For an honest guy like me, wrestling can be a very expensive hobby, although there are guys who most likely have spent way more money than I have on my hobby. I’m not a pirater. I buy CDs, DVDs, original videogames, etc. My opinion is that if the publisher makes the effort, they should get the money (although for reasons beyond my control, you will see that is not 100% possible, and you will also see contradictions in this article). Also, money makes the world go around. Part of the economic crisis can be related to piracy. But that’s a topic for another article and/or website. Not only do I have the tendency to buy originals of everything (although, I admit it, I have an iPod with illegal mp3s), I have systems of purchasing and watching stuff. So in this article, I will talk about my R.O.H. and general wrestling collection along with TV Series, along with my watching habits. Bare with me, it’s very complicated when you read it, but when I practice it, it’s pretty simple.