STING: Moment of Truth
Description: This is not a story about wrestling. This is not a story about a wrestler. This is the story of Steve Borden, who happened to be a professional wrestler making a living within the wrestling business. It's no secret that wrestlers are faced with many demons when they're on the road 300+ days out of the year. Steve Borden was a victim of these demons until one day he got a reality check and he finally asked God to save him. This is the story of a man being saved from himself.
As a connoisseur of wrestling history, I found some of the wrestling scenes in this movie had to swallow. There was actual WCW footage (supplied by WWE) spliced into certain scenes but the rest was done with some creative editing by the production crew. On the plus side, I must say it was fun spotting real-life wrestlers playing different parts in the film such as Ryan Wilson (as Jim Hellwig), "Wildcat" Chris Harris, Lance Hoyt, Abyss, Bert Prentice, Jeremy Borash, Scott Hudson and others.
I couldn't help but get somewhat insulted by the scripted portrayal of the "wrestling fan" and the "internet reporter", both of which I consider myself proud to be. The characters in the movie were goofy and ridiculously unrealistic; Picture the dudes from "Ready To Rumble" interviewing Sting in character. But I understand that people in the wrestling industry think people like me are stupid. I can live with that.
I found myself flip flopping on deciding on what I really thought of this movie. In the end, after giving it some thought, I concluded that it really was a nice film; But just like the book version, was void of many important details. This 90 minute movie could have easily been two hours long or even two and half hours long. As much as I liked the wrestling parts, I would like to have seen more thought given to Steve Borden's faith after giving his life to God. I'm not sure if they made this movie for wrestling fans or for followers of God -- probably both. Regardless, it is worth buying if only for the simple fact that it makes you think about what wrestlers, with families and real lives outside of the industry, go through every day to entertain us. You will also learn that a simple prayer, can go a long way.
Rating: 6/10 -- Recommended for fans of Sting and those with open minds.
For More Information on this DVD please go to http://www.sting-themovie.com
Also See: Buy Sting: Moment of Truth on DVD at Amazon.com
Also See: ChristianAnswers.net Spotlight on Sting: Moment of Truth DVD
Reviewed by Brad Dykens on May 13, 2006.
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