The Highlanders on Monday Night Mayhem


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Former WWE tag team, The Highlanders (Russ “Rory” Murray & Derek “Robbie” Graham-Couch), were two of the special guests on this past week’s live edition (09/08/08) of Monday Night Mayhem, hosted by The Big Mosh, Blade, & DFL (presented by Sweet Sunshine Sauces: “the official finishing sauce of The Mayhem” & sponsored by Custom Muscle, The Monster Factory, Old Time Wrestling, The History Of, & — which can be heard live & in streaming audio every Monday night (at 8PM ET/7PM CT), exclusively on The Monday Night Mayhem Radio Network (,, &

“The Highlanders” first post-WWE interview, as part of The Mayhem’s ’08 Fall Season Premiere, is now available for FREE in Windows Streaming Media, or via podcast/the MNM On ITunes:

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Official MNM Podcast/MNM On ITunes:

Here are some of the highlights from The Highlanders joint interview on the show, provided by The Mayhem’s senior show correspondent, Dan Kriegbaum:


The Mayhem Crew welcomed both men to the show, and right off the bat, asked both men for their thoughts on their recent departure from World Wrestling Entertainment. Russell(Rory) commented first, and said that tag teams in general are not being used properly nowadays in the WWE, and added that “he saw it coming.” He added that when they were released, it was somewhat of a relief and the “end of a chapter.” In regards to others being released & talking negatively, Russ said that he personally “couldn’t do that,” because since he started with the WWE, he now has a much better lifestyle than he had prior.

Mosh then asked Derek (Robbie) about WrestleMania XXIV weekend in Orlando, FL, and his appearance in the crowd during the live TNA iMPACT broadcast. Derek said it was a “wrong place, wrong time” type of deal, and said that he did not have much else to say regarding it. Russ then stepped in with the background behind the whole thing. He mentioned that he had just returned back from injury, and they were excited to be back together & in Orlando for the festivities. He added that both he & Derek have a lot of friends in TNA, and like wrestling fans, like to watch as much wrestling as possible, but said it was probably “bad judgment” on Derek’s part, which he agreed to. Russell then mentioned how the internet reacted to the whole thing, with claims that “TNA did the wrong thing” by showing Derek on camera & that the “WWE was overreacting” over the whole situation. They both added that the World Wide Web just “blew everything way out of proportion.”

DFL asked if there were any plans for The Highlanders to switch brands at any point in time. Derek mentioned that earlier this year they did some SmackDown dark matches, also appeared on SmackDown’s & ECW’s television tapings, & then became like a “utility” on every show — where they thought something might come out of it, until Russ’ torn pec injury occurred, and it all went downhill after that.

Mosh & Blade then mentioned how WWE’s recent tag team scene has seemed to showcase the new single superstars like Lance Cade or The Brian Kendrick, and asked Russ & Derek if tag team wrestling is “dead.” Russell said he completely disagrees that it is dead, but said he thinks it is “on more of a sabbatical,” and not being done properly. He then added that tag team wrestling is needed, because “just one-on-one all the time, whether male, female or midgets, would get boring,” and tag team wrestling just needs more “put in to it” for “it” to work.

As many wrestling fans around the world remember, “The Highlanders” had the chance to work with WWE Hall Of Famer, “Rowdy” Roddy Piper, for a period of time, and Mosh asked both Derek & Russ their thoughts on working with one of the greatest legends in the history of the business. Derek said that for him it was an honor to be able to be in the ring with him at Madison Square Garden, as well as tagging with both Piper & “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair against The Spirit Squad on a European tour for over a week straight. Russ then mentioned that before one of those shows in Scotland, Tommy Dreamer stopped him & said “They can take your jobs, they can take your car, they can maybe even take some of your self respect, but they can’t take your memories.” He added that they went out & busted their ass in front of their hometown crowd with Piper & Flair, which would definitely be a moment they will remember forever. DFL then posted the question if “The Nature Boy” wore a kilt like the rest of them, and both men said that he did. Russ added that he has never worn the one Flair wore since, jokingly saying “This has some of his @ss sweat on it, I’m gonna keep it.”

The Mayhem Crew then went on to ask about The Highlanders going back to the independents & the possibility of going to TNA. Russ said that they are excited to be back on the independents, where they can be their own selves again, have fun with it, & work for the fans — who appreciate the wrestlers as independents & not “branded.” In regards to TNA, Russ said he would love to go there, after explaining how they have somewhat of an established tag team division that the fans are into.

More goodness is contained in this 45+ minute Mayhem exclusive interview with both members of “The Highlanders,” including their uncensored thoughts & takes on: where “Rory” & “Robbie” go from here, which WWE Creative Team member came up with the idea for “The Highlanders,” their time in Ohio Valley Wrestling, how they compared their WWE stint to that of The Bushwhackers, which superstars/tag teams they would like to work with that they have not had the chance to, whether they feel injuries lead to certain talents being released by World Wrestling Entertainment, & much more. The Mayhem has had the pleasure of having some of the greatest & most charismatic tag teams in the history of professional wrestling & sports-entertainment grace the MNM airwaves together, including: The Midnight Express, America’s Most Wanted, & The Dudley Boyz/Team 3-D. Add “The Highlanders” to the list, as this is one hell of a way to kick off the new Mayhem fall season!

Promoters: You can book The both Rory & Robbie by contacting Fans: You can visit Rory at his official MySpace page, located at

*As we officially kick off “The Summer Of Mayhem 2008” this week, Monday Night Mayhem’s Crew of The Big Mosh, Blade, & DFL, wish to thank our loyal fans around the world who have helped us get to where we are at now and for your continued dedication, loyalty, & support. We strongly encourage all of our fans around the world to support all of our fine advertisers/sponsors that help make “Your Home Of Wrestling Radio” possible:

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*All new & old Mayhem listeners can still check out the archived programs/shows of “Your Home Of Wrestling Radio” from our six+ years of audio excellence, featuring the official Monday Night Mayhem WrestleMania XXIV Countdown Special (w/J.J. Dillon, The Orlando Sentinel’s Andrea Adelson, SLAM Wrestling’s Bob Kapur, The Baltimore Sun’s Kevin Eck, Pro Wrestling Illustrated’s Dan Murphy, & many more), The Mayhem’s WrestleMania 23 Countdown Special from Detroit’s Hilton Garden Inn, the official Monday Night Mayhem Dream Reunion II On-Location Special from Kokomo, IN — featuring: former WWE Diva search contestant Jessica Hatch, Al Snow, Marty Jannetty, Chavo “Classic” Guerrero Sr., “Nasty Boy” Brian Knobbs, Greg “The Hammer” Valentine, Rosey, The Midnight Express (“Loverboy” Dennis Condrey & “Beautiful” Bobby Eaton), “The Genius” Lanny Poffo, & The Orient Express’ Pat Tanaka, & our “Best Of 2007” show (featuring the top three interviews of 2k7 heard on The Mayhem), plus current WWE superstars (Chris Jericho, CM Punk, Candice Michelle, Charlie Haas, & D-Lo Brown), WWE Hall Of Famers (Jesse “The Body” Ventura, Jim Ross, Bret “The Hitman” Hart, Bobby “The Brain” Heenan, “Superstar” Billy Graham, “The Mouth Of The South” Jimmy Hart, The Iron Sheik, Tito Santana, “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff, Harley Race, Greg “The Hammer” Valentine, & Don Muraco), the finest from Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA President, Dixie Carter, Jeff Jarrett, Terry Taylor, Jim Cornette, Kevin Nash, “The Instant Classic” Christian Cage, “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles, Team 3-D, Scott Steiner, Kip/BG James, “The Notorious 187” Homicide, Beer Money’s Robert Roode, “Black Machismo” Jay Lethal, Kaz, Eric Young, Tomko, & Lance “Rock” Hoyt — along with TNA Knockouts Traci Brooks, Taylor Wilde, Angelina Love, Velvet Sky, Christy Hemme, & So-Cal Val), Ring Of Honor’s warriors (ROH Champion Nigel McGuinness, “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson, Austin Aries, Claudio Castagnoli, & ROH head booker Gabe Sapolsky), ECW originals (ECW’s founder Tod Gordon, Rob Van Dam, “The Franchise” Shane Douglas, Raven, The Sandman, Francine, 2 Cold Scorpio, New Jack, Axl Rotten, Jerry Lynn, Lance Storm, “The Pitbull” Gary Wolfe, & Danny Doring), the most-beautiful some of the greatest managers in the history of our business (Percy Pringle III/Paul Bearer, “The Doctor Of Style” Slick, JJ Dillon, & the late Gary Hart), the voices that have called the sport/sports-entertainment for years (World Class’ Bill Mercer, the Mid-Atlantic/NWA’s Bob Caudle, & WCW/AWA’s Lee Marshall), the beautiful managers/valets that have graced the squared circle (Missy Hyatt, Terri Runnels, Lisa “Ivory” Moretti, Dawn Marie, Nora “Molly Holly” Greenwald, Jackie Gayda Haas), wrestling legends/personalities from over the years, past & present (Bruno Sammartino, Jerry Jarrett, Terry Funk, Dory Funk, Jr., Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat, “The Taskmaster” Kevin Sullivan, “The Living Legend” Larry Zbyszko, Sid, Tully Blanchard, Jake “The Snake” Roberts, “Dr. Death” Steve Williams, “Bushwacker” Luke Williams, The Honky Tonk Man, Barry “Smash” Darsow, Virgil, Diamond Dallas Page, Vader, “Nasty Boy” Brian Knobbs, Konnan, Bruno “Harvey Whippleman” Lauer, “The Wildman” Marc Mero, Scotty 2 Hotty, David “Gangrel” Heath, Chris Kanyon, Nick “U-Gene” Dinsmore, Chris Nowinski, Low-Ki, & Tomko), & some of the most well-known athletes & entertainers from the football gridiron, the basketball court, stage, & screen (including: Dennis Rodman, NFL Hall Of Famer Jim Kelly, former NFL Defensive Tackle/Nebraska All-American/author of “Hero Of The Underground,” Jason Peter, Dave Coulier of TV’s “Full House,” VH-1 “Best Week Ever’s” Greg Fitzsimmons of VH-1’s “Best Week Ever,” Dustin “Screech” Diamond of TV’s “Saved By The Bell,” Howard Stern’s Gary The Retard, Erin “Steel” Toughill & Dan “Nitro” Clark from “American Gladiators,” “Mad TV’s” Aries Spears, & Comic Relief founder Bob Zmuda). All this & so much more…now available on,, &