TASW in the Texas Wrestling Hall of Fame

Texas HOF

The Texas Wrestling Hall of Fame inducted Bob Murphy’s TASW Wrestling “Texas All-Star Wrestling” into their class of 2013 HOF on Saturday March 16th, in Ft. Worth, Texas.

Bob Murphy was inducted for promoting TASW Wrestling events for the last 20 years.

Wrestling Legends “King Kong” Bruiser Brody, Black Bart, “Killer” Karl Kox, Referee James Beard, Canyon, and Ricky Davidson Sr. were also inducted this year.

Stan Hansen was there to induct and accept the award for his good friend, the late Bruiser Brody.

David Fuller and IHWE Wrestling present the Texas Wrestling Hall of Fame every year.

Past years inductees include Johnny Valentine, Skandor Akbar, Slick, Matt Borne, Kamala, and many more.

TASW 24-HR Event Line (281) 548-5856
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