The Wrestling Globe Newsletter for 9/19

Wednesday, September 19, 2007 – Test Issue

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Please Note: This is a test to make sure the email program is working and to see if we need to iron out any kinks. Issue #1 will be hitting your mailboxes in the next few days.
<> Steroid Investigation Rocks WWE <>

A Sports Illustrated investigation on illegal steroid distribution and mounting pressure from Congress led the WWE to suspend more than 10 wrestlers on 8/30. The suspensions came after the district attorney office in Albany, NY, produced the client list of Signature Pharmacy, an Internet trafficker of steroids and human growth hormone. Gregory Helms, Charlie Haas, Chris Masters, John Morrison, Edge, William Regal, Ken Kennedy, Umaga, Funaki and Chavo Guerrero, were implicated in the investigation as receiving shipments of fraudulently prescribed steroids, human growth hormone and other performance enhancing drugs. All were given either 30 or 60 day suspensions for infractions under the WWE’s Wellness Policy. Booker T was on the prosecutors list but quit when told he was going to be suspended.

The suspensions led to several changes to TV storylines on 9/1 in Cincinnati and 9/2 in Columbus, OH. Kennedy, Guerrero, Regal, and Umaga (who is slated to face Triple H at No Mercy on 10/7) were all written out, Morrison dropped the ECW title to CM Punk, while Edge (torn pectoral muscle) and Helms (broken neck) are both on the injured list, and Masters, Funaki and Hass were so low on the radar it didn’t matter.

For what it’s worth Funaki and Umaga were the only wrestlers named in the investigation who were receiving HGH and not steroids.

Randy Orton was listed in the Sports Illustrated investigation but was not suspended with the WWE claiming he wasn’t on the list given to them by prosecutors. Orton has racked up various fines and suspensions during the past few years. Most notably he was suspended for 60 days following Wrestlemania 22 for smoking marijuana backstage at a show, and was also suspended last August for failing to provide a valid script for steroids that showed up in a drug test.
The consensus backstage seems to be that Orton is being protected so he can headline the No Mercy PPV.

In the fallout following the steroid scandal several wrestlers were released this past week for various reasons including; Monty Brown (Marcus Cor Von), Sandman, Sonny Siaki, Nick Dinsmore (Eugene), Shad Gaspard, Jason Paul (JTG), and Mike Bucci (Simon Dean).
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