“Montreal Theory” DVD available at Wrestlecon April 6-7, 2013


“Montreal Theory” DVD Asks If Bret Hart Was In On The Montreal Screwjob; Available At Wrestlecon April 6-7

Purchase the DVD via pre-order now at save 25% at: www.MontrealTheory.com

Watch the official trailer at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGHBucy_gO0

It’s the most controversial and talked-about in-ring moment in pro wrestling history – one “screwjob” on November 9, 1997 changed the industry forever… but do we really know the whole story? In a business built on deception, why are we taking such a controversial topic at face value and not asking any questions about the numerous things that may not quite add up? Is it impossible to think Bret Hart may have been a co-conspirator in the “Screwjob” – perhaps even secretly to everyone but Vince himself. The huge WCW contract… financial security for his family… twice the days off of his WWF schedule… and a scenario that would have painted him as a sympathetic, heroic babyface standing up to the evil establishment. At the time, Bret had every reason to gain from the incident, but could he have been involved? We ask that question in “The Montreal Theory”, available on DVD for the first time Apriul 6 & 7 at Wrestlecon in Secaucus, NJ.

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