Television is the Life Blood of Pro-Wrestling

Dory Funk’s Corner
Television is the Life Blood of Professional Wrestling

I remember watching Professional Wrestling from the Marigold Arena in Chicago on television with commentator Jack Brickhouse. I watched Lou Thesz, Walter Palmer (Originator of the Spinning Toe Hold) Indian Chief, Don Eagle and Dory Funk Sr.

In those days the only way to preserve live video was a method called Kinescope whereby live video images were transferred to 16 or 35 millimeter film. Kinescope could be reproduced and bicycled to major cities for television programming, professional wrestling being hugely popular.

Wrestlers who were featured on Wrestling from the Marigold were perceived as stars and were in demand throughout the country.

With the invention of video tape for network television, Jules Strongbow in Los Angles produced a quality national television show out of Los Angles featuring Lou Thesz, Wilbur Snyder and a father and son tag team, Gino and Leo Garibaldi. I remember the winner of the main event received a wrist watch presented by Jules at the end of the show.

In the “Glory Days” of the National Wrestling Alliance 33 territories produced their own Television Shows featuring their own Wrestling Superstars.

Other promotions followed with national television shows including World Class (Dallas), World Championship Wrestling (WCW), Eddie Mansfield’s IWF (First Wrestling Television Produced at Universal Studios), Eddie Einhorn’s IWA (Owner of the Chicago White Sox), TNA Wrestling and the Longest Running Episodic Television Show, Monday Night Raw and Smackdown.
At the Funking Conservatory our training priorities are SAFETY, IN RING PERFORMANCE and TELEVISION.

!BANG! TV and Premium !BANG! TV are  Produced weekly and seen in 120 countries and are the showcase for our wrestling stars of the future.
Television will always be the life blood of Professional Wrestling.

If you would like to become a professional wrestler and appear world wide on !BANG! TV visit our website at or call now 352-895-4658.

Dory Funk Jr. is the coach of the Funking Conservatory Wrestling School and Trainer of WWE, TNA, NXT and Japanese Wrestling Talent.

Our next !BANG! TV Taping comes to the !BANG! TV Sound Stage this Saturday November 20th. For ticket information, Call Now 352-895-4658 or visit