sydal in a Quarter-Final Match, Lince Dorado b Greg Iron in a Quarter-Final Match, Adam Cole b Kyle O’Reilly in a Quarter-Final Match, Scott Parker and Shane Matthews b Player Uno and Player Dos, Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw b Josh Raymond and Christian Abel, Lince Dorado b Cameron Skyy and Adam Cole and Keita Yano and Obariyon and Ophidian in a Semi-Final Elimination match. [reported by].
  • August 29, 2010 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Young Lion’s Cup 2010 in Reading, Pennsylvania at the Goodwill Fire Association: Hallowicked b Akira Tozawa, Obariyon b Mike Sydal, Keita Yano b Green Ant, Tursas b Greg Iron, Scott Parker and Shane Matthews b Josh Raymond and Christian Abel, Johnny Gargano won The Countdown Showdown ().. Frightmare b Lince Dorado in the Finals to win the 2010 Young Lion’s Cup. [reported by].
  • September 18, 2010 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Eye To Eye in Baltimore, Maryland at the Du Burns Arena: Delirious b Equinox, Icarus and Chuck Taylor and Johnny Gargano b Acid Jaz and Marshe Rockett and Willie Richardson, Brodie Lee b Helios, Ophidian and Amasis b Vin Gerard and STIGMA and Obariyon and Kodama and Hallowicked and Frightmare in a 4-WAY Tag Team match, Eddie Kingston b Pinkie ‘Pink Ant’ Sanchez, Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw b Lince Dorado and Tim Donst, Manami Toyota b Daizee Haze, Claudio Castagnoli and Ares b Scott Parker and Shane Matthews to retain the CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas (Tag Team Titles). [reported by].
  • September 19, 2010 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Super No Vacancy in Brooklyn, New York at the Warsaw: Icarus and Chuck Taylor and Johnny Gargano b Soldier Ant and Scott Parker and Shane Matthews, UltraMantis Black b Hallowicked, Ophidian and Amasis b Delirious and Daizee Haze, Acid Jaz and Marshe Rockett and Willie Richardson b Tursas and Tim Donst and Lince Dorado, Ares b Eddie Kingston, Equinox and Jigsaw and Helios b Vin Gerard and STIGMA and Colin Delaney by DQ, Frightmare b Pinkie ‘Pink Ant’ Sanchez in a Young Lions Cup Match, Mike Quackenbush and Manami Toyota b Claudio Castagnoli and Sara Del Rey. [reported by].
  • October 23, 2010 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – The Dark Ciberknetico in Easton, Pennsylvania at the Palmer Center: Dasher Hatfield b Brodie Lee with a Death Valley Bomb, Ophidian b The Dragon Yuki with a Cobra Clutch Death Grip, Frightmare b Johnny Gargano in a Young Lions Cup Match, Vin Gerard b Vin Gerard with an STF, Obariyon and Kodama b The Super Smash Brothers (Player Uno and Player Dos), Torneo Cibernetico: Larry Sweeney b Pink Ant (2:20). Claudio Castagnoli b Larry Sweeney (2:42). Tim Donst b STIGMA (7:55). UltraMantis Black b Ares (13:19). Tursas b Hallowicked (16:46). Tim Donst b Icarus (20:37). UltraMantis Black b Delirious (23:10). Tim Donst b Jigsaw (25:00). Mike Quackenbush b Tim Donst (27:28). Claudio Castagnoli b Mike Quackenbush (29:19). Eddie Kingston b Sara Del Rey (30:05). Eddie Kingston b Daizee Haze (30:14). Tursas b UltraMantis Black (31:00). Eddie Kingston b Claudio Castagnoli by DQ (32:42). Eddie Kingston b Tursas (35:45). [reported by].
  • October 24, 2010 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Terror in the Neighborhood in Hamden, Connecticut: Vin Gerard and STIGMA b Colin Delaney Olsen and Jimmy Olsen, Soldier Ant b Dragon Yuki, Sara Del Rey and Daizee Haze b The Super Smash Brothers (Player Uno and Player Dos), Hallowicked and Frightmare b Icarus and Johnny Gargano, Tursas and Pink Ant b Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw, Grizzly Redwood b Dasher Hatfield with a Small Package, Eddie Kingston b Tim Donst with the Backfist to the Future, Claudio Castagnoli and Ares b Ophidian and Amasis to retain the CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas. [reported by].
  • November 20, 2010 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Scornucopia in Easton, Pennsylvania at The Palmer Center: Scott Parker and Shane Matthews b El Hijo del Ice Cream and Ice Cream Jr., Dasher Hatfield b Buck Hawke, Sugar Dunkerton and Willie Richardson and Marshe Rockett and Acid Jaz b Ares and Daizee Haze and Pink Ant and Tursas, Frightmare b Lince Dorado in a Young Lions Cup Match, Icarus and Lance Steel and Rorschach and Darkness Crabtree b UltraMantis Black and Dragonfly and Jolly Roger and Mister ZERO, Obariyon and Kodama b Ophidian and Amasis, Hallowicked and Jigsaw and Fire Ant and Arik Cannon b Vin Gerard and STIGMA and Max Boyer and Tim Donst in an Elimination Match. [reported by].
  • November 21, 2010 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – The Germans in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Soldier Ant b Pinkie ‘Pink Ant’ Sanchez, Lince Dorado b Arik Cannon with a Shooting Star Press, Colin Delaney Olsen and Jimmy Olsen b Vin Gerard and STIGMA, Tim Donst b Hallowicked with a Rear Naked Choke, Ares b UltraMantis Black in a Falls Count Anywhere Match, Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw b Chuck Taylor and Icarus and Ophidian and Amasis and Sara Del Rey and Daizee Haze in a 4-WAY Elimination Tag team match, Frightmare b Johnny Gargano in a Young Lions Cup Match, Eddie Kingston b Homicide with the Backfist to the Future. [reported by].
  • December 12, 2010 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Reality is Relative in Reading, Pennsylvania at the Goodwill Fire Association Hall: Ophidian and Amasis and Jonathan Gresham b Delirious and Lince Dorado and Pink Ant, Eddie Kingston b Tursas, Tim Donst b Jimmy Olsen, Hallowicked b UltraMantis Black, The Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant) b Sara Del Rey and Daizee Haze, Dasher Hatfield and Sugar Dunkerton b Grizzly Redwood and Brodie Lee, Colin Delaney Olsen b Vin Gerard, Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw b Claudio Castagnoli and Ares to retain the CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas. [reported by].
  • January 23, 2011 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Chaos in the Sea of Lost Souls in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Ophidian and Amasis and Hieracon b Icarus and Chuck Taylor and Johnny Gargano, Daizee Haze b Madison Eagles, Grizzly Redwood and Brodie Lee b Dasher Hatfield and Sugar Dunkerton, Tursas and Sara Del Rey and Lince Dorado b Willie Richardson and Acid Jaz and Marshe Rockett by DQ, Obariyon and Kodama b Hallowicked and Frightmare, UltraMantis Black b Sinn Bodhi by DQ, Eddie Kingston b El Generico with the Backfist to the Future, Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw and Fire Ant and Soldier Ant b Claudio Castagnoli and Ares and Delirious and Tim Donst. [reported by].
  • February 19, 2011 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Caught in a Cauldron of Hate in Reading, Pennsylvania: Claudio Castagnoli b Dasher Hatfield, Scott Parker and Shane Matthews b Vin Gerard and STIGMA, Icarus b Greg Iron, Brodie Lee b Sugar Dunkerton by Count Out, Ophidian and Amasis and Heiracon b Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and Green Ant, Frightmare b Rich Swann in a Young Lions Cup Match, Max Boyer b Tim Donst, Eddie Kingston b Johnny Gargano with the Backfist to the Future, Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw b Obariyon and Kodama in a CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Match. [reported by].
  • February 20, 2011 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Clutch of Doom in Easton, Pennsylvania: Mike Quackenbush b Green Ant with a sharpshooter, Icarus b Ophidian with a Sleeper Hold, Dasher Hatfield and Sugar Dunkerton b Vin Gerard and STIGMA, Amasis and Hieracon b Ice Cream Jr. and El Hijo del Ice Cream and Scott Parker and Shane Matthews and Delirious and Daizee Haze in a 4-WAY, Madison Eagles b Sara Del Rey, Obariyon and Kodama and Kobald b Hallowicked and Frightmare and UltraMantis Black, Tim Donst b Jigsaw, Fire Ant and Soldier Ant b Claudio Castagnoli and Tursas. [reported by].
  • March 12, 2011 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Operation Big Freeze in Williamsport, Pennsylvania: Tim Donst and Pinkie Sanchez b Marshe Rockett and Acid Jaz, Toshie Uematsu b Madison Eagles, Eddie Kingston b Archibald Peck with the Backfist to the Future, Dasher Hatfield and Sugar Dunkerton and Scott Parker and Shane Matthews b Brodie Lee and Grizzly Redwood and Vin Gerard and STIGMA, Fire Ant b Icarus, Ophidian and Amasis and Hieracon b Sinn “Kizarny” Bodhi and Obariyon and Kodama by DQ, Tursas b Willie Richardson, Mike Quackenbush and Hallowicked and Frightmare b Claudio Castagnoli and Sara Del Rey and Tim Donst. [reported by].
  • March 13, 2011 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Creatures from the Tar Swamp in Brooklyn, New York: Jakob Hammermeier b Green Ant, Ophidian and Amasis and Hieracon b Tim Donst and Pinkie Sanchez and Tursas, Scott Parker and Shane Matthews vs Vin Gerard and STIGMA ended in a No Contest, Sara Del Rey b Toshie Uematsu, Dasher Hatfield and Sugar Dunkerton b Grizzly Redwood and Brodie Lee, Frightmare b Obariyon in a Young Lions Cup Match, Sinn “Kizarny” Bodhi b UltraMantis Black, Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw b Fire Ant and Soldier Ant in a CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Match, Claudio Castagnoli b Eddie Kingston with a European Uppercut. [reported by].
  • April 15, 2011 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – King of Trios (Day 1) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Ophidian and Amasis and Hieracon b El Generico and Scott Parker and Shane Matthews, Icarus and Chuck Taylor and Johnny Gargano b Kabel and Tama Williams and Percy T, Tim Donst and Jakob Hammermeier and Delirious b Willie Richardson and Acid Jaz and Marshe Rockett, Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw and Manami Toyota b Amazing Red and Joel Maximo and Wil Maximo, Akira Tozawa and Kagetora and Super Shisa b UltraMantis Black and Hallowicked and Frightmare, Ultimate Spider Jr. and Atsushi Kotoge and Daisuke Harada b Dasher Hatfield and Sugar Dunkerton and Matt Classic, Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and Green Ant b Sinn Bodhi and Obariyon and Kodama, The Great Sasuke and Jinsei Shinzaki and Dick Togo b The 1-2-3 Kid and Arik Cannon and Darin Corbin. [reported by].
  • April 16, 2011 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – King of Trios (Day 2) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Archibald Peck b Colt Cabana, Icarus and Chuck Taylor and Johnny Gargano b Ultimate Spider Jr. and Atsushi Kotoge and Daisuke Harada (Quarter Final Match), El Generico b Marshe Rockett and Zack Sabre Jr. and Pinkie Sanchez in an Elimination Match, Ophidian and Amasis and Hieracon b Akira Tozawa and Kagetora and Super Shisa (Quarter Final Match), Eddie Kingston b Arik Cannon, Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and Green Ant b Tim Donst and Jakbo Hammermeier and Delirious (Quarter Final Match), The 1-2-3 Kid (Sean Waltman) b Amazing Red and Obariyon and Frightmare in an Elimination match, The Great Sasuke and Jinsei Shinzaki and Dick Togo b Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw and Manami Toyota (Quarter Final Match). [reported by].
  • April 17, 2011 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – King of Trios (Day 3) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and Green Ant b Ophidian and Amasis and Hieracon (Semi-Final), Icarus and Chuck Taylor and Johnny Gargano b Great Sasuke and Jinsei Shinzaki and Dick Togo (Semi Final), Jigsaw b Ultimate Spider Jr., Atsushi Kotoge and Daisuke Harada won a Tag Team Gauntlet Match, Manami Toyota b Madison Eagles, Eddie Kingston b Akira Tozawa, El Generico b The 1-2-3 Kid (Sean Waltman) in the Rey de Voladores Tournament Final, Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and Green Ant b Icarus and Chuck Taylor and Johnny Gargano in the Finals to win the King of Trios Tournament. [reported by].
  • May 14, 2011 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Engulfed in a Fever of Spite in Burlington, North Carolina: Dasher Hatfield and Sugar Dunkerton b Ice Cream Jr. and El Hijo del Ice Cream, Tim Donst b Kid Kamikaze, Daizee Haze b Grizzly Redwood, Ophidian b Will o’ The Wisp II, UltraMantis Black b Tursas, Hallowicked b Delirious, Icarus and Johnny Gargano b Mike Quackenbush and Frightmare, Eddie Kingston b Jakob Hammermeier with the Backfist to the Future, Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and Green Ant b Obariyon and Kodama and Kobald. [reported by].
  • May 21, 2011 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Aniversario and His Amazing Friends in Easton, Pennsylvania: Brodie Lee b Hieracon, Archibald Peck b Frightmare, Obariyon and Kodama b Dasher Hatfield and Sugar Dunkerton, UltraMantis Black b Chuck Taylor, Eddie Kingston b Sinn Bodhi, Ares and Pinkie Sanchez and Jakob Hammermeier and Daizee Haze b Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and Green Ant and Madison Eagles, Hallowicked b Mike Quackenbush in a “12 Large: Summit” Tournament Match (Block A), Scott Parker and Shane Matthews b Vin Gerard and STIGMA. [reported by].
  • May 22, 2011 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – Aniversario: The Legendary Super Powers Show in Union City, New Jersey : Jakob Hammermeier b Dasher Hatfield, Ares and Claudio Castagnoli b Scott Parker and Shane Matthews, Grizzly Redwood b Hieracon, Sinn Bodhi and Obariyon and Kodama b UltraMantis Black and Hallowicked and Frightmare, Archibald Peck b Sugar Dunkerton, Eddie Kingston b Chuck Taylor, Vin Gerard b Brodie Lee in a “12 Large: Summit” Tournament Match (Block B), Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and Green Ant b Amazing Red and Joel Maximo and Wil Maximo. [reported by].
  • June 24, 2011 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – The Case of the Bulletproof Waldo in Chicago, Illinois: Obariyon and Kodama and Kobald b Dasher Hatfield and Sugar Dunkerton and Matt Classic, Ophidian b Isaias Velazquez, Chuck Taylor and Johnny Gargano b Green Ant and Soldier Ant, Frightmare b Hieracon, Sara Del Rey b Icarus in a “12 Large: Summit” Tournament Match (Block A),Claudio Castagnoli b Hallowicked in a “12 Large: Summit” Tournament Match (Block A), UltraMantis Black b Fire Ant in a “12 Large: Summit” Tournament Match (Block B), Eddie Kingston b Colt Cabana with the Backfist to the Future, Willie Richardson and Acid Jaz and Marshe Rockett b Tursas and Tim Donst and Jakob Hammermeier. [reported by].
  • June 25, 2011 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – A Demon in His Pocket in Taylor, Michigan: Gregory Iron b Icarus, Gavin Quinn and Tommy Treznik and Ded Vaughn b Cameron Skyy and Bryce Benjamin and Joey Marx, Vin Gerard b Hieracon, Dasher Hatfield and Sugar Dunkerton b Jakob Hammermeier and Tim Donst, Chuck Taylor and Johnny Gargano b Hallowicked and Frightmare, Mike Quackenbush b Ophidian in a “12 Large: Summit” Tournament Match (Block A), Eddie Kingston b UltraMantis Black in a “12 Large: Summit” Tournament Match (Block B), Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and Green Ant b Claudio Castagnoli and Tursas and Sara Del Rey. [reported by].
  • June 26, 2011 – CHIKARA Pro Wrestling – The Evil That Lies Within, Part 4 in Cleveland, Ohio: Obariyon and Kobald b Colin Delaney Olsen and Jimmy Olsen and Ice Cream Jr. and El Hijo del Ice Cream and Louis Lyndon and Flip Kendrick in a 4-WAY Elimination match, Tursas b Dasher Hatfield, Cheech Hernandez b Shiima Xion, Ophidian b Sugar Dunkerton, Eddie Kingston b Hieracon, UltraMantis Black and Hallowicked b Tim Donst and Jakob Hammermeier, Frightmare b Kodama in a Young Lions Cup Match, Mike Quackenbush and Fire Ant and Soldier Ant and Green Ant b Icarus and Chuck Taylor and Johnny Gargano and Vin Gerard. [reported by].
  • July 30, 2011 – CHIKARA CHIKARAsaurus Rex: King Of Sequel – Tag 1 at the The Goodwill Beneficial Association Hall in Reading, PA. 12 Large: Summit Block B: Fire Ant [2] defeats Jigsaw [0] (11:40)… Gregory Iron defeats Jakob Hammermeier (2:00)… Eddie Kingston defeats Adam Cole (7:21)… ¡3.Ole! (El Generico, Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) defeat Team FIST (Chuck Taylor, Icarus & Johnny Gargano) (16:41)… World Of Sports Rules: Johnny Kidd defeats Johnny Saint (16:41) [Runde 4]… Mima Shimoda, Portia Perez & Tsukasa Fujimoto defeat Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Daizee Haze & Sara Del Rey) & Makoto (20:18)… Tursas defeats Green Ant (17:56)… 12 Large: Summit Block A: Mike Quackenbush [4] defeats Claudio Castagnoli [2] (19:59).
  • July 31, 2011 – CHIKARA Chikarasaurus Rex: King Of Sequel – Tag 2 at the Asylum Arena in Philadelphia, PA. Tsukasa Fujimoto defeats Makoto (7:07)… Archibald Peck (w/Veronica) defeats Dasher Hatfield (7:44)… Daizee Haze defeats Mima Shimoda (8:52)… The Spectral Envoy (Frightmare, Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black) defeat ¡3.Ole! (El Generico, Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) (13:06)… Team FIST (Chuck Taylor & Johnny Gargano) defeat Atlantis & Rey Bucanero by DQ (11:21)… 12 Large: Summit Block B: Eddie Kingston [6] defeats Jigsaw [0] (19:43)… Johnny Saint & Mike Quackenbush defeat Colt Cabana & Johnny Kidd (26:32)… 12 Large: Summit Block A: Sara Del Rey (w/Daizee Haze) [4] defeats Claudio Castagnoli (w/Tursas) [2] (13:15).
  • August 27, 2011 – CHIKARA Young Lions Cup IX at the The Palmer Center in Easton, PA. Young Lions Cup IX First Round Four Way Elimination: Green Ant defeats Kobald and Robbie Eagles and Will o’ The Wisp II (8:50)… Young Lions Cup IX First Round Four Way Elimination: Jakob Hammermeier defeats Chase Owens and Gregory Iron and Obariyon (10:41)… Matt Jackson defeats Johnny Gargano (9:47)… Young Lions Cup IX First Round Four Way Elimination: Archibald Peck (w/Veronica) defeats Mat Fitchett and Milo Shizo and MK McKinnan (16:45)… Young Lions Cup IX First Round Four Way Elimination: Tadasuke defeats Mark Andrews and Nick Jackson and Sean South (7:21)… 12 Large: Summit Block A: Hallowicked [4] defeats Sara Del Rey [4] (11:56)… 12 Large: Summit Block B: Fire Ant [4] defeats Vin Gerard [2] (11:45)… Young Lions Cup IX Semi Final: Green Ant defeats Jakob Hammermeier (w/Tursas) (2:30)… Young Lions Cup IX Semi Final: Tadasuke defeats Archibald Peck (w/Veronica) (9:03)… UltraMantis Black defeats Pinkie Sanchez (5:15)… 12 Large: Summit Block A: Icarus [4] defeats Claudio Castagnoli [2] (12:45)… The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) defeat The Batiri (Kodama & Obariyon) (11:18)… CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Title Young Lions Cup IX Final Match (vakant): Tadasuke defeats Green Ant (9:35) – TITLE CHANGE!
  • September 17, 2011 – CHIKARA Odyssey Of The Twelfth Talisman at the Brockton Boys & Girls Club in Brockton, MA. The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Sugar Dunkerton) defeat The Batiri (Kodama & Obariyon) (7:41)… Johnny Gargano defeats Marshe Rockett (9:30)… Amber, Da Hoodz (Davey Cash & Kris Pyro), Doug Summers & JT Dunn defeat Buddy Romano, The Minute Men (Devin Blaze & Tommy Trainwreck), Todd Sople & Triplelicious (20:06)… 12 Large: Summit Block B: Jigsaw [2] defeats Vin Gerard [2] (12:48)… Chuck Taylor defeats Ophidian (14:16)… Sara Del Rey defeats Ares (16:40)… 12 Large: Summit Block A: Mike Quackenbush [6] defeats Icarus [4] (6:59)… The Colony (Fire Ant, Green Ant & Soldier Ant) defeat Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Jakob Hammermeier, Tim Donst & Tursas) (17:11
  • September 18, 2011 – CHIKARA Martyr Yourself To Caution at the The Highline Ballroom in Manhattan, NY. 12 Large: Summit Block A: Sara Del Rey [6] defeats Ophidian [0] (13:59)… The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Sugar Dunkerton) defeat The Colony (Green Ant & Soldier Ant) (17:43)… Gregory Iron defeats Icarus (8:16)… The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) defeat Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Tim Donst & Tursas) (15:24)… Ares (w/Delirious) defeats Marshe Rockett (8:18)… The Spectral Envoy (Crossbones, Frightmare, Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black) defeat Sinn Bohdi & The Batiri (Kobald, Kodama & Obariyon) (11:27)… CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title Best Two Out Of Three Falls: Team FIST (Chuck Taylor & Johnny Gargano) defeat Jigsaw & Mike Quackenbush (c) [2:1] (11:07) – TITLE CHANGE!… 12 Large: Summit Block B: Eddie Kingston [8] defeats Fire Ant [4] (22:27).
  • October 7, 2011 – CHIKARA Small But Mighty at the Mid-Atlantic Sportatorium in Burlington, NC. Jigsaw defeats Obariyon (w/Kodama) (9:44)… 12 Large: Summit Block A: Icarus [6] defeats Hallowicked [4] (15:16)… Kana defeats Jessie McKay (8:37)… Eddie Kingston defeats Kobald (w/Kodama) (7:04)… 12 Large: Summit Block A: Mike Quackenbush [8] defeats Sara Del Rey [6] (15:00)… Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Delirious, Jakob Hammermeier, Tim Donst & Tursas) defeat The Colony (Fire Ant, Green Ant & Soldier Ant) & Ophidian (16:37)… UltraMantis Black defeats Archibald Peck (w/Colt Cabunny & Veronica) (8:28)… CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title Best Two Out Of Three Falls: Team FIST (Chuck Taylor & Johnny Gargano) (c) defeat Momo No Seishun Tag (Atsushi Kotoge & Daisuke Harada) [2:1] (22:29).
  • October 8, 2011 – CHIKARA Klunk In Love at the The Civic Auditorium in Kingsport, TN. Archibald Peck (w/Colt Cabunny & Veronica) defeats Chase Owens (12:59)… 12 Large: Summit Block A: Hallowicked [6] defeats Ophidian [2] (14:28)… Team FIST (Chuck Taylor, Icarus & Johnny Gargano) defeat The Batiri (Kobald, Kodama & Obariyon) (9:57)… The Colony (Fire Ant & Soldier Ant) defeat Momo No Seishun Tag (Atsushi Kotoge & Daisuke Harada) (16:48)… 12 Large: Summit Block B: Jigsaw [6] defeats UltraMantis Black [6] (12:13)… Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Delirious, Jakob Hammermeier, Tim Donst & Tursas) defeat Eddie Kingston, Green Ant, Mike Quackenbush & Sugar Dunkerton (20:43)… Sara Del Rey defeats Kana (18:11).
  • October 30, 2011 – CHIKARA Maiden Flight Of The Great Condor at the Campbell Street Center in Williamsport, PA.  Kodama defeats Ophidian (10:29)… Archibald Peck (w/Colt Cabunny & Veronica) defeats Marion Fontaine (10:29)… Four Way Elimination Tag Team: The Colony (Fire Ant & Soldier Ant) defeat The Batiri (Kobald & Obariyon) and The Roughnecks (Brodie Lee & Grizzly Redwood) and 3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) (10:35)… Jigsaw defeats Eddie Edwards (10:55)… Tim Donst defeats Green Ant (9:28)… 12 Large: Summit Block B: Vin Gerard [4] defeats Eddie Kingston [8] (9:47)… CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title Best Two Out Of Three Falls: Team FIST (Chuck Taylor & Icarus [Ersatz für Johnny Gargano]) (c) defeat The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Sugar Dunkerton) [2:1] (11:57)… Sara Del Rey defeats Tursas by DQ (5:14)… The Spectral Envoy (Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black) defeat Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Delirious & Jakob Hammermeier) (15:07).
  • November 12, 2011 – CHIKARA Cibernetico: The Animated Series at the Palmer Center in Easton, PA.  El Generico defeats Ophidian (16:42)… Grizzly Redwood defeats Jigsaw (9:05)… 3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) defeat The Bravado Brothers (Harlem Bravado & Lancelot Bravado) (10:37)… Icarus defeats Steve Weiner (7:45)… Fire Ant defeats Chuck Taylor (7:05)… Torneo Cibernetico 16 Man Elimination: The Spectral Envoy (Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black), Green Ant, The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Sugar Dunkerton), The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) & Sara Del Rey defeat Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Ares, Delirious, Jakob Hammermeier, Tim Donst & Tursas) & The Batiri (Kobald, Kodama & Obariyon) (51:46).
  • November 13, 2011 – CHIKARA High Noon at the Asylum Arena in Philadelphia, PA.  Jigsaw defeats El Generico (7:40)…The Colony (Fire Ant & Soldier Ant) defeat The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) (13:32)… Sara Del Rey defeats Jakob Hammermeier (5:21)… Green Ant defeats Tursas (12:27)… Colt Cabana defeats Archibald Peck (w/Colt Cabunny & Veronica) (11:34)… Icarus defeats Gregory Iron (12:17)… Mask/Mask Vs. Eye Of Tyr/Hair No Disqualification Tag Team: The Spectral Envoy (Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black) defeat Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Ares & Tim Donst) (12:47)… CHIKARA Grand Title 12 Large: Summit Final Match (vakant): Eddie Kingston (w/Tommy Dreamer) defeats Mike Quackenbush (w/Jigsaw) (17:52) – TITLE CHANGE!
  • December 2, 2011 – CHIKARA JoshiMania – Tag 1 at the  Asylum Arena in Philadelphia, PA.  Hanako Nakamori, Kaori Yoneyama & Tsubasa Kuragaki defeat Archibald Peck & Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) (w/Veronica) (14:00)… GAMI defeats Sawako Shimono (10:03)… Tim Donst defeats Green Ant (10:47)… Ayako Hamada & Cherry defeat Mayumi Ozaki & Mio Shirai (15:07)… Manami Toyota defeats Toshie Uematsu (19:57)… CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title Best Two Out Of Three Falls: Team FIST (Chuck Taylor & Johnny Gargano) (c) defeat The Colony (Fire Ant & Soldier Ant) [2:1] (20:55)… Sara Del Rey defeats Aja Kong (11:50).
  • December 3, 2011 – CHIKARA JoshiMania – Tag 2 at the Everett Rec Center in Everett, MA.  GAMI & Toshie Uematsu defeat Cherry & Sawako Shimono (14:10)… Ophidian defeats Gregory Iron (9:54)… Kaori Yoneyama defeats Hanako Nakamori (8:23)… Mayumi Ozaki defeats Mio Shirai (9:33)… Sara Del Rey defeats Tsubasa Kuragaki (14:45)… Manami Toyota, Mike Quackenbush & The Colony (Fire Ant & Green Ant) defeat Portia Perez & Team FIST (Chuck Taylor, Icarus & Johnny Gargano) (17:49)… Aja Kong defeats Ayako Hamada (10:10).
  • December 4, 2011 – CHIKARA JoshiMania – Tag 3 at the The Highline Ballroom in Manhattan, NY.  Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) defeat Dasher Hatfield & Saturyne (16:18)… GAMI defeats Portia Perez (11:56)… Brodie Lee defeats UltraMantis Black (7:48)… The Batiri (Kobald, Kodama & Obariyon) & Toshie Uematsu defeat Cherry & The Colony (Fire Ant, Green Ant & Soldier Ant) (13:01)… Mayumi Ozaki defeats Kaori Yoneyama (10:22)… Aja Kong, Mio Shirai & Tsubasa Kuragaki defeat Hanako Nakamori, Manami Toyota & Sawako Shimono (29:00)… Sara Del Rey defeats Ayako Hamada (15:49).
  • January 28, 2012 – CHIKARA The Thirteenth Hat at the The Palmer Center in Easton, PA.  Green Ant defeats Mike Quackenbush (10:09)… Jigsaw defeats Kobald (8:30)… Gran Akuma vs. Icarus – Double Count Out (4:35)… 3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) defeat Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Jakob Hammermeier & Tim Donst) (9:08)… Hallowicked defeats Archibald Peck (w/Veronica) (12:02)… Ophidian defeats Hieracon (19:57)… The Colony (Fire Ant & Soldier Ant) defeat The Batiri (Kodama & Obariyon) (16:31).
  • February 25, 2012 – CHIKARA A Death Worse Than Fate at the The Goodwill Beneficial Assoc. Hall in Reading, PA.  Ophidian defeats Green Ant (10:49)… Saturyne defeats El Hijo del Ice Cream (6:42)… The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti) defeat The Colony (Fire Ant & Soldier Ant) by DQ (9:41)… Brodie Lee defeats Jigsaw (8:36)… Colt Cabana defeats Kobald (8:11)… Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Jakob Hammermeier & Tim Donst) & The Batiri (Kodama & Obariyon) defeat 3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews), Eddie Kingston & Gregory Iron (19:01)… Sara Del Rey defeats Archibald Peck (w/Veronica) (16:29)… CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title Best Two Out Of Three Falls: Team FIST (Chuck Taylor & Icarus [Ersatz für Johnny Gargano]) (c) defeat The Spectral Envoy (Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black) [2:1] (19:52).
  • February 26, 2012 – CHIKARA Caught In The Spider’s Den at the NYWC Sportatorium in Deer Park, NY.  Kobald defeats Francis Kipland Stevens (7:23)… 3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) defeat The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti) (10:23)… Ophidian defeats Archibald Peck (w/Veronica) (11:35)… Gran Akuma’s Trial Series Match #1: Gran Akuma defeats Chuck Taylor (9:46)… Sara Del Rey defeats Saturyne (7:15)… UltraMantis Black defeats Colt Cabana (14:57)… The Colony (Fire Ant & Soldier Ant), Jigsaw & Mike Quackenbush defeat The Batiri (Kodama & Obariyon) & Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Jakob Hammermeier & Tim Donst) by DQ (18:52)… CHIKARA Grand Title Vs. Career: Eddie Kingston (c) defeats Vin Gerard (10:23).
  • March 24, 2012 – CHIKARA Green Ice at the Trio Sportplex in Vaughan, Ontario, Canada.  Kobald (w/Kodama & Obariyon) defeats Sara Del Rey (7:56)… Alex Vega, Brent Banks & Scotty O’Shea defeat Josh Alexander, Marcus Marquez & Sebastian Suave (8:49)… Brodie Lee defeats Fire Ant (7:01)… Dasher Hatfield (w/Mark Angelosetti) defeats Archibald Peck (12:05)… Four Way Elimination Tag Team: The Swarm (combatANT & deviANT) defeat The Batiri (Kodama & Obariyon) and The Colony (Green Ant & Soldier Ant) and The Spectral Envoy (Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black) (14:12)… Tim Donst defeats El Generico (12:15)… GEKIDO (17 & The Shard) defeat Jigsaw & Mike Quackenbush (7:27)… Eddie Kingston defeats Ophidian (7:34)… CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title Best Two Out Of Three Falls: 3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) defeat Team FIST (Chuck Taylor & Icarus [Ersatz für Johnny Gargano]) (c) [2:1] (15:04) – TITLE CHANGE!
  • March 25, 2012 – CHIKARA It’s How You Play The Game at the Knights Of Columbus Hall in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.  Mike Bailey defeats Mathieu St-Jacques (7:01)… Mark Angelosetti defeats Jigsaw (9:59)… Sara Del Rey defeats Leah Von Dutch (3:38)… Ophidian defeats Dasher Hatfield (11:02)… ¡3.Ole! (El Generico, Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) defeat The Batiri (Kobald, Kodama & Obariyon) (14:22)… GEKIDO (17 & The Shard) defeat The Spectral Envoy (Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black) (7:32)… Chuck Taylor defeats Archibald Peck (15:24)… The Colony (Fire Ant, Green Ant & Soldier Ant) defeat The Swarm (assailANT, combatANT & deviANT) by DQ (9:21)… CHIKARA Grand Title: Eddie Kingston (c) defeats Brodie Lee (15:04).
  • April 14, 2012 – CHIKARA I’ll Be A Mummy’s Uncle at the Rahway Rec Center in Rahway, NJ.  Ophidian defeats UltraMantis Black (5:15)… Kobald defeats Saturyne (4:38)… Four Way Tag Team Elimination: Team FIST (Chuck Taylor & Johnny Gargano) (w/Icarus) defeat Jack Bonza & QT Marshall and The Bravado Brothers (Harlem Bravado & Lancelot Bravado) and The Maximos (Joel Maximo & Wil Maximo) (11:31)… Mark Angelosetti (w/Dasher Hatfield) defeats Mixed Martial Archie by DQ (10:26)… Jigsaw defeats Tim Donst (13:49)… Jakob Hammermeier defeats Dragonfly (2:14)… Gran Akuma’s Trial Series Match #2: Gran Akuma defeats Gregory Iron (6:47)… Sara Del Rey defeats Kodama (w/Kobald & Obariyon) (7:53)… GEKIDO (17, The Shard & The Swarm (assailANT & combatANT)) defeat Eddie Kingston & The Colony (Fire Ant, Green Ant & Soldier Ant) (15:49).
  • April 21, 2012 – CHIKARA Live At Road To Ruin Fest at the in Philadelphia, PA.  Ophidian defeats Grizzly Redwood (2:49)… Chuck Taylor defeats Saturyne… Mark Angelosetti defeats Dragonfly… The Colony (Fire Ant, Green Ant & Soldier Ant) defeat The Batiri (Kobald, Kodama & Obariyon)… Dragonfly Black (Dragonfly) & UltraMantis Black defeat The Batiri (Kodama & Obariyon)… Grizzly Redwood defeats Orange Cassidy (w/Chuck Taylor, Drew Gulak & The Swamp Monster) (0:12)… Kobald defeats Saturyne… The Colony (Fire Ant, Green Ant & Soldier Ant) defeat Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) & Ophidian.
  • April 28, 2012 – CHIKARA Hot Off The Griddle at the Frontier Fieldhouse in Chicago Ridge, IL.  Jigsaw & The Colony (Fire Ant, Green Ant & Soldier Ant) defeat GEKIDO (The Shard & The Swarm (assailANT, combatANT & deviANT)) (13:32)… Mixed Martial Archie defeats Kobald (6:45)… The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti) defeat The Batiri (Kodama & Obariyon) (9:42)… 17 defeats Tianlong (1:05)… The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) defeat Arik Cannon & Darin Corbin (10:00)… 3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) & The Spectral Envoy (Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black) defeat Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Jakob Hammermeier & Tim Donst) & The Bravado Brothers (Harlem Bravado & Lancelot Bravado) (12:13)… CHIKARA Grand Title: Eddie Kingston (c) defeats Kevin Steen by DQ (13:10)… Gran Akuma’s Trial Series Three On One Handicap Match #3: Gran Akuma defeats Team FIST (Chuck Taylor, Icarus & Johnny Gargano) (8:00)… Sara Del Rey defeats El Generico (14:18).
  • April 29, 2012 – CHIKARA The Contaminated Cowl at the The Lafayette Theater in Lafayette, IN.  The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti) defeat Arik Cannon & Darin Corbin (8:36)… Billy Roc, Dale Patricks & Remi Wilkins defeat Jeremy Hadley, Sue Jackson & Tripp Cassidy (11:30)… Four Way Elimination Tag Team: The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) defeat Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Jakob Hammermeier & Tim Donst) and The Batiri (Kobald & Kodama) and The Spectral Envoy (Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black) (12:15)… Obariyon defeats Sara Del Rey (5:51)… The Colony (Fire Ant, Green Ant & Soldier Ant) defeat The Swarm (assailANT, combatANT & deviANT) by DQ (8:33)… Eddie Kingston defeats 17 (w/The Shard) (5:18)… Jigsaw defeats Icarus (11:10)… CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title Best Two Out Of Three Falls: Team FIST (Chuck Taylor & Johnny Gargano) defeat 3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) (c) [2:1] (16:00) – TITLE CHANGE!
  • May 19, 2012 – CHIKARA Aniversario: A Horse Of Another Color at the Palmer Center in Easton, PA.  Dasher Hatfield defeats Ophidian (11:53)… The Batiri (Kobald, Kodama & Obariyon) & Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Jakob Hammermeier & Tim Donst) defeat Knight Eye For The Pirate Guy (Jolly Roger & Lance Steel), Crossbones, Rorschach & Shane Storm (15:06)… Kagetsu & Meiko Satomura defeat DASH Chisako & Sendai Sachiko (18:07)… MMA Exhibition: Darkness Crabtree defeats Mixed Martial Archie by Punktrichterentscheidung … GEKIDO (17, The Shard & The Swarm (assailANT, combatANT & deviANT)) defeat The Spectral Envoy (Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black), Dragonfly, Icarus & Mister ZERO (14:37)… Colt Cabana defeats Mark Angelosetti (13:05)… Green Ant, Jigsaw, Sara Del Rey & Shane Matthews defeat Eddie Kingston, Saturyne, Scott Parker & Soldier Ant (23:20).
  • May 20, 2012 – CHIKARA Aniversario: The Ogg And I at the Highline Ballroom in Manhattan, NY.  Dasher Hatfield defeats Colt Cabana (6:56)… Kagetsu defeats Saturyne (5:46)… The Colony (Green Ant & Soldier Ant) defeat Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) (8:34)… DASH Chisako & Sendai Sachiko defeat The Bravado Brothers (Harlem Bravado & Lancelot Bravado) (14:14)… 3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) defeat GEKIDO (17 & The Shard) by DQ (7:26)… Sara Del Rey defeats Meiko Satomura (16:25)… Four Way 12 Man Tag Team: The Batiri (Kobald, Kodama & Obariyon) defeat Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Delirious, Jakob Hammermeier & Tim Donst) and The Spectral Envoy (Frightmare, Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black) and The Swarm (assailANT, combatANT & deviANT) (15:49)… CHIKARA Grand Title: Eddie Kingston (c) defeats Jigsaw (21:47).
  • June 2, 2012 – CHIKARA Chikarasaurus Rex: How To Hatch A Dinosaur at the Trocadero in Philadelphia, PA.  UltraMantis Black defeats Ophidian (11:03)… Loser Leaves Town Tag Team: The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti) defeat Colt Cabana & Mixed Martial Archie (16:15)… Ladder Match (Special Referee: Gregory Iron): Gran Akuma defeats Icarus (16:07)… Three On Two Handicap: Sara Del Rey & Saturyne defeat The Batiri (Kobald, Kodama & Obariyon) by DQ (8:59)… Mask Vs. Hair: Hallowicked defeats Tim Donst (14:13)… Eddie Kingston, Jigsaw, Mike Quackenbush & The Colony (Green Ant & Soldier Ant) defeat GEKIDO (17, The Shard & The Swarm (assailANT, combatANT & deviANT)) (w/Derek Sabato) (9:24)… CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title Best Two Out Of Three Falls: The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) defeat Team FIST (Chuck Taylor & Johnny Gargano) (c) [2:1] (22:51) – TITLE CHANGE!
  • June 23, 2012 – CHIKARA The Foggiest Notion at the Bear Creek Country Club in Strathroy, Ontario, Canada.  Sara Del Rey defeats Leah Von Dutch (9:11)… Sugar Dunkerton defeats Tim Donst (10:41)… Young Lions Cup X First Round Four Way Elimination: Jakob Hammermeier defeats Buxx Belmar and Ethan Page and Sebastian Suave (13:33)… Dasher Hatfield defeats El Generico (14:12)… GEKIDO (The Shard & The Swarm (assailANT & deviANT) defeat Mike Quackenbush & The Colony (Green Ant & Soldier Ant) (14:14)… Ophidian defeats Jigsaw (13:37)… 3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) defeat The Bravado Brothers (Harlem Bravado & Lancelot Bravado) (13:49).
  • June 24, 2012 – CHIKARA Smack In The Middle at the Pastime Athletic Club in Syracuse, NY.  Green Ant defeats deviANT (6:53)… Jakob Hammermeier defeats Sugar Dunkerton (7:41)… Jigsaw defeats The Shard (12:16)… Sara Del Rey defeats Tim Donst (10:59)… The Spectral Envoy (Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black) defeat The Bravado Brothers (Harlem Bravado & Lancelot Bravado) (11:29)… Young Lions Cup X First Round Four Way Elimination: Mark Angelosetti (w/Veronica) defeats Jason Axe and Ryan Rush and Tripp Cassidy (9:28)… assailANT defeats Soldier Ant (11:22)… ¡3.Ole! (El Generico, Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) & Gran Akuma defeat Team FIST (Chuck Taylor, Icarus & Johnny Gargano) & Ophidian (16:12)… CHIKARA Grand Title: Eddie Kingston (c) defeats Dasher Hatfield (16:43).
  • July 28, 2012 – CHIKARA The Great Escape at the The STRIVE Center in Portland, ME.  Green Ant defeats assailANT (9:04)… Young Lions Cup X First Round Four Way Elimination: Anthony Stone defeats Cameron Mathews and Jivin’ Jimmy and Kobald (14:06)… Ophidian defeats Frightmare (11:02)… The Mysterious And Handsome Stranger defeats Icarus (12:06)… 3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) & Gran Akuma defeat The Swarm (combatANT, deviANT & Soldier Ant) (9:16)… The Batiri (Kodama & Obariyon) defeat Jakob Hammermeier & Tim Donst (7:49)… Sugar Dunkerton defeats The Shard (5:14)… Jigsaw, Mike Quackenbush & The Spectral Envoy (Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black) defeat The Heart Throbs (Antonio Thomas & Romeo Roselli) & The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) (19:36)… CHIKARA Grand Title: Eddie Kingston (c) defeats Sara Del Rey (23:22).
  • July 29, 2012 – CHIKARA Give ’em The Axe at the Everett Rec Center in Everett, MA.  The Spectral Envoy (Frightmare, Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black) defeat The Swarm (assailANT, deviANT & Soldier Ant) (10:16)… Ophidian defeats Sugar Dunkerton (6:33)… The Mysterious And Handsome Stranger defeats The Shard (5:38)… 3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) & Gran Akuma defeat The Batiri (Kobald, Kodama & Obariyon) by DQ (13:26)… Icarus defeats Sara Del Rey (12:46)… Jakob Hammermeier defeats Jigsaw (9:33)… Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) defeat Green Ant & Steve Weiner (11:45)… Young Lions Cup X First Round Four Way Elimination: ACH defeats Aaron Epic and JT Dunn and Vinny Marseglia (13:24)… CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title Best Two Out Of Three Falls: The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) (c) defeat The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti) (w/Veronica) [2:1] (22:17).
  • August 12, 2012 – CHIKARA To Benefit Baseballtown Charities at the First Energy Stadium in Reading, PA.  The Spectral Envoy (Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black) defeat The Swarm (assailANT & combatANT) (6:02)… The Shard defeats Sugar Dunkerton (4:06)… The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive & Max Smashmaster) (w/Sidney Bakabella) defeat Alan Hunter & JJ Jackson (0:53)… Ophidian (w/Delirious) defeats Soldier Ant by Count Out (6:16)… Fire Ant, Frightmare & Mike Quackenbush defeat The Batiri (Kobald, Kodama & Obariyon) (w/Delirious) (9:43)… The Mysterious And Handsome Stranger defeats Grizzly Redwood (3:48)… Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) defeat Green Ant & Marty Jannetty (10:40)… Tim Donst defeats Saturyne (2:47)… The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti) (w/Veronica) defeat Team FIST (Chuck Taylor & Icarus) (8:47).
  • August 17, 2012 – CHIKARA Shoot A Crooked Arrow at the The Miramar Theatre in Milwaukee, WI.  The Batiri (Kobald, Kodama & Obariyon) defeat The Colony (assailANT, Fire Ant & Green Ant) (9:21)… The Mysterious And Handsome Stranger defeats Tim Donst (10:50)… Young Lions Cup X Semi Final: Mark Angelosetti defeats Anthony Stone (10:46)… Four Way Elimination Tag Team: The Bravado Brothers (Harlem Bravado & Lancelot Bravado) defeat Arik Cannon & Darin Corbin and The Spectral Envoy (Frightmare & UltraMantis Black) and 3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) (12:14)… Eddie Kingston defeats The Shard (16:49)… Jigsaw defeats 17 by DQ (11:15)… Young Lions Cup X Semi Final: ACH defeats Jakob Hammermeier (12:39)… Team FIST (Chuck Taylor, Icarus & Sugar Dunkerton) defeat The Swarm (combatANT, deviANT & Soldier Ant) (16:00)… Mike Quackenbush defeats Colt Cabana (17:20).
  • August 18, 2012 – CHIKARA The Ring Of Wax at the Old National Center in Indianapolis, IN.  The Batiri (Kobald, Kodama & Obariyon) defeat The Swarm (combatANT, deviANT & Soldier Ant) (5:41)… Tim Donst defeats Saturyne (5:36)… The Mysterious And Handsome Stranger defeats Lancelot Bravado (11:55)… GEKIDO (17 & The Shard) defeat Jigsaw & Mike Quackenbush by DQ (9:36)… The Spectral Envoy (Frightmare & UltraMantis Black) defeat Arik Cannon & Darin Corbin (8:18)… Eddie Kingston defeats Harlem Bravado (16:41)… Team FIST (Chuck Taylor, Icarus & Sugar Dunkerton) & Ophidian defeat The Colony (Fire Ant & Green Ant) & 3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) (22:02)… CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Title Young Lions Cup X Final Match (vakant): Mark Angelosetti (w/Dasher Hatfield & Veronica) defeats ACH (26:14) – TITLE CHANGE!
  • September 14, 2012 – CHIKARA King Of Trios 2012 – Tag 1 at the Palmer Center in Easton, PA.  King Of Trios 2012 First Round: Team Sendai Girls (DASH Chisako, Meiko Satomura & Sendai Sachiko) defeat The Colony (assailANT, Fire Ant & Green Ant) (12:30)… King Of Trios 2012 First Round: The Batiri (Kobald, Kodama & Obariyon) (w/Ophidian) defeat 3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) & Gran Akuma (11:08)… King Of Trios 2012 First Round: Team FIST (Chuck Taylor, Icarus & Johnny Gargano) (w/Sugar Dunkerton) defeat Team Osaka Pro (Ebessan, Kikutaro & Takoyakida) (21:02)… King Of Trios 2012 First Round: Jigsaw, Manami Toyota & Mike Quackenbush defeat The Swarm (combatANT, deviANT & Soldier Ant) (w/The Shard) (14:34)… King Of Trios 2012 First Round: Team JWP (Command Bolshoi, Kaori Yoneyama & Tsubasa Kuragaki) defeat The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield, Mark Angelosetti & Matt Classic) (w/Veronica) (12:42)… King Of Trios 2012 First Round: The Spectral Envoy (Frightmare, Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black) defeat Kazuaki Mihara, The Mysterious And Handsome Stranger & Tito Santana (16:28)… King Of Trios 2012 First Round: Team ROH (Mike Bennett & The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson)) (w/Maria Kanellis) defeat The Faces Of Pain (Barbarian, Meng & The Warlord) (12:42)… King Of Trios 2012 First Round: The Extreme Trio (Jerry Lynn, Tommy Dreamer & Too Cold Scorpio) defeat Team WWF (1-2-3 Kid, Aldo Montoya & Tatanka) (20:50).
  • September 15, 2012 – CHIKARA King Of Trios 2012 – Tag 2 at the Palmer Center in Easton, PA.  King Of Trios 2012 Quarter Final: Team FIST (Chuck Taylor, Icarus & Johnny Gargano) (w/Sugar Dunkerton) defeat Team JWP (Command Bolshoi, Kaori Yoneyama & Tsubasa Kuragaki) (12:59)… Mark Angelosetti (w/Veronica) defeats 1-2-3 Kid (4:13)… King Of Trios 2012 Quarter Final: The Spectral Envoy (Frightmare, Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black) defeat The Batiri (Kobald, Kodama & Obariyon)… Ebessan & Takoyakida defeat The Colony (Fire Ant & Green Ant) (13:33)… King Of Trios 2012 Quarter Final: Team Sendai Girls (DASH Chisako, Meiko Satomura & Sendai Sachiko) defeat Jigsaw, Manami Toyota & Mike Quackenbush (12:43)… Tatanka defeats Sugar Dunkerton (15:06)… King Of Trios 2012 Quarter Final: Team ROH (Mike Bennett & The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson)) defeat The Extreme Trio (Jerry Lynn, Tommy Dreamer & Too Cold Scorpio)… CHIKARA Grand Title: Eddie Kingston (c) defeats Tadasuke (20:00).
  • September 16, 2012 – CHIKARA King Of Trios 2012 – Tag 3 at the Palmer Center in Easton, PA.  King Of Trios 2012 Semi Final: Team ROH (Mike Bennett & The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson)) (w/Maria Kanellis) defeat Team Sendai Girls (DASH Chisako, Meiko Satomura & Sendai Sachiko) (10:16)… King Of Trios 2012 Semi Final: The Spectral Envoy (Frightmare, Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black) defeat Team FIST (Chuck Taylor, Icarus & Johnny Gargano) (w/Sugar Dunkerton) (11:53)… Ophidian defeats Saturyne (10:12)… Ten Team Gauntlet: 1-2-3 Kid & Marty Jannetty defeat Demolition (Ax & Smash) and Art Garfunkel & Paul Simon and Jakob Hammermeier & Tim Donst and Johnny Miyagi & Ralph Macchio Jr. and Knight Eye For The Pirate Guy (Jolly Roger & Lance Steel) and Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) and The Colony (Fire Ant & Green Ant) and The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive & Max Smashmaster) and The Powers Of Pain (The Barbarian & The Warlord)… 3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews), Ebessan & Takoyakida defeat Colt Cabana, Darkness Crabtree, Johnel Sanders & The Swamp Monster (w/Chuck Taylor, Drew Gulak & Orange Cassidy) (18:22)… Command Bolshoi & Tsubasa Kuragaki defeat Kaori Yoneyama & Manami Toyota (14:33)… Tadasuke defeats Jigsaw by Ringrichterentscheid (8:55)… King Of Trios 2012 Final: The Spectral Envoy (Frightmare, Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black) defeat Team ROH (Mike Bennett & The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson)) (w/Maria Kanellis) (20:28).
  • October 6, 2012 – CHIKARA Deep Freeze at the ProSouth Arena in Piedmont, AL.  Ace Haven defeats Kyle Matthews (8:11)… The Batiri (Kodama & Obariyon) & Ophidian defeat Team FIST (Chuck Taylor, Icarus & Sugar Dunkerton) (15:20)… Soldier Ant defeats Saturyne (5:45)… Kobald defeats Frightmare (9:07)… The Mysterious And Handsome Stranger defeats deviANT (9:01)… Jakob Hammermeier & Tim Donst defeat The Colony (assailANT & Fire Ant) (12:14)… The Shard defeats Gran Akuma (14:08)… The Spectral Envoy (Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black) defeat Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) (14:41)… CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Title: Mark Angelosetti (w/Veronica) (c) defeats Green Ant (20:22).
  • October 7, 2012 – CHIKARA The Zodiac Crimes at the New Mid-Atlantic Sportatorium in Gibsonville, NC.  The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti) (w/Veronica) defeat The Bravado Brothers (Harlem Bravado & Lancelot Bravado) (13:41)… Ophidian defeats Gran Akuma (7:21)… Saturyne defeats Amber O’Neal (7:55)… The Mysterious And Handsome Stranger defeats Walter Eaton (3:04)… Jakob Hammermeier & Tim Donst defeat The Swarm (deviANT & Soldier Ant) (8:44)… assailANT defeats Sugar Dunkerton (3:54)… Mike Quackenbush, The Colony (Fire Ant & Green Ant) & The Spectral Envoy (Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black) defeat Team FIST (Chuck Taylor & Icarus), The Batiri (Kodama & Obariyon) & The Shard (20:59).
  • November 10, 2012 – CHIKARA Zelda The Great at the Logan Square Auditorium in Chicago, IL.  The Batiri (Kobald, Kodama & Obariyon) defeat Da Soul Touchaz (Acid Jaz, Marshe Rockett & Willie Richardson) (12:56)… The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive & Max Smashmaster) (w/Sidney Bakabella) defeat Garth Algar & Wayne Campbell (0:57)… El Generico defeats The Shard (10:36)… Team FIST (Chuck Taylor & Johnny Gargano) defeat The Swarm (deviANT & Soldier Ant) (9:21)… Colt Cabana defeats Mike Quackenbush (9:16)… Jimmy Jacobs & The Bravado Brothers (Harlem Bravado & Lancelot Bravado) defeat Jigsaw & The Colony (assailANT & Fire Ant) (11:54)… Tim Donst (w/Jakob Hammermeier) defeats Gran Akuma (9:10)… Four Way Tag Team Elimination: 3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) defeat Team FIST (Icarus & Sugar Dunkerton) and Sapphire & The Mysterious And Handsome Stranger and The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti) (w/Veronica) (21:43)… CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title Best Two Out Of Three Falls: The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) (c) defeat The Spectral Envoy (Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black) [2:1] (28:57).
  • November 11, 2012 – CHIKARA A Piece Of The Action at the Turners Hall in Cleveland, OH.  Ophidian & The Batiri (Kobald, Kodama & Obariyon) defeat The Spectral Envoy (Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black) & The Colony (assailANT & Fire Ant) (13:50)… The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive & Max Smashmaster) (w/Sidney Bakabella) defeat Rick Vaughn & Roger Dorn (1:09)… Jakob Hammermeier defeats Soldier Ant (11:10)… GEKIDO (deviANT & The Shard) defeat Jigsaw & Mike Quackenbush (9:53)… Mark Angelosetti defeats The Mysterious And Handsome Stranger by DQ (6:24)… Team FIST (Chuck Taylor & Johnny Gargano) defeat Team FIST (Icarus & Sugar Dunkerton) (10:08)… Tim Donst defeats Dasher Hatfield (10:07)… 3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews), El Generico & Gran Akuma defeat The Bravado Brothers (Harlem Bravado & Lancelot Bravado) & The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) (24:13).
  • November 18, 2012 – CHIKARA The Cibernetico Rises at the Highline Ballroom in Manhattan, NY.  Mark Angelosetti (w/Veronica) defeats Soldier Ant (10:07)… The Shard defeats Fire Ant (11:35)… Dasher Hatfield defeats Icarus (10:32)… 1-2-3 Kid & Marty Jannetty defeat The Heart Throbs (Antonio Thomas & Romeo Roselli) (11:53)… Torneo Cibernetico 16 Man Elimination: Eddie Kingston, The Spectral Envoy (Frightmare, Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black), 3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews), Gran Akuma & Tim Donst defeat Jimmy Jacobs, Kevin Steen, The Briscoes (Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe), The Bravado Brothers (Harlem Bravado & Lancelot Bravado) & The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) (65:53).
  • December 2, 2012 – CHIKARA Under The Hood at the Trocadero in Philadelphia, PA.  3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) defeat Team FIST (Chuck Taylor & Johnny Gargano) (13:09)… Icarus (w/Sugar Dunkerton) defeats Dasher Hatfield (11:04)… Jigsaw, The Shard & The Swarm (deviANT & Soldier Ant) defeat Mike Quackenbush & The Colony (assailANT, Fire Ant & Green Ant) (16:50)… CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Title: Mark Angelosetti (w/Veronica) (c) defeats ACH (15:49)… The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive & Max Smashmaster) (w/Sidney Bakabella) defeat Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) (1:39)… The Spectral Envoy (Blind Rage, Crossbones, Frightmare, Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black) defeat Delirious, Ophidian & The Batiri (Kobald, Kodama & Obariyon) (23:42)… CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title Best Two Out Of Three Falls: The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) (c) defeat 1-2-3 Kid & Marty Jannetty [2:1] (21:46)… CHIKARA Grand Title: Eddie Kingston (c) defeats Tim Donst (w/Jakob Hammermeier) (20:01).
  • February 9, 2013 – CHIKARA All The Agents And Superhuman Crew at the Goodwill Beneficial Assoc. Hall in Reading, PA.  The Colony (assailANT & Fire Ant) defeat The Swarm (deviANT & Soldier Ant) (9:34)… Dasher Hatfield defeats Delirious (0:49)… The Batiri (Kodama & Obariyon) defeat Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) (7:43)… Frightmare defeats Ophidian (6:25)… Jigsaw & The Shard defeat Team FIST (Icarus & Sugar Dunkerton) (10:15)… Green Ant defeats Eddie Kingston (17:59)… Kevin Steen & The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) defeat 3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) & Gran Akuma (15:50)… Hallowicked defeats Chuck Taylor (13:47)… No Disqualification: Archibald Peck defeats Mark Angelosetti (25:49).
  • February 10, 2013 – CHIKARA While The Dawn Is Breaking at the Palmer Center in Easton, PA.  CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Title: Mark Angelosetti (c) defeats Saturyne (12:04)… Jakob Hammermeier defeats Gran Akuma (6:32)… Archibald Peck defeats Tim Donst by DQ (6:34)… The Colony (assailANT, Fire Ant & Green Ant) defeat Team FIST (Chuck Taylor, Icarus & Sugar Dunkerton) (17:39)… Kobald defeats Dasher Hatfield (11:45)… GEKIDO (deviANT & The Shard) & Jigsaw defeat Team Frightning (Frightmare, Hallowicked & Mike Quackenbush) (15:25)… CHIKARA Grand Title: Eddie Kingston (c) defeats Kevin Steen (13:49)… CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title Best Two Out Of Three Falls: 3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) defeat The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) (c) [2:1] – TITLE CHANGE!
  • March 8, 2013 – CHIKARA Just Shadows In The Fog at the Orpheum in Tampa, FL.  Four Way Tag Team Elimination: Team FIST (Icarus & Sugar Dunkerton) defeat Green Ant & Mike Quackenbush and The Batiri (Kobald & Kodama) and Jigsaw & The Shard (21:05)… Gran Akuma defeats Johnny Gargano (12:18)… Archibald Peck defeats Obariyon (9:47)… Hallowicked defeats Sean Waltman (9:48)… Soldier Ant & The Colony Xtreme Force (Arctic Rescue Ant, Missile Assault Ant & Orbit Adventure Ant) defeat The Colony (assailANT & Fire Ant), Dasher Hatfield & Saturyne (24:16)… CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Title: Mark Angelosetti (c) defeats Jakob Hammermeier (11:06)… CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title: 3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) (c) defeat The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive & Max Smashmaster) (w/Sidney Bakabella) [2:1] (12:27)… Eddie Kingston defeats Amazing Kong (7:15).
  • March 9, 2013 – CHIKARA Watchmaker at the Orlando Downtown Rec Center in Orlando, FL.  Oliver Grimsly defeats Eddie Graves (10:29)… Ophidian & The Batiri (Kobald, Kodama & Obariyon) defeat Soldier Ant & The Colony Xtreme Force (Arctic Rescue Ant, Missile Assault Ant & Orbit Adventure Ant) (20:48)… Hallowicked defeats Jakob Hammermeier (6:25)… assailANT defeats Mark Angelosetti (11:21)… Jigsaw & The Shard defeat Fire Ant & Mike Quackenbush (14:54)… Archibald Peck defeats Tim Donst (w/Veronica) by DQ (9:13)… 3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews), Dasher Hatfield, Gran Akuma & Green Ant defeat The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive & Max Smashmaster) & Team FIST (Icarus, Johnny Gargano & Sugar Dunkerton) (24:30).
  • April 6, 2013 – CHIKARA The Shoulder Of Pallas at the Meadowlands Convention Center in Secaucus, NJ.  Saturyne defeats Kobald (6:30)… Four Way Tag Team Elimination: The Batiri (Kodama & Obariyon) defeat The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive & Max Smashmaster) (w/Sidney Bakabella) and The Spectral Envoy (Blind Rage & UltraMantis Black) and The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti)… Team FIST (Chuck Taylor, Icarus, Johnny Gargano & Sugar Dunkerton) defeat 3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews), Gran Akuma & Marty Jannetty (18:28)… Archibald Peck defeats Tim Donst (w/Jakob Hammermeier, Steve Weiner & Veronica) (9:28)… Soldier Ant & The Colony Xtreme Force (Arctic Rescue Ant, Missile Assault Ant & Orbit Adventure Ant) defeat The Colony (assailANT, Fire Ant & Green Ant) & Frightmare (9:49)… CHIKARA Grand Title: Eddie Kingston (c) defeats Hallowicked (11:21)… Jushin Thunder Liger & Mike Quackenbush defeat Jigsaw & The Shard (18:51).
  • May 3, 2013 – CHIKARA Battle Not With Monsters at the New Mid-Atlantic Sportatorium in Gibsonville, NC.  Ophidian & The Batiri (Kobald, Kodama & Obariyon) defeat The Colony (assailANT & Fire Ant) & Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) (18:05)… Saturyne defeats Missile Assault Ant (2:54)… deviANT & The Colony Xtreme Force (Arctic Rescue Ant & Orbit Adventure Ant) defeat 3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) & Gran Akuma (9:47)… Amasis defeats The Shard (14:43)… Archibald Peck defeats Jigsaw (13:25)… CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Title: Mark Angelosetti (c) defeats Chiva Kid (8:11)… Team FIST (Chuck Taylor, Icarus & Johnny Gargano) (w/Sugar Dunkerton) defeat The Spectral Envoy (Frightmare, Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black) (16:53)… CHIKARA Grand Title: Eddie Kingston (c) defeats Green Ant (14:07).
  • May 4, 2013 – CHIKARA The Ghost Of You Clings at the Main Event in Porterdale, GA.  Dark Tag Team: The Washington Bullets (Jon Williams & Trey Williams) defeat Shane Marx & The Jagged Edge … Shenron defeats Chuck Taylor… Jigsaw & The Shard defeat The Colony (assailANT & Fire Ant)… Gran Akuma defeats Sugar Dunkerton (w/Icarus) by DQ… Amasis defeats Kobald… deviANT & The Colony Xtreme Force (Arctic Rescue Ant, Missile Assault Ant & Orbit Adventure Ant) defeat Green Ant & The Spectral Envoy (Frightmare, Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black) by DQ… Saturyne defeats Tim Donst… CHIKARA Grand Title: Eddie Kingston (c) defeats Mark Angelosetti… CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title Best Two Out of Three Falls: 3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) (c) defeat The Batiri (Kodama & Obariyon) [2:1].
  • May 18, 2013 – CHIKARA Tag World Grand Prix 2013: 1st Stage at the Logan Square Auditorium in Chicago, IL.  Tag World Grand Prix 2013 First Round: The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) defeat The Baltic Siege (The Estonian ThunderFrog & The Latvian Proud Oak)… Tag World Grand Prix 2013 First Round: The Spectral Envoy (Frightmare & Hallowicked) defeat deviANT & Orbit Adventure Ant by DQ… Tag World Grand Prix 2013 First Round: The Batiri (Kodama & Obariyon) defeat The Bravado Brothers (Harlem Bravado & Lancelot Bravado)… Tag World Grand Prix 2013 First Round: The Daywalkers (Alex Castle & Matt Cage) (w/Gangrel) defeat Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza)… Tag World Grand Prix 2013 First Round: The Colony (Fire Ant & Green Ant) defeat Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.)… Tag World Grand Prix 2013 First Round: The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive & Max Smashmaster) (w/Sidney Bakabella) defeat The Submission Squad (Gary Jay & Pierre Abernathy)… Tag World Grand Prix 2013 First Round: ACDC (Arik Cannon & Darin Corbin) defeat Heidi Lovelace & Saturyne… Tag World Grand Prix 2013 First Round: Pieces Of Hate (Jigsaw & The Shard) defeat Da Soul Touchaz (Acid Jaz & Marshe Rockett).
  • May 18, 2013 – CHIKARA Tag World Grand Prix 2013: 2nd Stage at the Logan Square Auditorium in Chicago, IL.  Tag World Grand Prix 2013 Quarter Final: The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) defeat The Spectral Envoy (Frightmare & Hallowicked)… Tag World Grand Prix 2013 Quarter Final: The Batiri (Kodama & Obariyon) defeat The Daywalkers (Alex Castle & Matt Cage) (w/Gangrel)… Tag World Grand Prix 2013 Quarter Final: The Colony (Fire Ant & Green Ant) vs. The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive & Max Smashmaster) (w/Sidney Bakabella) – Double Count Out… Tag World Grand Prix 2013 Quarter Final: Pieces Of Hate (Jigsaw & The Shard) defeat Arik Cannon & Darin Corbin… Tag World Grand Prix 2013 Semi Final: The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) defeat The Batiri (Kodama & Obariyon)… Icarus defeats Colt Cabana… CHIKARA Grand Title: Eddie Kingston (c) defeats Archibald Peck… Tag World Grand Prix 2013 Final: Pieces Of Hate (Jigsaw & The Shard) defeat The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson).
  • June 2, 2013 – CHIKARA Aniversario: Never Compromise at the Trocadero in Philadelphia, PA.  The Spectral Envoy (Frightmare, Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black) defeat The Colony Xtreme Force (Arctic Rescue Ant, Missile Assault Ant & Orbit Adventure Ant) (9:34)… Delirious defeats Dasher Hatfield (12:23)… The Colony (assailANT, Fire Ant & Green Ant) defeat The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive, Flex Rumblecrunch & Max Smashmaster) (w/Sidney Bakabella) (12:44)… Sarcophagus: Amasis defeats Ophidian (31:47)… Hair Vs. Hair: Gavin Loudspeaker defeats Tim Donst (w/Jakob Hammermeier, Steve Weiner & Veronica) (10:29)… CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title Best Two Out Of Three Falls: Pieces Of Hate (Jigsaw & The Shard) defeat 3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) (c) [2:1] – TITLE CHANGE !!!… CHIKARA Grand Title: Eddie Kingston (c) vs. Icarus – No Contest (20:00).
  • June 2, 2013 – CHIKARA Freeview-A-Go-Go at the Trocadero in Philadelphia, PA.  CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Title: Mark Angelosetti (w/Dasher Hatfield) (c) defeats Saturyne (9:09).
  • November 2, 2013 – Icarus Presents I Am CHIKARA at the FDR Skatepark in Philadelphia, PA.  assailANT, Hallowicked & Icarus defeat Kobald & Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) (18:00).
  • May 25, 2014 – CHIKARA You Only Live Twice at the Palmer Center in Easton, PA.  Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Ares, Nøkken & Tursas) (w/Milo Schnitzler) defeat The Spectral Envoy (Frightmare, Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black) (7:11)… Ashley Remington defeats Chuck Taylor (7:36)… The Batiri (Kobald, Kodama & Obariyon) defeat Sinn Bohdi & The Odditorium (Oliver Grimsly & Qefka The Quiet) by DQ (9:43)… Juan Francisco de Coronado defeats Jervis Cottonbelly (5:09)… Four Way Tag Team Elimination: The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti) defeat 3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) and GEKIDO (17 & deviANT) and The Pieces Of Hate (Jigsaw & The Shard) (19:38)… Jimmy Jacobs defeats Archibald Peck (7:15)… The Colony Xtreme Force (Arctic Rescue Ant, Missile Assault Ant & Orbit Adventure Ant) defeat The Colony (Fire Ant, Green Ant & Worker Ant) (14:38)… CHIKARA Grand Title: Icarus defeats Eddie Kingston (c) (16:39) – TITLE CHANGE !
  • May 25, 2014 – CHIKARA The Expansion Pack at the Palmer Center in Easton, PA.  The Baltic Siege (The Estonian ThunderFrog, The Latvian Proud Oak & The Lithuanian Snow Troll) defeat The Bloc Party (Mr. Azerbaijan, Prakash Sabar & Proletariat Boar Of Moldova).
  • June 21, 2014 – CHIKARA Diamonds Are Forever at the Logan Square Auditorium in Chicago, IL.  Dark: Chuck Taylor defeats Shynron… Old Fashioned (Jervis Cottonbelly & Marion Fontaine) defeat Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.)… Max Smashmaster defeats Jojo Bravo… Blind Rage defeats Mat Fitchett… The Odditorium (Oliver Grimsly & Qefka The Quiet) defeat The Batiri (Kodama & Obariyon) by DQ… Juan Francisco de Coronado defeats Billy Roc… The Colony (Fire Ant & Silver Ant) defeat The Colony Xtreme Force (Missile Assault Ant & Orbit Adventure Ant)… Jimmy Jacobs defeats Eddie Kingston… 3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) & Archibald Peck defeat Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Ares, Nøkken & Tursas) (w/Milo Schnitzler) by DQ… The Batiri (Kodama & Obariyon), 3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) & Archibald Peck defeat The Flood (Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Ares, Nøkken & Tursas) & The Odditorium (Oliver Grimsly & Qefka The Quiet)) (w/Milo Schnitzler).
  • June 21, 2014 – CHIKARA Quantum Of Solace at the Logan Square Auditorium in Chicago, IL.  The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti) defeat The Submission Squad (Evan Gelistico & Gary Jay)… Ophidian defeats Heidi Lovelace… The Baltic Siege (The Latvian Proud Oak & The Lithuanian Snow Troll) defeat The Bloc Party (Mr. Azerbaijan & Prakash Sabar)… Worker Ant defeats deviANT… The Pieces Of Hate (Jigsaw & The Shard) defeat ACDC (Arik Cannon & Darin Corbin)… The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova defeats The Estonian ThunderFrog… The Spectral Envoy (Frightmare, Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black) defeat The Wrecking Crew (Blaster McMassive, Jaka & Oleg The Usurper).
  • June 22, 2014 – CHIKARA Goldfinger at the Majestic Theatre in Detroit, MI.  Four Way Tag Team Elimination: The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti) defeat ACDC (Arik Cannon & Darin Corbin) and Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Nøkken & Tursas) and The Odditorium (Oliver Grimsly & Qefka The Quiet)… Ophidian defeats Josh Movado… Jaka defeats The Estonian ThunderFrog… The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive & Max Smashmaster) defeat 3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews)… Chuck Taylor defeats Jervis Cottonbelly… The Spectral Envoy (Blind Rage, Frightmare, Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black) defeat The Flood (17, Missile Assault Ant & The Pieces Of Hate (Jigsaw & The Shard))… Eddie Kingston defeats Shynron… The Batiri (Kodama & Obariyon) & The Colony (Fire Ant, Silver Ant & Worker Ant) defeat The Flood (???, Ares, deviANT, Jimmy Jacobs & Oleg The Usurper).
  • July 19, 2014 – CHIKARA The Living Daylights at the Stage 48 in New York City, NY.  Four Way Tag Team: The Batiri (Kodama & Obariyon) defeat The Flood (Haack & Slaash) (w/Dr. Cube) and The Bloc Party (Mr. Azerbaijan & The Proletarian Boar Of Moldova) and The Colony (Fire Ant & Worker Ant)… Juan Francisco de Coronado defeats Eddie Kingston… Missile Assault Ant defeats Silver Ant… The Flood (Sinn Bohdi, The Odditorium (Oliver Grimsly & Qefka The Quiet) & Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Nøkken & Tursas) defeat The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti), The Baltic Siege (The Estonian ThunderFrog & The Latvian Proud Oak) & Jervis Cottonbelly… Tag Team: The Pieces Of Hate (Jigsaw & The Shard) defeat The Osirian Portal (Amasis & Ophidian)… Ashley Remington defeats Chuck Taylor… The Spectral Envoy (Blind Rage, Frightmare, Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black) defeat The Wrecking Crew (The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive, Flex Rumblecrunch & Max Smashmaster) & Jaka) (w/Oleg The Usurper & Sidney Bakabella).
  • July 20, 2014 – CHIKARA The World Is Not Enough @ Wonderland Ballroom in Revere, Massachusetts, USA: 3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) defeat The Odditorium (Oliver Grimsly & Qefka The Quiet)… Ashley Remington defeats Archibald Peck… The Flood (Blaster McMassive, Dr. Cube, Flex Rumblecrunch, Max Smashmaster & Sinn Bodhi) (w/Sidney Bakabella) defeat Icarus and The Spectral Envoy (Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black) & The Osirian Portal (Amasis & Ophidian)… Shynron defeats Missile Assault Ant… CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title Best Two Out Of Three Falls: The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti) defeat The Pieces Of Hate (Jigsaw & The Shard) (c) [2:1] – TITLE CHANGE !!!… Jervis Cottonbelly defeats Eddie Kingston by DQ… Worker Ant defeats Arctic Rescue Ant… Six Man Tag Team Elimination Flag: The Baltic Siege (The Estonian ThunderFrog, The Latvian Proud Oak & The Lithuanian Snow Troll) defeat The Bloc Party (Mr. Azerbaijan, Prakash Sabar & The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova) (w/The Polar Baron)…
  • August 16, 2014 – CHIKARA Permis De Tuer @ Centre Horizon in Limoilou, Quebec, Canada: Four Way Elimination Tag Team: The Osirian Portal (Amasis & Ophidian) defeat The Sullivan Brothers (Ivan Sullivan & Stephen Sullivan) and The Flood (Jaka & Qefka The Quiet) and The Spectral Envoy (Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black)… Ashley Remington defeats Kodama (8:34)… Silver Ant defeats The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova… Eddie Kingston vs. The Shard – No Contest… Juan Francisco de Coronado defeats Archibald Peck… 3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) defeat The Colony Xtreme Force (Missile Assault Ant & Orbit Adventure Ant)… Icarus, The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti) & The Colony (Fire Ant & Worker Ant) defeat The Flood (Jimmy Jacobs, The Devastation Corporation (Flex Rumblecrunch & Max Smashmaster), 17 & Nøkken)…
  • August 17, 2014 – CHIKARA Vivre Et Laisser Mourir @ Centre LGH in Montreal, Quebec, Canada: Four Way Tag Team Elimination: The Colony (Fire Ant & Worker Ant) defeat Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) and The McGoths (Bloodlust McGoth & Spooky McGoth) and The Osirian Portal (Amasis & Ophidian)… Nøkken defeats Kodama… Chuck Taylor defeats Ashley Remington… 3peck0 (Archibald Peck, Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) defeat The Wrecking Crew (Flex Rumblecrunch, Jaka & Max Smashmaster)… Jimmy Jacobs defeats Silver Ant by DQ… The Flood (17, Missile Assault Ant, Orbit Adventure Ant & The Shard) defeat The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti) & The Spectral Envoy (Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black)… CHIKARA Grand Title: Icarus (c) defeats Juan Francisco de Coronado…
  • September 19, 2014 – CHIKARA: CHIKARA King Of Trios 2014 – Tag 1 @ The Palmer Center in Easton, Pennsylvania, USA:
    King Of Trios 2014 First Round: Team UK (Damian Dunne, Mark Andrews & Pete Dunne) defeat The Bloc Party (Mr. Azerbaijan, Prakash Sabar & The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova)… King Of Trios 2014 First Round: GEKIDO (17, Jigsaw & The Shard) defeat Knight Eye For The Pirate Guy (Jolly Roger & Lance Steel) & Princess KimberLee… King Of Trios 2014 First Round: The Spirit Squad (Johnny, Kenny & Mikey) defeat The Flood (Oliver Grimsly, Qefka The Quiet & Sinn Bodhi)… King Of Trios 2014 First Round: The Flood (Eddie Kingston, Jimmy Jacobs & Volgar) (w/The Lithuanian Snow Troll) defeat The Spectral Envoy (Frightmare, Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black)… King Of Trios 2014 First Round: The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive, Flex Rumblecrunch & Max Smashmaster) (w/Sidney Bakabella) defeat Old Fashioned (Jervis Cottonbelly & Marion Fontaine) & ThunderKitty… King Of Trios 2014 First Round: 3peck0 (Archibald Peck, Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) defeat The Flood (Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Ares & Nøkken) & Dr. Cube)… King Of Trios 2014 First Round: Icarus & The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti) defeat The Latin American Exchange (Chavo Guerrero Jr., Hernandez & Homicide)… King Of Trios 2014 First Round: The Colony (Fire Ant, Silver Ant & Worker Ant) defeat The Colony Xtreme Force (Arctic Rescue Ant, Missile Assault Ant & Orbit Adventure Ant)…
  • September 20, 2014 – CHIKARA King Of Trios 2014 – Tag 2 @ The Palmer Center in Easton, Pennsylvania, USA: Rey de Voladores 2014 Semi Final Four Way Elimination: Shynron defeats Chuck Taylor and Rich Swann and Tigre Uno… King Of Trios 2014 Quarter Final: 3peck0 (3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) & Archibald Peck) defeat GEKIDO (17, Jigsaw & The Shard)… Juan Francisco de Coronado defeats Rockstar Spud… King Of Trios 2014 Quarter Final: The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive, Flex Rumblecrunch & Max Smashmaster) (w/Sidney Bakabella) defeat Team UK (Damian Dunne, Mark Andrews & Pete Dunne)… Rey de Voladores 2014 Semi Final Four Way Elimination: The Great Sanada defeats Amasis and AR Fox and Orlando Christopher… King Of Trios 2014 Quarter Final: Icarus & The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti) defeat The Spirit Squad (Johnny, Kenny & Mikey)… Ashley Remington defeats Yamamoto by DQ… King Of Trios 2014 Quarter Final: The Flood (Eddie Kingston, Jimmy Jacobs & Volgar) (w/The Lithuanian Snow Troll) defeat The Colony (Fire Ant, Silver Ant & Worker Ant)…
  • September 21, 2014 – CHIKARA King Of Trios 2014 – Tag 3 @ The Palmer Center in Easton, Pennsylvania, USA: King Of Trios 2014 Semi Final: Icarus & The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti) defeat The Flood (Eddie Kingston, Jimmy Jacobs & Volgar) (w/The Lithuanian Snow Troll)… King Of Trios 2014 Semi Final: The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive, Flex Rumblecrunch & Max Smashmaster) (w/Sidney Bakabella) defeat 3peck0 (3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) & Archibald Peck)… Mark Andrews defeats Oliver Grimsly… Ten Team Gauntlet: The Wrecking Crew (Jaka & Oleg The Usurper) (w/Sidney Bakabella) defeat N_R_G (Hype Rockwell & Race Jaxon) and The Batiri (Kodama & Obariyon) and Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) and Old Fashioned (Jervis Cottonbelly & Marion Fontaine) and The Colony Xtreme Force (Arctic Rescue Ant & Missile Assault Ant) and The Osirian Portal (Amasis & Ophidian) and The Bloc Party (Prakash Sabar & The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova) and The Dunne Bros (Damian Dunne & Pete Dunne) and The Colony (Silver Ant & Worker Ant)… The Submission Squad (Davey Vega, Evan Gelistico, Gary The Barn Owl & Pierre Abernathy) defeat The Gentleman’s Club (Chuck Taylor, Drew Gulak, Orange Cassidy & The Swamp Monster)… Rey de Voladores 2014 Final: Shynron defeats The Great Sanada… King Of Trios 2014 Final: The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive, Flex Rumblecrunch & Max Smashmaster) (w/Sidney Bakabella) defeat Icarus & The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti)…


  • October 25, 2014 – CHIKARA Thunderball @ The New Mid-Atlantic Sportatorium in Gibsonville, North Carolina, USA
    The Spectral Envoy (Frightmare, Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black) defeat The Bloc Party (Mr. Azerbaijan, Prakash Sabar & The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova)… 3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) defeat Chet Sterling & Trevor Lee… Ashley Remington defeats Juan Francisco de Coronado… The Osirian Portal (Amasis & Ophidian) defeat The Wrecking Crew (Flex Rumblecrunch & Oleg The Usurper)… The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive & Max Smashmaster) defeat The Colony (Fire Ant & Worker Ant)… Silver Ant defeats Shynron… Eddie Kingston, Icarus & The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti) defeat The Flood (17, Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Jakob Hammermeier & Nøkken) & Jimmy Jacobs) (w/The Lithuanian Snow Troll)…
  • October 26, 2014 – CHIKARA Moonraker @ Greater Richmond Convention Center in Richmond, Virginia, USA: Shynron defeats Missile Assault Ant… Archibald Peck, Ice Cream Jr., Mark Angelosetti & Shane Matthews defeat Ashley Remington, Dasher Hatfield, El Hijo del Ice Cream & Scott Parker… Delirious & Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Jakob Hammermeier & Nøkken) defeat The Spectral Envoy (Frightmare, Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black)… Eddie Kingston defeats Volgar (w/Jimmy Jacobs)… The Wrecking Crew (The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive, Flex Rumblecrunch & Max Smashmaster) & Oleg The Usurper) defeat The Osirian Portal (Amasis & Ophidian) & N_R_G (Hype Rockwell & Race Jaxon)… The Colony (Fire Ant, Silver Ant & Worker Ant) defeat The Bloc Party (Mr. Azerbaijan, Prakash Sabar & The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova)… CHIKARA Grand Title: Icarus (c) defeats Jimmy Jacobs…
  • November 15, 2014 – CHIKARA On Her Majesty’s Secret Service @ Haverhill High School in Haverhill, Massachusetts, USA
    The Flood (Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Jakob Hammermeier & Nøkken) & Oliver Grimsly) (w/Haack & Milo Schnitzler) defeat 3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) & Jervis Cottonbelly… Missile Assault Ant defeats Princess KimberLee… Worker Ant defeats Prakash Sabar… The Spectral Envoy (Frightmare, Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black) & The Batiri (Kodama & Obariyon) defeat The Flood (17, Deucalion, Jimmy Jacobs, The Shard & Volgar)… Shynron defeats The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova… Juan Francisco de Coronado defeats Ashley Remington… The Wrecking Crew (Blaster McMassive, Flex Rumblecrunch, Jaka, Max Smashmaster & Oleg The Usurper) (w/Sidney Bakabella) defeat Icarus & The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti) & The Osirian Portal (Amasis & Ophidian)…
  • November 16, 2014 – CHIKARA For Your Eyes Only @ Nomad’s Adventure Quest in Windsor, Connecticut, USA: Four Way Elimination Tag Team: The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive & Max Smashmaster) defeat Ashley Remington & Jervis Cottonbelly and The Batiri (Kodama & Obariyon) and The Bloc Party (Prakash Sabar & The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova)… Hallowicked defeats Worker Ant… Nøkken (w/Jakob Hammermeier, Milo Schnitzler & Slaash (Pinkie Sanchez)) defeat Shynron… The Osirian Portal (Amasis & Ophidian) defeat The Wrecking Crew (Jaka & Oleg The Usurper)… Eddie Kingston defeats The Lithuanian Snow Troll (w/Jimmy Jacobs & Volgar)… Jimmy Jacobs (w/The Lithuanian Snow Troll & Volgar) defeats UltraMantis Black… Frightmare defeats Juan Francisco de Coronado… CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title Best Two Out Of Three Falls: The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti) (c) defeat 3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) [2:0]…
  • December 6, 2014 – CHIKARA Tomorrow Never Dies – Pre-Show-A-Go-Go @ 2300 Arena in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Title Young Lions Cup XI Final Match (vakant): Heidi Lovelace defeats Missile Assault Ant  (w/Arctic Rescue Ant & Orbit Adventure Ant) – TITLE CHANGE !!!
  • December 6, 2014 – CHIKARA Tomorrow Never Dies @ 2300 Arena in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Ashley Remington defeats Juan Francisco de Coronado… Eddie Kingston defeats Jimmy Jacobs (w/The Lithuanian Snow Troll & Volgar)… CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title Best Two Out Of Three Falls: The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive & Max Smashmaster) (w/Sidney Bakabella) defeat The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti) (c) [2:1] – TITLE CHANGE !!!… Loser Leaves CHIKARA: UltraMantis Black defeats Delirious… Torneo Cibernetico 16 Man Elimination: The Flood (Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Jakob Hammermeier & Nøkken), The Wrecking Crew (Flex Rumblecrunch, Jaka & Oleg The Usurper), Oliver Grimsly, Soldier Ant & Volgar) defeat The Colony (Fire Ant, Silver Ant & Worker Ant), The Osirian Portal (Amasis & Ophidian), The Batiri (Kodama & Obariyon) & Jervis Cottonbelly… Steel Cage: Icarus defeats Deucalion…
  • January 25, 2015 – CHIKARA A New Start @ 2300 Arena in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: The Wrecking Crew (The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive, Flex Rumblecrunch & Max Smashmaster), Jaka & Oleg The Usurper (w/Sidney Bakabella) defeat The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti), Jervis Cottonbelly, Princess KimberLee & Shynron… Nøkken defeats Ophidian (w/Amasis)… N_R_G (Hype Rockwell & Race Jaxon) defeat The Colony Xtreme Force (Arctic Rescue Ant & Missile Assault Ant)… UltraMantis Black defeats Juan Francisco de Coronado… Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Jakob Hammermeier & Pinkie Sanchez) & Soldier Ant defeat The Colony (Fire Ant, Silver Ant & Worker Ant)… Kevin Condron (w/Troll ) defeats Eddie Kingston by DQ… Frightmare & Hallowicked defeat The Batiri (Kodama & Obariyon)… CHIKARA Grand Title: Icarus (c) defeats Chuck Taylor…
  • February 8, 2015 – National Pro Wrestling Day 2015 @ Greater Norristown PAL Gymnasium in Norristown, Pennsylvania, USA
    Juan Francisco de Coronado defeats Fire Ant… The Osirian Portal (Amasis & Ophidian) defeat The Bloc Party (Prakash Sabar & The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova)… Max Smashmaster defeats Shynron… Ashley Remington defeats Drew Gulak… Old Fashioned (Jervis Cottonbelly & Marion Fontaine) defeat Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.)… Blaster McMassive (w/Max Smashmaster) vs. Mark Angelosetti – No Contest… Princess KimberLee defeats Jenny Rose… N_R_G (Hype Rockwell & Race Jaxon) defeat Flying Francis (Branden O’Connor & Matt Novak)… 22 Man Tag Team: The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti), Old Fashioned (Jervis Cottonbelly & Marion Fontaine), Princess KimberLee, The Colony (Fire Ant & Worker Ant), The Osirian Portal (Amasis & Ophidian), Argus & Shane Storm defeat The Wrecking Crew (The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive & Max Smashmaster) & Oleg The Usurper), Juan Francisco de Coronado, Missile Assault Ant, The Bloc Party (Mr. Azerbaijan, Prakash Sabar & The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova), Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) & Shayne Hawke…
  • March 7, 2015 – CHIKARA Out On A Limb @ The New Mid-Atlantic Sportatorium in Gibsonville, North Carolina, USA: Four Way Elimination Tag Team: Jervis Cottonbelly & Princess KimberLee defeat The Colony (Fire Ant & Worker Ant) and The Wrecking Crew (Flex Rumblecrunch & Jaka) (w/Sidney Bakabella) and Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Jakob Hammermeier & Pinkie Sanchez)… Hallowicked defeats Argus… Challenge Of The Immortals Tag Team: Dasher’s Dugout (Icarus & Mark Angelosetti) [1] defeat Nightmare Warriors (Frightmare & Silver Ant) [0]… Chuck Taylor defeats Trevor Lee… Challenge Of The Immortals Eight Man Tag Team: The United Nations (Juan Francisco de Coronado, Mr. Azerbaijan, Prakash Sabar & The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova) [1] defeat The Arcane Horde (Kodama, Obariyon, Oleg The Usurper & UltraMantis Black) [0]… Dasher Hatfield defeats Kevin Condron… CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title Best Two Out Of Three Falls: The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive & Max Smashmaster) (c) defeat The Osirian Portal (Amasis & Ophidian) [2:1]…
  • March 8, 2015 – CHIKARA Altar Egos @ The Norfolk Masonic Temple in Norfolk, Virginia, USA: Challenge Of The Immortals Tag Team: The Arcane Horde (Kodama & Obariyon) [1] defeat Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Jakob Hammermeier & Pinkie Sanchez) [0]… Volgar defeats UltraMantis Black… Four Way Tag Team Elimination: N_R_G (Hype Rockwell & Race Jaxon) defeat The Bloc Party (Prakash Sabar & The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova) and The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti) and The Nightmare Warriors (Frightmare & Silver Ant)… CHIKARA Grand Title: Icarus (c) defeats Nøkken… Challenge Of The Immortals Eight Man Tag Team: The Wrecking Crew (Blaster McMassive, Flex Rumblecrunch, Jaka & Max Smashmaster) (w/Sidney Bakabella) [1] defeat Crown And Court (El Hijo del Ice Cream, Ice Cream Jr., Jervis Cottonbelly & Princess KimberLee) [0]… Hallowicked defeats Oleg The Usurper… Challenge Of The Immortals Six Man Tag Team: The Snake Pit (Argus, Ophidian & Shynron) [1] defeat Battle Hive (Amasis, Fire Ant & Worker Ant) [0]…
  • April 3, 2015 – CHIKARA For British Eyes Only @ Wulfrun Hall in Wolverhampton, West Midlands, England, UK: UltraMantis Black defeats Mr. Azerbaijan (w/Prakash Sabar)… Oleg The Usurper defeats Juan Francisco de Coronado… Challenge Of The Immortals Six Man Tag Team: The Wrecking Crew (Blaster McMassive, Jaka & Max Smashmaster) [2] defeat Battle Hive (Amasis & The Colony (Fire Ant & Worker Ant)) [0]… Challenge Of The Immortals Tag Team: Arcane Horde (Kodama & Obariyon) [2] defeat The Gentleman’s Club (Chuck Taylor & The Swamp Monster) [0]… Soldier Ant defeats Silver Ant by Ringrichterentscheid… Challenge Of The Immortals Six Man Tag Team: The Nightmare Warriors (Blind Rage, Frightmare & Hallowicked) [1] defeat Dasher’s Dugout (Dasher Hatfield, Icarus & Mark Angelosetti) [1]…
  • April 4, 2015 – CHIKARA Let ‘Em Eat Cake @ Wulfrun Hall in Wolverhampton, West Midlands, England, UK: Challenge Of The Immortals Tag Team: Dasher’s Dugout (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti) [2] defeat Crown And Court (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) [0]… Challenge Of The Immortals: Amasis [Battle Hive] [1] defeats Prakash Sabar [United Nations] [1]… Challenge Of The Immortals Eight Man Tag Team: The Gentleman’s Club (Chuck Taylor, Drew Gulak, Orange Cassidy & The Swamp Monster) [1] defeat Arcane Horde (The Batiri (Kodama & Obariyon), Oleg The Usurper & UltraMantis Black) [2]… Challenge Of The Immortals: Silver Ant [Nightmare Warriors] [2] defeats Jaka [The Wrecking Crew] [2]… Challenge Of The Immortals: Juan Francisco de Coronado [United Nations] [2] defeats Icarus [Dasher’s Dugout] [2]… The Colony (Fire Ant & Worker Ant) & N_R_G (Hype Rockwell & Race Jaxon) defeat Frightmare, Hallowicked & The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive & Max Smashmaster)…
  • April 5, 2015 – CHIKARA Pier Pressure @ The Masonic Hall in Cardiff, Wales, UK: Four Way Elimination Tag Team: The Gentleman’s Club (Chuck Taylor & Drew Gulak) defeat Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) and The United Nations (Juan Francisco de Coronado & Prakash Sabar) and The Wrecking Crew (Jaka & Oleg The Usurper)… Mark Andrews defeats Silver Ant… Challenge Of The Immortals Tag Team: The Nightmare Warriors (Blind Rage & Frightmare) (w/Hallowicked) [3] defeat Battle Hive (Amasis & Fire Ant) [1]… Challenge Of The Immortals Six Man Tag Team: Dasher’s Dugout (Dasher Hatfield, Icarus & Mark Angelosetti) [3] defeat The Arcane Horde (Kodama, Obariyon & UltraMantis Black) [2]… Challenge Of The Immortals: Soldier Ant [1] defeats Worker Ant [1]… CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title Best Two Out Of Three Falls: The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive & Max Smashmaster) (c) defeat N_R_G (Hype Rockwell & Race Jaxon) [2:0]…
  • April 6, 2015 – CHIKARA Afternoon Delight @ The Garage in Islington, Greater London, England, UK: Challenge Of The Immortals Six Man Tag Team: Battle Hive (Amasis, Fire Ant & Worker Ant) [2] defeat The United Nations (Juan Francisco de Coronado, Mr. Azerbaijan & Prakash Sabar) [2]… Blind Rage defeats UltraMantis Black… Dasher Hatfield, Hype Rockwell & Kodama defeat Mark Angelosetti, Obariyon & Race Jaxon… Oleg The Usurper defeats Silver Ant… Challenge Of The Immortals Six Man Tag Team: The Wrecking Crew (Blaster McMassive, Jaka & Max Smashmaster) [3] defeat The Gentleman’s Club (Chuck Taylor, Drew Gulak & The Swamp Monster) [1]… CHIKARA Grand Title: Hallowicked defeats Icarus (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!…
  • May 2, 2015 – CHIKARA Spring Breakout @ The St. Joseph’s School in Haverhill, Massachusetts, USA: Challenge Of The Immortals Six Man Tag Team: Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Nøkken, Pinkie Sanchez & Soldier Ant) [2] defeat Crown And Court (Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) & Princess KimberLee) [0]… Dasher Hatfield defeats Volgar… Challenge Of The Immortals: Chuck Taylor [2] defeats The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova [2]… Ashley Remington defeats Missile Assault Ant… Challenge Of The Immortals Six Man Tag Team: The Nightmare Warriors (Frightmare, Hallowicked & Silver Ant) [4] defeat The Snake Pit (Argus, Eddie Kingston & Shynron) [1]… Amasis defeats Juan Francisco de Coronado… Challenge Of The Immortals Six Man Tag Team: The Wrecking Crew (The Devastation Corporation (Flex Rumblecrunch & Max Smashmaster) & Jaka) [4] defeat Arcane Horde (Obariyon, Oleg The Usurper & UltraMantis Black) [2]…
  • May 23, 2015 – CHIKARA Back To Skull @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Amasis defeats Missile Assault Ant… The Snake Pit (Argus & Ophidian) defeat The Colony (Fire Ant & Worker Ant)… Kevin Condron defeats Mark Angelosetti… Challenge Of The Immortals: Princess KimberLee [Crown And Court] [1] defeats Juan Francisco de Coronado [United Nations] [2]… Dasher Hatfield defeats Blaster McMassive…
  • May 24, 2015 – CHIKARA Aniversario: A New Attitude @ The Palmer Center in Easton, Pennsylvania, USA: Four Way Elimination Tag Team: N_R_G (Hype Rockwell & Race Jaxon) defeat The Nightmare Warriors (Frightmare & Silver Ant) and Battle Hive (Amasis & Worker Ant) and Kevin Condron & Lucas Calhoun… Challenge Of The Immortals Eight Man Tag Team: United Nations (Juan Francisco de Coronado, Mr. Azerbaijan, Prakash Sabar & The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova) [3] defeat Dasher’s Dugout (Dasher Hatfield, Heidi Lovelace, Icarus & Mark Angelosetti) [3]… Oleg The Usurper defeats Missile Assault Ant… Challenge Of The Immortals Six Man Tag Team: Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Jakob Hammermeier, Nøkken & Pinkie Sanchez) [3] defeat Arcane Horde (Kodama, Obariyon & UltraMantis Black) [2]… Crown And Court (Jervis Cottonbelly & Princess KimberLee) defeat The Gentleman’s Club (Chuck Taylor & Orange Cassidy)… Challenge Of The Immortals Eight Man Tag Team: The Snake Pit (Argus, Eddie Kingston, Ophidian & Shynron) [2] defeat The Wrecking Crew (Blaster McMassive, Flex Rumblecrunch, Jaka & Max Smashmaster) (w/Sidney Bakabella) [4]… CHIKARA Grand Title: Hallowicked (c) defeats Ashley Remington…
  • June 13, 2015 – CHIKARA Sword Of Destiny @ The Logan Square Auditorium in Chicago, Illinois, USA: Missile Assault Ant defeats Arik Cannon… N_R_G (Hype Rockwell & Race Jaxon) defeat The United Nations (Juan Francisco de Coronado & Prakash Sabar)… Challenge Of The Immortals Six Man Tag Team: Battle Hive (Amasis, Ashley Remington & Worker Ant) [3] defeat The Arcane Horde (Kodama, Obariyon & UltraMantis Black) [2]… Kevin Condron & Lucas Calhoun (w/Troll ) defeat Dasher’s Dugout (Heidi Lovelace & Icarus) (w/Mark Angelosetti)… Silver Ant defeats Blaster McMassive… Challenge Of The Immortals Tag Team: The Nightmare Warriors (Frightmare & Hallowicked) (w/Blind Rage) [5] defeat Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Jakob Hammermeier & Soldier Ant) [3]… Eddie Kingston defeats Jaka… Challenge Of The Immortals Tag Team: The Wrecking Crew (Flex Rumblecrunch & Max Smashmaster) [5] defeat The Snake Pit (Argus & Ophidian) [2]… Dasher Hatfield defeats Tommaso Ciampa… Challenge Of The Immortals Eight Man Tag Team: Crown And Court (El Hijo del Ice Cream, Ice Cream Jr. & Jervis Cottonbelly) [2] defeat The United Nations (Juan Francisco de Coronado, Prakash Sabar & The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova) [3]…
  • June 14, 2015 – CHIKARA Shock And Aww @ Bethel Park Community Center in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA: Challenge Of The Immortals Six Man Tag Team: Arcane Horde (Kodama, Obariyon & UltraMantis Black) [3] defeat Crown And Court (El Hijo del Ice Cream, Ice Cream Jr. & Jervis Cottonbelly) [2]… CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Title: Heidi Lovelace (w/Mark Angelosetti) (c) defeats Argus (w/Ophidian)… Challenge Of The Immortals Six Man Tag Team: The Wrecking Crew (Flex Rumblecrunch, Jaka & Max Smashmaster) [6] defeat The Nightmare Warriors (Blind Rage, Frightmare & Silver Ant) [5]… Challenge Of The Immortals: Eddie Kingston [Snake Pit] [3] defeats Drew Gulak [Gentleman’s Club] [2]… Challenge Of The Immortals Six Man Tag Team: Dasher’s Dugout (Dasher Hatfield, Icarus & Mark Angelosetti) [4] defeat Battle Hive (Amasis, Ashley Remington & Worker Ant) [3]… Challenge Of The Immortals Tag Team: The Snake Pit (Ophidian & Shynron) [4] defeat Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Jakob Hammermeier & Soldier Ant) [3]… CHIKARA Grand Title: Hallowicked (w/Blind Rage & Frightmare) (c) defeats Oleg The Usurper… N_R_G (Hype Rockwell & Race Jaxon) & Fire Ant defeat The United Nations (Juan Francisco de Coronado, Prakash Sabar & The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova)…
  • July 25, 2015 – CHIKARA Storming The Castle @ Nomad’s Adventure Quest in South Windsor, Connecticut, USA: Challenge Of The Immortals Tag Team: Battle Hive (Amasis & Worker Ant) [4] defeat Crown And Court (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) [2]… Lucas Calhoun (w/Kevin Condron & Troll ) defeats Argus… Challenge Of The Immortals Tag Team: The Arcane Horde (Kodama & Obariyon) [4] defeat The Snake Pit (Eddie Kingston & Ophidian) [4]… Challenge Of The Immortals Eight Man Tag Team: Dasher’s Dugout (The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti), Heidi Lovelace & Icarus) [5] defeat The Gentleman’s Club (Chuck Taylor, Drew Gulak, Orange Cassidy & The Swamp Monster) [2]… Challenge Of The Immortals: Jaka [Wrecking Crew] [7] defeats Nøkken (w/Jakob Hammermeier) [Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes] [3]… Challenge Of The Immortals: Juan Francisco de Coronado [United Nations] [4] defeats Silver Ant [Nightmare Warriors] [5]… CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title Best Two Out Of Three Falls: The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive & Max Smashmaster) (w/Sidney Bakabella) (c) defeat Crown And Court (Jervis Cottonbelly & Princess KimberLee) [2:1]… Fire Ant, Oleg The Usurper & Shynron defeat Frightmare, Missile Assault Ant & The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova…
  • July 26, 2015 – CHIKARA The Immaculate Election @ Fete Music in Providence, Rhode Island, USA: Amasis defeats Frightmare … Challenge Of The Immortals Tag Team: Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Jakob Hammermeier & Soldier Ant) [4] defeat Dasher’s Dugout (Heidi Lovelace & Icarus) (w/Mark Angelosetti) [5]… Four Way Tag Team Elimination: Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Nøkken & Pinkie Sanchez) defeat The Batiri (Kodama & Obariyon) and The United Nations (Juan Francisco de Coronado & The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova) and The Wrecking Crew (Jaka & Oleg The Usurper) (w/Sidney Bakabella)… Challenge Of The Immortals Eight Man Tag Team: The Snake Pit (Argus, Eddie Kingston, Ophidian & Shynron) [5] defeat Crown And Court (Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.), Jervis Cottonbelly & Princess KimberLee) [2]… Blaster McMassive (w/Sidney Bakabella) defeats Silver Ant… Challenge Of The Immortals Six Man Tag Team: The Gentleman’s Club (Chuck Taylor, Drew Gulak & The Swamp Monster) [3] defeat Battle Hive (Ashley Remington, Fire Ant & Worker Ant) [4]… CHIKARA Grand Title: Hallowicked (w/Frightmare) (c) defeats Dasher Hatfield…
  • August 15, 2015 – CHIKARA The Good Life @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Challenge Of The Immortals: Oleg The Usurper [Arcane Horde] [5] defeats Prakash Sabar [United Nations] [4]… The Nightmare Warriors (Blind Rage & Frightmare) defeat Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) (w/Princess KimberLee)… Challenge Of The Immortals: The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova [United Nations] [5] defeats Argus [Snake Pit] [5]… N_R_G (Hype Rockwell & Race Jaxon) defeat Battleborn (Lucas Calhoun & Missile Assault Man)… CHIKARA Grand Title: Hallowicked (w/Blind Rage & Frightmare) (c) defeats Amasis…
  • August 28, 2015 – CHIKARA Live At First Energy Stadium @ First Energy Stadium in Reading, Pennsylvania, USA: Challenge Of The Immortals: Fire Ant [Battle Hive] [5] defeats Argus [Snake Pit] [5]… Challenge Of The Immortals Tag Team: Crown And Court (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) [3] defeat The Nightmare Warriors (Blind Rage & Frightmare) [5]… Challenge Of The Immortals: Mark Angelosetti [Dashers Dugout] [6] defeats Amasis [Battle Hive] [5]… Challenge Of The Immortals Tag Team: The United Nations (Juan Francisco de Coronado & The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova) [6] defeat The Gentleman’s Club (Orange Cassidy & The Swamp Monster) [3]… Challenge Of The Immortals: Dasher Hatfield [Dashers Dugout] [7] defeats Oleg The Usurper [Arcane Horde] [5]…
  • September 4, 2015 – CHIKARA King Of Trios 2015 – Tag 1 @ The Palmer Center in Easton, Pennsylvania, USA: King Of Trios 2015 First Round: The United Nations (Juan Francisco de Coronado, Mr. Azerbaijan & The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova) (w/Prakash Sabar) defeat Team ATTACK! (Mark Andrews, Morgan Webster & Pete Dunne)… King Of Trios 2015 First Round: Team Fight Club: PRO (Dan Moloney, Trent Seven & Tyler Bate) defeat Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Jakob Hammermeier, Nøkken & Soldier Ant) (w/Pinkie Sanchez)… King Of Trios 2015 First Round: Arcane Horde (Kodama, Obariyon & Oleg The Usurper) (w/UltraMantis Black) defeat Crown And Court (El Hijo del Ice Cream, Ice Cream Jr. & Princess KimberLee) (w/Jervis Cottonbelly)… King Of Trios 2015 First Round: The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive, Flex Rumblecrunch & Max Smashmaster) (w/Sidney Bakabella) defeat The Blue World Order (Big Stevie Cool, Da Blue Guy & Hollywood Nova)… King Of Trios 2015 First Round: Battleborn (Kevin Condron, Lucas Calhoun & Missile Assault Man) defeat Dasher’s Dugout (Dasher Hatfield, Icarus & Mark Angelosetti) (w/Heidi Lovelace)… King Of Trios 2015 First Round: BULLET CLUB (AJ Styles, Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) defeat Battle Hive (Fire Ant, Pharaoh Ant & Worker Ant)… King Of Trios 2015 First Round: Nightmare Warriors (Frightmare, Hallowicked & Silver Ant) defeat The Snake Pit (Eddie Kingston, Ophidian & Shynron)… King Of Trios 2015 First Round: Team AAA (Aero Star, Drago & Fenix) defeat The Gentleman’s Club (Chuck Taylor, Drew Gulak & The Swamp Monster)…
  • September 5, 2015 – CHIKARA King Of Trios 2015 – Tag 2 @ The Palmer Center in Easton, Pennsylvania, USA: Challenge Of The Immortals: Jaka (w/Sidney Bakabella) [Wrecking Crew] [8] defeats Ashley Remington [Battle Hive] [5]… King Of Trios 2015 Quarter Final: Team Fight Club Pro (Daniel Moloney & Moustache Mountain (Trent Seven & Tyler Bate)) defeat The United Nations (Juan Francisco de Coronado, Mr. Azerbaijan & The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova) (w/Prakash Sabar)… Rey de Voladores 2015 Semi Final Four Way Elimination: Shynron defeats Amasis and Matt Cross and Too Cold Scorpio… King Of Trios 2015 Quarter Final: Team AAA (Aero Star, Drago & Fenix) defeat The Nightmare Warriors (Frightmare, Hallowicked & Silver Ant)… 3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) & N_R_G (Hype Rockwell & Race Jaxon) defeat The Flying Francis (Branden O’Connor & Matt Novak) & The Colony Xtreme Force (Arctic Rescue Ant & Orbit Adventure Ant)… King Of Trios 2015 Quarter Final: BULLET CLUB (AJ Styles, Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) defeat Battleborn (Kevin Condron, Lucas Calhoun & Missile Assault Man)… Rey de Voladores 2015 Semi Final Four Way Elimination: Mark Andrews defeats Mascara Purpura and Ophidian and Pinkie Sanchez… King Of Trios 2015 Quarter Final: The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive, Flex Rumblecrunch & Max Smashmaster) (w/Sidney Bakabella) defeat The Arcane Horde (Kodama, Obariyon & Oleg The Usurper) (w/UltraMantis Black)…
  • September 6, 2015 – CHIKARA King Of Trios 2015 – Tag 3 @ The Palmer Center in Easton, Pennsylvania, USA: King Of Trios 2015 Semi Final: Team AAA (Aero Star, Drago & Fenix) defeat The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive, Flex Rumblecrunch & Max Smashmaster)… King Of Trios 2015 Semi Final: The BULLET CLUB (AJ Styles, Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) defeat Team Fight Club Pro (Daniel Moloney & Moustache Mountain (Trent Seven & Tyler Bate))… Challenge Of The Immortals Eight Man Tag Team: Crown And Court (El Hijo del Ice Cream, Ice Cream Jr., Jervis Cottonbelly & Princess KimberLee) [4] defeat The Gentleman’s Club (Chuck Taylor, Drew Gulak, Orange Cassidy & The Swamp Monster) (w/Dr. Colonel Nolan Angus) [3]… Ten Team Gauntlet: Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Nøkken & Pinkie Sanchez) defeat The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti) and 3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) and Bee Boy & The Genetic Grasshopper (MANtis) and Argus & Mascara Purpura and Morgan Webster & Pete Dunne and The Osirian Portal (Amasis & Ophidian) and Battleborn (Lucas Calhoun & Missile Assault Man) (w/Kevin Condron & Troll ) and The Colony Xtreme Force (Arctic Rescue Ant & Orbit Adventure Ant) and Blue Meanie & Simon Dean… CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Title: Heidi Lovelace (w/Icarus) (c) defeats The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova (w/Juan Francisco de Coronado)… Rey de Voladores 2015 Final: Mark Andrews defeats Shynron… King Of Trios 2015 Final: Team AAA (Aero Star, Drago & Fenix) defeat The BULLET CLUB (AJ Styles, Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson)…
  • September 26, 2015 – CHIKARA Justice Is Blind @ The New Mid-Atlantic Sportatorium in Gibsonville, North Carolina, USA
    Challenge Of The Immortals Tag Team: The Gentleman’s Club (Chuck Taylor & Orange Cassidy) [4] defeat Battle Hive (Amasis & Worker Ant) [5]… Challenge Of The Immortals: Jakob Hammermeier [Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes] [5] defeats Argus [Snake Pit] [5]… Frightmare defeats Mark Angelosetti… Challenge Of The Immortals: Oleg The Usurper [Arcane Horde] [6] defeats Eddie Kingston [Snake Pit] [5]… Challenge Of The Immortals Six Man Tag Team: Crown And Court (Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) & Princess KimberLee) [5] defeat The Wrecking Crew (Blaster McMassive, Flex Rumblecrunch & Max Smashmaster) [8] by DQ… Shynron defeats The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova (w/Juan Francisco de Coronado & Prakash Sabar)… Dasher’s Dugout (Dasher Hatfield, Heidi Lovelace & Icarus) defeat Battleborn (Kevin Condron, Lucas Calhoun & Missile Assault Man)… Silver Ant defeats Juan Francisco de Coronado…
  • September 27, 2015 – CHIKARA The Marta Complex @ The Norfolk Masonic Temple in Norfolk, Virginia, USA: Challenge Of The Immortals: Chuck Taylor [The Gentlemans Club] [5] defeats Jakob Hammermeier [Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes] [5]… Battleborn (Lucas Calhoun & Missile Assault Man) defeat The Bloc Party (Prakash Sabar & The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova) (w/Juan Francisco de Coronado)… Challenge Of The Immortals: Silver Ant [Nightmare Warriors] [6] defeats Oleg The Usurper [Arcane Horde] [6]… Challenge Of The Immortals Tag Team: Dasher’s Dugout (Icarus & Mark Angelosetti) [8] defeat The Snake Pit (Argus & Eddie Kingston) [5]… Challenge Of The Immortals Six Man Tag Team: Crown And Court (Ice Cream Jr., Jervis Cottonbelly & Princess KimberLee) [6] defeat Battle Hive (Amasis, Fire Ant & Worker Ant) [5]… Challenge Of The Immortals: Dasher Hatfield (w/Heidi Lovelace & Mark Angelosetti) [Dashers Dugout] [9] defeats Flex Rumblecrunch [The Wrecking Crew] [8]… CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title Best Two Out Of Three Falls: N_R_G (Hype Rockwell & Race Jaxon) defeat The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive & Max Smashmaster) (c) [2:1] – TITLE CHANGE !!!… Heidi Lovelace defeats Frightmare…
  • October 9, 2015 – CHIKARA Colony Collapse @ Stage 48 in New York City, New York, USA: Challenge Of The Immortals Six Man Tag Team: Crown And Court (Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) & Princess KimberLee) [7] defeat The Gentleman’s Club (Chuck Taylor, Drew Gulak & The Swamp Monster) [5]… Snowflake defeats Argus… Challenge Of The Immortals Tag Team: Dasher’s Dugout (Dasher Hatfield & Icarus) (w/Mark Angelosetti) [10] defeat The Wrecking Crew (Blaster McMassive & Flex Rumblecrunch) [8]… Mark Andrews defeats Juan Francisco de Coronado… Challenge Of The Immortals Tag Team: Battle Hive (Amasis & Worker Ant) [6] defeat Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Pinkie Sanchez & Soldier Ant) [5]… Shynron defeats Mark Angelosetti… Challenge Of The Immortals Six Man Tag Team: Arcane Horde (The Batiri (Kodama & Obariyon) & Oleg The Usurper) [7] defeat The Nightmare Warriors (Blind Rage, Frightmare & Hallowicked) [6]… Ophidian defeats Mr. Azerbaijan…
  • October 10, 2015 – CHIKARA The Ocean Walker @ St. Joseph’s School in Haverhill, Massachusetts, USA: Challenge Of The Immortals: Mark Angelosetti [Dashers Dugout] [11] defeats Drew Gulak [Gentlemans Club] [5]… Challenge Of The Immortals: Blaster McMassive [The Wrecking Crew] [9] defeats Mr. Azerbaijan [The United Nations] [6]… Four Way Tag Team Elimination: Battleborn (Missile Assault Man & Snowflake) defeat The Nightmare Warriors (Frightmare & Silver Ant) and Battle Hive (Amasis & Fire Ant) and Cajun Crawdad & Hermit Crab… Dasher Hatfield (w/Mark Angelosetti) defeats Jaka… Icarus defeats Juan Francisco de Coronado… Challenge Of The Immortals Tag Team: The Wrecking Crew (Flex Rumblecrunch & Max Smashmaster) [10] defeat Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Jakob Hammermeier & Soldier Ant) [5]… Challenge Of The Immortals Tag Team: Crown And Court (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) [8] defeat Arcane Horde (Kodama & Obariyon) [7]… Shynron defeats Mark Andrews… Jervis Cottonbelly defeats Orange Cassidy…
  • October 22, 2015 – CHIKARA Making A Stand @ Mill City Nights in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA: Challenge Of The Immortals: Chuck Taylor [Gentlemans Club] [6] defeats Frightmare [Nightmare Warriors] [6]… Darin Corbin & The Punk Rock All Stars (Drake Carter & Shaun Cannon) defeat N_R_G (Hype Rockwell & Race Jaxon) & The Estonian FarmerFrog… Arik Cannon defeats Oleg The Usurper… Challenge Of The Immortals Six Man Tag Team: Crown And Court (Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) & Princess KimberLee) [9] defeat Dasher’s Dugout (Heidi Lovelace, Icarus & Mark Angelosetti) [11]… F1RST Wrestling Wrestlepalooza Title Four Way: Arya Daivari (c) defeats Kody Rice and Venom and Wildcat… Challenge Of The Immortals: Hallowicked [Nightmare Warriors] [7] defeats Jakob Hammermeier [Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes] [5]… Challenge Of The Immortals Six Man Tag Team: Snake Pit (Eddie Kingston, Ophidian & Shynron) [6] defeat The United Nations (Juan Francisco de Coronado, Prakash Sabar & The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova) [6]… Soldier Ant defeats Blaster McMassive…
  • October 23, 2015 – CHIKARA Not Without My Daughter @ Logan Square Auditorium in Chicago, Illinois, USA: Challenge Of The Immortals Tag Team: Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Jakob Hammermeier & Soldier Ant) [6] defeat The Gentleman’s Club (Chuck Taylor & Orange Cassidy) [6]… Oleg The Usurper defeats The Estonian FarmerFrog… Challenge Of The Immortals Tag Team: The Nightmare Warriors (Blind Rage & Frightmare) [8] defeat The United Nations (Juan Francisco de Coronado & Prakash Sabar) [6]… Heidi Lovelace & N_R_G (Hype Rockwell & Race Jaxon) defeat Blaster McMassive, Missile Assault Man & The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova… Challenge Of The Immortals: Icarus [Dashers Dugout] [12] defeats Eddie Kingston [Snake Pit] [6]… Four Way Elimination Tag Team: The Punk Rock All Stars (Drake Carter & Shaun Cannon) defeat Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) and The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti) and ACDC (Arik Cannon & Darin Corbin)… CHIKARA Grand Title: Hallowicked (c) defeats Shynron… Three Way: Princess KimberLee defeats Fire Ant and Ophidian…
  • October 24, 2015 – CHIKARA Off The Hook @ The Arena in Jeffersonville, Indiana, USA: Challenge Of The Immortals Tag Team: Snake Pit (Ophidian & Shynron) [7] defeat The Gentleman’s Club (Drew Gulak & Orange Cassidy) [6]… Prakash Sabar defeats The Estonian FarmerFrog… Battleborn (Lucas Calhoun & Missile Assault Man) defeat ACDC (Arik Cannon & Darin Corbin)… Challenge Of The Immortals: Blind Rage [Nightmare Warriors] [9] defeats Eddie Kingston [Snake Pit] [7]… Challenge Of The Immortals Tag Team: The United Nations (Juan Francisco de Coronado & The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova) [7] defeat Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Jakob Hammermeier & Soldier Ant) [6]… Challenge Of The Immortals: Blaster McMassive [Wrecking Crew] [11] defeats Chuck Taylor [Gentleman’s Club] [6]… Dasher’s Dugout (Dasher Hatfield, Icarus & Mark Angelosetti) & Kimber Lee defeat Hallowicked, Heidi Lovelace & N_R_G (Hype Rockwell & Race Jaxon)… Oleg The Usurper defeats Fire Ant…
  • October 25, 2015 – CHIKARA Exit Strategy @ King Arts Complex in Columbus, Ohio, USA: Dasher Hatfield defeats Ophidian… Challenge Of The Immortals: El Hijo del Ice Cream [Crown And Court] [10] defeats Blind Rage [Nightmare Warriors] [9]… Icarus defeats The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova (w/Prakash Sabar)… Challenge Of The Immortals: Oleg The Usurper [Arcane Horde] defeats Ashley Remington [Battle Hive]… Challenge Of The Immortals: Princess KimberLee [Crown And Court] [11] defeats Jakob Hammermeier [Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes] [6]… Eddie Kingston defeats Blaster McMassive… Arik Cannon, Chuck Taylor & Hallowicked defeat Fire Ant, Heidi Lovelace & Mark Angelosetti… Battle Royal: Lucas Calhoun defeats Darin Corbin and Dasher Hatfield and Hype Rockwell and Juan Francisco de Coronado and Missile Assault Man and Mr. Azerbaijan and Ophidian and Prakash Sabar and Race Jaxon and Soldier Ant and The Estonian FarmerFrog and The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova…
  • November 7, 2015 – CHIKARA Key Decisions @ The Goodwill Beneficial Association in Reading, Pennsylvania, USA: Eddie Kingston defeats The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova… Challenge Of The Immortals Tag Team: Snake Pit (Argus & Ophidian) [8] defeat Crown And Court (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) [11] by DQ… Arctic Rescue Ant defeats Missile Assault Man… Icarus defeats Snowflake (w/Troll)… Challenge Of The Immortals: Juan Francisco de Coronado [United Nations] [8] defeats Pinkie Sanchez [Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes] [6]… Challenge Of The Immortals Tag Team: The Nightmare Warriors (Frightmare & Hallowicked) [10] defeat The Gentleman’s Club (Chuck Taylor & Orange Cassidy) [6]… Challenge Of The Immortals Eight Man Tag Team: The Arcane Horde (Kobald, Kodama, Obariyon & Oleg The Usurper) [9] defeat The Wrecking Crew (Blaster McMassive, Flex Rumblecrunch, Jaka & Max Smashmaster) [11]…
  • November 8, 2015 – CHIKARA Babylon Springs @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA:Missile Assault Man defeats Jervis Cottonbelly… Challenge Of The Immortals Six Man Tag Team: The Wrecking Crew (Blaster McMassive, Flex Rumblecrunch & Max Smashmaster) [12] defeat The United Nations (Juan Francisco de Coronado, Mr. Azerbaijan & The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova) [8]… Challenge Of The Immortals: Soldier Ant [Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes] [12] defeats Heidi Lovelace [Dasher’s Dugout] [7]… Oleg The Usurper defeats Jaka by DQ… Four Way Elimination Tag Team: The Nightmare Warriors (Frightmare & Hallowicked) defeat The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti) and Cajun Crawdad & Hermit Crab and The Osirian Portal (Amasis & Ophidian)… Drew Gulak defeats Ashley Remington… Challenge Of The Immortals: Fire Ant [Battle Hive] [7] defeats Silver Ant (w/Frightmare) [Nightmare Warriors] [10] by Count Out… CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title Best Two Out Of Three Falls: N_R_G (Hype Rockwell & Race Jaxon) (c) defeat The Punk Rock All Stars (Drake Carter & Shaun Cannon) [2:0]… Chuck Taylor defeats Argus…
  • December 5, 2015 – CHIKARA Top Banana @ 2300 Arena in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: The Snake Pit (Argus, Ophidian & Shynron) defeat Battleborn (Lucas Calhoun, Missile Assault Man & Snowflake) (w/Troll )… Frightmare defeats Silver Ant … The Batiri (Kobald, Kodama & Obariyon) (w/UltraMantis Black) defeat The Gentleman’s Club (Chuck Taylor, Drew Gulak & Orange Cassidy) (w/The Swamp Monster)… Torneo Cibernetico 16 Man Elimination: The United Nations (Juan Francisco de Coronado, Mr. Azerbaijan, Prakash Sabar & The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova), Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Jakob Hammermeier & Pinkie Sanchez), Mark Angelosetti & Wani defeat Dasher Hatfield, Heidi Lovelace, N_R_G (Hype Rockwell & Race Jaxon), Amasis, Oleg The Usurper, The Estonian FarmerFrog & Worker Ant… Fire Ant (w/Silver Ant) vs. Soldier Ant (w/Jakob Hammermeier) – No Contest… Challenge Of The Immortals Final Eight Man Tag Team: Crown And Court (Jervis Cottonbelly, Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) & Princess KimberLee) defeat The Wrecking Crew (Blaster McMassive, Flex Rumblecrunch, Jaka & Max Smashmaster)… CHIKARA Grand Title Three Way: Hallowicked (c) defeats Eddie Kingston and Icarus (2… CHIKARA Grand Title: Princess KimberLee defeats Hallowicked (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!…
  • January 30, 2016 – CHIKARA Days Of The Phoenix @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova defeats Arctic Rescue Ant… Hermit Crab & Rock Lobster defeat Ben Macklemore & Lewis Ryan… Jaka (w/Jakob Hammermeier & Pinkie Sanchez) defeats Amasis… The United Nations (Juan Francisco de Coronado & Prakash Sabar) defeat Dasher Hatfield & Heidi Lovelace… Soldier Ant defeats Jakob Hammermeier… CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title Best Two Out Of Three Falls: N_R_G (Hype Rockwell & Race Jaxon) (c) defeat The Nightmare Warriors (Frightmare & Hallowicked) [2:1]…
  • January 30, 2016 – CHIKARA 5 Senses @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Kobald defeats Pinkie Sanchez… Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) defeat Adam Ward & Burt West by DQ… Wani defeats Mark Angelosetti… Battleborn (Lucas Calhoun & Missile Assault Man) defeat The Batiri (Kodama & Obariyon)… The Colony (Fire Ant, Silver Ant & Worker Ant) defeat The Snake Pit (Argus, Ophidian, Shynron)… CHIKARA Grand Title: Princess KimberLee (c) vs. Oleg The Usurper – No Contest… Heidi Lovelace defeats Juan Francisco de Coronado…
  • February 6, 2016 – National Pro Wrestling Day 2016 @ The Goodwill Beneficial Association in Reading, Pennsylvania, USA
    Young Lions Cup XII Tournament First Round Four Way Elimination: Wani defeats Ashley Vox and Jeremy Leary and Prakash Sabar… Hallowicked defeats Ophidian… Magma, Suntan & Whiplash defeat House Of Payne (Big Daddy Dre, Hakim Ali & Nick Payne)… Young Lions Cup XII Tournament First Round Four Way Elimination: Argus defeats Hermit Crab and Luke Lawson and Officer Warren Barksdale… Heidi Lovelace defeats Solo Darling… Young Lions Cup XII Tournament First Round Four Way Elimination: Nutrious X defeats Delmi Exo and Ken Broadway and The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova… Mark Angelosetti defeats Pinkie Sanchez… Danger Jameson & Havoc defeat Marq Quen & Sasha Jenkins… Young Lions Cup XII Tournament First Round Four Way Elimination: The Estonian ThunderFrog defeats Mike Verna and Rock Lobster and Willow Nightingale… Missile Assault Man defeats Dasher Hatfield… Young Lions Cup XII Tournament Semi Final: The Estonian ThunderFrog defeats Nutrious X… Young Lions Cup XII Tournament Semi Final: Wani defeats Argus… Scoot Tatum (Chuck Taylor) defeats Wayne Scott… Princess KimberLee defeats Mickie James… CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Title Young Lions Cup XII Tournament Final: The Estonian ThunderFrog defeats Wani – TITLE CHANGE !!!…
  • February 27, 2016 – CHIKARA Dead Man’s Chest @ Eastchester Community Center in New York City, New York, USA
    Jaka (w/Jakob Hammermeier) defeats Shynron… Pinkie Sanchez defeats Syd Gilmour… Four Way Tag Team Elimination: The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive & Flex Rumblecrunch) (w/Max Smashmaster) defeat Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) and Dasher Hatfield & Heidi Lovelace and Hermit Crab & Rock Lobster… CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Title: The Estonian ThunderFrog (c) defeats The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova… The Arcane Horde (Kobald, Kodama, Obariyon & Oleg The Usurper) (w/UltraMantis Black) defeat Battle Hive (Amasis, Fire Ant & Worker Ant) & Officer Warren Barksdale… Jakob Hammermeier (w/Jaka & Pinkie Sanchez) defeats Eddie Kingston… CHIKARA Grand Title: Princess KimberLee (c) defeats Soldier Ant… Rick Beanbag (Chuck Taylor) defeats Wani…
  • February 28, 2016 – CHIKARA Evil Ways @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Silver Ant defeats Eddie Kingston… The United Nations (Juan Francisco de Coronado & Prakash Sabar) defeat The Snake Pit (Argus & Ophidian)… The Estonian ThunderFrog defeats Mark Angelosetti by DQ… Heidi Lovelace defeats Bugg Nevans (Chuck Taylor)… Oleg The Usurper & Princess KimberLee defeat The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive & Flex Rumblecrunch) (w/Max Smashmaster)… The Nightmare Warriors (Frightmare & Hallowicked) & Die Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (Jaka & Jakob Hammermeier) defeat N_R_G (Hype Rockwell & Race Jaxon), Dasher Hatfield & Icarus… Chuck Taylor defeats Jacob Headress …
  • March 19, 2016 – CHIKARA The New Batch @ The New Mid-Atlantic Sportatorium in Gibsonville, North Carolina, USA
    The Bloc Party (Prakash Sabar & The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova) defeat Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.)… Officer Warren Barksdale defeats Devo Riggs… Amasis defeats Rock Lobster… Argus defeats Hermit Crab… Oleg The Usurper defeats Blaster McMassive … CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title Best Two Out Of Three Falls: N_R_G (Hype Rockwell & Race Jaxon) (c) defeat Battleborn (Lucas Calhoun & Missile Assault Man) [2:1]… Ophidian defeats Chuck Taylor…
  • March 19, 2016 – CHIKARA The Secret Of The Ooze @ The New Mid-Atlantic Sportatorium in Gibsonville, North Carolina, USA
    Eddie Kingston defeats Pinkie Sanchez (w/Jakob Hammermeier)… Juan Francisco de Coronado & Wani defeat Icarus & Mark Angelosetti… Jaka defeats Fire Ant… Dasher Hatfield defeats Flex Rumblecrunch… The Nightmare Warriors (Frightmare & Hallowicked) & Jakob Hammermeier defeat The Batiri (Kobald, Kodama & Obariyon)… CHIKARA Grand Title: Princess KimberLee (c) defeats Heidi Lovelace… The Snake Pit (Ophidian & Shynron) defeat Battleborn (Lucas Calhoun & Missile Assault Man)…
  • April 2, 2016 – CHIKARA Phone Home @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Tag World Grand Prix 2016 First Round: The Colony (Fire Ant & Worker Ant) defeat The United Nations (Prakash Sabar & The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova) … Juan Francisco de Coronado defeats Officer Warren Barksdale… Tag World Grand Prix 2016 First Round: The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive & Flex Rumblecrunch) defeat The Punk Rock All Stars (Drake Carter & Shaun Cannon)… Tag World Grand Prix 2016 First Round: Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) defeat Team Sea Stars (Ashley Vox & Delmi Exo)… Icarus defeats Wani… Tag World Grand Prix 2016 First Round: The Osirian Portal (Amasis & Ophidian) defeat Le Tabarnak de Team (Mathieu St-Jacques & Thomas Dubois)…
  • April 2, 2016 – CHIKARA Disk @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Tag World Grand Prix 2016 Semi Final: The Colony (Fire Ant & Worker Ant) defeat Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.)… Tag World Grand Prix 2016 Semi Final: The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive & Flex Rumblecrunch) defeat The Osirian Portal (Amasis & Ophidian)… CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Title: The Estonian ThunderFrog (c) defeats Arctic Rescue Ant… The Nightmare Warriors (Frightmare & Hallowicked) & Battleborn (Lucas Calhoun & Missile Assault Man) defeat Oleg The Usurper & The Batiri (Kobald, Kodama & Obariyon) (w/UltraMantis Black)… Shynron defeats Mark Angelosetti by DQ… Tag World Grand Prix 2016 Final: The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive & Flex Rumblecrunch) defeat The Colony (Fire Ant & Worker Ant)… Dasher Hatfield defeats Pinkie Sanchez…
  • May 7, 2016 – CHIKARA Whisper House @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Silver Ant defeats Frightmare… Wani defeats Jonah Rogen… The Batiri (Kodama & Obariyon) defeat The Bloc Party (Mr. Azerbaijan & The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova)… Hallowicked defeats Soldier Ant… Tag Team: N_R_G (Hype Rockwell & Race Jaxon) defeat The United Nations (Juan Francisco de Coronado & Prakash Sabar) by DQ… CHIKARA Grand Title: Princess KimberLee (c) defeats Jaka (w/Jakob Hammermeier)…
  • May 7, 2016 – CHIKARA The Distant Future @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Team Sea Stars (Ashley Vox & Delmi Exo) defeat The Gentleman’s Club (Orange Cassidy & The Swamp Monster)… Officer Warren Barksdale defeats Argus… The Osirian Portal (Amasis & Ophidian) defeat Le Tabarnak de Team (Mathieu St-Jacques & Thomas Dubois)… Inifinite Gauntlet: Hallowicked defeats Abominous Rex and Arctic Rescue Ant and Blind Rage and Brian Myers and El Hijo del Ice Cream and Frightmare and Heidi Lovelace and Lucas Calhoun and Mark Angelosetti and Missile Assault Man and Oleg The Usurper and Pinkie Sanchez and Prakash Sabar and Shane Storm and Snitsky and Steve Weiner and Wani and Worker Ant (w/Sidney Bakabella) and Cheech Hernandez and Dasher Hatfield and Fire Ant and Hermit Crab and Icarus and Ice Cream Jr. and Jakob Hammermeier and Jervis Cottonbelly and Jigsaw and Juan Francisco de Coronado and Kobald and Princess KimberLee and The Estonian ThunderFrog and Touch Phillips (Chuck Taylor)… Race Jaxon defeats The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova…
  • May 27, 2016 – CHIKARA Aniversario: Catching Fire @ Aston Uni SU in Birmingham, West Midlands, England, UK: Dark Seven Way: Pete Dunne defeats Chris Brookes and Clint Margera and Dan Moloney and Jim Hunter and Lee Hunter and Nixon Newell … Dark Singles: Travis Banks vs. Tyler Bate – Double KO… Lucas Calhoun defeats Stewie Scrivens (Chuck Taylor)… The Nightmare Warriors (Frightmare, Kodama & Obariyon) defeat Heidi Lovelace & N_R_G (Hype Rockwell & Race Jaxon)… Ophidian defeats Mark Andrews… Fire Ant defeats Hermit Crab… Drew Gulak defeats Officer Warren Barksdale… Eddie Kingston & Princess KimberLee defeat The Nightmare Warriors (Hallowicked & Icarus)… Chuck Taylor defeats Mr. Azerbaijan…
  • May 28, 2016 – CHIKARA Aniversario: The Chamber Of Secrets @ The Union MMU in Manchester, England, UK: Dark Four Way: Nixon Newell defeats Chris Brookes and Dan Moloney and Travis Banks… Dark Tag Team: Moustache Mountain (Trent Seven & Tyler Bate) defeat The Hunter Brothers (Jim Hunter & Lee Hunter)… Tag Team: N_R_G (Hype Rockwell & Race Jaxon) defeat The Gentleman’s Club (Drew Gulak & Rich Mahogany (Chuck Taylor))… Ophidian defeats Hermit Crab… Icarus defeats Lucas Calhoun… Eddie Kingston defeats Chuck Taylor… The Nightmare Warriors (Frightmare, Hallowicked, Kodama & Obariyon) defeat Heidi Lovelace, Princess KimberLee & The Colony (Fire Ant & Soldier Ant)… World Of Sport Rules: Johnny Kidd (w/Tyler Bate) vs. Mike Quackenbush (w/Drew Gulak) [1:1] [Runde 8]…
  • May 29, 2016 – CHIKARA Aniversario: The Two Towers @ The Linskill Centre in North Shields, Tyne And Wear, England, UK
    Dark Tag Team: Alexander Henry & Jason Prime defeat Sons Of Ulaid (Bas Ban & Rory Coyle)… Dark: Soldier Ant defeats HT Drake… Heidi Lovelace defeats Lucas Calhoun… Slim Perkins (Chuck Taylor) defeats Officer Warren Barksdale… Soldier Ant defeats Chuck Taylor… Eddie Kingston defeats Hermit Crab… Fire Ant defeats Ophidian… Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.), N_R_G (Hype Rockwell & Race Jaxon) & Princess KimberLee defeat The Nightmare Warriors (Frightmare, Hallowicked, Icarus, Kodama & Obariyon)… Three Way: Drew Gulak defeats Dan Moloney and Travis Banks…
  • May 30, 2016 – CHIKARA Aniversario: The Lost World @ St. Luke’s Auditorium in Glasgow, Scotland, UK: Dark Tag Team: The Hunter Brothers (Jim Hunter & Lee Hunter) defeat Keiran McCall & Solar… Dark Six Man Tag Team: Moustache Mountain (Trent Seven & Tyler Bate) & Nixon Newell defeat Joe Coffey, Lewis Girvan & Miss Viper… Heidi Lovelace defeats Nixon Newell … Chuck Taylor defeats Officer Warren Barksdale… Four Way Tag Team: N_R_G (Hype Rockwell & Race Jaxon) defeat The Batiri (Kodama & Obariyon) and Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) and The Colony (Fire Ant & Soldier Ant)… Lucas Calhoun defeats Hermit Crab… The Nightmare Warriors (Frightmare & Icarus) defeat The Snake Pit (Eddie Kingston & Ophidian)… CHIKARA Grand Title: Hallowicked defeats Princess KimberLee (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… Howie Dewitt (Chuck Taylor) defeats Orange Cassidy (w/Chuck Taylor)…
  • June 11, 2016 – CHIKARA Tightrope @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Four Way Tag Team Eliminiation: The Osirian Portal (Amasis & Ophidian) defeat Arctic Rescue Ant & Pinkie Sanchez and Heidi Lovelace & Princess KimberLee and The Bloc Party (Prakash Sabar & The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova)… Jigsaw defeats Oleg The Usurper… Icarus defeats Missile Assault Man… Jaka (w/Jakob Hammermeier) defeats Eddie Kingston by DQ… The Nightmare Warriors (Hallowicked, Kodama & Obariyon) defeat N_R_G (Hype Rockwell & Race Jaxon) & Fire Ant… No Disqualification Match (Special Referee: Dasher Hatfield): Mark Angelosetti defeats Juan Francisco de Coronado…
  • June 26, 2016 – CHIKARA Hour Of Power @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Kobald defeats Suplex Stephen… Officer Warren Barksdale defeats The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova… Hermit Crab defeats Rope Break Randy… Cornelius Crummels & Sonny Defarge defeat The Snake Pit (Argus & Ophidian)… Fire Ant defeats Frightmare…
  • July 23, 2016 – CHIKARA When Nature Calls @ Franklin Horner Community Center in Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Kobald defeats Evil Uno… Rick Roland, Sloan Caprice & The Big Deal defeat Geddy Young, Justin Jepsen & Turner Bachman… Oleg The Usurper defeats Officer Warren Barksdale… The heXed Men (Icarus, Kodama, Mark Angelosetti & Obariyon) defeat Heidi Lovelace, Princess KimberLee & Team Sea Stars (Ashley Vox & Delmi Exo)… Four Way Elimination Tag Team: Moustache Mountain (Trent Seven & Tyler Bate) defeat 3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) and Hermit Crab & Rock Lobster and The Osirian Portal (Amasis & Ophidian)… Drew Gulak defeats Dasher Hatfield…
  • July 23, 2016 – CHIKARA Back In The Habit @ Franklin Horner Community Center in Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Missile Assault Man defeats Stephon Smith… Soldier Ant defeats Lucas Calhoun… Tag Team: Moustache Mountain (Trent Seven & Tyler Bate) defeat N_R_G (Hype Rockwell & Race Jaxon)… CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title: Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) defeat N_R_G (Hype Rockwell & Race Jaxon) (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… The Colony (Silver Ant & Worker Ant) defeat The Batiri (Kodama & Obariyon)… Rick Roland, Sloan Caprice & The Big Deal defeat The United Nations (Juan Francisco de Coronado, Prakash Sabar & The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova)… CHIKARA Grand Title: Hallowicked (c) defeats Fire Ant… Princess KimberLee defeats Shayne Hawke…
  • August 7, 2016 – CHIKARA Hour Of Power 2 @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Ophidian defeats Hermit Crab by DQ… Princess KimberLee defeats Suplex Stephen… Cornelius Crummels & Sonny Defarge defeat The Colony (Silver Ant & Worker Ant)… Officer Warren Barksdale defeats Kobald…
  • August 21, 2016 – CHIKARA No One’s First, And You’re Next @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
    Ophidian defeats Hermit Crab… DUSTIN defeats Zack Sabre Jr…. CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title Four Way Double Elimination Match (vakant): Moustache Mountain (Trent Seven & Tyler Bate) defeat Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) and N_R_G (Hype Rockwell & Race Jaxon) and The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive & Flex Rumblecrunch) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… Rick Roland, Sloan Caprice & The Big Deal defeat The United Nations (Juan Francisco de Coronado, Prakash Sabar & The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova)… Jakob Hammermeier defeats Eddie Kingston by DQ… 14 Man Tag Team: The heXed Men (Frightmare, Hallowicked, Icarus, Kobald, Kodama, Mark Angelosetti & Obariyon) defeat The Colony (Fire Ant, Soldier Ant & Worker Ant), Arctic Rescue Ant, Missile Assault Ant, Pharaoh Ant & Pinkie Sanchez… Heidi Lovelace defeats Princess KimberLee… Lucas Calhoun defeats Wani..
  • September 2, 2016 – CHIKARA King Of Trios 2016 – Tag 1 @ The Palmer Center in Easton, Pennsylvania, USA: King Of Trios 2016 First Round: Major League Moustache (Dasher Hatfield, Trent Seven & Tyler Bate) defeat The Batiri (Kobald, Kodama & Obariyon)… King Of Trios 2016 First Round: The United Nations (Juan Francisco de Coronado, Prakash Sabar & Proletariat Boar Of Moldova) defeat Team Police Squad (Bill Carr, Dick Justice & Officer Warren Barksdale)… King Of Trios 2016 First Round: The Colony (Fire Ant, Silver Ant & Soldier Ant) defeat The Submission Squad (Davey Vega, Gary Jay & Pierre Abernathy)… King Of Trios 2016 First Round: Team Original Divas Revolution (Jazz, Mickie James & Victoria) defeat Team SHIMMER (Candice LeRae, Crazy Mary Dobson & Solo Darling)… King Of Trios 2016 First Round: The heXed Men (Hallowicked, Icarus & Jigsaw) (w/UltraMantis Black) defeat Just A Lot Of Ants (Bullet Ant, Missile Assault Man & Worker Ant) … King Of Trios 2016 First Round: Team JWP (Command Bolshoi, Hanako Nakamori & Manami Katsu) defeat Amasis, Argus & Ophidian… King Of Trios 2016 First Round: Team Sendai Girls (Cassandra Miyagi, DASH Chisako & Meiko Satomura) defeat Heidi Lovelace & N_R_G (Hype Rockwell & Race Jaxon)… King Of Trios 2016 First Round: Warriors Three (Oleg The Usurper, Princess KimberLee & The Estonian ThunderFrog) defeat Team CWC (Cedric Alexander, Drew Gulak & Johnny Gargano)…
  • September 3, 2016 – CHIKARA King Of Trios 2016 – Tag 2 @ The Palmer Center in Easton, Pennsylvania, USA: Deonna Purrazzo defeats Crazy Mary Dobson… King Of Trios 2016 Quarter Final: The heXed Men (Hallowicked, Icarus & Jigsaw) (w/UltraMantis Black) defeat Major League Moustache (Dasher Hatfield, Trent Seven & Tyler Bate)… Mark Angelosetti defeats Missile Assault Man… King Of Trios 2016 Quarter Final: Warriors Three (Oleg The Usurper, Princess KimberLee & The Estonian ThunderFrog) defeat Team Original Divas Revolution (Jazz, Mickie James & Victoria)… Rey de Voladores 2016 Semi Final Four Way Elimination: Frightmare defeats Candice LeRae and The Space Monkey and Tony Nese… King Of Trios 2016 Quarter Final: Team JWP (Command Bolshoi, Hanako Nakamori & Manami Katsu) defeat The United Nations (Juan Francisco de Coronado, Prakash Sabar & Proletariat Boar Of Moldova)… Rey de Voladores 2016 Semi Final Four Way Elimination: Aero Star defeats Amasis and Johnny Gargano and Wani… King Of Trios 2016 Quarter Final: Team Sendai Girls (Cassandra Miyagi, DASH Chisako & Meiko Satomura) defeat The Colony (Fire Ant, Silver Ant & Soldier Ant)…
  • September 3, 2016 – CHIKARA King Of Trios 2016 – Tag 3 @ The Palmer Center in Easton, Pennsylvania, USA: King Of Trios 2016 Semi Final: Team Sendai Girls (Cassandra Miyagi, DASH Chisako & Meiko Satomura) defeat Warriors Three (Oleg The Usurper, Princess KimberLee & The Estonian ThunderFrog)… King Of Trios 2016 Semi Final: Team JWP (Command Bolshoi, Hanako Nakamori & Manami Katsu) defeat The heXed Men (Hallowicked, Icarus & Jigsaw) (w/UltraMantis Black) by DQ… Mark Angelosetti defeats Arik Cannon… Tag Team Gauntlet: D-Generation X (Billy Gunn & X-Pac) defeat The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive & Flex Rumblecrunch) and N_R_G (Hype Rockwell & Race Jaxon) and Rick Roland & Sloan Caprice and Team Sea Stars (Ashley Vox & Delmi Exo) and Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) and Dez Peloton (Donald Kluger & Jasper Tippins) and Cornelius Crummels & Sonny Defarge and Hermit Crab & Rock Lobster and The Bloc Party (Prakash Sabar & The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova) and Drew Gulak & Orange Cassidy… Lucas Calhoun defeats Chuck Taylor… Rey de Voladores 2016 Final: Aero Star defeats Tony Nese… King Of Trios 2016 Final: Team Sendai Girls (Cassandra Miyagi, DASH Chisako & Meiko Satomura) defeat Team JWP (Command Bolshoi, Hanako Nakamori & Manami Katsu)…
  • September 17, 2016 – CHIKARA The Black Goodbye @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Princess KimberLee defeats Rock Lobster… The Closers (Rick Roland & Sloan Caprice) defeat Body Slam Bryan & Suplex Stephen … The heXed Men (Icarus & Mark Angelosetti) defeat The Colony (Fire Ant & Silver Ant)… Hermit Crab defeats Amasis … Juan Francisco de Coronado & Wani defeat Bullet Ant & Worker Ant… The Batiri (Kobald, Kodama & Obariyon) defeat Heidi Lovelace, Oleg The Usurper & Ophidian… CHIKARA Grand Title: Hallowicked (w/UltraMantis Black) (c) defeats Drew Gulak… Dez Peloton (Donald Kluger & Jasper Tippins) defeat Cornelius Crummels & Sonny Defarge…
  • October 2, 2016 – CHIKARA Hour Of Power 3 @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: N_R_G (Hype Rockwell & Race Jaxon) defeat Benny The Beell & Clothesline Carl… Hermit Crab defeats Officer Warren Barksdale… Cornelius Crummels & Sonny Defarge defeat Dez Peloton (Donald Kluger & Jasper Tippins)… Ophidian defeats Juan Francisco de Coronado…
  • October 8, 2016 – CHIKARA Cruise Control @ St. Joseph’s School in Haverhill, Massachusetts, USA: Icarus defeats Silver Ant… Flex Rumblecrunch defeats Billy Bodyslam… Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) defeat The Closers (Rick Roland & Sloan Caprice)… Juan Francisco de Coronado defeats Donald Kluger… Jigsaw defeats Missile Assault Man… The Osirian Portal (Amasis & Ophidian) defeat The Batiri (Kodama & Obariyon) (w/UltraMantis Black)…
  • October 8, 2016 – CHIKARA Judgment Day @ St. Joseph’s School in Haverhill, Massachusetts, USA: Wani defeats Officer Warren Barksdale… Worker Ant defeats Tim Pence… Cornelius Crummels & Sonny Defarge defeat Hermit Crab & Rock Lobster … Mark Angelosetti defeats Fire Ant… The Big Deal (w/Rick Roland & Sloan Caprice) defeats Chuck Taylor… CHIKARA Grand Title: Hallowicked (w/UltraMantis Black) (c) defeats Heidi Lovelace… Team Sea Stars (Ashley Vox & Delmi Exo) defeat The Gentleman’s Club (Orange Cassidy & The Swamp Monster)…
  • November 5, 2016 – CHIKARA Counting Backwards @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Drew Gulak defeats Lucas Calhoun… Lucas Calhoun defeats Drew Gulak… Four Way Elimination: Chuck Taylor & DUSTIN defeat Rick Roland & Sloan Caprice (w/The Big Deal) and Team Sea Stars (Ashley Vox & Delmi Exo) and N_R_G (Hype Rockwell & Race Jaxon)… CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Title: The Estonian ThunderFrog (c) defeats Hermit Crab… The Big Deal (w/Rick Roland & Sloan Caprice) defeats Officer Warren Barksdale (5:57)… Dasher Hatfield & Heidi Lovelace defeat The heXed Men (Icarus & Mark Angelosetti)… Juan Francisco de Coronado defeats Zack Sabre Jr….
  • November 5, 2016 – CHIKARA Like Phantoms, Forever @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Bullet Ant defeats Rock Lobster… Dez Peloton (Donald Kluger & Jasper Tippins) defeat Cornelius Crummels & Sonny Defarge… Wani defeats Oleg The Usurper… The Colony (Fire Ant, Pharaoh Ant, Soldier Ant & Worker Ant) vs. The heXed Men (Frightmare, Jigsaw, Kobald & Kodama) – Double DQ… Princess KimberLee defeats Max Smashmaster (w/Sidney Bakabella) (13:27)… CHIKARA Grand Title: Hallowicked (w/UltraMantis Black) (c) defeats Ophidian… The Estonian ThunderFrog defeats Mr. Azerbaijan…
  • November 13, 2016 – CHIKARA Hour Of Power 4 @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: The Closers (Rick Roland & Sloan Caprice) defeat Benny The Beell & Ropebreak Randy… Cornelius Crummels & Sonny Defarge defeat Eddie The Elbow & Hiptoss Hank… Officer Warren Barksdale defeats Chinlock Charlie… The heXed Men (Kobald, Mark Angelosetti & Obariyon) defeat Fire Ant, Oleg The Usurper & Ophidian…
  • December 3, 2016 – CHIKARA Temple Of Doom @ Logan Square Auditorium in Chicago, Illinois, USA: Lucas Calhoun defeats Drew Gulak… Rick Roland, Sloan Caprice & The Big Deal defeat The Submission Squad (Davey Vega, Gary The Barn Owl & Pierre Abernathy)… Cornelius Crummels & Sonny Defarge defeat Dez Peloton (Donald Kluger & Jasper Tippins)… Solo Darling defeats Max Smashmaster (w/Sidney Bakabella)… Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) defeat Cajun Crawdad & Hermit Crab… Mask Vs. Mask: Frightmare defeats Amasis…
  • December 3, 2016 – CHIKARA Supremacy @ Logan Square Auditorium in Chicago, Illinois, USA: Silver Ant & Space Monkey defeat Juan Francisco de Coronado & Wani… Jeremy Leary defeats Officer Warren Barksdale… Chuck Taylor & DUSTIN defeat N_R_G (Hype Rockwell & Race Jaxon)… Torneo Cibernetico 16 Man Elimination: Dasher Hatfield, Fire Ant, Heidi Lovelace, Missile Assault Man, Oleg The Usurper, Ophidian, Princess KimberLee & The Estonian ThunderFrog defeat The heXed Men (Frightmare, Hallowicked, Icarus, Jigsaw, Kobald, Kodama, Mark Angelosetti & Obariyon) (w/UltraMantis Black)… Drew Gulak defeats Mike Quackenbush…
  • December 15, 2016 – CHIKARA Tabula Rasa @ in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: The Closers (Rick Roland & Sloan Caprice) defeat The Colony (Fire Ant & Silver Ant)… Jeremy Leary vs. Lucas Calhoun – Double DQ… Team Sea Stars (Ashley Vox & Delmi Exo) defeat Benny The Beele & Hiptoss Hank… UltraMantis Black defeats Frightmare… Juan Francisco de Coronado & Wani defeat Xyberhawx 2000 (Nytehawk & Sylverhawk)… CHIKARA Grand Title: Hallowicked (c) defeats Mark Angelosetti…
  • December 15, 2016 – CHIKARA Orientation @ in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Missile Assault Man defeats Hiptoss Hank… Solo Darling defeats The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova by DQ… Dasher Hatfield defeats Heidi Lovelace… Dez Peloton (Donald Kluger & Jasper Tippins) defeat Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr…. Ophidian vs. Rock Lobster – Double Count Out… The Legion Of Rot (Frightmare & Hallowicked) defeat The Batiri (Kodama & Obariyon)…
  • December 15, 2016 – CHIKARA Left Behind @ in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Officer Warren Barksdale defeats Hermit Crab (w/Cajun Crawdad) by DQ… Kobald defeats Hiptoss Hank… Fire Ant defeats Razerhawk… Los Ice Creams & Princess KimberLee (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) defeat Solo Darling & Team Sea Stars (Ashley Vox & Delmi Exo)… Nytehawk vs. Travis Huckabee… Cornelius Crummels & Sonny Defarge defeat N_R_G (Hype Rockwell & Race Jaxon) by Count Out…
  • December 22, 2016 – CHIKARA Every Man For Himself @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Sylverhawk defeats Silver Ant… Obariyon defeats Hiptoss Hank… Max Smashmaster (w/Sidney Bakabella) defeats Fire Ant… Inifinite Gauntlet: Dasher Hatfield defeats Ashley Vox and Bullet Ant and Cajun Crawdad and Delmi Exo and Donald Kluger and El Hijo del Ice Cream and Hallowicked and Heidi Lovelace and Hermit Crab and Icarus and Ice Cream Jr. and Jasper Tippins and Jeremy Leary and Juan Francisco de Coronado and Kobald and Lucas Calhoun and Mark Angelosetti and Missile Assault Man and Nytehawk and Officer Warren Barksdale and Oleg The Usurper and Ophidian and Razerhawk and Rick Roland and Rock Lobster and Sloan Caprice and Solo Darling and The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova and Travis Huckabee and UltraMantis Black and Wani and Worker Ant…
  • December 22, 2016 – CHIKARA The Constant @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Wani defeats Lucas Calhoun… Cornelius Crummels & Sonny Defarge defeat Cajun Crawdad & Hermit Crab… UltraMantis Black defeats Kobald… Princess KimberLee defeats Solo Darling… Xyberhawx 2000 (Razerhawk & Sylverhawk) defeat Team Sea Stars (Ashley Vox & Delmi Exo)… CHIKARA Grand Title: Hallowicked (c) defeats Icarus…
  • December 22, 2016 – CHIKARA Happily Ever After @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Jeremy Leary defeats Heidi Lovelace… UltraMantis Black defeats DUSTIN… Race Jaxon defeats Lucas Calhoun… Solo Darling & Travis Huckabee defeat The Bloc Party (Mr. Azerbaijan & The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova)… The Closers (Rick Roland & Sloan Caprice) defeat Xyberhawx 2000 (Razerhawk & Sylverhawk)… Missile Assault Man defeats Juan Francisco de Coronado…
  • December 29, 2016 – CHIKARA White Rabbit @ in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Race Jaxon defeats Ophidian… Obariyon defeats Frightmare… Cornelius Crummels & Sonny Defarge defeat Xyberhawx 2000 (Razerhawk & Sylverhawk)… Max Smashmaster (w/Sidney Bakabella) defeats Travis Huckabee… Heidi Lovelace defeats Arik Cannon… CHIKARA Grand Title: Hallowicked (c) defeats Wani…
  • December 29, 2016 – CHIKARA Whatever Happened, Happened @ in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Merlok defeats Nytehawk… The Force (Officer Bruno Meloni & Officer Warren Barksdale) defeat Benny The Beale & Hiptoss Hank… Princess KimberLee defeats Fire Ant… Cornelius Crummels & Sonny Defarge defeat Solo Darling & Travis Huckabee… Hair Vs. Hair: Lucas Calhoun defeats Jeremy Leary… CHIKARA Grand Title: UltraMantis Black defeats Hallowicked (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!…
  • December 29, 2016 – CHIKARA The Shape Of Things To Come @ in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: The Force (Officer Bruno Meloni & Officer Warren Barksdale) defeat Cajun Crawdad & Hermit Crab… Juan Francisco de Coronado defeats Missile Assault Man… The Furies (Fire Ant, Icarus & Obariyon) defeat The Legion Of Rot (Frightmare, Hallowicked & Kobald)… Ophidian defeats Princess KimberLee… CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title Three Way Double Elimination Match (vakant): Cornelius Crummels & Sonny Defarge defeat The Closers (Rick Roland & Sloan Caprice) and The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… CHIKARA Grand Title: UltraMantis Black (c) defeats Race Jaxon…
  • February 4, 2017 – National Pro Wrestling Day 2017 @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Young Lions Cup XIII First Round Four Way: Space Monkey defeats Ashley Vox and Delmi Exo and Merlok… Young Lions Cup XIII First Round Four Way: Cornelius Crummels defeats Cajun Crawdad and Everett Connors and Razerhawk… Young Lions Cup XIII First Round Four Way: Travis Huckabee defeats Fly Warrior and Sonny Defarge and Travis Gordon… Young Lions Cup XIII First Round Four Way: The Whisper defeats Hermit Crab and Steven Mainz and Sylverhawk… Race Jaxon defeats Missile Assault Man… The Legion Of Rot (Frightmare, Hallowicked & Kobald) defeat The Colony (Fire Ant, Silver Ant & Worker Ant)… Young Lions Cup XIII Semi Final: Space Monkey defeats Cornelius Crummels… Young Lions Cup XIII Semi Final: The Whisper defeats Travis Huckabee… The Force (Officer Bruno Meloni & Officer Warren Barksdale) defeat The Closers (Rick Roland & Sloan Caprice)… Juan Francisco de Coronado defeats Dasher Hatfield… CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Title Young Lions Cup XIII Final Match (vakant): Space Monkey defeats The Whisper – TITLE CHANGE !!!…
  • February 12, 2017 – CHIKARA Hour Of Power 5 @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Merlok defeats Delmi Exo (w/Jawsolyn)… Oleg The Usurper defeats Hiptoss Hank… Max Smashmaster defeats Mark Angelosetti… Cajun Crawdad defeats Waistlock Wayne… Silver Ant defeats Travis Huckabee…
  • March 4, 2017 – CHIKARA Blink @ Kennebunk Elementary School in Kennebunk, Maine, USA: Dez Peloton (Donald Kluger & Jasper Tippins) defeat Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.)… Mark Angelosetti defeats Cajun Crawdad… Oleg The Usurper defeats Wani by DQ… Chuck Taylor & DUSTIN defeat Solo Darling & Travis Huckabee… Ophidian defeats Jeremy Leary… CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title Best Two Out Of Three Falls: Cornelius Crummels & Sonny Defarge (c) defeat The Force (Officer Bruno Meloni & Officer Warren Barksdale) (w/Officer Magnum)… Lucas Calhoun defeats Hermit Crab…
  • March 5, 2017 – CHIKARA The Empty Child @ The Old Country Banquet Hall in Enfield, Connecticut, USA: Hermit Crab defeats Dasher Hatfield… Merlok defeats Fire Ant… Jeremy Leary, Mr. Azerbaijan & Wani defeat The Force (Officer Bruno Meloni & Officer Warren Barksdale) & Mark Angelosetti… Juan Francisco de Coronado defeats Lucas Calhoun… Cajun Crawdad, Cornelius Crummels, Rock Lobster & Sonny Defarge defeat Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.), Solo Darling & Travis Huckabee… CHIKARA Grand Title: UltraMantis Black (c) defeats Max Smashmaster (w/Sidney Bakabella)… Dez Peloton (Donald Kluger & Jasper Tippins) defeat Xyberhawx 2000 (Razerhawk & Sylverhawk)…
  • March 19, 2017 – CHIKARA Hour Of Power 6 @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Mark Angelosetti defeats Waistlock Wayne… Jeremy Leary defeats Travis Huckabee… Cajun Crawdad & Hermit Crab defeat Hiptoss Hank & Petey The Package… The Whisper defeats Fire Ant… Merlok vs. Razerhawk – Double Count Out…
  • March 31, 2017 – CHIKARA Turn Left @ Orlando Live Events Complex in Fern Park, Florida, USA: Xyberhawx 2000 (Razerhawk & Sylverhawk) defeat The Closers (Rick Roland & Sloan Caprice)… Oleg The Usurper defeats Race Jaxon… The Legion Of Rot (Frightmare & Hallowicked) defeat Missile Assault Man & Silver Ant… UltraMantis Black defeats Grado… The Furies (Fire Ant, Icarus, Ophidian, Solo Darling & Travis Huckabee) defeat Cajun Crawdad, Hermit Crab, Juan Francisco de Coronado, Merlok & Wani… CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title Best Two Out Of Three Falls: Cornelius Crummels & Sonny Defarge (c) defeat Chuck Taylor & DUSTIN [2:1]… Space Monkey defeats Jeremy Leary…
  • April 1, 2017 – CHIKARA Bad Wolf @ Orlando Live Events in Fern Park, Florida, USA: The Furies (Ashley Vox, Delmi Exo & Obariyon) defeat Cajun Crawdad, Hermit Crab & Merlok… Jeremy Leary defeats Ophidian… CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Title: Wani defeats Space Monkey (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… Zack Sabre Jr. defeats Mike Quackenbush… Missile Assault Man defeats Kobald… Four Way Elimination Tag Team: The Colony (Fire Ant & Silver Ant) defeat Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) and The Legion Of Rot (Frightmare & Hallowicked) and Solo Darling & Travis Huckabee… CHIKARA Grand Title: Juan Francisco de Coronado defeats UltraMantis Black (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!…
  • April23, 2017 – CHIKARA Hour Of Power 7 @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Lucas Calhoun defeats Hiptoss Hank… The Whisper defeats Travis Huckabee (w/Solo Darling)… Obariyon defeats Cajun Crawdad… Jeremy Leary defeats Petey The Package… Ashley Vox (w/Jawsolyn) vs. Merlok – No Contest…
  • April 23, 2017 – CHIKARA The Eleventh Hour @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Missile Assault Man defeats The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova… Frightmare defeats Silver Ant by DQ… CHIKARA Grand Title: Juan Francisco de Coronado (c) defeats Oleg The Usurper… Inifinite Gauntlet: Solo Darling defeats Ashley Vox and Cajun Crawdad and Cornelius Crummels and Dasher Hatfield and Delmi Exo and Donald Kluger and Dr. Rod Diamondfire and Hallowicked and Hermit Crab and Icarus and Ice Cream Jr. and Jaciel Cordoba and Jeremy Leary and Jessica Troy and Lucas Calhoun and Mark Angelosetti and Merlok and Mick Moretti and Obariyon and Officer Bruno Meloni and Officer Warren Barksdale and Ophidian and Race Jaxon and Razerhawk and Rick Roland and Rory Gulak and Sloan Caprice and Sonny Defarge and Sumie Sakai and Sylverhawk and The Whisper and UltraMantis Black…
  • May 27, 2017 – CHIKARA Aniversario: School Reunion @ American Legion Hall in Hellertown, Pennsylvania, USA: Four Way Elimination Tag Team: Xyberhawx 2000 (Razerhawk & Sylverhawk) defeat Team Sea Stars (Ashley Vox & Delmi Exo) and Cajun Crawdad & Hermit Crab and The Force (Officer Bruno Meloni & Officer Warren Barksdale)… Merlok defeats Crossbones… Fire Ant & Mark Angelosetti defeat Arik Cannon & Jigsaw… Missile Assault Man defeats Oleg The Usurper… CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title Best Two Out Of Three Falls: Cornelius Crummels & Sonny Defarge (c) defeat Dez Peloton (Donald Kluger & Jasper Tippins) [2:1]… Dasher Hatfield, Mister ZERO, The Furies (Icarus & Ophidian) & UltraMantis Black defeat The Legion Of Rot (Frightmare & Hallowicked), El Hijo del Ice Cream, Gran Akuma & Juan Francisco de Coronado… Travis Huckabee defeats The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova…
  • June 4, 2017 – CHIKARA Hour Of Power 8 @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Kobald defeats Jessica Troy… Sonny Defarge defeats Razerhawk… Mick Moretti defeats Race Jaxon… The Rumblebees (Solo Darling & Travis Huckabee) defeat Cajun Crawdad & Hermit Crab… CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Title: Sylverhawk defeats Wani (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!…
  • June 10, 2017 – CHIKARA Hide @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Kenbai defeats Kobald… Cajun Crawdad & Hermit Crab defeat The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti)… CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Title: Sylverhawk (c) defeats Cornelius Crummels… Frightmare defeats Silver Ant… The Furies (Fire Ant, Ophidian, Solo Darling & Travis Huckabee) defeat Chuck Taylor, DUSTIN & Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.)… CHIKARA Grand Title: Juan Francisco de Coronado (c) defeats Obariyon… Dez Peloton (Donald Kluger & Jasper Tippins) & Officer Warren Barksdale defeat Rick Roland, Sonny Defarge & The Whisper…
  • June 18, 2017 – CHIKARA The Johnny Kidd Invitational 2017 @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA:
    Johnny Kidd Invitational 2017 First Round: Zack Sabre Jr. defeats Mike Quackenbush… Johnny Kidd Invitational 2017 First Round: Rory Gulak defeats Travis Huckabee… Johnny Kidd Invitational 2017 First Round: Matt Riddle defeats Hallowicked… Johnny Kidd Invitational 2017 First Round: Juan Francisco de Coronado defeats James Mason… CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Title: Hermit Crab defeats Sylverhawk (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… Johnny Kidd Invitational 2017 Semi Final: Rory Gulak defeats Zack Sabre Jr…. Johnny Kidd Invitational 2017 Semi Final: Juan Francisco de Coronado defeats Matt Riddle… Mick Moretti defeats Jessica Troy… The Tempura Boyz (Sho Tanaka & Yohei Komatsu) defeat Xyberhawx 2000 (Nytehawk & Razerhawk)… Johnny Kidd Invitational 2017 Final: Rory Gulak defeats Juan Francisco de Coronado…
  • July 8, 2017 – CHIKARA The Parting Of Ways @ The New Mid-Atlantic Sportatorium in Gibsonville, North Carolina, USA
    Race Jaxon defeats Officer Bruno Meloni.. Kobald & Oleg The Usurper defeat Xyberhawx2000 (Nytehawk & Razerhawk)… Hallowicked defeats Officer Warren Barksdale… Icarus defeats Jeremy Leary… Cajun Crawdad, Hermit Crab & Merlok defeat The Furies (Ashley Vox, Delmi Exo & Obariyon)… CHIKARA Grand Title: Juan Francisco de Coronado (c) defeats Missile Assault Ant…
  • July 8, 2017 – CHIKARA The Lodger @ The New Mid-Atlantic Sportatorium in Gibsonville, North Carolina, USA: The Whisper defeats Lucas Calhoun… Dez Peloton (Donald Kluger & Jasper Tippins) defeat The Sandwich Squad (Aaron Biggs & Mecha Mercenary)… DUSTIN defeats Sloan Caprice… CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Title: Hermit Crab (c) defeats Cajun Crawdad… Last Man Standing: Fire Ant defeats Frightmare… CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title Best Two Out Of Three Falls: The Rumblebees (Solo Darling & Travis Huckabee) defeat Cornelius Crummels & Sonny Defarge (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title Best Two Out Of Three Falls: Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) defeat The Rumblebees (Solo Darling & Travis Huckabee) (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… Razerhawk defeats Mr. Azerbaijan…
  • July 23, 2017 – CHIKARA Hour Of Power 9 @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Merlok defeats Dr. Rod Diamondfire… The Rumblebees (Solo Darling & Travis Huckabee) defeat The Force (Officer Bruno Meloni & Officer Warren Barksdale)… Cajun Crawdad defeats Dasher Hatfield by DQ… Cornelius Crummels, Sonny Defarge & The Whisper defeat The Furies (Ashley Vox, Delmi Exo & Obariyon)… CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Title: Razerhawk defeats Hermit Crab (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!…
  • August 5, 2017 – CHIKARA Chikarasaurus Rex: Flesh And Stone @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
    Dez Peloton (Donald Kluger & Jasper Tippins) & Officer Warren Barksdale defeat Cajun Crawdad, Hermit Crab & Sloan Caprice … Missile Assault Man defeats The Whisper by DQ… CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Title: Razerhawk (c) defeats Everett Connors… Sarcophagus: Hallowicked defeats Ophidian… Dasher Hatfield defeats Merlok… Race Jaxon defeats Sylverhawk by DQ… The Furies (Fire Ant, Icarus, Solo Darling & Travis Huckabee) defeat Cornelius Crummels, Kobald, Oleg The Usurper & Sonny Defarge… CHIKARA Grand Title: Juan Francisco de Coronado (c) defeats Rory Gulak… Mark Angelosetti defeats Jeremy Leary …
  • September 1, 2017 – CHIKARA King Of Trios 2017 – Tag 1 @ Starworks Warehouse in Wolverhampton, West Midlands, England, UK: King Of Trios 2017 First Round: Chris Brookes, Elijah & Kid Lykos defeat Dez Peloton (Donald Kluger & Jasper Tippins) & Officer Warren Barksdale… King Of Trios 2017 First Round: The Legion Of Rot (Frightmare, Hallowicked & Kobald) defeat Emeritus Midnight, Michael Fynne & VASYL… King Of Trios 2017 First Round: Cajun Crawdad, Hermit Crab & Merlok defeat Jody Fleisch, Johnny Moss & Jonny Storm… King Of Trios 2017 First Round: British Strong Style (Pete Dunne, Trent Seven & Tyler Bate) defeat A-Kid, Adam Chase & Rod Zayas… King Of Trios 2017 First Round: Cornelius Crummels, Juan Francisco de Coronado & Sonny Defarge defeat Danny Boy Collins, James Mason & Mal Sanders… King Of Trios 2017 First Round: The Furies (Fire Ant, Solo Darling & Travis Huckabee) defeat Kyle Fletcher, Millie McKenzie & Omari… King Of Trios 2017 First Round: Cassandra Miyagi, DASH Chisako & Meiko Satomura defeat Xyberhawx2000 (Nytehawk, Razerhawk & Sylverhawk)… King Of Trios 2017 First Round: The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti) & Simon Grimm defeat Chief Deputy Dunne & The Brothers Of Obstruction (Jim Obstruction & Lee Obstruction)…
  • September 2, 2017 – CHIKARA King Of Trios 2017 – Tag 2 @ Starworks Warehouse in Wolverhampton, West Midlands, England, UK: Rey de Voladores 2017 Semi Final Four Way Elimination: Ophidian defeats A-Kid and El Phantasmo and Omari… King Of Trios 2017 Quarter Final: Cornelius Crummels, Juan Francisco de Coronado & Sonny Defarge defeat Chris Brookes, Elijah & Kid Lykos… Rey de Voladores 2017 Semi Final Four Way Elimination: Jody Fleisch defeats Chuck Mambo and Red Eagle and Sylverhawk… King Of Trios 2017 Quarter Final: Cassandra Miyagi, DASH Chisako & Meiko Satomura defeat Cajun Crawdad, Hermit Crab & Merlok… King Of Trios 2017 Quarter Final: The Legion Of Rot (Frightmare, Hallowicked & Kobald) defeat The Furies (Fire Ant, Solo Darling & Travis Huckabee) by DQ… World Of Sport Rules: Mike Quackenbush defeats Johnny Kidd… King Of Trios 2017 Quarter Final: British Strong Style (Pete Dunne, Trent Seven & Tyler Bate) defeat The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti) & Simon Grimm…
  • September 3, 2017 – CHIKARA King Of Trios 2017 – Tag 3 @ Starworks Warehouse in Wolverhampton, West Midlands, England, UK: King Of Trios 2017 Semi Final: Cassandra Miyagi, DASH Chisako & Meiko Satomura defeat Cornelius Crummels, Juan Francisco de Coronado & Sonny Defarge… Officer Warren Barksdale defeats Chief Deputy Dunne… Fire Ant defeats Kobald… Nine Team Tag Team Gauntlet: Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) defeat CCK (Chris Brookes & Kid Lykos) and Cajun Crawdad & Hermit Crab and Emeritus Midnight & Vasyl and Millie McKenzie & Omari and Solo Darling & Travis Huckabee and The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti) and Adam Chase & Zayas and The Brothers Of Obstruction (Jim Obstruction & Lee Obstruction)… Merlok defeats Sylverhawk… Rey de Voladores 2017 Final: Ophidian defeats Jody Fleisch… King Of Trios 2017 Final: British Strong Style (Pete Dunne, Trent Seven & Tyler Bate) defeat Cassandra Miyagi, DASH Chisako & Meiko Satomura…
  • September 17, 2017 – CHIKARA Hour Of Power 10 – TV-Show @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova defeats Ace Have…Cornelius Crummels & Sonny Defarge defeat Cameron Action & Donnie Primetime…
    Hype Rockwell defeats Britt Jackson by DQ… Merlok defeats Cabana Man Dan… Fire Ant defeats Sloan Caprice…
  • September 30, 2017 – CHIKARA Tooth And Claw – Event @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA:
    The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova defeats Oleg The Usurper…The Bike Cops (Donald Kluger, Jasper Tippins & Officer Warren Barksdale) defeat The Furies (Delmi Exo, Icarus & Obariyon)…Rory Gulak defeats Hallowicked…Merlok defeats Ashley Vox…
    Four Corners Tag Team Elimination: The Rumblebees (Solo Darling & Travis Huckabee) defeat Cajun Crawdad & Hermit Crab and Chuck Taylor & DUSTIN and Xyberhawx2000 (Razerhawk & Sylverhawk)…
    CHIKARA Grand Title: Juan Francisco de Coronado (c) defeats Mark Angelosetti…
  • October 15, 2017 – CHIKARA Hour Of Power 11 – TV-Show @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
    Cornelius Crummels defeats Hiptoss Hank…CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Title: Ophidian defeats Razerhawk (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!
    Officer Warren Barksdale defeats Petey The Package…Sonny Defarge defeats Solo Darling…
    Sylverhawk defeats Hermit Crab…Rory Gulak defeats Travis Huckabee…
  • October 28, 2017 – CHIKARA Deep Breath – Event @ Logan Square Auditorium in Chicago, Illinois, USA
    Travis Huckabee defeats Everett Connors…Cornelius Crummels & Sonny Defarge defeat The Carnies (Kerry Awful & Nick Iggy)…
    Jeremy Leary defeats Space Monkey…Merlok defeats Missile Assault Man…
    The Osirian Portal (Amasis & Ophidian) defeat Kobald & Oleg The Usurper…Dasher Hatfield defeats Moose…
  • October 28, 2017 – CHIKARA A Good Man Goes To War – Event @ Logan Square Auditorium in Chicago, Illinois, USA
    The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova defeats Mark Angelosetti…Hallowicked defeats Solo Darling…Hype Rockwell defeats Race Jaxon by DQ…
    Icarus defeats Rory Gulak…Cajun Crawdad & Hermit Crab defeat Xyberhawx2000 (Razerhawk & Sylverhawk)…
    CHIKARA Grand Title: Juan Francisco de Coronado (c) defeats Fire Ant…
    Tag Team: Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) defeat Dez Peloton (Donald Kluger & Jasper Tippins…
  • November 5, 2017 – CHIKARA Hour Of Power 12 – TV-Show @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
    Gran Akuma defeats Sylverhawk…Race Jaxon defeats Hammerlock Harry…
    Cajun Crawdad & Hermit Crab defeat Cornelius Crummels & Sonny Defarge…Sloan Caprice defeats Razerhawk…
    The Osirian Portal (Amasis & Ophidian) defeat Hiptoss Hank & Petey The Package…Merlok defeats Obariyon…
  • November 17, 2017 – CHIKARA Silence In The Library – Event @ Kennebunk Elementary School in Kennebunk, Maine, USA
    Oleg The Usurper defeats Hermit Crab…Mark Angelosetti defeats Missile Assault Man…
    Dez Peloton (Donald Kluger & Jasper Tippins) defeat The Rumblebees (Solo Darling & Travis Huckabee)…Rory Gulak defeats Icarus…
    Jeremy Leary & The Osirian Portal (Amasis & Ophidian) defeat The Main State Posse (Aiden Aggro, Alexander Lee & The DangerKid)…
    Xyberhawx2000 (Razerhawk & Sylverhawk) defeat Cornelius Crummels & Sonny Defarge…El Hijo del Ice Cream defeats Cajun Crawdad…
  • November 18, 2017 – CHIKARA Dark Water – Event @ Pentucket Lake School in Haverhill, Massachusetts, USA
    Icarus defeats Missile Assault Man…Oleg The Usurper defeats Jeremy Leary…Hallowicked defeats Mark Angelosetti…
    CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Title: Ophidian (w/Amasis) (c) defeats Officer Warren Barksdale…Dasher Hatfield & The Rumblebees (Solo Darling & Travis Huckabee) defeat Cornelius Crummels, Juan Francisco de Coronado & Sonny Defarge…Mike Quackenbush defeats Max Smashmaster…
  • November 19, 2017 – CHIKARA Kill The Moon – Event @ The Old Country Banquet Hall in Enfield, Connecticut, USA
    The Furies (Fire Ant, Solo Darling & Travis Huckabee) defeat Jeremy Leary, Rory Gulak & Sloan Caprice (w/Rick Roland)…
    The Osirian Portal (Amasis & Ophidian) defeat Dez Peloton (Donald Kluger & Jasper Tippins)…
    Hallowicked defeats Missile Assault Man…Dasher Hatfield defeats Keith Lee…
    Cajun Crawdad, Hermit Crab & Merlok defeat Xyberhawx2000 (Nytehawk, Razerhawk & Sylverhawk)…
    CHIKARA Grand Title: Juan Francisco de Coronado (c) defeats The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova…
    Tag Team: Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) defeat Cornelius Crummels & Sonny Defarge…
  • December 2, 2017 – CHIKARA Closing Time – Event @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
    Xyberhawx2000 (Razerhawk & Sylverhawk) defeat Cajun Crawdad & Hermit Crab…Mark Angelosetti defeats Hallowicked…
    Dez Peloton (Donald Kluger & Jasper Tippins) defeat Kobald & Oleg The Usurper
    Gran Akuma defeats Officer Warren Barksdale…Oceanea defeats Merlok…The Closers (Rick Roland & Sloan Caprice) defeat Hammerlock Harry & Petey The Package…Loser Wears A Mask: Hype Rockwell defeats Race Jaxon…Missile Assault Man defeats Jeremy Leary by Count Out..
    The Rumblebees (Solo Darling & Travis Huckabee) defeat Cornelius Crummels & Sonny Defarge…
    CHIKARA Grand Title: Juan Francisco de Coronado (c) defeats Dasher Hatfield…
  • January 28, 2018 – CHIKARA Beware The Snowman – Event @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
    Oleg The Usurper defeats Kobald…Travis Huckabee defeats Gran Akuma…The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova defeats Cornelius Crummels…
    Four Way Tag Team Elimination: The Closers (Rick Roland & Sloan Caprice) defeat Dez Peloton (Donald Kluger & Jasper Tippins) and The Legion Of Rot (Frightmare & Hallowicked) and The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti)…17 defeats Ophidian by TKO…
    Merlok & Oceanea defeat Cajun Crawdad & Hermit Crab…
    CHIKARA Grand Title: Juan Francisco de Coronado (c) defeats Hype Rockwell…Razerhawk defeats Sonny Defarge…
  • February 17, 2018 – CHIKARA National Pro Wrestling Day 2018 – Event @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
    Tag World Grand Prix 2018 Qualifying: Cornelius Crummels & Sonny Defarge defeat The Beach Bums (Flamingo Freddie IV & TJ Crawford)…
    Rory Gulak defeats Travis Huckabee…Officer Warren Barksdale defeats Clothesline Curtis…
    Ursa Minor In The Night Sky (w/BLANK) defeats The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova…
    Tag World Grand Prix 2018 Qualifying: Team Janelope (Joey Janela & Penelope Ford) defeat Xyberhawx2000 (Razerhawk & Sylverhawk)…
    Submission: Ophidian defeats Frightmare…The Creatures Of The Deep (Cajun Crawdad, Hermit Crab, Merlok & Oceanea) defeat Fire Ant, Hype Rockwell & The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti)…CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Title: The Whisper (w/Troll) (c) defeats Tony Deppen…CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title Best Two Out Of Three Falls: The Closers (Rick Roland & Sloan Caprice) defeat Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) (c) [2:1] – TITLE CHANGE !!!…
    CHIKARA Grand Title: Oleg The Usurper defeats Juan Francisco de Coronado (c) by DQ…Green Ant defeats Troll…
  • February 24, 2018 – CHIKARA Hour Of Power 13 – TV-Show @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
    Hermit Crab defeats Green Ant…Icarus defeats Travis Huckabee…Oleg The Usurper defeats Frightmare by DQ…
    The Nouveau Aesthetic (Still Life With Apricots And Pears & Ursa Minor In The Night Sky) (w/BLANK) defeat Xyberhawx2000 (Nytehawk & Razerhawk)…The Proteus Wheel (Callux The Castigator, Frantik & Volgar) defeat ???, Bodyslam Bobby & Clothesline Curtis…
  • March 17, 2018 – CHIKARA Young Lions Cup XIV – 1st Stage – Event @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
    Young Lions Cup XIV First Round Four Way Elimination: Omari defeats Brett Domino and Green Ant and Percy Davis…
    Young Lions Cup XIV First Round Four Way Elimination: Blanche Babish defeats DL Hurst and Dylan Bostic and Fuego Del Sol…
    Young Lions Cup XIV First Round Four Way Elimination: Cajun Crawdad defeats Anthony Greene and Gabby Ortiz and Super Beetle…
    Young Lions Cup XIV First Round Four Way Elimination: Cam Zagami defeats Air Wolf and Eli Isom and Geddy Cahoon…
    Tag World Grand Prix 2018 Qualifying: The Creatures Of The Deep (Merlok & Oceanea) defeat To Infinity And Beyond (Cheech Hernandez & Colin Delaney)…Ophidian defeats Fire Ant…Young Lions Cup XIV Semi Final: Cam Zagami defeats Blanche Babish…
    Tag World Grand Prix 2018 Qualifying: The Rumblebees (Solo Darling & Travis Huckabee) defeat The Whisper & Troll…
    Young Lions Cup XIV Semi Final: Omari defeats Cajun Crawdad…Thief Ant defeats David Dennison…
  • March 24 2018 – CHIKARA Hour Of Power 14 – Event @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
    Xyberhawx2000 (Nytehawk & Razerhawk) defeat The Whisper & Troll…
    Still Life With Apricots And Pears defeats The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova by Count Out…
    Tag World Grand Prix 2018 Qualifying: Dez Peloton (Donald Kluger & Jasper Tippins) defeat The Hell Cats (Jimmy Starz & Sexy Steve)…
    Omari defeats Fire Ant…Blanche Babish defeats El Hijo del Ice Cream…
    Tag World Grand Prix 2018 Qualifying: Green Ant & Thief Ant defeat The Creatures Of The Deep (Cajun Crawdad & Hermit Crab)…
  • March 31, 2018 – CHIKARA Young Lions Cup XIV – 2nd Stage Event @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
    Tag World Grand Prix 2018 Qualifying: Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) defeat The Nouveau Aesthetic (Still Life With Apricots And Pears & Ursa Minor In The Night Sky) (w/BLANK)…BLANK defeats The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova by Count Out…
    Cornelius Crummels, Sonny Defarge & The Creatures Of The Deep (Merlok & Oceanea) defeat Green Ant, The Rumblebees (Solo Darling & Travis Huckabee) & Thief Ant…CHIKARA Grand Title: Juan Francisco de Coronado (c) defeats Ophidian…
    Xyberhawx2000 (Nytehawk & Razerhawk) defeat Anthony Greene & DL Hurst…Tag World Grand Prix 2018 Qualifying: The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti) defeat The Legion Of Rot (Frightmare & Hallowicked)…Officer Warren Barksdale defeats Rory Gulak…
    CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Title Young Lions Cup XIV Final Match (vakant): Cam Zagami defeats Omari – TITLE CHANGE !!!
  • April 14, 2018 – CHIKARA Tag World Grand Prix 2018 – Event @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
    Tag World Grand Prix 2018 First Round: The Creatures Of The Deep (Merlok & Oceanea) defeat Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.)…Tag World Grand Prix 2018 First Round: Cornelius Crummels & Sonny Defarge defeat Green Ant & Thief Ant…
    Tag World Grand Prix 2018 First Round: The Rumblebees (Solo Darling & Travis Huckabee) defeat Janelope (Joey Janela & Penelope Ford)…
    Tag World Grand Prix 2018 First Round: The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti) defeat Dez Peloton (Donald Kluger & Jasper Tippins)…Tag World Grand Prix 2018 Semi Final: The Creatures Of The Deep (Merlok & Oceanea) defeat The Rumblebees (Solo Darling & Travis Huckabee)…Tag World Grand Prix 2018 Semi Final: The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti) defeat Cornelius Crummels & Sonny Defarge…The Whisper defeats Gabby Ortiz…BLANK defeats Oleg The Usurper by DQ…Tag World Grand Prix 2018 Final: The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti) defeat The Creatures Of The Deep (Merlok & Oceanea)…
  • April 21, 2018 – CHIKARA Hour Of Power 15 – Event @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
    Dasher Hatfield defeats Rick Roland…Green Ant (w/Worker Ant) defeats DL Hurst…Blanche Babish defeats Gabby Ortiz…
    The Creatures Of The Deep (Merlok & Oceanea) defeat The Xyberhawx2000 (Razerhawk & Sylverhawk)…
    The Beast Warriors (Oleg The Usurper & The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova) defeat The Creatures Of The Deep (Cajun Crawdad & Hermit Crab)…
    Sloan Caprice defeats Mark Angelosetti…
  • April 28, 2018 – CHIKARA Revenge Of The Lawn Gnomes – Event @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
    Xyberhawx2000 (Nytehawk & Razerhawk) defeat The Beach Bums (Freddy Flamingo IV & TJ Crawford)…Kobald defeats Crossbones…
    The Proteus Wheel (Callux The Castigator, Frantik & Volgar) defeat Clothesline Curtis, Dropkick Donny & Waistlock Wade…
    Tony Deppen defeats Officer Warren Barksdale…Solo Darling defeats Fire Ant…
    The Creatures Of The Deep (Cajun Crawdad, Hermit Crab, Merlok & Oceanea) defeat Green Ant, Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) & Thief Ant…Ophidian defeats Puma King…CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title Best Two Out Of Three Falls: The Closers (Rick Roland & Sloan Caprice) (c) defeat The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti) [2:1]…


  • May 5, 2018 – CHIKARA The Infinite Gauntlet – Event @ Pocono Mountain West Junior High School in Pocono Summit, Pennsylvania, USA
    Mike Quackenbush defeats Arik Cannon…Elimination Four Way Tag Team: Cornelius Crummels & Sonny Defarge defeat The Beast Warriors (Oleg The Usurper & The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova) and Dez Peloton (Donald Kluger & Jasper Tippins) and To Infinity And Beyond (Cheech & Colin Delaney)…Two On One Handicap: Trollzilla (w/The Whisper) defeats Bodyslam Bobby & Waistlock Wade…Mark Angelosetti defeats Mr. Anderson…
    CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Title Best Two Out Of Three Falls: The Closers (Rick Roland & Sloan Caprice) (w/Juan Francisco de Coronado) defeat Xyberhawx2000 (Nytehawk & Razerhawk) [2:0)…Infinite Gauntlet: Danjerhawk defeats Blanche Babish and BLANK and Cajun Crawdad and Callux The Castigator and Dasher Hatfield and El Hijo del Ice Cream and Fire Ant and Flex Rumblecrunch and Frantik and Glacier and Green Ant and Grizzly Redwood and Hallowicked and Hermit Crab and Hype Rockwell and Icarus and Jakob Hammermeier and Jeremy Leary and Juan Francisco de Coronado and Kobald and Lucas Calhoun and Merlok and Oceanea and Officer Warren Barksdale and Princess KimberLee and Solo Darling and Still Life With Apricots And Pears and The Whisper and Thief Ant and Travis Huckabee and Ursa Minor In The Night Sky and Volgar…
  • May 19, 2018 – CHIKARA Hour Of Power 16 – Event @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
    Cornelius Crummels & Sonny Defarge defeat Xyberhawx2000 (Danjerhawk & Razerhawk)…Cajun Crawdad defeats Thief Ant…
    Six Man Tag Tema: The Proteus Wheel (Callux The Castigator, Frantik & Volgar) defeat Body Slam Bobby, Full Nelson Nelson & Waistlock Wayne
    Travis Huckabee defeats Blanche Babish…Green Ant defeats Ursa Minor In The Night Sky (w/Still Life With Apricots And Pears)…
    The Beast Warriors (Oleg The Usurper & The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova) defeat The Whisper & Troll…
  • May 26, 2018 – CHIKARA Aniversario: Heroes Shed No Tears – Event @ The Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
    Tony Deppen defeats Hype Rockwell..Volgar defeats Officer Warren Barksdale…
    The Creatures Of The Deep (Hermit Crab, Merlok & Oceanea) defeat Icarus & Xyberhawx2000 (Danjerhawk & Razerhawk)…
    Fire Ant defeats Green Ant (w/Worker Ant)…Tag Team: The Beast Warriors (Oleg The Usurper & The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova) defeat The Closers (Rick Roland & Sloan Caprice)…Jeremy Leary & Lucas Calhoun defeat The Proteus Wheel (Callux The Castigator & Frantik)…
    Ten Man Tag Team Elimination: The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti), The Rumblebees (Solo Darling & Travis Huckabee) & Thief Ant defeat The Legion Of Rot (Frightmare & Hallowicked), Cajun Crawdad, Rory Gulak & The Whisper…
    CHIKARA Grand Title: Juan Francisco de Coronado (c) defeats Mike Quackenbush…Ophidian defeats Kobald…

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