Ron Simmons discusses Mae Young, Atlanta wrestling fans, and more on In Your Head Wrestling radio

Ron SimmonsRon Simmons discusses Mae Young, Atlanta wrestling fans, and more on In Your Head Wrestling radio by Vic Schiavone.

Host Jack E. Jones welcomed WWE Hall-of-Famer Ron Simmons to IYH Wrestling Radio.

Highlights included the following:

How do wrestling fans in Atlanta stand out from fans in other parts of the country?

“Well, I think that they’ve got a little bit of background and history, because you had Georgia Championship Wrestling, you had NWA, WCW…there are a lot of roots in professional wrestling here.  It goes way back, and believe me, you are talking about excited fans; I mean hardcore, wrestling fans, who know their history of it, know the origins of it, know the guys and the different generations of the wrestlers.  The South is really a wrestling haven for people that have grown up in the business and in particular Atlanta.”

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