This Week’s Trash Talking Radio Line-up

Jimmy Valiant, Eric Gargiula & Josh Prohibition on 11/13 TTRS

Last week we had on Alex Balboa & DJ Hyde. Check them out in the archives.
Tune into this Tuesday’s show at 7 PM EST and ask your questions in the live chat.
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Eric Gargiula
He is one of the first to do a Wrestling Radio Show and was the voice of CZW for years. He is now still doing Wrestling Radio and working for PWU. This week we catch up to one of the Inspirations to this show.

Jimmy Valiant
He is a WWE Hall of famer, writer, singer and one of our favorite guests of all time. He is the original Boogie Woogie Man. He has trained many of the guys out in the business today. He has a wrestling training camp in Virginia and continues to promte his book. This week he will come on and talk about the Fabulous Moolah.
Josh Prohibition
He has wrestled all over. He has worked for many big promotions in the US and Canada. He has had a long ongoing fued with M-Dogg20 that has spanned many different promotions. This week we will talk about all of them as well his time in CZW, UWA, PWA and much more.