Why does the WWE Universe hate the Miz?

MizI’ll be the first one to tell you that I cannot stand The Miz no more than anyone else. If you think about it, why do we dislike him so much? Is it the fact that is cocky, annoying, and obnoxious? He has been pushed down our throats? If you look at his history then maybe you will have a different opinion on “the awesome one”

Now everyone knows about how he got onto WWE through “the real world” reality show on MTV then onto tough enough back in 2004. He did not win the show but a job in the land of the giants. Now The Miz didn’t pay his Indy dues but the WWE one no doubt.

He worked dark matches in 2005 then made his WWE TV debut on SmackDown in 2006 as a host. Now he was a good host no doubt. He has that talking, walking attitude where he is was over confident.

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