Tammy “Sunny” Sytch on In Your Head

June 13th, 2007 IYH Tammy Sytch Interview Recap – by Norrin Radd

Tammy Sytch, formerly Sunny in the World Wrestling Federation, was the guest on the June 13th, 2007 edition of the In Your Head radio show hosted by Jack, OneInchBiceps and Barbie Richards at http://www.inyourheadonline.com.

Sytch was there to promote Pro Wrestling Unplugged’s Crazy 8 2007 show on June 16th at the New Alhambra Arena, formerly known as the ECW Arena, in Philadelphia. For more show and ticket information visit http://www.prowrestlingunplugged.com.

Tammy mentioned that before coming on the show for the interview she was studying for some final exams in pathophysiology. She is attending the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey to become a Physicians Assistant. She said she has three more years to complete.

They spoke about PWU’s Crazy 8 show, and that Tammy will also be a part of the PWU Tailg8 Party before the event at the New Alhambra Arena. Sytch said she is the tailgating queen.

When asked if she calls it the ECW Arena or the New Alhambra, Sytch said she still calls it the ECW Arena because that’s what made it famous and that’s what it is known for. It will always be the ECW Arena according to Sytch.

On the subject of the atmosphere of the ECW Arena, Sytch said she hadn’t been to a show there in about a year, but that it still had that special aura and crazy fans. She said that it’s also the arena where she went through her first table.

Tammy said she had never seen a Crazy 8 match and then asked what it was. Host, Jack, suggested visiting http://www.prowrestlingunplugged.com to find out what exactly it’s all about. Sytch said the match sounded like American Gladiators.

2 Cold Scorpio was mentioned as being one of the match participants. Devon Moore and Detox were also mentioned when Sytch asked who else was involved. She said she had no clue who Moore or Detox were. She said she’s really out of the indy scene right now.

Tammy said she watches the matches at indy shows when she’s on later in those kinds of shows and gives advice to the young men and women involved. She said she has been in professional wrestling for 17 years now and feels that she’s “been there, done that” and can give an honest opinion. Sytch said that she learned everything that Chris (Candido) knew over the 15 years that they were together and she knows what makes sense in wrestling psychologically. More or less, most people are open to her advice she said.

Caller, Jason, asked Tammy what she misses about ECW.

Host, Jack, asked if she did miss ECW.

Sytch said yes and no to Jack’s question because in the end she was screwed out of a lot of money. In response to Jason’s question she said she missed the creative control that she was given in ECW. In WWE she had creative input when it came to her own work, but Paul (Heyman) gave her a chance to have a creative role in the entire show, even including the production side of things.

When asked if whether Tod Gordon, the founder of Eastern Championship Wrestling (later ECW) was in ECW when she was there, Sytch said he was kind of in and out and that she really didn’t have much interaction with him.

Jason said that he knew that Tammy was a huge KISS fan and asked if she ever watched Gene Simmons’ reality show, which she said she did. She said that Simmons is the exact same way in person that he is on his show. She said she was a die hard KISS fan and that she was listening to them earlier when she was running on the treadmill for an hour.

Host, OneInchBiceps, asked a question from the message board. Xtremefalls wanted to know if Sytch had seen the new ECW on Sci Fi, and what she thought of it. Tammy said she watched the first few shows in the beginning, but that she really hasn’t watched it (or any other shows) since. She said that she’s really been too busy lately to watch, but that she was excited when she first heard that it was coming back, but the ECW on Sci Fi show is really just another WWE show.

OIB asked another one of Xtremefalls’ question about whether she had ever been approached to be a part of either of the ECW One Night Stand Pay-Per-Views. She said she had spoken to Tommy Dreamer a few times before the first one, but when Chris died it wasn’t the right thing to do at the time.

Sytch spoke breifly about many companies giving her work after Chris’ death trying to exploit his passing.

Jack asked if she felt as if Paul Heyman were trying to exploit a similar situation in the past when Paul Heyman had her do a segment on ECW television in the past. She said that is was a stupid angle and that it was all written and scripted out for her by Paul. She said Paul likes to use personal things that he knows about his performers and exploit that. She said she had to learn not to trust Paul Heyman.

Caller, ElTNAfan, asked whether she watched Vince McMahon exploding on RAW this week and what her opinion of storylines of that nature were. She said she didn’t see it and that she’s not going to criticize, but that it can get a little hokey.

ElTNAfan also asked what her what her favorite places to work in were. She said England and Canada was always great and had many Sunny fans. Host, Barbie Richards, told Sytch that as a Briton he could say that he was also a Sunny fan. Sytch said that she always got along well with “British Bulldog” Davey Boy Smith because she loved the accent.

Barbie asked how the Legends of Wrestling IV Fan Fest in Carteret, New Jersey was that she was there to plug the last time she was on In Your Head. Tammy said it was good and that they are having another one August 25th with even better people, like Bret Hart, Vader, and Goldust. She said the Beverly Brothers will also be there which you can “take or leave”. Sytch it’s going to be at the Raddison in Carteret, New Jersey again. More information is located at http://www.3countpromotions.com.

Jack exclaimed that Burt ‘Robin’ Ward was also going to be at Pro Wrestling Unplugged’s Crazy 8 show in the corner of Johnny Kashmere, who it was explained believes he is Batman.

They then posed the question, which wrestler would’ve made the best Batman villain, to Tammy Sytch. She said Mantaur jokingly and then mocked Jack for stating incorrectly that Mantaur had a moose head.

Sytch said she was never asked to do such a ridiculous gimmick like that. Sunny was always over so she was never asked.

When asked who she thought was a better in-ring performer, Bret Hart or Shawn Michaels, Tammy said Michaels. She also said that it wasn’t because they use to sleep together. Shawn could do anything, where Bret’s matches were all pretty much the same, Sytch said.

Incher asked Golgo13’s question from the message board, about whether she would still like to manage “Nature Boy” Ric Flair, to which she resoundingly answered yes.

Jack reminded everyone that Rikishi was supposed to be on In Your Head in the second hour. Segwaying that into a question, he asked whether anyone had ever asked her to give them the ‘stinkface’. She said no. People have asked her to sit on their face, but not specifically for a ‘stinkface’.

Tammy said that she was starting to write a book. She hopes that WWE would be interested in publishing it. It won’t be like the Missy Hyatt book, talking about screwing a bunch of different people. She said the book will be more about hilarious road stories and rib stories with people like Owen Hart and Davey Boy Smith.

When asked for an example of a rib story that might be in the book, Sytch tells a story about a large beautiful cake made by a fan for Bret Hart with his picture airbrushed on it and how her and Davey Boy chased and slammed each other with the entire sheet cake. Owen was slammed in the face with the cake as well. Afterward, Owen dumped the cake in Davey Boy’s gear bag. Chris was also slammed with cake. Her and Davey Boy were both fined $500 and forced to clean the cake out of the carpeted walls at the Gund Arena in Cleveland, Ohio.

Another story involving Davey Boy Smith took place in Canada. They bought fireworks and were shooting roman candles at Davey Boy and his van. The van was destroyed after two weeks on the tour. Davey Boy was so convincing about the van being in such horrible condition when he rented it that the car rental company reimbursed him for the van on his credit card and gave him a free rental… even though he didn’t even rent the van.

An anonymous caller asked who would have been the worst person she ever traveled with and Tammy said Barry Horowitz because he was so cheap. She then tells a story about a trip to a hibachi grill that exemplified his thriftiness.

Sytch said Chris never cared about losing to Barry because he looked at himself like Doug Summers who was there to get people over and make people look good. He understood that.

The caller also asked what her relationship with Missy Hyatt was right now. She said there is no relationship, they’re not friends, just acquaintances.

Incher asked if Tammy would be a part of the WWE Hall of Fame if she was asked and she said absolutely. She said she wouldn’t want to do that just yet because she’s only 34 and isn’t done.

WWE has a Legends Series figure coming out of Sunny, according to Sytch. She said she signed a Legends contract a few months ago. They then discussed the perverse nature of some action figure collectors.

Jack was then advised by Tammy to get a hobby or a girlfriend after stating that he had unopened action figures on his bedroom walls and that he was 31 years old. Jack asked why he would need a girlfriend when he has the bendy Sunny action figure. Sytch didn’t want to hear that.

OIB asked V.R.I.G.’s question from the message board about what it was like to work for XPW. She jokingly said it was great besides being put through a table by Vic Grimes and herniating two discs in her lower back. She said they were nice people, but really didn’t know much about putting on a wrestling show because most of them were porno industry people. Rob Black said that if she ever wanted to make some extra money she could do some adult films. She declined.

Incher then asked what it like working with Todd Pettengill. Sytch said that Todd was great, and absolutely professional. She hasn’t seen him since they worked together in the WWF.

Tammy thought the Cloudy character was absolutely ridiculous. She thought it ranked right up there with Mantaur.

El Santo Loco asked what she thought about Dawn Marie being known as Tammy Lynn Bytch while she was in ECW. She said Dawn Marie and herself were great friends and didn’t have a problem with it. She felt that it was a fun angle and gave her something to do and she gained an incredible from it since she didn’t know Dawn Marie before working with her during that time.

Finally, Tammy mentioned before leaving that she would be managing Helter Skelter at the PWU Crazy 8 show and thanked everyone for tuning in to the show.

Pro Wrestling Unplugged’s Crazy 8 2007 show on June 16th at the New Alhambra Arena, formerly known as the ECW Arena, in Philadelphia. For more show and ticket information visit http://www.prowrestlingunplugged.com.

Check out the actual interview in it’s entirety at In Your Head radio and join the show live every Wednesday at 8e/9c pm at http://www.inyourheadonline.com and join us this week for The Honky Tonk Man.

Credit: Norrin Radd