Former NWA World Champion, Ronnie Garvin recently sat down with Steve and the Scum on WGD Weekly for a great hour plus long interview. Garvin spoke about his entire run in the wrestling business from his initial start in the business and his rise to the top of the NWA, right up through his final run in the WWF can be heard in its entirety here:
Highlights from Ronnie’s interview with WGD Weekly included him chatting with Steve and the Scum on a variety of topics including:
Politics playing into his NWA Title run, and Dusty Rhodes “putting Crockett out of business”: “…It was strictly politics. Dusty Rhodes was the booker and he was against it. You know, what are you going to do. He didn’t book me anywhere during the whole time I had the belt until the rematch because Dusty Rhodes was a very, very jealous guy when it came to guys getting over. He was the wrong guy to be a booker. He is the one who put Jim Crockett out of business. He is the reason Jim Crockett had to sell and was losing his butt…It was the same thing with the Rock and Roll Express. He couldn’t stand the Rock and Roll Express getting over like rock stars. I mean, girls would go crazy. They had to have some protection for the Rock and Roll Express, the girls would attack them, just like rock stars, it was unbelievable. So, Dusty Rhodes had to book himself with them as a six man tag team. But, the whole thing was politics, I didn’t care…I made money and then when the return, the belt went to Flair, and I was gone a short time after that. I didn’t put up with that kind of stuff.