Former ECW and WCW start Scotty Riggs comments on John Cena, and more

Scotty RiggsThe Undisputed Wrestling Show ( with hosts “The Prophet” Rick Craig, “Beer Me” Zane Pasley, and “The Morning Star” William Huckaby recently had the pleasure of talking with “The World’s Most Dangerous Man with an Eyepatch” Scotty Riggs!  Scotty Riggs is a former WCW World Tag Team and had a great run in the original Extreme Championship Wrestling.

Scotty Riggs on John Cena:  “Every single match is the same, and it is sickening. Five simple moves every match.  When it is time for Cena’s comeback it is the same moves, boom, boom, boom.  That does not suspend any disbelief.  That is what wrestlers are supposed to do, have the craft to anywhere in the match a finish can come up.”  “Cena  has mixed himself with the Super Cena thing, which is what Vince McMahon has a hard on for, he is a good guy that is so good that it is sickening.  That is why so many people don’t like him.”  “Cena is WWE’s cash cow.  When I am watching Cena I feel like I am watching a TV commercial. Everything he is doing, he is selling cereal, he is selling tee shirts, he is selling something in everything he does.”