Pictures from NPWS “2012 Chris Candido Memorial Jersey J-Cup Tournament” in Belleville, NJ 8/18

Here is a nice collection of pictures from the National Pro Wrestling Superstars “2012 Chris Candido Memorial Jersey J-Cup Tournament” in Belleville, NJ on August 18th.

Here is a recap of the show:

Saturday night August 18th, NPWS concluded its double-tournament weekend at the Belleville, NJ Knights of Columbus Hall with the biggest annual wrestling event in the tri-state area, the 2012 Chris Candido Memorial J-Cup Tournament. It may have been the biggest event of the year, but NPWS management will be honest as always in admitting it was the smallest crowd ever for a J-Cup event… and the fans who didn’t attend (shame on them) missed an exciting night of wrestling action.

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