David Dexter reports that Scott Hudson was a guest on Inside the Ropes and compared Goldberg to Ryback. Here are highlights:
On Sting’s character changing into the Crow gimmick in 1996: “I thought it was brilliant. Sting for better or worse, is never going to be confused with Shawn Michaels or Kenta Kobashi or the great workers of the business. It’s not that Sting was a poor worker but he wasn’t gonna go out there and give you a 5 star match every time he laced up a pair of boots. But the thing that got him over was his charisma. You go back and look at those Sting promos, they weren’t that good either. They were passable promos, some didn’t make any sense but he had such a charisma that he got over. And Eric, to his everlasting credit, got the idea, he said “What can we do to get Sting over? He’s only getting so hot and then when we try to put him on top, the buyrates go down, the ratings go down, we need to do something to elevate him to where he can become the top guy” And Eric’s idea was, you know everyone likes Sting nobody doesn’t like Sting so Eric thought Sting can’t really work and isn’t that great at promos so how about if we have him not work and not say anything and then he’ll be really over. So that’s what they did. If you go back and look at that whole build up to Starrcade 97, it took him months to even say anything or point the black bat at somebody. And he was never more over than at that time when he didn’t say anything and he didn’t wrestle. That was the most popular he’s ever been.”